MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Services Committee


Date:                          Wednesday 8 October 2014


Time:                          9.00am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       R Graham (Chair)

                                      P Beaven

A Dick

F Wilson

D Hewitt

T Belford

B Gregory

R Barker

C Scott


In Attendance:            L Lambert – Interim Chief Executive 

                                      M Adye - Group Manager, Asset Management

S Swabey – Manager Science

          A Madarasz-Smith - Scientist Coastal Quality

T Sharp – Strategic Policy Advisor

M Heaney - Heat Smart Programme Coordinator

W Wright – Manager Resource Use

M Miller – Manager Consents

C Leckie – Land Services Manager

K Kozyniak - Senior Scientist Climate and Air

D Heaps – Operations Drainage Manager

EA Bate – Planner

S Owen - Nature Central Programme Co-ordinator

R Kemper -  Regional Director Southern North Island Conservation Partnerships

M Hulena – Executive Assistant


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices 

The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting.

Karakia - Mr B Gregory



That apologies from Ms Maihi-Carroll and Councillor Pipe be accepted.



Secretarial note: Mr Rangi Spooner’s absence was noted.


The Chairman noted that there was a field trip scheduled to the Southern Coast on Monday 13 October and requested Councillors confirm their attendance to Mr Adye.

Councillor Wilson advised he would leave the meeting at 12.00pm, due to a prior commitment.

The Chairman advised that the agenda items would be discussed out of order due to time restraints by some meeting participants.  


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.      Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Held on 13 August 2014



Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on Wednesday, 13 August 2014, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




4.       Matters Arising from Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Held on 13 August 2014

There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Follow-Ups from previous Committee Meetings


Mrs Lambert advised that an invitation had been extended to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, however a date had not yet been confirmed. It was hoped that while she was in Hawke’s Bay other public meetings could be organised.

Councillor Wilson advised he had not received any comments from his email on Royalties for regions which he circulated to Councillors recently.

Councillor Dick arrived at 9.10am



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Committee Meetings” report.






Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda


The Environment and Services Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion as item 19:


Councillor Belford – Central Hawke’s Bay Water Treatment


Councillor Scott – Napier City Council Pathway Trust


Councillors Barker and Graham – Disposal of Toxic Chemicals



Waipukurau Forestry Block


Mr Adye updated Council on the development of pathways on Council administered land in the vicinity of Waipukurau, and sought agreement for the use of the Waipukurau forestry block as a bike park for use by the general public to be administered by the Rotary Pathways Trust.

He advised that the 130ha forestry block at Waipukurau was purchased in 2009 with the objective of providing for the treatment of Waipukurau municipal waste water in partnership with Central Hawke’s Bay District Council.

Council believe that the proposed establishment of the bike park would not adversely impact on the forest or the potential saleability of the lifestyle block areas.

The official opening of these pathways was currently being planned for 30 November 2014 by the Rotary Rivers Pathway Trust.

Mr Adye outlined the proposed conditions of the agreement for the development of the block as a bike park and the conditions for its on-going use. 

Mr Adye also advised that if the Committee agreed to the proposal, staff proposed that Council would work in partnership with the Trust to brand the park as an HBRC open space area.



The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

1.    Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.    Agrees to allow the development of a bike park, for use by the general public, by the Rotary Rivers Pathway Trust on the HBRC Waipukurau forestry block on Mangatarata Road.

3.    Delegates authority to the Interim Chief Executive to enter into a legal agreement between the Rotary Rivers Pathway Trust and HBRC for an initial period of 20 years which allows the Trust to develop and administer a bike park on the Waipukurau forestry block.





Biodiversity Strategy Report


Mr Sharp introduced the agenda item and advised the strategy is a non-statutory document aimed at improving the effectiveness of biodiversity management among the major parties involved in biodiversity in Hawke’s Bay through alignment of programmes and resources. It is not a Regional Council strategy but a Community strategy.

This was the first time in Hawke’s Bay’s history that all the agencies involved in biodiversity have agreed to work together to look for improvements in processes and programmes.

Mr Sharp gave a powerpoint presentation on the progress of the Hawke’s Bay Draft Biodiversity Strategy which illustrated the progress to date.

