MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee
Date: Tuesday 21 April 2015
Time: 10.15 am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
T Belford (till 11.50)
B Gregory
H Hilton
A Manuel
F McRoberts
M Paku
D Pipe
B Blake
R Puna
M. Hape (proxy for R. Maaka)
J. Brown (proxy for M Apatu)
In Attendance: E Lambert – Chief Executive
V Moule – Human Resource
Dr S Swabey – Science Manager
Mr T Skerman – Economic Development Manager
Mr G Clode – Engineering Manager
Mr N Caviale – Whangawehi Project “Tangata Whenua Presentation”
Ms O Manuel - Whangawehi Project “Tangata Whenua Presentation”
Ms R Te Nahu - Whangawehi Project “Tangata Whenua Presentation”
N van Pelt – Executive Assistant
Chairman Mike Mohi welcomed everyone to the meeting
Karakia - Haami Hilton
Councillor Belford gave notice that he is resigning from the Maori Committee.
MC12/15 That the apologies for absence from Councillors Fenton Wilson, Rick Barker, Rex Graham, Mssrs Roger Maaka, Piri Prentice, Marei Apatu, Mrs Joinella Maihi-Carroll and Beverley Kemp-Harmer, be received.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
Short Term Replacements for 21 April 2015 |
The Maori Committee agrees that Marge Hape & Joella Brown be appointed as member/s of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday, 21 April 2015 as short term replacements(s) on the Committee for Roger Maaka and Marei Apatu. CARRIED |
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee Meeting Held on 17 February 2015
Minutes of the Maori Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 17 February 2015, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record. CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Maori Committee Meeting Held on 17 February 2015
Letter of thanks to Mr Haraki has been sent out from the Chairman and Chief Executive
Follow-ups From Previous Maori Committee Meetings |
1. That the Maori Committee notes there are no “Follow-up Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings” for consideration at today’s meeting. CARRIED |
Call for Any Minor Items not on the Agenda |
The following minor items are accepted for discussion at today’s meeting as Agenda Item 15 Update on NKII fresh water issues hui Update on Wairoa River bar Airport name change |
Update on Current Issues By HBRC Interim Chief Executive |
Interim Chief Executive Mrs Lambert advised that where Plan change 5 was concerned, an appeal lodged by NKII sought the reinstatement of the concept of no degradation of freshwater which the court agreed with NKII. Mrs. Lambert assured the committee that the council in no way sees the decision as irrelevant, they see it as completely relevant which is contrary to how the media has conveyed Council’s comments on the decision. Appeals to High Court close today. Mr Paku pointed out that NKII was reluctant to appeal the decision particularly as they have limited resources available but the NKII Board had made the decision to appeal as an important issue was in question. Water bottling consents – Mr Iain Maxwell attended a hui recently and did a presentation to explain what is involved and what the Council’s roles and responsibilities are in regards to bottling consents. HBRC has accepted an invitation from NKII to attend a hui to explain the Council’s legal responsibilities and what it can and can’t do under the RMA. Mrs Lambert will email out facts and figures on this issue to members. Council will be holding an LTP hui at Matahiwi marae on Thursday 7th May as part of the consultation process on the plan. Fred McRoberts asked why the Wairoa River bar had been blocked for so long – Gary Clode will address this issue later in the meeting. The bill to formally establish the Regional Planning Committee has been referred back to the house for its second reading. |
1. That the ‘April 2015 Update on Current Issues by the HBRC Interim Chief Executive’ report be received. CARRIED |
Councillor Tom Belford left the meeting at 11.50am
State of Our Environment Five-Yearly Summary Report |
Dr Stephen Swabey presented to the Committee the State of Our Environment Five-Yearly Summary Report. This document is designed to be a non-technical report to inform the public of environmental trends in the Region. Dr Stephen Swabey provided a presentation highlighting some of the report’s findings. Dr Swabey highlighted trends (over last 5 years) including improvements in air quality on the Heretaunga Plains and lower phosphorous levels in HB rivers. However it was also highlighted that streams in Hawke’s Bay are getting muddier than nationally, Ahuriri estuary has elevated levels of heavy metals and 8 of our 19 native fish species are threatened. There were questions raised in relation to heavy metals in the Ahuriri Estuary and the threatened native fish species and possible reasons for that. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the “State of Our Environment Five-Yearly Summary” report. Hilton/Puna CARRIED 2. Bill Blake moved that a copy of the HB Trends be sent to the Maori committee Members. CARRIED |
