MINUTES OF A meeting of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee
Date: Friday 24 July 2015
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Peter Beaven – Chairman and HBRC
Tania Kerr - HDC
George Lyons – HDC
Tony Jeffery – NCC
Shayne Walker – Maungaharuru-Tangitu Trust
Fenton Wilson – HBRC
Bill Dalton – NCC
In Attendance: Simon Bendall – Environmental Management Services
Mike Adye – HBRC
Gary Clode – HBRC
Ian Macdonald – HBRC
Gavin Ide – HBRC
Monique Hulena – HBRC
Dean Moriarity - NCC
James Minehan - NCC
Mark Clews – HDC
Rangi Spooner – Mana Ahuriri Inc
Richard Reinen-Hamill – Tonkin and Taylor
The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting. The Chairman apologised for the delay starting the meeting.
Apologies for absence were received from
Christine Scott – HBRC
Tania Hopmans - Maungaharuru-Tangitu Trust
Peter Paku – He Toa Takitini
Faye White - NCC
Cynthia Bowers – HDC Alternate Member
CLI1/15 |
Resolution That apologies for absence be accepted. Kerr/Lyons CARRIED |
Minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Committee held on Friday 15 May 2015, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record. There were no matters arising from the minutes. Mr Bendall updated the Committee on the action items of 15 May 2015 meeting. CARRIED |
Appointment of Peer Reviewer |
Mr Bendall updated the Committee on the engagement and selection of an independent peer reviewer for the technical work steam for the Coastal Hazards Strategy being undertaken by Tonkin & Taylor. TAG considered a list of more than 15 coastal experts from New Zealand and overseas who could potentially fulfil this role. Professor Paul Kench from Auckland University was ultimately selected and approached to confirm his interest and availability. He is highly experienced in this field, including with direct experience of the methodology proposed by Tonkin & Taylor through acting as peer reviewer to their Northland work. Professor Kench will attend the next Committee meeting on 21 September to discuss his review and findings directly. |
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Committee receives the “Appointment of Peer Reviewer” report. 2. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Committee endorses the appointment of Professor Paul Kench as peer reviewer. CARRIED |
Definitions |
Mr Bendall provided updated versions of definitions of ‘Resilience’ and ‘Adaptation’ to be adopted for the purposes of the Strategy. Both terms are used in the Vision and Outcomes for the Strategy. There were no further comments or changes to the revised definitions. |
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Committee receives the report “Definitions”. 2. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Committee adopts the revised definitions for ‘Resilience’ and ‘Adaptation’. CARRIED |
Appointment of alternates |
Mr Bendall updated the Committee on the appointment of alternate Committee Members from each of the partner Councils. Hastings District Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council have formally appointed alternate members, being Councillor Cynthia Bowers and Chairman Fenton Wilson respectively. Napier City Council have advised that Mayor Bill Dalton will act as an alternate in the event that Councillor White or Jeffery are unable to attend a Joint Committee meeting and NCC will formally advise the Committee on this appointment. |
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Committee receives the “Appointment of Alternates” report. no mover or seconder |
Stakeholder Engagement Update |
Mr Bendall updated the Committee on stakeholder engagement. The website continues to be visited and updated with Committee minutes and other information. The majority of identified stakeholders received letters in May advising them of the process. Letters have not yet been sent to Mana Whenua while TAG sought advice on the most effective means of engaging. It was proposed that a letter be circulated inviting Mana Whenua to a hui in August, which Heretaunga Taiwhenua have confirmed they are happy to host. Mr Adye sought feedback from Iwi representatives on the Committee on the proposed approach and it was agreed that a hui or series of hui should be arranged and a letter circulated that includes the logos of Iwi representatives next to Council logos. Mr Bendall noted that since the last meeting members of the Joint Committee and TAG have held stakeholder meetings with Department of Conservation and Whakarire Avenue Residents. The Chairman noted, TAG had been advised the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment was preparing a report looking at sea level rise. There is a further study been done by GNS involving Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc (NKII). TAG has noted these other