MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Council



Date:                          Monday 8 June 2015

Time:                          9.00 am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     F Wilson - Chairman

P Beaven

T Belford

A J Dick

R Graham

D Hewitt

D Pipe

C Scott


In Attendance:          M Mohi – Chairman – Maori Committee

E Lambert – Chief Executive

M Adye – Group Manager Asset Management

P Drury – Group Manager Corporate Services

I Maxwell – Group Manager Resource Management

L Hooper – Governance & Corporate Administration Manager

I MacDonald – Civil Defence & Emergency Management Group Controller



1.       Welcome/Prayer/Apologies/Notices 

The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting, and Councillor Pipe offered the prayer.

Councillor Dick advised that he will need to be excused between 2 and 3pm today to present the Regional Transport Committee submission to Napier City Council.


RC42/15     That the apology from Cr Barker for absence 8 and 9 June 2015 be accepted.


For: Hewitt, Beaven, Graham, Belford

Against: Dick, Pipe, Scott, Wilson

The Chairman used his casting vote


The Chairman advised that minutes are to reflect which submissions Councillor Barker is not present to hear. He further advised his absence on Wednesday morning as he is representing the Council with the Governor General, at his request, and that he will therefore not vote on matters relating to submissions he has not heard to ensure the principles of natural justice are upheld.

Mr Mohi gave notice that he will be absent on leave from 18-26 June 2015.

Cr Scott requested the staff, in relation to Water Science Charges, identify which of those submitters who commented are resource consent holders or speaking on their behalf.

Cr Hewitt requested that staff provide a reprint of page 133 of the Agenda, as the text is unreadable.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of the Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 27 May 2015


Deferred to 24 June 2015 Regional Council meeting.


4.       Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Council Meeting held on 27 May 2015

Deferred to 24 June 2015 Regional Council meeting.



Long Term Plan 2015-25 Staff Internal Submission


Mr Drury introduced the item, explaining that the requests are for carry forwards, corrections to tables 2 and 2a in the Resource Management Charges for consistency, and one for funding not included in prior financials.

Discussions traversed the decision making processes, and whether the carry forward of funding in one budget could be carried forward but re-allocated to a different project, e.g. Future Farming Collective proposal.



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


The confirmed timetable for the day was tabled, and Mrs Lambert explained the process of hearing submissions, as outlined in the Agenda Item.



That Council:

1.         Agrees that the decisions to be made on issues submitted on the Long Term Plan 2015-25 are made after the provisions included in sections 83 and 85 of the Local Government Act 2002 have been followed.

2.         Receives and considers the verbal and written submissions.





Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council commenced hearing the verbal submissions from members of the public.

HB District Health Board (submission 22) represented by Dr Nick Jones and Ms Shari Tidswell. Seeking assurance of sustainable water supply for all communities under changing climatic conditions – HBRC needs to work with TLAs. Appreciate ongoing involvement of HBRC in healthy homes initiatives and seeking leadership on inter-agency coalition. Acknowledge significant work by Council on Public Transport.

Forest & Bird (submission 17) represented by Mr Dan Elderkamp and Mr Grenville Christie. Concern around continued investment in RWSS. Support initiatives to ‘prioritise’ the types of water takes allowed resource consent and a sinking lid policy. Support re-opening of Napier-Gisborne railway line. Suggest use of Takapau rail line for transport of logs. Suggests $40k funding for Biodiversity Strategy insufficient. Concerns in relation to climate change.

Aramoana Environmental & Education Charitable Trust (submission 115) represented by Mr Rod Hansen. Oepoto Reserve project.

Hastings District Council (submission 36) represented by Mike Maquire. Concerns on Climate Change and the longer term economic development of the region. Supported the combined council Coastal Strategy work and increased contributions to HB Tourism providing Tourism as part of the Regional Economic Development Strategy.


The meeting adjourned at 10.20am and reconvened at 10.37am



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council continued hearing the verbal submissions

EIT Student Association (submission 16) represented by Mr Mark Maxwell. Investigate the possibilities of providing free bus services for EIT students.

OSPRI NZ (submission 56) represented by Stu Hutchings, Sara Muti and Kevin Sigglekow and HB TBfree (submission 126) represented by Dennis Mitchell.

Councillor Beaven declared an interest in submission 48 from the Future Farming Collective.

Future Farming Collective (submission 48) represented by John Bell and Scott Lawson. Proposal to establish a ‘farming hub’ and the request HBRC provides seed funding of $1.3M over 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 financial years.

Jean Martin (submission 50) expressing concerns in relation to the funding changes proposed for Pest Control. Farmers should not be ‘paying twice’ for pest control, i.e. targeted rate and responsible for paying for possum control themselves.

HB Federated Farmers (submission 123) represented by Coralie Matena supporting Council continuing to fund Possum control. Addressed Rates impact raised in written submission and support for the use of targeted rates. HB Federated Farmers withdraws support for funding Napier-Gisborne rail (after receiving feedback from the Wairoa branch) and asks that focus be put on improving roads.

Guthrie-Smith Trust (submission 1) represented by Mike Halliday, highlighted the work of the Trust in relation to biodiversity education. Request support and willingness to work together to develop Tutira Lakes Regional Park the centre for biodiversity education.



Long Term Plan 2015-25 Staff Internal Submission


Mr Adye explained the rationale for staff’s request to carry forward $120k of RLS funding in Project 380 – Sustainable Land Management.

Mr Maxwell explained carry forward of $27k is for the completion of an audit relating to surface water quantity issues. Mr Maxwell also explained the $231,000 from project 339-2380 is to fund a new hydrological and contaminant transport model platform for the TANK process.



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions.

HB Tourism (submission 14) represented by Mr George Hickton, Ms Annie Dundas and Chris Roberts (CE Tourism Industry Association NZ); Michele Cole – The Crown Hotel (submission 69) and Dave Simmons (submission 131) highlighted reasons for HB Tourism requesting increased funding to enable HBT to double the economic impact of Tourism in the region over the next 10 years – adding $500m dollars to the economy in 2025.


The meeting adjourned at 12.45pm and reconvened at 1.20pm



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions.

Mr Ian MacDonald, in response to queries, explained the rationale underlying the provision of additional funding in 2016-17 and 2017-18 budgets.

Damon Harvey, Tim Wilkins, Russell Nettlingham, Richard Stone (submission 34). Proposed project to build 25km mountain bike track from Havelock North village, up through Te Mata Peak and further develop existing trails. Request $104k.

Destination Napier (submission 27) represented by David George, explained the group’s membership and philosophy. Requests $30k funding per year, plus representation on the HB Tourism Board.

