MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee
Date: Tuesday 18 August 2015
Time: 10.15 am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
R Barker (arrived at 10.20am)
R Graham
B Gregory
H Hilton
JMC Maihi-Carroll
A Manuel
D Pipe
P Prentice
C Scott - (proxy for M Apatu)
F Wilson - (ex-officio) from 11.30am
B Blake
R Puna
R Maaka
In Attendance: Gavin Ide – Strategy & Policy Manager
Thomas Wilding – Senior Scientist
Esther-Amy Powell – Planner
Viv Moule – HR Manager
Nicky van Pelt – Minute Taker
1. Welcome/Apologies/Notices
Chairman Mike Mohi welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Karakia - Haami Hilton
MC33/15 That the apologies for absence from Marei Apatu, Fred McRoberts, Mike Paku and Beverley Kemp-Harmer and Chairman Wilson (late) be received.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
Short Term Replacements for 18 August, 2015 |
The Maori Committee agrees that Christine Scott be appointed as a member of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday 18 August 2015 as short term replacements(s) on the Committee for Marei Apatu CARRIED |
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee Held on 16 June 2015
Minutes of the Maori Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 16 June 2015, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Maori Committee Meeting Held on 16 June 2015
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Follow-ups from Previous Maori Committee Meetings |
1. That the Maori Committee notes there are no “Follow-up Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings” for consideration at today’s meeting. CARRIED |
Call for Any Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
That Maori Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion as item 15. CARRIED |
Maori Committee Representation on the Hearings Committee |
Chairman Mohi asked Cr Scott to clarify the make-up of the Hearings Committee and indicated that the Maori Committee were conscious that 4 members of the Maori committee had accreditation to act on the Hearings Committee after Council support and encouragement for members to undertake accreditation. The current terms of reference for that committee indicates “up to 3 members of the Maori Committee” could be members of the Hearings Committee so may need to be reviewed to acknowledge the actual number who are accredited. It was decided to recommend to Council that the all (four) accredited members were available to stand on the Hearings Committee. |
That Council: Confirms the appointment of the following accredited members of the Maori Committee who are available to stand, as members of the Hearings Committee. Dr Roger Maaka, Brian Gregory, Marei Apatu and Mike Mohi. CARRIED |
Karamu Catchment - In-stream Flows for Oxygen |
Dr Thomas Wilding, Senior Scientist, talked the Maori Committee through the Karamu Oxygen report. Dr Wilding advised that this investigation will help to inform the TANK process, he outlined the findings of the report and explained what those findings mean in practical terms. He responded to a number of questions raised by members about the effects of low flows and sediment run off. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the Karamu Catchment - In-stream Flows for Oxygen report. CARRIED |
2015-16 Land Management Operational Plan |
Mr Nathan Heath gave a presentation on the 2015-16 Land Management Operational Plan. This plan describes how the Land Management Team of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will meet its objectives as outlined in the Long Term Plan. |
That the Maori Committee receives the “2015-16 Land Management Operational Plan”. CARRIED |
Pataka Update |
Ms Esther-Amy Powell delivered a presentation on Pataka. From mid-August, this web-based tool will be available online. Digital mapping shows the location and extent of iwi and hapū resources in Hawke's Bay - public information that Councils are required to hold. Pātaka brings together all the information held by local councils, and gives tangata whenua a resource to assist their roles as this region’s kaitiaki. Pātaka includes the location and contact information for each local marae, customary marine titles, protected customary rights and any iwi/hapū management plans that are available. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the Pataka Update report. CARRIED |
August 2015 Statutory Advocacy Update |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the August 2015 Statutory Advocacy Update report. CARRIED |
Item 14 was considered immediately following item 9 at 12.06pm
Update on Current Issues by the Regional Council Chairman |
Chairman Fenton Wilson gave an update on Current Issues. LGNZ Excellence Award – The Hawkes Bay Regional Council Biosecurity Team received an award for their work on the Hawke’s Bay Urban Biodiversity Programme on the 20 July. Chairman Wilson indicated this was a significant achievement for the Council and that he was proud of the team’s effort. Cape to City – The Council is still committed to the program and looks forward to seeing some great outcomes. Coastal Strategy – Hastings District Council, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and Napier City Council have convened a Committee to pull all the information together to come up with a strategy on how to deal with the Coastal Strategy. Railway - Kiwirail have asked for submissions on possible users of the line. Hawkes Bay Regional Council would still consider a partnership submission for suitable use if the business case was to stack up. Kopuawhara Forestry Slash - The Chairman attended one of two meetings held in regards to the Kopuawhara Forestry Slash, the community is not happy to have to deal with a byproduct of a commercial operation. It is hoped that follow up hui will help find solutions to a complex issue so it is not an on-going problem for the area. Final reading of Regional Planning Committee Bill in parliament. A good turn out of tangata whenua and Council is glad to see it finalized. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the ‘Update on Current Issues by the Regional Council Chairman’. CARRIED |
Item 10 was considered immediately following item 11 at 10.56am
Item 11 was considered immediately following item 8 at 10.29am
Item 12 was considered immediately following item 10 at 11.23am
Item 13 was considered immediately following item 11 at 11.47am
Adrian Manuel left the meeting at 12.05pm
Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Strategy Development |
Mr Gavin Ide provided an update on the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Strategy Development. |
1. That the “Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Strategy Development” report be received. CARRIED |
Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
KARAKIA – Bill Blake
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.49pm on Tuesday 18 August 2015.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................