studies and endeavors to engage regarding parameters and release. Mr Adye tabled a letter received from Walk on Water Inc. (WOW) which outlined a number of requests: · Allow Hastings and Hawke’s Bay Regional Councils to prioritise and plan for protection of Cape View Corner road access (WOW plan available on request); · Take managed retreat/red zone expansion off the table until all other options are exhausted; · Change WOW Inc to ‘collaborator’ status rather than a party to be ‘consulted with’; and · Urge HBRC to use ‘discretion’ to encourage coastal protection and where necessary amend its Coastal Policy Document so consent conditions aren’t prohibitive. The Committee discussed these requests. It was agreed the status of WOW Inc. be changed to ‘Collaborator’ status. The other requests will be discussed at the next TAG meeting and a recommendation is to be included at the Joint Committee meeting on 21 September. |
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Committee receives the report “Stakeholder Engagement Update”. CARRIED |
Project Manager Update |
Mr Bendall updated the Committee on where the project is currently sitting. He noted that a progress update from Tonkin and Taylor indicated that while some individual parts of the technical workstream were behind schedule, overall the programme was tracking well and was aligning with Joint Committee meetings for key decisions points. Mr Bendall advised that the next meeting, 18 September conflicted with the Coasts and Ports 2015 Conference in Auckland, which made it difficult for Tonkin & Taylor and Professor Kench to attend. He proposed rescheduling the meeting to Monday 21 September. It was agreed that the Secretary would update the meeting date and confirm Committee members availability. Mr Bendall also noted the importance of clear communication when results from the technical work became available. TAG will discuss a communication strategy and will present a recommendation on this to the next Committee meeting. |
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Committee receives the “Project Manager Update” report. CARRIED |
Update of Protection Works at Whakarire Avenue |
Mr Minehan updated the Committee on protection works at Whakarire Avenue. Napier City Council staff and Councilors attended a meeting at a residents house in June to discuss 2 alternative solutions for the proposed breakwater structure with residents. On 29 and 30 June white and orange poles were placed along the foreshore indicating the positions and height of the two seawall options. NCC meet with a HBRC Senior Planner on 30 June regarding the consent process and the way forward. A meeting is scheduled in two weeks’ time with residents to discuss further. It was noted that residents are most concerned about effects on amenity and outlook. Following consents being granted, construction is expected to take 1 year to 18 months. In response to a query from the Committee on the old breakwater wall, there is no decision as to what is happening with the wall. NCC will report back when they have received feedback from residents. |
1. That the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Committee receives the verbal “Update of Protection Works at Whakarire Avenue” report. CARRIED |
Other Matters for discussion |
There were no minor items raised for discussion. |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.55am on Friday 24 July 2015.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................
Task |
Meeting / Agenda Item |
Actions |
Resp. |
Status/Comment |
1 |
19 September |
Mana Ahuriri Inc to confirm their ongoing involvement |
MA |
- In progress. |
2 |
6 March, Item 8 |
Through future meetings with the TA/Haumoana communities, confirm status of WOW as representing those communities interests |
- Completed. |
3 |
24 July, Item 3 |
Paul Kench to attend Joint Committee meeting 21 September 2015 |
- Confirmed. |
4 |
24 July, Item 5 |
Napier City Council to provide formal confirmation on appointed alternate |
- In progress. |
5 |
24 July, Item 6 |
Circulate letter to Iwi and Marae and schedule a hui |
- Completed. |
6 |
24 July, Item 6 |
Update WOW Inc. to collaborator status |
- Completed. |
7 |
24 July, Item 6 |
TAG to discuss WOW Inc. letter at their next TAG meeting and report back to Joint Committee meeting 21 September 2015 |
- Completed. |
8 |
24 July, Item 7 |
Reschedule 18 September 2015 Joint Committee meeting to 21 September 2015 |
- Completed. |
9 |
24 July, Item 7 |
TAG to discuss communication strategy at their next TAG meeting and report back to Joint Committee meeting 21 September 2015 |
- Completed. |
10 |
24 July, Item 8 |
Napier City Council to report back on the feedback from residents on the old breakwater wall |
- Report back to be given in the verbal agenda item. |