Sport Hawke’s Bay (submission 33) represented by Mark Aspen and Damon Harvey. Regional Sport Facilities Plan now signed by all 5 of the region’s councils and provided their rationale for a regional rate to fund active recreation in the region.

Councillor Dick was excused at 2.00pm

Hastings Central Business Association (submission 35) represented by Susan McDade supports HB Tourism’s request for additional funding.



Long Term Plan 2015-25 Staff Internal Submission


Mr Maxwell further explained the carry forward request for the hydrological and contaminant transport modelling work to be undertaken to inform the TANK plan change process.

Mr Maxwell explained the carry forward of $76,000 in the Air Quality Monitoring budgets is to upgrade monitoring sites to monitor for PM2.5



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions.

Waimarama Maori Committee (submission 4) represented by Bayden Barber. More support needed for Maori Tourism operators through the increased funding provided to HB Tourism. As mana whenua of Waimarama, seeks a direct relationship with the Council and increased resource to develop more Maori/hapu/marae engagement.



Long Term Plan 2015-25 Staff Internal Submission


Mr Maxwell further explained the purpose of the request to carry forward funding for upgrading air quality monitoring sites to monitor for PM2.5 in order to investigate what the scope of work would be if MfE changes the NES to require monitoring of PM2.5.

The science capital requested, as explained in the staff report, is for installation of equipment that has already been purchased and replacement of Water Quality Sensors.



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council continued hearing the verbal submissions.

Napier City Business Inc (submission 64) represented by Zoe Barnes. Supports increased HB Tourism funding.

The meeting adjourned at 3pm and reconvened at 3.20pm

Council continued hearing the verbal submissions.

Hawke’s Bay Express (submission 62) represented by William van Asch. Supports increasing funding for HB Tourism, supported by statistics showing how investment in Tourism grows the economy.

Art Deco Trust (submission 118) represented by Sally Jackson. Supports increased HB Tourism funding and requests HBRC investigates options for increasing bus services over Art Deco Weekend.



Long Term Plan 2015-25 Staff Internal Submission


Council moved to make decisions on those items of the Staff Internal Submission on which they had obtained additional information from Mr Maxwell.



That Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made on the issues submitted to the Long Term Plan 2015-25 are made after the provisions included in sections 83 and 84 of the Local Government Act 2002 have been followed.

2.      Receives and considers Council’s internal submission.

Technical Capital – Science

3        Approves the carry forward of science technical capital items of $30,000 from 2014-15 to 2015-16.



HBRC Charges

4      Approves the minor amendments to table 2 and table 2a and the amendments to the wording of charges to holders of resource consents for flow monitoring; being:


Table 2:  Monitoring Task (excluding water takes with water measuring device)

Fixed Basic Annual Charge (Excl GST)

Inspection and associated reporting and administration


Inspection and associated reporting and administration of unmetered water takes


Additional inspection, reporting and administration charges where a resource consent authorises groundwater takes from more than two wells

$70 - each additional well over 2.

Additional inspection, reporting and administration charges where additional consents under the same ownership and invoiced collectively, within 5km of each other, and able to be inspected on the same day

$233 - each additional consent.

Sampling time (sampling analysis will be at cost – see Table 4)


Other information returns















Table 2a:  Monitoring Water Measuring Devices

Annual Charge (Excl GST)

Sampling time (sampling analysis will be at cost – see Table 4)

$  110

­ Water use returns & Audits –  Telemetered, Web/Text entry

­ Each additional water measuring device


$  30

­ Water use returns & Audits – Fax/Email/Standard Mail

­ Each additional water measuring device


$  66

Where water measuring devices do not meet HBRC’s approved devices criteria or are not installed by an approved installer, a full compliance audit will be undertaken.


Non exercised consent

$  92











Charges to holders of Resource Consents for Low Flow Monitoring

For holders of consents to take water where the abstraction is subject to low flow limits (directly or via gallery intake or wells), the cost of monitoring the low flows will be recovered for each water take subject to low flow restrictions (excluding frost consents that are from the same take point as an irrigation consent, held in the same name):

·         A charge of $100 each primary consent (excl GST)

·         Should the fixed charges not cover the actual and reasonable costs associated with the low flow monitoring programme an additional charge shall be added to all consents subject to the low flow charge to recover the actual and reasonable costs incurred.




The meeting adjourned at 3.45pm on Monday, 8 June 2015



The meeting reconvened at 9am on Tuesday, 9 June 2015.


Present:                     F Wilson - Chairman

P Beaven

T Belford

A J Dick

R Graham

D Hewitt

D Pipe

C Scott


In Attendance:          M Mohi – Chairman – Maori Committee

E Lambert – Chief Executive

M Adye – Group Manager Asset Management

P Drury – Group Manager Corporate Services

I Maxwell – Group Manager Resource Management

L Hooper – Governance & Corporate Administration Manager


Secretarial note:  Councillor Barker’s absence noted as advised yesterday.



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions from members of the public.

Citizens Environmental Advocacy Centre Inc (submission 11) represented by Ken Crispin. Concerns on rail and environmental issues associated with transport, in particular re-establishing the rail line between Napier and Gisborne. Suggests formation of a stakeholders group (forum) including commercial and private interests, to take issues forward.

Business Hawke’s Bay (submission 137) represented by Susan White. Seeking additional funding from Council for specific projects detailed in written submission.

Bed & Breakfast Association NZ, HB Regional Group (submission 66) represented by Rayma Jenkins and Fiona Rollings. Supports increased funding for HB Tourism.

Glen Aros (submission 67) represented by Meg Bremner. Supports increased funding for HB Tourism. Tourism rates in other districts are much higher.

Film HB (submission 97) represented by Tessa Tylee and Sally-Anne Lewison. Support additional funding for economic development and requests $20k funding per year for Film HB.

Councillors moved to deliberating on submissions received and sought information to assist decision making on requests for financial assistance on any available budgets, e.g. Open Spaces, and the impact of funding on rates. It was reiterated that each individual submission or request needs to be considered on its merits.

Re Guthrie-Smith Trust – seeking a ‘partnership’ relationship to develop Tutira Lakes Regional Park as the main centre for Biodiversity Education in the region. It was suggested one avenue may be development of a joint brochure or website. Guthrie-Smith’s perspective that biodiversity needs to be widened to include exotic plant/tree species is contrary to Council’s commitment to the HB Strategy focus on indigenous species.

Re Aramoana Environmental & Education Charitable Trust request for $10k funding for development of Ouepoto Reserve, Mr Adye suggested  if Council is agreeable, budget may be available in Open Spaces borrowing facility for capital works. It may be possible to provide ‘in kind’ support.

