MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Services Committee


Date:                          Wednesday 12 August 2015

Time:                          9.00 am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       R Graham (Chair)

                                      P Beaven

                                      A Dick

T Belford

B Gregory

R Barker

C Scott

D Pipe

D Hewitt


In Attendance:            M Adye - Group Manager, Asset Management

I Maxwell – Group Manager, Resource Management

P Atkins - Business Development Manager, Works Group

N Heath – Acting Manager, Land Services

S Cave – Manager, Open Space Development

C Leckie – Manager, Land Services

W Wright – Manager, Resource Use

L Pearse - Emergency Management Coordinator - Hazards

M Hulena – Executive Assistant

Brent Linn - General Manager, Hawke’s Bay A&P Society

Anna Hamilton - Events Manager, National Horticultural Field Days

Piripi Smith – Chairman,Te Matau a Maui Voyaging Trust


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting and thanked Councillor Beaven for Chairing the last meeting.

Karakia - Mr B Gregory.

Councillor Wilson is in Wellington attending the final reading of the Regional Planning Committee Bill at Parliament.

Secretarial note: Mrs Joinella Maihi-Carroll’s absence was noted.



That apologies from Councillor Wilson for absence and Councillors Barker and Belford for lateness be accepted.




2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

Councillor Graham declared an interest in item 9 Regional Park Network Improvement Programme, as a trustee of the Te Matau a Maui Voyaging Trust.

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Held on 13 May 2015


It was suggested that on page 2, the words “by a member of the public” be added to the first sentence of the paragraph beginning with “An explanation…” to clarify the explanation requested.

Councillor Dick moved an amendment to the resolutions for item 9 on page 10, being to delete resolutions 2, 2.1 and 2.2, and re-word resolution 1 to read:

That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Infrastructure Insurance” report, and instructs staff to refer the decision directly to Council once further information has been received and the options for cover have been assessed.”





1.     Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on Wednesday, 13 May 2015, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record as amended to read:

1.1.   (page 2) paragraph immediately above item 2 “An explanation as to why the meeting was being filmed by a member of the public was requested.”

1.2.   (item 9, page 10) resolutions.2, 2.1 and 2.2 deleted and resolution 1 reworded to read: “That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Infrastructure Insurance” report, and instructs staff to refer the decision directly to Council once further information has been received and the options for cover have been assessed.”




4.       Matters Arising from Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Held on 13 May 2015

There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Follow-ups from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings


Mr Maxwell advised the Committee an update report on the CHBDC Wastewater Treatment will be provided in agenda item 12.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report “Follow-up Items from Previous Environment & Services Committee Meetings”.





Call for any Minor Items not on the Agenda


Councillor Beaven – Mail

Councillor Hewitt – Update on activities in Central Hawke’s Bay  

Councillor Scott – Pan Pac Hearing


The Chairman advised that the agenda items would be discussed out of order due to time restraints by some meeting participants



CHBDC Wastewater Treatment


Mr Wright provided an update on the progress of assisting CHBDC to rectify the problems surrounding the discharge of treated wastewater from their Waipawa and Waipukurau wastewater treatment facilities and meet the requirements of the enforcement orders.

In response to a question raised at the 13 May Environment and Services Committee meeting on what effect there is on the ponds due to storm events (flash flooding), Mr Wright advised that each pond has a storage buffer capacity, where waste water is stored until it can be treated via the usual treatment process. This storage capacity is used when the inflow to the ponds exceeds the capacity of the treatment plant.

Should there be a significant flood event that causes the ponds to overflow, any overflow from the pond will not be raw sewage. The overflow will be water from the ponds that has already undergone some treatment via a pre-screening of coarse solids and oxidation.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the CHBDC Wastewater Treatment report.





HBRC Works Group


Mr Adye introduced Mr Atkins and provided an update on the HBRC Works Group to the Committee which covered two issues; Section 17A of the Local Government Act 2002 and the Works Group Performance 2014-15.

Mr Adye advised the Committee a service delivery review was carried out in accordance with the Local Government Act, conducted by PJ & Associates.  The review recommended HBRC retains the existing service delivered by Works Group as the most appropriate option; being cost effective; and also returning all operating surpluses to HBRC.

In response to a question Mr Adye advised the Committee that the assessment and report had cost approximately $8,000. Councillors commented that this was an additional cost on Council imposed by Central Government.