April 2015 Statutory Advocacy Update |
No new matters to report. In regards to Plan Change 10 of the Napier District Plan, the hearing has been held but no decisions have been issued. |
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the April 2015 Statutory Advocacy Update report. CARRIED |
Mike Mohi left meeting at 12.15pm and Michael Paku assumed the Chair
Update on Maori Economic Development |
Mr Tom Skerman advised that Council has committed funding to support Maori Agribusiness initiatives in the 2014/15 year. Initial discussions with Maori organisations to date have highlighted a preference to explore a Maori Economic Development Strategy (MEDS) in the region rather than just a focus on Agribusiness. As Mr Skerman is also involved in the review of Hawke’s Bay’s current Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS), he has been looking for pathways to align the two work streams. Mr Skerman has identified at least one Maori organisation in the region that is looking to lead a MEDS project and that is in the process of securing Central Government funding to assist. Mr Skerman is also of the opinion that this is an initiative that is best championed by Maori leadership. Accordingly, Mr Skerman intends to use the HBRC funding to resource a “deeper dive” into Maori economic issues as part of the REDS review. A suitably qualified and experienced person will be engaged to further develop the REDS interview questionnaire to make it appropriate for capturing the economic development opportunities facing key Maori organisations and businesses. That person will also lead the engagement with interviews that follow. If the funding allows, it is felt that a workshop to present the findings to the interviews could be a starting point for a stand-alone MEDS project. In any event, the data collected will be invaluable for the REDS review. |
1. That the verbal Update on ‘Maori Economic Development’ report be received. CARRIED |
Fish Hook Hui Feedback from Mike Paku and Marei Apatu |
With Marei Apatu not present, Mike Paku reported on the Ngati Kahungunu Fish Hook Summit held in March. Of topics addressed, he noted that the Mana Ake hapu management plan was presented and well received at the Summit. Brandi Hudson, CEO of the Independent Statutory Board that was established as part of the Auckland Council gave a presentation. Mike Paku particularly noted the ability of that Board to influence policy and plan change, the resourcing that it had available to them (staff and budgets and therefore the ability to engage own experts) and how they managed this. Fishery issues were also addressed. He commented that the presentations from the Taiwhenua at the summit are of an increasingly high standard. Chairman Mike Mohi expressed how pleased he was to hear that the upcoming review will start to address some to these long-term issues. Mike encouraged all whanau to attend these summits as they are of great value. |
1. That the verbal Fish Hook Hui Feedback report be received. CARRIED |
Update on Hawea Park Development |
Mr Clode updated the meeting on progress at Pakowhai / Pakiaka and the proposed Hawea Regional Park. Incorporated in the proposal and discussion with Ngati Hawea is the diversion and widening of the Karamu to avoid the need to use the old floodgates at Rangitane Road. This will ease flood levels in the northern part of Hastings which currently back-up behind the floodgates. With the new Whakatu arterial link road being constructed by HDC, it has given the HBRC an opportunity to obtain some land and jointly share with hapu some land that was previously obtained under the Public Works Act and incorporate these into a park. Mr Clode handed out the document ‘Oho Rawa Aka te Awa, Reawakening the Awa’ which focuses on the enhancement project at Bridge Pa. It was developed by the hapu at Bridge Pa and consultants Boffa Miskell. This is one section of a larger enhancement project from Maraekakaho down to Pakipaki. |
1. That the verbal ‘Update on Hawea Park Development’ report be received. CARRIED |
Update on the Whangawehi Project 'Tangata Whenua Presentation' |
Nic Caviale, Oha Manuel and Rae Te Nahu gave an update on The Whangawehi Project. This group of Tangata Whenua together with local landowners, and school representatives are working together to better manage land and water in the Whangawehi catchment as well as providing conservation type education in the community The group has recently appointed a Community Engagement Officer (Oha Manuel) to help build relationships with the local community and relevant organisations. The presentation was very well received by the committee and the group were congratulated on their achievements including a number of national conservation awards to date. |
1. That the Update on the Whangawehi Project report be received. 3. CARRIED |
Minor Items not on the Agenda |
KARAKIA Haami Hilton.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.50pm on Tuesday 21 April 2015.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................