Re the Future Farming Collective request for $1.3M, Mrs Lambert explained that there are significant overlaps with Council work programmes and for so much money there would need to be more consultation - with the Pan Sector Group at a minimum. Discussion traversed Council expectations around ‘granting’ funds in terms of meeting KPIs; reporting to Council; whether other funding sources such as MPI’s sustainable farming fund are more appropriate; and significant overlaps with work already being done by Council’s land management team. Those supporting and associated with the project are well known and respected in the land management space in their own right, with established networks. The proposal is partially commercial and funding of this magnitude would need to be consulted on publicly.

Amended by Council resolution on 24 June 2015.



That Council:

3.     Considers the submission from #1 Guthrie-Smith Trust requesting ongoing communication and cooperation with Council in developing Tutira as a Biodiversity Education Centre and comments and proposals made by staff

3.1       Requests that staff facilitate ongoing discussion and cooperation between relevant parties to develop a Centre for biodiversity education at Tutira Lakes Regional Park.

3.2     Makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



4.     Considers the submission from #115 Aramoana Environmental & Education Charitable Trust requesting $10,000 funding for development of the Oepoto Reserve and comments and proposals made by staff.

4.1       Grants the rquest for funding of $10,000 to be provided for within the existing Open Spaces borrowing facility and makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



Councillor Beaven declared an interest in submission 48 from the Future Farming Collective, but participated in discussions and debate on the issue, and did vote.

5      Considers the submission from #48 Future Farming Collective requesting seed funding of $1.3M over the next 3 years for establishment of an independent, research based HB Future Farming Centre and comments and proposals made by staff

5.1       Declines the request for funding assistance and makes no change to the Long Term Plan.

5.2       Requests that staff reassess the Future Farming Collective proposal after the Land Management section’s 2015-16 Operational Plan for work proposed to support the farming community transition to the NPSFM and Plan Change 6 has been adopted.

5.3       As part of further considerations, takes the HB Future Farming Centre proposal to the Pan-Sector Group to guage support of the various sector groups and discuss options going forward.


For: Dick, Hewitt, Pipe, Scott, Wilson

Against: Beaven, Graham, Belford


The meeting adjourned at 1055am and reconvened at 11.10am



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions.

Kelly Annand (submission 153) supports increased funding for HB Tourism, informed by her experience as CHB councillor representative on the CHB Promotions Board.

Westshore Beach Inn (submission 106) represented by Jeremy Bayliss supports increased funding for HB Tourism tied to Key Performance Indicators.

Margaret Gwynn (submission 30) Suggests that Council advocates for a law change to allow prioritising water take applications according to use. Request specific Council initiatives to address Climate Change including extensive forestry planting.

Two Crafts (submission 120) represented by Rhonda Lidgard. Seeks more exposure and support for Maori tourism. Supports increased HB Tourism funding.

Gerard Pain (submission 80) Opposes the overall rates rise that could be reduced through cutting other costs, and further spending on the RWSS project. Supports charging consent holders full costs for water science, charging royalties for taking water, additional spending on a Biodiversity inventory for Makaroro River area, and re-establishment of the Napier-Gisborne railway.

Havelock North Business Assn Inc (submission 117) represented by Sam Jackman supports increased funding for HB Tourism. Would like to see industry investment matched by HBRC.

Mohaka Rafting (submission 140) represented by Norm Brown supports additional funding for HB Tourism to enable the sector to grow and fill the gaps in the market that exist currently.

Waiohiki Community Trust (submission 145) represented by Denis O’Reilly, expressing the Trust’s aspirations for a healthy, wealthy and wise community. Seeking support for development of a Maori Cultural visitor experience and Maori Tourism through additional funding for HB Tourism.

HB Environment Group (submission 88) represented by David Renouf seeks increased funding for policy and plan changes to address soil health issues associated with nutrient leaching.


The meeting adjourned at 12.44pm and reconvened at 1.20pm



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions.

Te Taiao HB Environment Forum (submission 59) represented by John Cheyne. Support for the HB Regional Biodiversity Strategy, however suggests there needs to be a substantial ‘grant’ to kick-start implementation of the strategy, paid to the ‘Biodiversity Trust’. Requests funding for Te Taiao HB Environment Forum to pay a part-time coordinator to facilitate more effective interaction with Council and other agencies.

Forest & Bird Havelock North Branch (submission 20) represented by Amelia Geary. Highlighted key points of submission around water quality monitoring data and regional council obligations for State of the Environment biodiversity management and monitoring as well as implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (submission 72) represented by Bill Hewitt outlined the work EECA carries out and initiatives they are involved with. Mr Hewitt provided an overview of the results of the HBRC-EECA relationship to deliver insulation and clean heat solutions and sought employment of an Eco Design Advisor, and support for improving energy efficiency.

Te Taiwhenua O Heretaunga (submission 25) represented by Marei Apatu and Dayle Moffitt, spoke about improving Maori relationships with HBRC, the TANK process, and sought funding for a Technical Advisory Group to support the Regional Planning Committee and other funding priorities to implement Mana Ake, TANK and cultural monitoring.

YROA YNOT (submission 26) represented by Lara Tangiora. Sought use of a range of native plants in planting projects, wetland restoration and the need to get young people involved.

Re Art Deco Trust seeking additional public transport services between Hastings – Napier – Ahuriri over Art Deco weekend, there was discussion around funding as it wouldn’t be eligible for NZTA or public transport subsidies. Additional bus services were provided over Art Deco weekend 2015. Usually event organisers are responsible for transportation needs associated with an event.



That Council:

6        Considers the submission from #118 Art Deco Trust requesting the provision of additional public transport over the Art Deco weekend and the and comments and proposals made by staff

6.1       Requests that the Transport Manager work with the Art Deco Trust to investigate options for providing additional public transport options for traffic over the Art Deco Weekend.

6.2       Makes no change to the Long Term Plan.





Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions.

Paul Bailey (submission 3) Concerns about the way Council manages water. Concerns about effects of climate change and challenges HBRC to become carbon neutral. Opposed to Ngaruroro water storage.

Ngati Pahauwera Development Trust (submission 151) - represented by Toro Waka. Request assistance to provide Raupunga with a potable water supply (Ngati Pahauwera contributing $90k), restoration of the Putere Lakes, to upgrade Marae facilities ahead of Matatini, and direct financial support for Maori Tourism. Opposed to increased funding for HB Tourism.

Kahungunu Tangata Kaitiaki ki Te Matau a Māui (submission 51) represented by Jenny Mauger. The collective represents all marae and hapu in the area between Cape Kidnappers and Napier Port. Seeks planning, monitoring and reporting relationship with HBRC to develop a multi stakeholder rohe moana plan.