In response to a question on Health and Safety obligations, Mr Atkins confirmed that Health and Safety was a high priority with staff members and he noted the Works Group is ACC Tertiary Level accredited and all systems are in place.

In response to a query on what the percentage of total turnover for specialist work i.e. weed boating, Mr Atkins would report back on the figures at a future meeting.

It was noted that a report on Health and Safety and the changes to legislation will be discussed at the Corporate and Strategic Committee on 23 September.



The Environment and Services Committee considers this report and recommends that Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.      Endorses the findings of the independent review of Council’s service delivery arrangements of its infrastructure functions completed in accordance with Section 17(A) of the Local Government Act 2002, and agrees to retain the existing service delivery arrangements for Council’s infrastructure functions through annual contracts between the Group Manager Asset Management and the HBRC Works Group.

3.      Notes the performance of the HBRC Works Group for the 2014-15 year.





2015-16 Land Management Operational Plan


Mr Nathan Heath gave a powerpoint presentation outlining the content of the Land Management Operational Plans for 2015-16 attached to the agenda.

Mr Heath noted the key work programmes included in the 2015-16 operational plan are:

·           Supporting the implementation of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management in Hawkes Bay;

·           Leading the development of a more strategic approach to hill country natural resource management;

·           Supporting the protection and enhancement of the region’s ecological assets and biodiversity; and

·           Improving the environmental performance of forestry in the region.

In response to a query on the East Coast Hill Country Conference outlined in the presentation, Mr Heath advised the conference is on 29-30 October at the Focal Point Theatre in Hastings. Further information will be circulated to Committee members.

10:05 am Councillor Barker and Councillor Belford joined the meeting

Mr Heath responded to queries in relation to the target of poles for Hill Country erosion, the NPSFM Implementation program and RLS grants.   

In response to a query relating to smart farming, Mr Heath advised that Mr Dan Bloomer of LandWISE Inc is being supported financially by Council to develop a proposal for Regional Research Institute.



The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.      Endorses the Land Management Ream Operational Plan for the 2015-16 financial year.



The meeting adjourned at 10:18 am and reconvened at 10:36 am  



2015 National Horticultural Field Days Event Report


Mr Adye introduced Mr Brent Linn, General Manager Hawke’s Bay A&P Society and Ms Anna Hamilton, Events Manager for National Horticultural Field Days who updated the Committee on the 2015 National Horticulture Field Days event.

The Hawke’s Bay A&P Society who hosted the event are pleased with the overall success of the 2015 event and are working to grow the event and increase its significance.

Further discussions will continue, to determine what areas of HBRC might be featured and a proposal outlining HBRC involvement developed for Council consideration.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the 2015 National Horticultural Field Days Event report.





Regional Park Network Improvement Programme


Chairman Graham introduced Mr Piripi Smith, Chairman of the Te Matau a Maui Voyaging Trust who supported Mr Cave in the Waitangi Regional Park development update.

Mr Cave provided an update and powerpoint presentation on the Regional Park Network Improvement Programme.  

Mr Cave outlined the improvements proposed within the Regional Park network planned for the 2015-16 year to be funded from drawing down the borrowing provision;

Pekapeka Regional Park;

  • Western wetland enhancement to be progressed jointly with the adjacent landowner.
  • Retiring Waireporepo Pa from cattle grazing.
  • Riparian planting of the Poukawa Stream.
  • Island Pa fencing to lightly graze Island Pa with sheep as a management strategy.

·     A toilet facility at the wetlands interpretation site was identified through community consultation. 

·    CANTEEN have identified a site within Pekapeka Regional Park suitable for members to visit, providing outdoor opportunity in a unique environment for reflection and have requested the installation of a table and bench seat.

Pakowhai Regional Park;

  • Gateway signage will be replaced.
  • A toilet facility.

·     The construction of ten tree enclosures is proposed within the Ngaruroro River berm within which ten exotic specimen trees will be planted.

Waitangi Regional Park;

  • Gateway signage will be replaced.

·     East Clive/Tukituki Estuary interpretive signage is proposed adjacent to the cycleways and main park entry points.

·     Erosion control planting program/trial is proposed to slow down rate of coastal retreat at East Clive.

  • Construction of a celestial compass.

·         A refurbishment of the bird viewing hide looking over the horseshoe wetland.