The Committee raised a query as to why there were no specific targets in the strategy such as improving wetland protection by 2025. Mr Sharp responded that the strategy was not aimed at identifying resourcing requirements of all of the agencies involved to improve biodiversity programmes. Mr Sharp explained this was a task of the implementation plan schedule to be developed in 2015.

In response to a question regarding support from the Primary Industry Sector for the strategy given their limited support in the steering group, Mr Sharp noted that there has been regular feedback from many of the these sectors in between steering group meetings via email and that they were willing to be called signatories when the strategy was completed. Groups that had not been involved directly in the strategy development would be invited to be signatories.

The Chairman commended Councillors Pipe and Belford for their contribution to the draft strategy.



The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.      Endorses the Draft Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Strategy.

3.      Endorses the proposed community engagement on the Strategy via a public symposium with written comments due by 16 December.

4.      Instructs staff to present a summary of the comments to the Environment and Services  Committee for its consideration and further feedback.

5.      Endorses the Steering Group’s consideration of any written comments and the subsequent finalisation of the Strategy.





2013-14 Open Spaces Report


Mr Adye  provided commentary on a summary of regional park and pathway operations for the year ending 30 June 2014 and also gave a Powerpoint presentation.

Mr Adye tabled packs for Committee members containing draft copies of individual park plans for Pekapeka, Waitangi and Pakowhai regional parks for the period 2015-2024 which would be presented at December’s meeting for adoption. It was noted Tutira regional park plan was on hold and expected to recommence planning in late 2014.

Mr Adye requested feedback on passive vs proactive management of regional open spaces network. It was agreed this will be covered off in a workshop.

The meeting adjourned at 10.30am and reconvened at 10.45am.

Due to time constraints, Agenda item 10 Nature Central was discussed.



Nature Central


Mr Adye introduced Mr Reg Kemper, Regional Director Southern North Island Conservation Partnerships at Department of Conservation (DOC) and Ms Sarah OwenNature Central Programme Co-ordinator who is on secondment from DOC and based at Council. Nature Central is an initiative to achieve greater collaboration between Department of Conservation, and Greater Wellington, Horizons and Hawke’s Bay Regional Councils.  They provided an update on the current work streams being encouraged under Nature Central.

A successful Nature Central concept will include:

1.1.      Effective collaboration and engagement between the partner organisations at both strategic and operational levels

1.2.      Shared visions, outcomes and objectives for a range of work streams

1.3.      Integrated planning and management, particularly in the natural resource area, on large scale ecological and social boundaries, rather than restricted to regional boundaries

1.4.      Operational efficiencies including shared technical expertise, service delivery arrangements, administrative processes, and staff and equipment in areas that are common to the organisations.

In response to a question on the RMA work, Ms Owen confirmed DOC has a MOU with GW with regard to Section 95 of the RMA and is looking to implement the same for HBRC and Horizons.

Responding to a question on the environmental education and community engagement, Ms Owen advised the current approach is not effective, DOC believe the most cost effective way for them to engage with schools is as connectors and facilitators rather than educators.  A workshop for HBRC and DOC community education staff is programmed to seek agreement on the most effective use of the resource put in by the collective organisations.



1.    That the Environment and Services Committee receives the ‘Nature Central’ report.




Following the completion of the Nature Central agenda item 10, the Committee continued to discuss agenda item 17.



2013-14 Open Spaces Report


Following discussion around parks and reserves and investment the Committee noted that a report identifying open spaces was completed in 2006 and it was suggested this be circulated to local territorial authorities.

Councillor Dick left the meeting at 11.15am



1.    That the Environment and Services Committee receives the ‘2013-14 Open Spaces’ report.





2013-14 Biosecurity Annual Report - Pest Animals and Plants


Mr Leckie gave a powerpoint presentation and provided commentary on the operational plan and its implementation in the 2013-14 annual report.

11.30am Councillor Dick rejoined the meeting

Mr Leckie advised the Cape to City project will be commencing in December 2014. Aotearoa Foundation have confirmed that they will invest around $2.2m over 5 years. A full briefing on stage one and the proposal for stage two including Council’s commitment to fund (from existing biosecurity budgets) would be provided at the December meeting of the Environment and Services Committee.