Te Matau A Maui Voyaging Trust (submission 92) represented by Phillip Smith, . Councillor Graham declared an interest as a member of the Trust. Mr Smith advised the Trust has also submitted to HDC and NCC – funding requested from HBRC is for school programmes for areas outside those councils’ boundaries.

HB Chamber of Commerce (s98) - represented by Wayne Walford. Chamber wishes to work with HBRC in support of the dam development once RWSS has resource consents. Supports increased funding for HB Tourism and more funding for economic development actions and incentives as opposed to ‘administration’.

Council then commenced deliberating on decisions required on public submissions received on the Our Plan topics.

For Pest Control, councillors stressed importance of clarifying for ratepayers what the targeted biosecurity rates pay for and what they do not cover.

For Emergency Management, a significant majority of respondents was in favour of increasing the Emergency Management rate.

Relating to Transport, submitters made points in relation to re-establishing the rail link between Napier and Gisborne, health issues associated with the Expressway, encouraging use of electric cars, investigating rail transport between Waipukurau and Napier-Hastings, and free buses for EIT students. Council has made provision for re-establishing Napier-Gisborne rail corridor in the LTP and other comments related to health issues should be referred to Regional Transport Committee.



Pest Control

That Council:

7        Considers the submission points relating to Pest Control, and comments and proposals made by staff,

7.1        increases spending by $100,000 in 2015-16 to maintain low possum numbers, funded 30% from General Rates and 70% from a Rural Targeted Rate,

7.2       makes no change to the Long Term Plan, and

7.3       in the communication of Council’s decision, makes specific reference to the breakdown of what the Biosecurity rates pay for.



Emergency Management

8      Considers the submission points relating to Emergency Management and comments and proposals made by staff,

8.1      increases coordination efforts around Council’s HB CDEM Group through provision of an additional $75,000 in 2016-17 and $50,000 in 2017-18

8.2      makes no change to the Long Term Plan, and

8.3      in the communication of Council’s decision, makes specific reference to the funding requirements in terms of meeting statutory obligations.



9     Considers the submission points relating to Transport, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

9.1        requests that the Transport Manager liaise with the EIT Students’ Association to investigate options for the provision of public transportation to students, and in the communication of Council’s decision, makes specific reference to Mrs Redgrave’s experience working with Massey University and UCOL

9.2      confirms retention of the budget provision to investigate opportunities for the re-establishment of the Napier-Gisborne rail corridor, and in the communication of Council’s decision, makes specific reference to the status of those investigations

9.3      refers submitters concerned about public health issues related to Transport to the Regional Transport Committee, and in the communication of Council’s decision makes specific reference to that Committee’s responsibilities in terms of stakeholder engagement on transport issues, and

9.4   makes no change to the Long Term Plan.





Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council continued deliberating on decisions required on public submissions received on the Our Plan topics.

Other comments made under ‘Have we missed anything important?’ heading in Our plan covered:

·      queries and suggestions about Council’s Forestry plantations - Forestry report noted in officers response to be provided to submitters

·      a suggestion to undertake river control works on the Wairoa River to reduce the risk of erosion of the true left bank in the vicinity of the Ferry Hotel - the cost of a control structure would be high, let alone the cost of construction - staff do not support the proposal outlined in the submission

·      reducing risk of flooding to Napier – plans are provided in the LTP, to increase levels of protection to Napier and Hastings

·      request for Council to take the lead role in the re-establishment of the Healthy Housing Coalition – Council doesn’t have the expertise required so suggest guidance sought from the Intersectoral Leadership Forum as to who Lead Agency should be – Council’s interests in this space relate to responsibility for regulating NES for Air Quality, through clean heat initiatives. Part-time role requested is not budgeted.

·      a request to webcast committee meetings in addition to Council meetings – average cost is $600/meeting (5 hour day) and would need to increase budget, and consequentially amend LTP

·      Wairoa waterfront and plantings – suggest joint meeting with WDC staff and YROA YNOT to discuss issues and engagement. Also wetland regeneration projects in the area to be ‘publicised’ and suggest a hui to initiate engagement and involvement

·      Energy futures raised through Big Six – advise Council’s initiation of the process with the Energy Futures workshop held recently and explain HBRC monitoring and reporting on its own Carbon footprint, plantings and other initiatives in the Climate Change space. A ‘stocktake’ previously done, and decision made to spend money on actions rather than administration type activities.



That Council:

10    In accordance with standing order 3.3.7 continues the meeting past the six hour time limit.



11   Considers the submission #3 Paul Bailey and the comments and proposals made by Council officers in relation to Webcasting Committee meetings, and amends the Long Term Plan by adding $5400 to the 895- budget to enable recording of Standing Committee meetings in addition to Council meetings.



That Council:

11   Considers the submissions from #3 Paul Bailey and #30 Margaret Gwynn in relation to Forestry and the comments and proposals made by Council officers,

11.1    makes no change to the Long Term Plan, and

11.2     In the communication of Council’s decision, make specific reference to the make-up of Council’s current planting and include a copy of the 12 November 2014 report entitled HBRC Forest Assets.



12   Considers the submission from #45 Mike Little and the comments and proposals made by Council officers in relation to Wairoa River erosion

12.1    Makes no change to the Long Term Plan

12.2    In the communication of Council’s decision, make specific reference to staff investigations of options for mitigating erosion issues along the Wairoa River.



13   Considers the submission from #94 Robert Symonds in relation to reducing the risk of flooding to Napier and the comments and proposals made by Council officers

13.1    Makes no change to the Long Term Plan

13.2    In the communication of Council’s decision, make specific reference to the provision in HBRC’s future budgets to increase the levels of protection to Napier and Hastings to withstand a 1 in 500 year event.



14   Considers the submission from #22 Hawke’s Bay District Health Board and the comments and proposals made by Council officers in relation to Health Equity,

14.1    makes no change to the Long Term Plan

14.2    in the communication of Council’s decision, make specific reference to the Intersectoral Leadership Forum.



15   Considers the submissions from #61 Unison and #65 Kathryn Bayliss and the comments and proposals made by Council officers in relation to Connecting the Region and Rural Broadband, and

15.1    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.

16   Considers the submission from #3 Paul Bailey and the comments and proposals made by Council officers in relation to Webcasting Committee meetings, and

16.1    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



17    Considers the submissions from #26 YROA YNOT and #68 Denys Caves and the comments and proposals made by Council officers in relation to Wairoa Issues,

17.1    makes no change to the Long Term Plan, and

17.2    in the communication of Council’s decision, make specific reference to wetland restoration projects in the area and how to get involved (#26 YROA YNOT), plus outline Regional Council functions and responsibilities (#68 Denys Caves).