Mr Smith spoke of the Waitangi Regional Park development of a celestial compass site. The proposed celestial compass reflects the Primary Arrival Area as an important navigation location. The Waka Experience Charitable Trust has shown interest in using the proposed compass for practice and education before voyages. This site is to be set at a high elevation to provide outward views and connect voyagers to the eastern horizon, as done while traversing the moana. Looking from the celestial compass, a cluster of Pou will form the silhouette of a traditional whare roof-line, and are representative of traditional Maori practice and tikanga for navigation. The location of Pou allows you to see stars rising on the eastern horizon, an important aspect for navigation.

Tutira Regional Park;

  • Gateway signage will be replaced.
  • Track junction signage on the park updating.

·     Boundary fencing between DOC and HBRC land adjacent to the campground area replacement.

Other Commitments; the development of the Ouepoto Reserve at Aramoana from the existing open spaces borrowing facility to the Aramoana Environmental and Education Charitable Trust.

Mr Cave then advised the Committee of potential new open space areas of work with HDC, local iwi and owners of Maori land within Hawea Park and the current Waipatiki camping ground.



The Environment and Services Committee considers the Regional Park Network Improvement Programme report and recommends that Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.      Endorses the list of projects proposed to be funded from the $160,000 borrowing provision budgeted in the 2015-16 year of the Long Term Plan.






Cape to City Update


Mr Adye introduced the Cape to City Update. Mr Leckie updated the Committee and provided a powerpoint presentation on Cape to City Project.

Mr Leckie advised there is significant interest in Cape to City and Poutiri Ao o Tane projects nationally and provided an overview of the project workstreams. The first six month report was provided to the Aotearoa Foundation. Copies to be circulated to Committee members.

Looking forward to 2016, Mr Leckie advised the next tranche of wireless trials will take place in September/October 2015, with initial predator control to start in April or May 2016. A communications plan has been prepared and a range of community engagement activities are planned and underway. Significant habitat restoration and enhancement along the Maraetotara River is underway. Species translocations proposed include Tomtits and Blue duck.

Mr Leckie outlined the transforming predator control in farmland using long life lures, wireless trapping, and motion sensitive cameras. Pre-control monitoring showed a high number of photos taken of cats and ferrets in the area, post-control monitoring showed a very low number of photos taken.  

In response to a question on internet and satellite coverage on the coast in rural areas, Mr Leckie advised the satellite can be accessed anywhere in any area and that discussions are progressing on gaining network coverage in remote rural areas.

In response to a query relating to feral cats, Mr Leckie advised there is no detailed research, however it is likely that urban ex-family cats are being abandoned in rural areas.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives and notes the Cape to City project update report.



The meeting adjourned at 12:36 pm and reconvened at 1:08 pm


HB Hazards Portal


Ms Lisa Pearse provided an update and gave a powerpoint presentation on the Hawke’s Bay Hazards Information Portal.

An Information Management Specialist was employed to commence and manage the launch of the Hawke’s Bay portal which was launched online on 20 July 2015.  

Ms Pearse advised that there is a Natural Hazard Risk Review Councillor briefing scheduled 14 October, at which the Hawke’s Bay Liquefaction Steering Group will brief Councillors on project findings.

Ms Pearse gave a demonstration of the portal to the Committee.  



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the HB Hazards Portal report.





Clifton To Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy Joint Committee Update


Mr Adye provided an update on the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy Joint Committee.  

Mr Richard Reinen-Hamill of Tonkin & Taylor Limited attended a workshop with the Committee in July to discuss the hazards assessment on coastal erosion.

The Committee is scheduled to meet again on 21 September where Mr Reinen-Hamill and peer reviewer Dr Paul Kench will present their findings.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives and takes note of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy Joint Committee Update verbal report.

Moved from the Chair




Minor Items Not on the Agenda





Councillor / Staff



Councillor Beaven raised the HBRC policy for incoming Councillor mail.

Councillor Beaven


Update on activities in Central Hawke’s Bay 

Councillor Hewitt and Councillor Pipe attended the Hawke’s Bay Farm Forest Field Day on Thursday 30 July at Omakere and highly recommended attending future opportunities.

Attended a meeting with a community liaison group for the Makara Scheme Ratepayers on 11 August.

Upper Tukituki Scheme review; attending a field trip on 19 August and extended an invitation to Councillors to attend.

Councillor Hewitt


Pan Pac Hearing

Councillor Scott advised the two day Pan Pac Resource Consent Hearing is scheduled for 9:00 am Thursday 20 August 2015 in the HBRC Council Chamber.

Councillor Scott




Karakia - Mr B Gregory.


There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1:52pm on Wednesday, 12 August 2015.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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