In responding to a question on Argentine ants, Mr Leckie acknowledged a significant amount of work had taken place. The extent of known infestations of this pest is now mapped. A response would be available within 6-8 months in the Regional Pest Plan.



1.    That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “2013-14 Biosecurity Annual Report - Pest Animals and Plants’ report.




11.45am Councillor Wilson left the meeting



2013-14 Flood & Drainage Operational Reports


Mr Adye introduced Mr Heaps, Operational Drainage Manager.

Mr Adye outlined the Asset Management Plans 2013-14 for each of the flood control and drainage schemes administered by HBRC.

Mr Adye updated the Committee on the key issues dealt with during the year which included the repairs to the Makara No 1 Flood detention Dam and the flood event centred in the Ongaonga Stream and Upper Tukituki River catchment in November 2013.

The Committee discussed the key issues and noted that a number of complaints had been received by Council staff  in relation to gravel accretion in the river beds in some parts of the Scheme which impacted on drainage from adjacent farmland. 

Mr Adye confirmed that repair works following the flood event in the Ongaonga Stream had been completed during the financial year at a cost of approximately $100,000.

In responding to a question on gravel extraction, Mr Adye confirmed a long term project on gravel resource was underway. A gravel extractor’s meeting took place in August 2014 where the broad scope of the gravel review project was outlined, and the name of a suitable consultant to undertake a resource inventory and market analysis was provided.  A meeting with the consultants is programmed for 13-14 October.

In responding to a question on costs associated with maintenance of flood capacity, Mr Adye advised the budgets would be discussed during the Long Term Plan process.  



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “2013/14 Flood Control and Drainage Schemes Annual Reports”.






Recreational Water Quality Report: Review of the 2013-14 Season


Ms Madarasz-Smith presented the agenda item and gave a powerpoint presentation which highlighted the results of the Hawke’s Bay Recreational Water Quality Monitoring programme 2013/2014 and also included alterations to the Suitability for Recreation Grades (SFRGs) at some sites, based on water quality results, and/or changes to the catchment based risk assessments.

In response to a question Ms Madarasz-Smith confirmed that the Land Management team were working with the community in an attempt to alleviate the ongoing issues surrounding the Waipuka Stream at Ocean Beach.

Ms Madarasz-Smith confirmed that Council did work in conjunction with the Public Health Unit of the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board and local authorities to ensure that the public are aware of the safety of popular recreational areas.

The Committee also noted that Council was also working with MfE and MoH to facilitate better guidance for recreational shellfish gatherers.



1.       That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Hawke’s Bay Recreational Water Quality Report: Review of the 2013-14 Season” report.



The meeting adjourned at 12.50pm and reconvened at 1.20pm.


Update on PM10 Monitoring


Ms Kozyniak gave a powerpoint presentation which outlined the PM10 monitoring which has taken place in 2014 and the current state of ambient air quality in the region’s airsheds.  The NES for PM10 was exceeded 5 times in Hastings airshed and once in Napier airshed.

Councillor Barker advised he would leave the meeting at 3.00pm, due to a prior commitment.

Responding to a query, Ms Kozyniak outlined the costs involved in the hireage of equipment to undertake the monitoring processes during the winter months.

In response to a question on the monitoring at the Awatoto airshed, Ms Kozyniak advised the NES has been exceeded twice in Awatoto to date in 2014 but one in June was deemed an ‘exceptional event’ by the Minister for the Environment.

Ms Kozyniak confirmed the Awatoto airshed does comply with the NES most years, however on occasions, high levels of particulates from natural sources (salt spray) were evident. If the monitor was moved to another area detailed information may be difficult to collect.

Ms Kozyniak advised the Committee she would be attending a conference in November and would discuss the possible relocation of the Awatoto airshed with MfE.



1.    That the Environment and Services Committee receives the ‘Update on PM10 Monitoring’ report.






2014-15  Operational Report - Science


Dr Swabey presented this agenda item which advised Councillors of the projected work and projects the Science sections would undertake in the coming year. 

In response to a question, Dr Swabey confirmed the TANK Plan Change  including sediment modelling and nutrient transport modelling would be assessed and decided upon this year.