18    Considers the submissions from #123 HB Federated Farmers, #65 Kathryn Bayliss, #61 Unison and #72 EECA and the comments and proposals made by Council officers in relation to Energy Futures,

18.1     makes no change to the Long Term Plan, and

18.2    in the communication of Council’s decision, makes specific reference to the Energy Futures consultation process initiated recently through a ‘scoping’ workshop and detailing current HBRC initiatives such as vehicle purchasing and GPS monitoring, plantings and office energy efficiencies.




The meeting adjourned at 4.20pm on Tuesday, 9 June 2015


The meeting reconvened at 9am on Wednesday, 10 June 2015.


Present:                     C Scott - Chairman

R Barker

P Beaven

T Belford

A J Dick

R Graham

D Hewitt

D Pipe

F Wilson (from 2.20pm)


In Attendance:          M Mohi – Chairman – Maori Committee

E Lambert – Chief Executive

M Adye – Group Manager Asset Management

P Drury – Group Manager Corporate Services

I Maxwell – Group Manager Resource Management

L Hooper – Governance & Corporate Administration Manager



1.       Welcome/Apologies

In the absence of Cr Wilson, Cr Scott assumed the Chair and welcomed everyone present to the meeting, for the final day of hearing LTP submissions.


RC48/15     That the apology for absence from Councillor Wilson is accepted.


CARRIED unanimously

2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council recommenced hearing the verbal submissions from members of the public.

Guardians of the Aquifer (submission 13) represented by Pauline Doyle & Ken Keys. Concerned for safety of connected waterways and seek a plan change to change the activity classification of bore drilling applications, to be Discretionary under a new rule 2a. Treat as top priority and ‘fast track’ plan change.

Andrew Fulford (s73). Concerned about water quality issues in HB and slow progress being made on remediation. Suggests quicker results could be achieved using plantation forestry on river berms and stronger regulatory measures around land use. (re Lake Hatuma, Mr Maxwell clarified that land ownership in the area is an issue and a focused study of the area is included as part of PC6 implementation.)

Fred Robinson (s89) outlined key points of water management and repairing the damage that has been done over the last 100 years. Opposed to large scale water storage using dams and supports using nature’s natural water storage methods through trees and educating farmers on their benefits. Requests that staff and Councillors view “Water Whisperers Tangaroa" and "The Extraordinary Nature of Water’ DVDs.

Soil & Health Assn of NZ (s57) represented by Marion Thomson highlighted request to prioritise implementation of plan change for precautionary management of GMOs and to include reference to biological and physical hazards in Strategic Planning Activity 2 Strategy and Planning performance measures document.

Council recommenced deliberating on decisions required on public submissions received on the Our Plan topics.

Requests for Plan Change to address management of activities associated with oil and gas exploration discussions covered:

·         recommendations from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s 2014 report in terms of procedural issues relating to provisions around public notification and bundling of resource consent applications

·         requirements under the Regional Resource Management Plan and RMA including consultation

·         timeframes for a plan change.



That Council:

19       Considers the submission from #13 Guardians of the Aquifer in relation to their request for a Plan Change to address management of activities associated with oil and gas exploration, and comments and proposals made by Council officers

19.1    requests that the Regional Planning Committee explores the options for a potential limited Plan Change addressing Oil and Gas Exploration Issues, and

19.2    amends the associated Levels of Service Measures and Performance Targets in the Long Term Plan.





Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council continued hearing the verbal submissions.

Derek Williams (submission 102) highlighted his concerns in relation to wastewater, in particular in Central Hawke’s Bay and his support for local government reorganisation in HB as well as support for Maori representation in its own right rather than via appointments.

Neil Kirton (submission 23) expressed his concern that water management is not sufficiently prioritised and requests that Council reintroduces a strategic management plan specifically for Ahuriri Estuary and allocates sufficient resources to implement that plan.

Amelia McQueen & Stephane Tiedemann (submission 125), stress that Council should concentrate on its core responsibilities around environmental management and not be involved in Economic development or Tourism. Suggests sustainable land use practices be used instead of RWSS and that Council needs to significantly increase Biodiversity budgets.

The meeting adjourned at 10.45am and reconvened at 11.00am

Nga Marae O Heretaunga (submission 54) and Takitimu District Council (submission 58) represented by Des Ratima sought support in preparing for Matatini including tourism funding to build capacity. (Staff clarified that there is a Matatini Development Plan being developed by HDC which includes a stocktake of facilities and work needed in preparation for Matatini).

Having heard all those wishing to speak to their submissions, Council recommenced deliberating on decisions required.

In relation to HB Trails and Te Mata Park, discussions traversed budget levels required for sufficient maintenance and related commitments from HDC for maintenance of the mountain bike tracks.

In relation to HB Regional Parks, discussions covered wetland areas included or for development, amounts available or remaining from the $7.5 million borrowing facility as well as requesting further details relating to the Waipatiki Campground proposal. Staff have been contacted by Chris Tremain regarding his Waipatiki proposal, however have not received any details of how much ‘investment’ he’s asking for, or when.



HB Trails

That Council:

20      Considers the submission points received relating to HB Trails, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

20.1    increases Council’s yearly maintenance budget of $60,000 by $10,000 per year to cater for an expanding trails network, and

20.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



Te Mata Park

That Council:

21      Considers the submission points received relating to Te Mata Park, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

21.1    increases Council’s yearly maintenance contribution of $35,000 to $65,000, and

21.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



22      Considers the submission from #34 Damon Harvey, Tim Wilkins, Russell Nettlingham, Richard Stone requesting $104,000 for development of mountain bike trails, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

22.1    refers the proposal to the Te Mata Park Trust Board and defers Council’s consideration of it until such time as the Trust Board reports back to Council with alternative proposals for the use of the $500,000 allocated for the Visitor Information Centre, and

22.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



HBRC Regional Parks

That Council:

23      Considers the submission points received relating to HBRC Regional Parks, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

23.1    increases Council’s borrowing up to a further $1 million commencing in the 2018-19 year for new open space opportunities, and

23.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan

24      Considers the submission from #96 Chris Tremain requesting funding assistance to purchase Waipatiki Holiday Park, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

24.1    defers consideration of the request until further information is forthcoming, and it can be assessed in accordance with the criteria for the Open Spaces borrowing facility, and

24.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan





Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council continued deliberating on decisions required.

In relation to Water Science Charges, discussions traversed:

·         Lack of feedback received from consent holders

·         Suggestion to use targeted consultation with consent holders to find out whether a change to a regional-charge system is needed/wanted – then ‘implement’ through 2016-27 Annual Plan process if required

Managing Our Environment, discussions covered:

·         Slim majority of submitters in favour of Council increasing budgets to employ people to deliver the region’s catchment-based plan changes in a reasonable time

·         many raised points relating to regional plan/RPS policy changes, future policy development and policies and other provisions (e.g. rules) to address specific issues - not resourcing and funding decisions of the LTP. Examples:  CHB Wastewater, moratorium on GMOs, Climate Change response strategies.

