MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 13 February 2015
Time: 10.15 am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
C Bain
R Barker
R Bleakley
J Emmerson
B Gregory
L Hammond
M Herbert
T Kerr
T Kingston
D Murray
In Attendance: A Redgrave – Transport Manager
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, in particular the many members of the public speaking to their submissions today.
RTC1/15 That the apologies from Mr Kim Santer, Mayor Craig Little and Mr Matt Broderick be received.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee |
1. That Jamie Cox and Greg Brown be appointed as member/s of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 13 February 2015 as short term replacement(s) on the Committee for Craig Little and Matt Broderick. CARRIED |
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee Meeting Held on 14 November 2014
That this item be deferred to the 6 March 2015 Regional Transport Committee meeting. CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee Meeting Held on 14 November 2014
Deferred to 6 March 2015
Schedule of Verbal Submitters |
The confirmed schedule of verbal submissions was tabled. |
That the Regional Transport Committee receives and considers the verbal and written submissions on the Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25 and the Draft Regional Public Transport Plan. CARRIED |
Draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25 Submissions |
The Committee commenced hearing verbal submissions. Mr Ronald Wilkins RLTP 4/RPTP 5 Mr Ronald Wilkins would like to see the bus service extended to Fulford Road east of Summerset Village in Havelock North, and has a 2 ½ page petition to get the bus route extended. Mr Wilkins would like the SuperGold usage time extended to 6pm rather than 3pm for card holders, and thanked the council for supporting the gold card scheme. He would also like to see more bus services along Karamu Road via Clive into Napier during the middle of the day as well as extended out to Napier Airport. Mr Wilkins believes the rail should be reopened and referred to the number of truck accidents on this stretch of road. Mr Wilkins supports the priorities as outlined in the RLTP. John Wuts RLTP 8 Mr John Wuts (RLTP 8) presented a map showing how he would like the cycle lanes to be connected up so the public could get around safely. Connections to Tamatea and the city, and Tamatea and Taradale in particular needed to be improved. Although not in his submission Mr Wuts would like to see Napier improve their cycle maps and tabled the Napier and Hastings maps to be provided to the appropriate people for revision. Mr Wuts also pointed out that he would like to see the palms stay along roads such as Prebensen Drive or moved to other roads such as the Napier/Hastings Expressway. Robin & Margaret Gwynn, RLTP 6 Mr Gwynn didn’t put in a submission on rail as he thought the council had dismissed it. Mr Gwynn commented on stakeholders, and doesn’t believe point 5 page 15 of the officers’ responses was correct and a stakeholder is needed to represent environmental issues. Mr Gwynn also alluded to a local group which had campaigned extensively to ensure that the environmental effects of transport projects were considered and mitigated; he felt that the efforts of this group were not being taken into consideration as they should be. Jenny Baker RLTP 24 Mrs Margaret Gwynn spoke on behalf of Jenny Baker’s submission, noting many of Ms Baker’s comments had been accepted and hoped the recommendations would go into the final Plan. Ms Baker recommended a cyclist be a member of the RTC; however, if this was not possible Ms Baker would like to see a cyclist as an advisor to the RTC. Mrs Gwynn also highlighted Ms Baker’s comments on Section 7 of the Plan, asking that a further priority of environmental sustainability be added to the section. Les Hewett, RLTP 10 Mr Les Hewett (RLTP 10) did not wish to dwell at any great length on the wording of his submission, however in his additional comments wished to state that the elephant in the room is the NZ Government and the impact of trucks on the road. Transport projects must fully mitigate for the impacts of traffic on the surrounding neighbourhoods. Mr Hewett feels that drivers are reluctant to take an outside lane with trucks at Prebensen Drive and believes our local roads are only going to get busier with the Port growth, not to mention the empty containers that also need to be moved around different sites in Napier. Mr Hewett was very pleased to hear that the Watchman Rd intersection and Napier Airport work is in the Plan for 2018, and pleased to note references in the plan for environmental protection. He would like to see someone put their hand up to oversee the regulators. Mr Hewett believes the officers’ responses to Pg 15, item 6 were appropriate. In response to Mr Hewett’s observations about the Port, Mr Bain pointed out that the Battery Rd container site is not associated with the Port and the new depot in Thames Street is in an appropriately zoned area. Terry Story, RLTP 12 Mr Terry Story would like to see the completion of the cycle way between Waipukurau and Waipawa, which goes only as far as the recently upgraded overbridge and suggested that the NZ Transport Agency, HBRC and CHBDC could all contribute to completing this. Safety should come first and providing a safe link will benefit those who wish to cycle to work or school, not