MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Services Committee
Date: Wednesday 10 December 2014
Time: 9.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
P Beaven
A Dick
F Wilson
D Hewitt
T Belford
B Gregory
R Barker
C Scott
D Pipe
In Attendance: R Spooner – Maori Committee Member
M Adye - Group Manager, Asset Management
I Maxwell – Group Manager, Resource Management
G Hansen – Group Manager, Water Initiatives
L Pearce – Emergency Management Coordinator
G Ide – Manager Strategic Policy
S Cave – Manager Open Space Development
C Leckie – Manager Land Services
P Atkins – Manager, Works Group
M Miller – Manager Consents
C Drury – Principal Consents Officer
S Moffitt – Environmental Officer, Compliance
N Heath – Team Leader – Non Regulatory Strategy & Implementation
B Lynch - Team Leader / Principal Scientist – Land Science
W Hesketh - Land Management Officer Regional Landcare Scheme/Forestry
M Hulena – Executive Assistant
The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting.
Karakia - Mr B Gregory
There were no apologies or notices.
Secretarial note: Mrs Joinella Maihi-Carroll’s absence was noted.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Meeting Held on 8 October 2014
Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on Wednesday, 8 October 2014, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record. CARRIED |
4. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Meeting Held on 8 October 2014
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Follow-ups From Previous Committee Meetings |
Staff updated the follow up items as set out in the agenda item. The Committee noted that the CHB Wastewater discharge monitoring programme would be discussed as agenda item 14. |
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report “Follow-up Items from Previous Meetings”. CARRIED |
The Chairman advised that the agenda items would be discussed out of order due to time restraints.
12. |
Works Group Background and Financial Presentation |
Mr Graeme Hansen and Mr Paul Atkins updated the Committee on the activities undertaken by the HBRC Works Group and the financial implications of the projects. The Committee noted that 15% of uncommitted work related to cleaning up illegally dumped rubbish and vandalism and this on-going problem was continuing to be a source of concern. In response to a query on maintenance on cycle ways, Mr Atkins confirmed that weed spraying and any maintenance required was undertaken by the Works Group. In response to a further query, Mr Atkins confirmed that Health and Safety was a high priority with staff members regularly participating in Health and Safety courses. He noted that the Works Group is ACC Tertiary Level accredited. The Committee commended Mr Atkins and Works Group staff for their successful operational achievements for Council. A request was made by the Committee to circulate the presentation given by Mr Atkins. |
ESC52/14 |
Resolution 1. That the “Works Group Background and Financial Presentation” report be received. Scott/Wilson CARRIED |
14. |
CHB Wastewater Treatment |
Mr Iain Maxwell introduced Mrs Charlotte Drury and Mr Simon Moffitt to the Committee. Mr Maxwell gave a brief overview on matters relating to the Central Hawke’s Bay District Council’s (CHBDC) wastewater treatment plants at Waipukurau and Waipawa. Mrs Drury and Mr Moffitt gave a presentation which illustrated the Consent Review and Compliance Monitoring processes. The Committee discussed the quality of wastewater produced by the upgraded treatment plants and the review of consent conditions which was currently being undertaken and noted that Council has raised serious concerns with CHBDC that the nutrient (Amm.N and SRP) and E. Coli results are exceeding the 90 percentile limits and urgent action is required to rectify the situation. CHBDC had been written to expressing concern that these issues have not been overcome and suggested that CHBDC engage additional external expertise to assist in addressing the issues. Mr Maxwell and Mrs Drury discussed the review of consent conditions which was initiated in September and also outlined the main issues covered in the review. The Committee was advised that if the plant short comings continue enforcement action may be required early in 2015. The Committee discussed the probable sources of tannin, the processes involved to treat tannin and the health risks associated with high E.Coli. It was noted that Council had requested CHBDC investigate to determine the source of the tannin that is causing the problems in the sand filter. One potential source could be from a tradewaste discharge - possibly a stock truck wash facility. In response to a query Mr Maxwell advised that CHBDC had been in contact with the European manufacturer in regard to the issues around tannin. The Committee requested that a regular update on this topic be included in the action items. In moving the recommendation Councillor Hewitt commended staff on the work undertaken but expressed disappointment on the impact these issues have had on the community. |
ESC53/14 |
Resolution 1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “CHB Wastewater Treatment” report. Hewitt/Scott CARRIED |
Councillor Hewitt exited the meeting at 10.29am
The meeting adjourned at 10.30 am and reconvened at 10.45 am
East Coast LAB Project |