·         Staff believe resourcing proposed in the LTP is enough to carry out the proposed work programme but if extra projects are added (e.g. a plan change to prohibit GMOs or fracking) then the work programme will need re-prioritising over the next 10 years and beyond.

·         Priorities are: adopting a revised programme of how Council will fully give effect to the NPSFM by 31 December 2025, implementation of PC6 and the TANK and Mohaka plan change processes already under way.

Looking After Our Waterways, discussions traversed:

·         76% of submitters in favour of Council’s preferred option to Increase spending on monitoring the health and state of our region’s major river catchments

·         Again, a range of matters unrelated to the LTP were raised, e.g. requesting changes to the RPS or RRMP, asking HBRC to undertake a process to classify communities and their drinking water supplies according to risk of drought, and regulation of petrochemical and/or mineral exploration activities.

·         The extra resourcing proposed is to undertake the science and monitoring programmes required for policy development and policy effectiveness monitoring – and staff believe what’s been budgeted is sufficient, unless further ‘projects’ get added to the list

Managing and Monitoring Our Land

·         Majority of submitters in favour of increasing targeted rates on landowners, some suggesting landowners should pay up to 100% (dominant theme was that land owners should pay for all the costs associated with their businesses)

·         Federated Farmers disagreed with the change on the basis that there was no transparency as to how the funds would be used

·         Other suggestions from submissions included: define the permissible quantities of dairy effluent, nitrogen and irrigation water that can be applied to the land based on soil type and humus content in the RRMP, work towards reducing glysophate use in Hawkes Bay, and significantly increase funding for riparian retirement, fencing and planting, retiring land and planting forestry in floodways.

·         Concerns raised that the rate implications for farmers are not fully understood, slow economy will over-burden already pressured landowners, and that farmers are being ‘lumped’ with the costs that do provide ‘public’ benefit.



Water Science Charges

That Council:

25      Considers the submission points received relating to Water Science Charges, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

25.1    instructs staff to pursue dialogue with consent holders to advise what work is occurring that attracts s36 charges and why this work is required,

25.2    instructs staff to undertake further targeted consultation directly with consent holders to review the current policy for s36 charging, and

25.3    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



Managing Our Environment

That Council:

26        Considers the submission points received relating to Managing Our Environment, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers

26.1     increases Council’s spend on planning by $595,000 in 2015-16 and the years that follow, $268,000 funded from General Rates and $327,000 from our Environmental Initiative Reserve Fund, and

26.2     makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



Looking After Our Waterways

That Council:

27      Considers the submission points received relating to Looking After Our Waterways, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

27.1    increases spending on monitoring the health and state of our region’s major river catchments by $618,000 in 2015-16, funded from General Rates and Section 36 Water Science Charges, and

27.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



Managing and Monitoring Our Land

That Council:

28      Considers the submission points received relating to Managing and Monitoring Our Land, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

28.1 increases Rural Targeted Rate funding of land management activities by $560,000 in 2015-16, $660,000 in 2016-17 and $760,000 in 2017-18, and

28.2  makes no change to the Long Term Plan.


For Dick, Pipe, Beaven, Scott

Against Hewitt, Barker, Graham, Belford

Chair exercised casting vote



The meeting adjourned at 12.30 and reconvened at 1.15pm



Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council continued deliberating on decisions required.

In relation to the Biodiversity Strategy discussions traversed comments expressing the need for more funding in the Biodiversity area, that a part-time coordinator is only  one part of getting the Strategy implemented, the Cape to City Project, and expectations of some that HBRC would contribute ‘significant seed funding’ to establish the Biodiversity Trust.

Several (3) submitters requested amendments be made to the Supporting Accountability documents which will become the Long Term Plan. Amendments proposed by TTOH and TTO te Whanganui A Orotu to include ‘sustainably’ into a statement to “manage the region’s physical and natural resources’ and adding ‘hydrology and groundwater /surface water connectivity’ in the Resilient Ecosystems section of the Activities.

Soil & Health Association of NZ requested amendments to a section explaining what legislation empowers Council to carry out its purpose, quoting the 2002 Local Government Act which has been superseded by the Local Government Amendment Act 2012 , and additional wording outside the defined activities of RMA sections 6 & 7. For these reasons staff did not consider the additional wording appropriate.

HDC requested changes to the Consultation Document, to re-write part of the commentary on the Big Six relating to Relationship with Maori which is irrelevant at this stage as the time to amend that document was prior to the consultation period.



Biodiversity Strategy

That Council:

29      Considers the submission points received relating to Biodiversity Strategy, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers

29.1     Allocates $40,000 per year to help implement this region's biodiversity strategy, funded from General Rates

29.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.


For: Dick, Hewitt, Barker, Pipe, Beaven, Graham, Scott

Against: Belford


Requested Amendments to Supporting Accountability Documents

That Council:

30      Considers the submission points received from #25 Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga and #85 Te Taiwhenua 0 Te Whanganui A Orotu relating to requested amendments to the Group of Activities document, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers, and

30.1     amends the Long Term Plan (HBRC’s Activities, page 3) to read “Active management … – by the development … plans, sustainably managing …”

30.2     amends the Long Term Plan (HBRC’s Activities, page 3) to read “Balanced water use … setting water quantity allocation limits … river flows, hydrology and groundwater-surface water connectivity, and economic impacts.

31        Considers the submission points received from #57 Soil & Health Association of NZ requesting amendments to the Group of Activities document, Strategic Planning Activity 2, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers, and

31.1     Does not accept amendments (excerpts of superseded legislation no longer relevant) requested, and makes no change to the Long Term Plan.

32      Considers the submission point received from #36 Hastings District Council requesting amendment of Our Plan, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers, and

32.1    Does not accept the amendment and makes no change to the Long Term Plan.





Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council continued deliberating on decisions required.

Several submissions raised management of GMOs, which was addressed during the deliberations on the Managing Our Environment topic. Councillors may wish to discuss specifics of the ‘other issues’ raised as part of the wrap-up at the end of today’s session.

Funding request from Toimata Foundation to increase Enviroschools funding (run in partnership with Nina Braithwaite Trust, renewed 3-yearly) by 10% to continue developing and growing the programme. Enviroschools Foundation launched the name change in April and is now Toimata Foundation. Councillors agreed to an increase as long as it can be accommodated within existing budgets.