to mention the health benefits. It will also form a loop with the recently completed cross country pathway. He pointed out that the track could have been built at the time the tunnel construction was completed and it was disappointing when this did not occur. Rex McIntyre RLTP 14 Mr Rex McIntyre represents a group who would like to see State Highway 2 improved. With the shutting down of rail services, there’s an opportunity to improve a high risk section of the highway, utilising the rail corridor. Isolation is the greatest hindrance to social and economic development in the Wairoa District. He was supported by Mr Sandy Walker from the Road Transport Association. Mr McIntyre’s views include that perishable items should and can only really be transported by trucks and that there is not a wall of wood. At present there is a shortage of high quality logs, with these coming from the south. RTASS supports the Plan in its entirety and is in favour of transport mode choice but believes that a large amount of money needs to be spent on the road. Mr Walker distributed his notes which outlined the benefits the RTA believes would come from using the rail corridor to create a new section of highway. This is intended for use by all traffic but heavy transport would be tolled to pay for the route, with the existing route reverting to a local road. The heavy transport industry has been canvassed and would happily pay the toll, as the new route would still be much cheaper. It was suggested that a roundabout would probably be required at the intersection with SH 5 to avoid congestion. It was stated that if this project proceeded it would forever be the end of rail, while others offered the view that it is a productivity issue. It was suggested that the issue with re-opening the rail for a freight service needed to be resolved first before any investigations into this proposal could be undertaken. Isabel Morgan, RLTP 17 Mrs Morgan stated she supports the need to improve the intersection for safety reasons and that a good solution will be expensive, however she is concerned that the environment and the special nature of the area is given due concern, as if we don’t have a good environment, we don’t have a good environment for people either. Dianne Vesty RLTP 22 The Fruitgrowers’ Association is pleased to see that the RTC supports the raising of the speed limit in Pakowhai Road, however acknowledges that there are safety issues there which must be addressed first if the limit is to be raised safely. The Association also believes that road improvements must use existing routes in preference to taking up arable land; the value of this to the regional economy needs to be recognised. The meeting adjourned at 12.30pm and reconvened at 1pm. The Committee recommenced hearing verbal submissions. Russell Turnbull RPTP 19 Mr Russell Turnbull and Mr David Hoffman presented some key points about their organisation and then highlighted the key points of the GoBus submission to the RPTP, including that Go Bus would like to work with HBRC to develop business cases for new services, that the company notes the disparity in infrastructure between Napier and Hastings and would like to see the standard in Napier improved, that trial services need to be for longer than six months and that HBRC should be cautious about raising the fare recovery rate of the bus service too much. Mr Chris Bain RLTP 32 The Napier Port supports the draft plan but notes that the Plan is the outcome of a very prescriptive process. The Port is concerned about the vulnerability of the strategic network in a major earthquake, due to the number of rivers crossing the Plains, “and advocates for the introduction of passing lanes on the Expressway between the new Pakowhai Rd roundabout and Omahu Rd (and ultimately Pakipaki)” for a comprehensive plan for such an event. The Port is also concerned about the knock-on effects of improvements to the HB Expressway. The other major concern is the standard of the Manawatu Gorge; the Port asks that the RTC engage actively with the Horizons region and lobbies for investigations into a long term plan for this important route. Cynthia Bowers RLTP 25 Mrs Cynthia Bowers (HDC Councillor) emphasised the need to complete the cycle link alongside the state highway between Waipawa and Waipukurau. The opening of the new pathway along the stopbanks is great but the addition of the linkage would complete this circuit and increase use as well as really benefitting commuters. The cycling maps from an earlier submitter were provided to Mrs Bowers. Carina Duke RLTP 26/RPTP 21 The Blind Foundation would like to see more formal acknowledgement of pedestrians and vulnerable pedestrians in the Plan. Shared pathways are difficult and the Foundation would like to have input into planning of pedestrian facilities. With regard to public transport, the Foundation would like all bus stops to look consistent and be easily found with clear accessible information. Some of the infrastructure is narrowing the footpaths and making it awkward for all users. It is also important to be conscious of advertising on buses – this changes and makes it difficult for people with sight impairments to identify their bus. Branding on windows can make it hard to identify bus stops. Other issues include buses not stopping for people who don’t wave. The main message is that the Foundation would like to be involved in the planning of services and