Ms Pearse gave a presentation and provided commentary on the current knowledge of New Zealand’s tectonic plate boundary risks and plans for the East Coast LAB (Life at Boundary). Ms Pearse advised that the US National Science Foundation had selected the Hikurangi Margin as one of 3 places in the world where a large amount of research effort and money would be spent on better understanding subduction plate boundary phenomena over the next decade. The Committee noted that the East Coast LAB is a multi-agency partnership to promote and make accessible cutting-edge research, to increase East Coast plate boundary hazard understandings and to improve our risk assessment so communities could become more resilient. It was also important to get organisations and the public engaged, interested, involved and understanding the research & learnings. Concern was expressed regarding the proposed location of the display and following discussion it was suggested that consideration be given to other venues where access would be free of charge. In response to a question, Ms Pearse advised that the US would be using the project as a way of communicating with the community. The project plan would include a public awareness campaign of the natural hazards associated with the plate boundary, including a dedicated website, marketing and rebranding the education room, at the National Library as the “East Coast LAB”. |
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “East Coast LAB Project” report. The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 3. Agrees to contribute $25,000 (from project 877-2395 (contributions)) toward assisting with the rebranding of the education room at the National Aquarium, including understanding tsunami risk, in collaboration with other partners involved in the mutli-agency East Coast LAB initiative. CARRIED |
Petroleum Exploration Proposed Block Offer 2015 |
Mr Ide presented this agenda item which advised Committee members New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals had invited Council to provide comments on its proposed Block Offer 2015 for petroleum exploration. Mr Ide advised the Committee that the deadline for Council to lodge comments is 9 February 2015. The Committee discussed the draft response presented by Mr Ide. The Committee suggested that the comments be amended to also refer to the Council’s recent interaction with the Taranaki Region and Gisborne District Councils. Committee members suggested that the draft comments be further amended to elaborate on the Council’s LTP development phases including the ‘Big Six’ discussion document relating to energy futures, and the prospect of a regional energy strategy. The Committee also agreed that at this time, it could not provide any specific comment about whether or not the Council philosophically supports or opposes offshore exploration and mineral development. The comments needed amendment to clarify the Council was yet to take a stance on offshore exploration (beyond the 12 nautical mile limit) until a broader energy strategy had been considered. The Committee agreed to move the recommendations providing additional comments were incorporated. |
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Petroleum Exploration Proposed Block Offer 2015” report. The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 3. Agrees to forward the attached comments to New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals on the proposed Block Offer 2015, subject to any further amendments agreed at the meeting. CARRIED |
Open Spaces - Individual Park Plans |
Mr Cave provided commentary on the individual Park Plans for Pekapeka, Waitangi and Pakowhai Regional Parks which have been completed and sought adoption from the Committee. Mr Cave advised the Committee a variety of consultative mechanisms were utilized, providing opportunity for public and stakeholders to comment on and/or have input into the draft park plans. Comments received had been supportive of the Pekapeka, Pakowhai and Waitangi Regional Parks, common themes were the need for a toilet within the park and improved or safer access into the park. In response to a question on the northern walkway at the Pekapeka Regional Park, Mr Cave advised the proposed pathway may not progress if unsupported by any key stakeholder. The Committee raised concern about the access to the wetland for members of the public who are birdwatchers. A field trip is scheduled 11 December 2014 for Council to walk the route which is of concern with stakeholders. In response to a request, Mr Cave gave an explanation on maintaining plantings under Park Maintenance Requirements. |
The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Adopts the draft Individual Park Plans for Pekapeka, Pakowhai and Waitangi Regional Parks. CARRIED |
Te Matau A Maui - Cape to City Project |
Mr Leckie updated the Committee on the Te Matau A Maui - Cape to City project and gave a powerpoint presentation which highlighted the purpose of the project, the organisations involved and the financial implications. The Committee discussed the project workstreams, species restoration, alignment with Hawke’s Bay draft Biodiversity Strategy and financial and resource implications. There was also some discussion on whether the project should be put out for public consultation. In response to a query, Mr Leckie advised the project was designed to see if predator control can be integrated into Council’s possum control area programme and act as a template for future roll out across the region. |
The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Approves the funding of $1.5m, including $300,000 of staff time for project management, over the next five years from existing biosecurity budgets to implement Te Matau A Maui project. CARRIED |
The meeting adjourned at 1.05pm and reconvened at 1.30pm with Councillors Wilson and Barker not in attendance
13. |
Twyford Global Consent Update |