Sport Hawke’s Bay is asking for HBRC to establish a ‘regional rate’ to fund regional organisations like Tourism HB and themselves.

Te Taiao HB Environment Forum (non-political collective of environmental groups) requested $25k per year to pay a part-time coordinator, to operate more effectively with Council and other agencies. Funding not provided for, so would either come out of Rates (rise) or out of another budget if decided it’s more important than something else Council would do less of. Queried whether there’s the potential to complicate Council consultation processes when individual groups must be consulted with in their own right, e.g. Forest & Bird.



Funding Requests

That Council:

33      Considers the funding request received from #60 Toimata Foundation to increase the funding for the Enviroschools Programme by 10%, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

33.1     approves the increase of $2000 per year, to be provided within existing budgets, and

33.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



34    Considers the request from #33 Sport Hawke’s Bay for the introduction of a regional funding model to be administered by HBRC to financially support the work of Sport Hawkes Bay and other regional organisations, the submissions from #109 Napier City Council and #36 Hastings District Council supporting the request, and the comments and proposals made by Council officers,

34.1    defers consideration of the proposal until the outcome of the HB Local Government re-organisation process is known, and

34.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



35     Considers the request from #59 Te Taiao HB Environment Forum for $25,000 per year funding, and the comments and proposals made by Council officers, and

35.1    approves the application for funding of $25,000 for each of the years 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18, to be funded from the General Rate


For: Barker, Beaven, Graham, Belford

Against: Dick, Hewitt, Pipe, Scott

Chairman used casting vote




Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council continued deliberating on decisions required.

Developing our Economy – Tom Skerman, HBRC Economic Development Manager, joined the meeting via telephone to answer queries. Business HB identified several projects they would like Council to provide additional funding for, to a total of $182k.

Councillor Fenton Wilson arrived at 2.20pm

Mr Skerman advised that his understanding of the Business HB submission is that it contained a ‘wish list’ rather than a request for a specific amount. NCC, in their submission, requests that Economic Development be funded by a regional rate funding model.

·         Delay getting the REDS reviewed and updated was raised. HB Chamber of Commerce does not support additional funding for administration, but rather any future funding tagged to specific action projects.

·         Preference expressed, for review of the strategy to be completed before considering any further funding.

·         Suggested that any discussion on a regional funding model is deferred until after the outcome of the reorganisation proposal is known.



Developing Our Economy

That Council:

36      Considers the submission points received relating to Developing Our Economy, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

36.1    continues to support our economy at the same level of spending, and

36.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.





Long Term Plan 2015-25 Staff Internal Submission


Council recommenced deliberations on decisions on internal submission points, having received the further information requested on Monday and Tuesday.

In relation to the funding for a poll on reorganisation, it was confirmed that the contingency funds provided are $50,000 and it is estimated that HBRC’s portion of costs will be at least $75k.

There was no further discussion about the carry forwards in projects 380 Sustainable Land Management, 320 Surface Water Quantity, 339 Regional Land Science Research and 341 Air Quality.



Governance and Community Engagement

Project 876 – Contingency Funding Support

That Council:

5      Approves an additional allocation of $25,000 to Project 876 - Contingency Funding Support, noting that such an increase will increase Council’s operating deficit in 2015-16, to cover costs of a Local Government Reorganisation poll.



Project 380 – Sustainable Land Management

That Council:

6      Approves the carry forward in project 380-2860 of $120,000 to cover the costs associated with implementing the Papanui sub-catchment plan.



Project 320 – Surface Water Quantity

That Council:

7        Approves the carry forward in project 320-2380 of $27,000 from 2014-15 to 2015-16.



Project 339 – Regional Land Science Research

That Council:

8          Approves the carry forward in project 339-2380 of $231,000 from 2014-15 to 2015-16



Project 341 – Air Quality

That Council:

9          Approves the carry forward in project 341-2380 of $76,000 from 2014-15 to 2015-16.



That Council:

10      Amends the Long Term Plan to reflect the decisions made on Internal submission points.





Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council continued deliberating on decisions required on public submission points.

In relation to Relationship with Maori and tangata whenua issues raised in submissions. Discussions traversed:

·              Resourcing within Council – raised initially through Maori Committee for a person to assist Council with engagement with tangata whenua. Liaison role suggested in several submissions – no funding provided in LTP. External expenditure set aside in Strategic Alliance for ‘active involvement of council in negotiations and resolution of resource management redress for Treaty of Waitangi claimant groups’ that may be able to be redirected. Planning position (already budgeted for in LTP) is to provide technical policy support on cultural and other related Maori to planning processes, e.g. TANK, and a liaison position would be in addition to that.

·              Suggestion that HB Tourism funding be tagged to including a Maori rep on the Board to represent Maori Tourism interests

·              Main rationale for ‘liaison role’ is to provide assistance to Council to work with groups to understand what the needs and priorities of all requests. Year 1 (15-16) funding for a ‘significant’ part-time role or to partly fund a full time role may be available from the Strategic Alliances External Expenditure budget if prioritised above assistance with hapu management plans and other assistance normally provided from within that budget.

·              Suggested that the “review of HBRC’s practices to incorporate tangata whenua values to determine how HBRC can best incorporate tangata whenua values and how it can best support the Regional Planning Committee” by the working party will resolve how best to proceed and Council should defer any significant decisions until that review has been completed.

·              Position will be pivotal and expectations high, so job description critical.

·              Need clarity around what funding streams are available for staff positions and an overall view of the extent of the resources requested.

The meeting adjourned at 2.55pm and reconvened at 3.15pm

Council resumed deliberating on tangata whenua issues, covering:

·         Mr Mohi added his perspective in relation to the internal Maori liaison role. Suggests leave this until October next year when the treaty settlements are mostly done. Members of the Maori Committee currently perform that type of role in response to various queries at different times. Re policy position – will be difficult to fill and will need support of a full time liaison person. Re Matatini – various marae have differing views of what needs to be done and who will do it – suggests all parties need to get together and organise a ‘single’ approach.

·         $75k Strategic Partnerships budget provision in LTP. Massey University MoU up for renewal/review within next financial year so budget provision in LTP.

·         Suggests $30k for water safety education should be considered as separate funding request, not as part of ‘Maori’ engagement/support

·         NKII is hosting iwi for the event and have overall responsibility for development of the festival. HDC has employed a person to coordinate an assessment of what assistance is required to bring marae and other Maori infrastructure up to date to be ready for Matatini. He Toa Takatini has indicated that they will provide grants to marae for upgrading.

·         Direct relationship with Waimarama – suggestion to implement a ‘programme’ of hui at various marae for councillor reps to develop those direct relationships. Can be handled internally.