1.    That the Environment and Services Committee receives the ‘2014-15 Strategic Operational Plan – Science’ report.





2014-15 Operational Report - Client Services


Mr Heaney presented this agenda item which advised Councillors of planned activities over the 2014 - 2015 period for the Client Services team.

In response to a question on horticulture burning, Mr Heaney advised the Committee general outdoor burning is prohibited in the airsheds between May and August and when local fire bans are in place. Exceptions were burning for disease control and burning orchard or vineyard redevelopment material.

Mr Heaney advised that the Horticulture Industry along with Council had created the Good Practice Guide, Minimise Smoke Emissions from Outdoor Burning  which was based on air quality rules in airsheds and rules and restrictions around burning. A pollution hotline is active.

Mr Heaney also advised of the Dry Wood Scheme that targets improving good burning practice to reduce emissions. Wood moisture content is guaranteed at 25% or less by approved merchants who are now part of a national trial to provide education to the public from all parts of the heating sector, manufacturers, installers, retailers, suppliers and Council.

In response to a question on resource in schools, Mr Heaney confirmed Council would be promoting a new resource with the national curriculum for years 4 – 8 called Clearing the Air which is an environmental education programme designed by Council that aims to give students the opportunity to; learn about air and air pollution, develop environmental awareness of air pollution, gain the skills needed to act responsibly, take action to keep air health and clean and learn key messages to share at home.



1.    That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report “2014-15 Operational Report – Client Services”.





2014-15 Operational Report - Compliance And Consents


Mr Wright and Mr Miller presented this agenda item which outlined the functions of the Resource Use Section and Consents Section of Council and advised the Committee of the projected work and projects both sections would undertake in the coming financial year.

In response to a question on hazardous waste, Mr Wright confirmed hazardous chemicals were collected twice a year from the public and also from landowners and orchardists.  The toxic waste was then disposed of via an Auckland company.   As a result of ongoing public response to the annual collection there were no reasons for the collection to be cancelled in the foreseeable future.

Following discussion by the Committee, a request was made that regular reports on Council’s compliance issues be received at future Environment and Services  Committee meetings.



1.    That the Environment and Services Committee receives the ‘2014-15 Operational Report - Compliance and Consents’.





Statutory Advocacy Update


Ms Bate presented this agenda item which reported on proposals forwarded to the Regional Council and assessed by staff acting under delegated authority as part of the Council’s Statutory Advocacy project between 31 July and 30 September.

Ms Bate advised that Council had lodged a submission in support of the Notice of Requirement for the Whakatu Arterial Link project and in support of the supporting submission lodged by the Regional Transport Committee.

The Committee noted that the hearing for this project had been postponed and was now expected to commence in late 2014.

Ms Bate also advised confirmation had not yet been received when the hearing on the Plan Change 10 to the Operative City of Napier District Plan would commence.

Ms Bate advised the Committee that Council had opposed an application Rongomaiwahine had made for protected Customary Rights Order and a Customary Marine Title Order in the general Mahia Peninsula area under section 100 of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011. The High Court had released a timetable for the provision of evidence by the applicant and other interested parties and the filing of evidence was expected to be completed by early 2015.  No High Court hearing date had been set.

The Committee noted staff from the Office of Treaty Settlements would attend the next Regional Planning Committee workshop to be held on Wednesday 15 October 2014.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.





Minor Items Not on the Agenda




Councillor / Staff

Central Hawke’s Bay Water Treatment

Councillor Belford requested a report covering river monitoring and how data is received and tested on the floating wetlands to be an agenda item at the next Environment and Services Committee in December. 

Councillor Belford

Napier City Council Pathway Trust

Councillor Scott advised she had recently attended a Napier City Council Pathway Trust meeting.  She noted the Trust had commended Council Senior Environmental/Asset Engineer (Coastal & Rivers) Neil Daykin for his work with the Trust and wished him well for the future.

Councillor Scott also advised the Trust would write to HBRC acknowledging Mr Daykin’s work and would request ongoing representation at future meetings of the Trust.

Councillor Scott

Disposal of Toxic Chemicals

This was discussed during the Committee’s consideration of Agenda Item 14.

Councillors Barker and Graham





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.35pm on Wednesday, 8 October 2014.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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