Mr Maxwell introduced Mr Jonathan Brookes, an AgFirst employee who works for Twyford Irrigators Group Incorporated (TIG), to the Committee. Mr Maxwell and Mr Millar updated the Committee on the resource consent applications lodged by TIG which is seeking to establish global consents for the Twyford unconfined and semi-confined groundwater areas. The Committee was advised that staff did not see the need to notify the application for a global consent for the Twyford-Raupare semi-confined aquifer however staff have determined that because of the proposal to take water below the minimum flow (emergency water) the application for a global consent for the Twyford-Ngaruroro unconfined aquifer should be limited-notified. Mr Maxwell advised that if a hearing was to take place Councillors who may potentially sit on this panel would need to remain neutral on this matter and to ensure there is no risk of conflict of interest he suggested that they consider whether or not they should leave the room during the discussion/questions part of the paper. Mr Millar gave a powerpoint presentation which illustrated the history of water use in the Twyford area and the issues confronting the growers. Councillor Wilson returned to the meeting at 01:38 pm. Councillor Barker returned to the meeting at 01:42 pm. Mr Brookes also gave a powerpoint presentation on Understanding Irrigation use in Hawke’s Bay Orchards. Following the presentation and prior to further discussion, potential conflicts of interest were declared by Councillors Scott, Beaven, Wilson and Mr Gregory. Councillors Beaven, Wilson, Scott and Mr Gregory exited the meeting at 2:14pm The Committee discussed the powerpoint presentations given and Mr Brookes answered questions from the Committee. Councillors Beaven, Wilson, Scott and Mr Gregory returned to the meeting at 2:33pm |
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Twyford Global Consent Update” report. CARRIED |
Feral Goat Management |
Mr Leckie provided commentary on Council’s role in feral goat management within the region and potential options for more effective management of feral goats. Mr Leckie advised the Committee feral goats are a “site management pest” in the RPMP and are managed on a site by site basis. Mr Leckie also advised the Committee that as part of the upcoming RPMP a review of the option of a good neighbour rule for feral goat management should be explored. This would need to include risks or issues which may arise from its implementation and the level of benefit or value in having this regulatory tool to assist with goat management within the region. The Committee discussed the financial and resource implications around the CMA and the inclusion of a good neighbour rule within upcoming RPMP review. In response to a question Mr Leckie described the difference between management options for feral deer and goats. |
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Feral Goat Management” report.
The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 2. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 3. Instructs staff to scope out the options and value of a Rule for managing the externality effects of feral goats within the region through the Regional Pest Management Plan review. CARRIED |
Councillors Dick and Barker exited the meeting at 02:35 pm.
Long Term & Integrated View of the Hawke's Bay Hill Country |
Mr Adye introduced the agenda item which outlined the drivers and principles behind the approach proposed by the Land Management Team to confront the challenge of realising the long term sustainability of land use in Hawke’s Bay hill country. Messrs Heath, Hesketh and Lynch gave powerpoint presentations which outlined the key principles of the East Coast Hill Country Resilience proposal, the impact of the April 2011 storm and the Sediment modeling of the Tukituki catchment. Councillor Dick and Barker returned to the meeting at 03:04 pm. The Committee discussed the impact and consequences of the April 2011 storm event which had resulted in erosion, stock loss and the high loss of sediment. The Committee acknowledged that there were no easy answers to addressing the challenge of realising sustainable land use in the hill country and an adaptable works approach was required along with the development of a broad long term policy view. Concern was expressed that hill country farmers face a great range of challenges and the financial impact on making changes could be immense to some farmers. The Committee also noted that it was imperative that land science, policy and planning, economical groups and land management continued to work closely together to ensure consistency and all views were considered. |
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Long Term & Integrated View of the Hawke’s Bay Hill Country” report. CARRIED |
Statutory Advocacy Update |
Mr Ide presented this agenda item which reported on proposals forwarded to the Regional Council as assessed by staff acting under delegated authority as part of the Council’s Statutory Advocacy project between 30 September and 30 November. Mr Ide advised the Committee that Council submitted a submission opposing the resource consent application to subdivide part of the Evans Family Trust property at 996 State Highway 2, Whirinaki into 15 residential sites. The site is located in an area that has been determined as inappropriate for development in both the RPS and the Heretaunga Plains Urban Development Strategy. The subject site is also in an area indicated as at risk from tsunami and the application does not appear to consider the potential effects arising from this. The hearing is scheduled at Hastings District Council on 15 December 2014. Mr Ide also advised the Committee there were no further updates. |
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Statutory Advocacy Update” report. CARRIED |
17. |
Minor Items not on the Agenda |
Karakia - Mr B Gregory
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.55pm on Wednesday, 10 December 2014.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................