·         Lots of complex issues raised through the submissions and suggestion made to defer consideration of funding requests until resolution of re-organisation.


·         Request for Maori technical advisory committee – RPC now has support of a range of Council technical (science, planning) advisors plus senior Maori  planner with appropriate Maori cultural experience and/or qualifications budgeted in LTP.

Amended by Council resolution on 24 June 2015.

·         TTOH funding for research and development programmes ($5,000 per annum for support rangatahi science, $40,000 for Mana Ake wananga and workshop, $40,000 for hapu GIS programme, resourcing of Tukituki Plan Change wananga for Mauri monitoring of lower Tukituki River, and $250,000 for Heretaunga hapu/mana whenua for preliminary work on potential Ngaruroro water storage including cultural values) – no funding provision in LTP, however may reconsider after reorganisation outcome known.

·         Regional Maori Tourism Coordinator – to be picked up under Tourism.

·         Putere Lakes – inland from Raupunga, 3 freshwater lakes, Ngati Pahauwera has been asked to make an application to M Mohi fund to fund 50% of the costs of fencing. Suggest also make application to RLS fund.

·         Ahuriri initiatives – including Kirton request.

·         Potable water supply at Raupunga – suggest this is a TA responsibility and will also be taken forward through HB DHB public water supply initiatives as well.

·         Specific request for $30k to run water safety education programme – aligns with Navigation Safety & Harbour Management programmes, currently spending $18k/yr on water safety through Coastguard and school programme. Staff keen to discuss options for integrating Te Matau A Mauri Voyaging Trust programmes into the HBRC programmes.



Tangata Whenua Resources

That Council:

37      Considers the submission points received relating to Relationships with Maori and Tangata Whenua Issues, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

37.1     defers consideration of a Senior Maori Liaison role pending resolution of Local Government Reorganisation,

37.2    confirms support of a Technical Advisory Group for the Regional Planning Committee (included in current LTP budgets),

37.3    defers consideration of funding requests from #25 Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga for $40k/yr to develop Mana Ake over the next 3 years, $40k/yr to develop GIS technology for each of the next 3 years, $5k/yr rangatahi science funding, resourcing of Tukituki Plan Change wananga, and $250k for Heretaunga hapu/mana whenua pending resolution of Local Government Reorganisation,

37.4    refers #151 Ngati Pahauwera Development Trust to relevant sources of potential funding for their community development projects, in particular, a potable water supply for Raupunga and riparian planting at Putere Lakes

37.5    refers #23 Neil Kirton to the Mana Ahuriri-HBRC Memorandum of Understanding in relation to Ahuriri Estuary initiatives,

37.6    undertakes to develop a direct relationship with the Waimarama Maori Committee, including investigating hui a hapu within existing LTP budgets

37.7    refers all submitters on Matatini related matters to NKII and the HDC coordination project

37.8    makes no change to the Long Term Plan



Funding Requests

That Council:

38      Considers the funding request received from #92 Te Matau A Mauri Voyaging Trust for $30,000 each year for the next 3 years, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

38.1     Declines the application however requests that staff liaise with the Trust to investigate how the Voyaging Trust programmes may be integrated with the Council’s water safety education programmes, and

38.2    makes no change to the Long Term Plan.


Councillor Graham declared an interest and abstained




Submissions on the Long Term Plan 2015-25


Council continued deliberating on decisions required.


·         No further discussion on Destination Napier request for funding. Request for representation on the HB Tourism Board – to be left up to HB Tourism as to who sits on the Board

·         Suggestion that Tourism HB should provide ‘support’ for Film HB, not separate funding from HBRC

·         Current allocation $850k/yr – no cost of living increases over last 4 hours, $70k for CoL provided in LTP. Starting position is $920k/hr to maintain current levels of service.

·         93% of submitters in favour of HB Tourism’s request for additional $900k – mostly from industry.

·         Paul Drury ran through options and scenarios and the effects of those on ratepayers, to give Councillors guidance.

·         Paid through Uniform Annual Charge, so residential/rural ratepayers all pay the same amount.

·         Suggestion that staggering increases over the next 3 years could be an option.

·         Council made the decision prior to Consultation, to not consult on a specified dollar amount of increase but instead to only provide what the impact of each $100k increase represents as a rate impact so that consultation would be more ‘open ended’. The $900k has come directly from HB Tourism and was put into the public arena by them.

·         Suggestion that any funding increase be subject to Maori Tourism representation on the HB Tourism board. Raised through submissions, that there’s a significant gap in the regional tourism picture in relation to Maori Tourism.

·         Gradual increase may be more affordable, and biggest increase will be paid for by industry itself as the commercial ratepayer will pay more than the residential ratepayer. Some concern that HB Tourism may not be able to implement full strategic goals if not provided with the full amount requested.

·         Tourism needs to be part of the regional economic development picture.

·         Concern and unease about how much the additional Tourism funding impacts the rate increase figure – on average $3.75 per residential property per year. Concern that perception in community is Tourism not ‘core function’ of HBRC. Several submissions expressed concerns for ratepayers facing rate increases in a slow economy where people are struggling financially.

·         Film HB request for funding was decided without further discussion.

Overall rates rise

·         Mr Drury outlined the rate increases over the next 3 years based on the decisions made. Concerns that it is so much higher than the 3.95% that was consulted on.  




That Council:

39      Considers the funding request received from #27 Destination Napier for $30,000 and any comments and proposals made by Council officers,

39.1     Declines the application and makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



40      In accordance with standing order 3.3.7 continues the meeting past the six hour time limit.



41        Increases the funding of Tourism HB by $70,000 to recover cost of living increases over the last 4 years and by a further $300,000 each year over the next 3 years to provide for additional Tourism Promotion activities and that these additional amounts be funded through an increase of the Economic Development Rate.

41.1    Contingent upon the appointment of a representative of Maori Tourism on the HB Tourism Board of Directors.


For: Dick, Pipe, Wilson, Graham, Scott

Against: Hewitt, Barker, Beaven, Belford


42      Considers the funding request received from Film Hawke’s Bay for $20,000 each year for the next 3 years, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers.

42.1     Declines the application and makes no change to the Long Term Plan.



Overall Rates Impact

That Council:

43      Considers the submission received relating to Overall Rates Impact, and any comments and proposals made by Council officers as well as the decisions made on submissions.

43.1   Increases rates on average by 5.87% in 2015-16, 5.69% in 2016-17 and 5.51% in 2017-18, and

43.2   Amends the Long Term Plan accordingly.


For: Dick, Pipe, Wilson, Graham, Scott

Against: Hewitt, Barker, Beaven, Belford





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 4.20pm on Wednesday 10 June 2015.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................