infrastructure, so that facilities are suitable for use by all. Brian Rickard RPTP 24 Mr Rickard asked for consideration of a better bus service around Parkvale, investigating 9am 11am 1pm 3pm & 4.30pm bus times. The 4.30pm run should go the full route around Parkvale/Akina. Prices for mothers and children should be reduced and a service put in place for the east end of town and Splash Planet. There should also be a mid-morning Napier/Hastings service via Clive with a mid-afternoon return. It was suggested a meeting of regular bus users may be useful. The meeting adjourned at 3.10pm and reconvened at 3.20pm The Committee recommenced hearing verbal submissions. Mrs June Graham RLTP 29/RPTP 25 Grey Power members appreciate and use the SuperGold card, however is concerned at the lack of discussion of pedestrians – there is a significant distinction between walkers and pedestrians. Shared footpaths are a concern for the elderly. Pedestrian crossings are dangerous and it would be ideal to replace these with pedestrian lights if possible. Other users of footpaths must be educated to share the path and recognise that some users are not as capable as others. Mr Barrie Crabbe RLTP 30/RPTP 26 The roundabout at Watchman Road must be a priority, as one should have been installed when the Expressway was first developed. The existing airport entrance must be closed. The Napier-Gisborne Rail Line should be reopened to reduce accidents and reduce road maintenance costs. Concerned that HPMV vehicles are requiring costly upgrades to our state highways, for example the Mohaka Bridge. Pleased with the public transport system and supports bike carriers on buses. Vivienne Dahm RPTP 15 Ms Dahm would like to be able to offer a Total Mobility scheme in conjunction with another operator already doing this. Feels with 2 operators the area would be covered extremely well, as the two services would complement each other and is available on a pre-booked basis, 24 hours a day seven days a week. Mr Jock Mackintosh RPTP 10 Would like a bus service for the Hawke’s Bay Sports Park. This would not only help the Park but help parents with only one vehicle or more than one child to get to sport. Suggested a mini bus service from Napier as a trial to gauge need for it, on a “use it or lose it” basis. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Receives, and acknowledges with thanks, the verbal and written submissions forwarded in response to the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25. 3. Notes that a revised Regional Land Transport Plan, incorporating changes required from this submission process, will be presented to the 6 March 2015 meeting of the Regional Transport Committee for endorsement, and will be referred to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council on 26 March 2015 for adoption. Kerr/Kingston CARRIED
4. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions #1 David Renouf, #3 Joy Morris, #4 Ronald Wilkins, #15 Sue Macdonald, #16 Paul Bailey, #17 Ahuriri Estuary Protection Society Inc., #30 Barrie Crabbe, #32 Chris Bain, Port of Napier Ltd in relation to the Hawke’s Bay Expressway/Port Access and comments and proposals made by staff and makes no change to the RLTP. Kerr/Kingston CARRIED 5. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions from #1 David Renouf, #13 Jane Nees, Bay of Plenty Regional Council, #14 Rex McIntyre, Napier-Gisborne Roading Infrastructure, #20 New Zealand Transport Agency, #21 Hugh Vercoe, Waikato Regional Council, #27 NZ Automobile Association, #30 Barrie Crabbe, #32 Chris Bain, Port of Napier Ltd in relation to Regional State Highways, and comments and proposals made by staff and amends the RLTP as follows. 5.1 The addition of a section discussing a proposed business case for the Urewera Rainforest route from Wairoa to Whakatane to Section 6.2 of the Plan. 5.2 The addition of a request for funding for a business case for the Urewera Rainforest route from Wairoa to Whakatane to Section 11.0 of the Plan. 5.3 Minor wording clarification as outlined in points 4 and 5 following. 5.4 The addition of wording to clarify that the RTC will advocate for funding for a pre-feasibility study into converting parts of the Napier Wairoa railway corridor into a highway, in the event that proposals for re-opening a rail service on line do not proceed. 5.5 The addition of reference to the need for a Hawke’s Bay Lifelines Plan to ensure that strategic links are maintained in the event of emergency. 6. That the Regional Transport Committee writes to the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Management Group to advocate for progress on a Hawke’s Bay Lifelines Plan. Kerr/Kingston CARRIED 7. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions from #8 John Wuts, #11 Geoff and Heather Pollard, #16 Paul Bailey, #22 Fruitgrowers’ Association in relation to Local Roads and comments and proposals made by staff and amends the RLTP as follows. 7.1 The addition of discussion in Section 6.1 of the Plan, highlighting the need for upgrades to Pakowhai Rd to maximise the benefits of the Whakatu Arterial Link. Barker/Kerr CARRIED 8. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions from #19 Department of Conservation in relation to Department of Conservation Roads and comments and proposals made by staff, and makes no change to the RLTP. Murray/Kingston CARRIED 9. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions from #4 Ronald Wilkins, #10 Les Hewitt, Napier Heavy Traffic Forum, #18 RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay, #20 New Zealand Transport Agency, #21 Waikato Regional Council, #27 NZ Automobile Association, #30 Barrie Crabbe in relation to Road Safety and comments and proposals made by staff and amends the RLTP as follows. 9.1 Addition of the annual HNO contribution to RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay in Section 9.3. Barker/Kerr CARRIED 10. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions from #4 Ronald Wilkins, #16 Paul Bailey, #23 Federated Farmers, #24 Jenny Baker, #28 Neil Cleaver, #29 Grey Power Napier & District, #30 Barrie Crabbe in relation to Rail, and comments and proposals made by staff and amends the RLTP as follows. 10.1 The addition of further discussion on proposals currently being evaluated for re-opening of the Napier Gisborne rail line to sections 4 and 5 of the Plan. Murray/Barker CARRIED 11. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions from #5 Shawn McKinley, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, #8 John Wuts, #12 Terry Story, #16 Paul Bailey, #20 New Zealand Transport Agency, #24 Jenny Baker, #25 Regional Cycle Plan Governance Group, #25 Blind Foundation, #27 New Zealand Automobile Association in relation to Walking and Cycling and comments and proposals made by staff and amends the RLTP as follows. 11.1 Addition of the Waipawa to Waipukurau Cycle Path to projects listed in Section 11. Kingston/Kerr CARRIED 12. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions from #6 Robin and Margaret Glynn, #9 Lindsay Wood, #10 Les Hewitt, Napier Heavy Traffic Forum, #16 Paul Bailey, #24 Jenny Baker in relation to Environmental Sustainability and comments and proposals made by staff and amends the RLTP as follows. 12.1 Additional wording highlighting the environmental challenges the region faces added to Sections 5 and 6, including the effects of climate change on our transport network. 12.2 Clarification that the concept of social wellbeing includes environmental factors added to the Foreword and Section 6. 12.3 Amplified discussion of the measures that the region aims to have in place to reduce carbon emissions added to sections 8 and 9. This discussion to note that new technologies such as alternative fuels and more efficient vehicles will play a major role in reducing the region’s carbon emissions. 12.4 Amplified discussion of the region’s strategy for public transport added to Section 8. 12.5 Amplified discussion of the links between the Heretaunga Plains Urban Development Strategy and transport planning. Barker/Kerr CARRIED 13. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions from #David Renouf, #16 Paul Bailey, #24 Jenny Baker, #27 NZ Automobile Association, #30 Barrie Crabbe, #31 Jeremy Dunningham on behalf of Cycle Aware Hawke’s Bay in relation to Public Transport and comments and proposals made by staff and amends the RLTP as follows. 13.1 Addition of discussion on how the Plan will meet the needs of the transport disadvantaged to Section 8.0. Kerr/Kingston CARRIED 14. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions from #2 Joanne Lawrence, Ministry of Social Development, #4 Ronald Wilkins, #7 Horizons Regional Council, #13 Bay of Plenty Regional Council, #20 New Zealand Transport Agency, #21 Waikato Regional Council, #22 Fruitgrowers’ Association, #24 Jenny Baker, #27 NZ Automobile Association, and amends thee as follows. in relation to the Regional Transport Priorities and comments and proposals made by staff and makes no change to the RLTP. Kingston/Kerr CARRIED 15. The Regional Transport Committee receives and considers submissions from #9 Lindsay Wood, #13 Bay of Plenty Regional Council, #17 Ahuriri Protection Society Inc., #20 New Zealand Transport Agency, #21 Waikato Regional Council, #22 Fruitgrowers’ Association, #23 Federated Farmers, #24 Jenny Baker, #30 Barrie Crabbe, #32 Chris Bain, Port of Napier, and comments and proposals made by staff and amends the RLTP as follows. 15.1 Addition of details of monitoring indicators to Section 15. 15.2 Addition of statements indicating the value of horticultural land to the Hawke’s Bay economy to Section 4.5. 15.3 Discussion of the relationship of land use planning to transport planning, and of the Heretaunga Plains Urban Development Strategy – sections 4, 5 and 6. 15.4 Addition of discussion highlighting that the RTC will continue to advocate for a more resilient HPMV capable route through the Manawatu Gorge. CARRIED |
Draft Regional Public Transport Plan Submissions |
The Committee heard submissions on the Public Transport Plan throughout the day, along with those submissions on the Regional Land Transport Plan. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Agrees to defer deliberations on the Regional Public Transport Plan to the 6 March 2015 Regional Transport Committee meeting.
2. Notes that a revised draft Regional Public Transport Plan, incorporating changes required from this submission process as recommended in the Officer’s Report, will be presented to the 6 March 2015 meeting of the Regional Transport Committee for endorsement, and will be referred to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council meeting on 25 March 2015 for adoption. CARRIED |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 4.25pm on Friday 13 February 2015.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................