MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee



Date:                          Tuesday 26 August 2014


Time:                          10.15am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     M Mohi – Chairman

M Apatu

H Hilton

A Manuel

F McRoberts

M Paku

R Graham

T Belford

R Barker

D Pipe

S Haraki

B Gregory

M Hape (Proxy for Roger Maaka)

C. Scott



In Attendance:          F Wilson – HBRC Chairman

D Moffatt - Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga

E Lambert – Interim Chief Executive

H Codlin – Group Manager – Strategic Development

B Lynch – Principal Scientist, Team Leader Land

N Heath – Land Services Advisor

S Moffitt – Environmental Officer, Compliance

V Moule – Human Resource Manager

M Drury – Committee Secretary






Chairman Mohi welcomed all present to the meeting with a special welcome to Mr Tom Mulligan and .Mr Jerry Hapuku who were attending the meeting in support of the Mana Ake Iwi Management Plan presentation.

Chairman Mohi advised that due to time restraints, some agenda items would be heard out of order.

Chairman Mohi also advised that Mr Derek Williams would address the Committee on his submission to HBRC Draft Annual Plan process covering issues relating to the Tukituki river.

Apologies were received from Mr P Prentice, Dr R Maaka, Mrs J Maihi-Carroll and Mrs B Kemp Harmer





There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Short Term Replacements



That the Maori Committee agree:

That Mrs M Hape and Councillor C Scott be appointed as members of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday, 26 August 2014 as short term replacements on the Committee for  Dr R Maaka and Mr P Prentice.




4.      Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee held on 24 June 2014


Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 24 June 2014, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




5.      Matters Arising from Minutes of the Maori Committee held on 24 June 2014

There were no matters arising from the minutes.


Follow Ups  from Previous Maori Committee Meetings


Mr Moule updated the Committee on the Follow Up items listed.



1.      That the Maori Committee receives the report “Follow ups Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings”.





Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda


.1..  Enviro Schools in Kura – S Haraki

2.    Whitebaiting season – M Apatu


Mr Williams addressed the meeting and drew their attention to information tabled by the Chairman which related to Mr Williams’ submission to Council’s Annual Plan and his long time interest in the health of the Tukituki river. Members were asked to read the material and contact Mr Williams if they had comments or questions.


Verbal presentation on Mana Ake by Marei Apatu


Mrs Dale Moffatt gave a power-point presentation which illustrated the process undertaken in the preparation of the Mana Ake Iwi Management Plan. The Plan was designed to cover a number of hapu in the Heretaunga rohe.

Mrs Moffatt also outlined the aspirations of the various hapu and marae for the future with the thoughts that in order to be as strong as possible, individually they all need to prosper as well.  

Councillor Wilson acknowledged Mr Apatu’s input into the work and noted he was looking forward to seeing the final report presented to Council.

Mr Hapuku in support of the plan noted that “if you travel on the back of your ancestors, you will reach the stars in heaven”.  He concluded that this was the direction required by all to form the success of the Plan.

Mr Hapuku also advised the Committee that Kahuranaki  marae would be celebrating its 100 years on 5 May 2015 and invited everyone to attend.

Mr Mulligan noted that the Plan had included all the aspirations that had been discussed at various marae hui throughout Heretaunga.



1.      That the report be received.





Planning for the Development of the Next Long Term Plan 2015-25


Ms Codlin presented the agenda item which requested feedback from the Maori Committee on any issues they wished to be submitted to Council for consideration in the next Long Term Plan.

Ms Codlin reminded the Committee that two issues which arose from discussion at the last Committee meeting was the recommendation that Council establish a senior Maori advisor role to assist with Council planning processes and that consideration be given to establish a second tier role in the executive role to provide appropriate level input into Executive decision making.

Several suggestions were made including, a workshop to discuss Treaty issues which would include councillors, the creation of a scholarship by Council to give Maori the opportunity to complete an environmental degree and also closer working relationships with hapu/marae in relation to monitoring their waterways.

The Committee discussed the comprehensive list for consideration by Council and agreed that a sub-committee be formed to consider them prior to a paper be presented to Council for consideration at a future LTP Workshop. Mr Haraki indicated he would like to be on that subcommittee. The Chair would invite others to be part of it.




That the Maori Committee recommends that Council::

1.    Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.    Considers proposals from the Maori Committee as part of the Long Term Plan development process after they are finalised by a sub-committee of the Maori Committee.





Update on Current Issues by the Interim Chief Executive


Mrs Lambert  and Councillor Wilson updated the Committee on the following current issues:

Council Draft Annual Plan

The draft Annual Plan was considered and resolved at the August Council meeting.  Provision had been retained in the Plan for the Napier-Wairoa rail line however, currently this project is in a holding pattern until after the elections.

Ruataniwha Dam

Council had agreed to contribute $80m to the Ruataniwha Dam project subject to a number of consent conditions being met.

The EPA final decision had been appealed to the High Court and Council had received notification that a Hearing to consider appeals would be held in November in Wellington.

Draft Park Plans

Draft Park plans had been developed for Peka Peka, Waitangi and Pakowhai Country Park   Discussions would be held with all relevant members of the community prior to any final decisions being considered.  Council was aware of the cultural connections with the sites at Pakowhai.

Air Quality

Council had recently produced a educational resource to be used in schools called “Cleaning the Air”.  It would be used as an introduction  to the science around air quality.

Since June 2014 when there was 1 exceedance in Napier and 5 in Hastings, there have been no further exceedances in either the Hastings of Napier air-sheds.  Results are weather dependant, however, it was hoped there would be no further exceedances this winter.

Regional Public Transport Plan

This Plan is currently being prepared in a draft form and covers the bus services in Napier and Hastings and the Total Mobility programme.  Planned public consultation will take place in November.

Tuhoe Treaty Settlement.

The Chairman and Interim Chief Executive attended the  Tuhoe Treaty Settlement event on Friday, 22 August and noted that it was a real privilege they had been able to attend the celebrations which were outstanding.



1.      That the report be received.






East Coast Hill Country Resilience Proposal


Mr Heath gave an overview of Hill Country erosion in the region and noted that Hawke’s Bay has one of the highest rates of erosion in the world.  The erosion results in the losses of the productive capacity, carbon, nutrients and potential water storage of soils.

Mr Heath advised that Land Management staff had begun the initial stages of developing a proposal to more effectively manage the challenges of sustainable land management in the hill country  and to consider the strategic relevance of the hill country resilience proposal.

Mr Heath gave a power-point presentation which outlined the background to the East Coast Hill Country resilience proposal, the challenges landholders had to face and the new collaborative processes which need to be undertaken  to work towards a common interest.

The Committee discussed the proposal, the challenges faced particularly around sedimentation and noted that it was necessary to have ongoing conversations in order that all are practicing the same methods.

In response to a question, Mr Heath confirmed that the proposal Is to form a collaborative group with a collective long term vision of the hill country.  Good initiatives had already been established in Wellington and Horizons councils with strategic  processes in planning being quite aspirational.

The Committee discussed the engagement process Maori could be involved in and other incentives that could be offered for mitigation purposes.



1.    That the Maori Committee receives the report “East Coast Hill Country Resilience Proposal.





Update on Karamu Enhancement Work


Mr Clode updated the Committee on Te Karamu Catchment Review and Options for Enhancement project which was adopted by Council in February 2004.

Mr Clode noted that ongoing issues with poor water quality from both urban and rural sources was an undesirable feature of the current Karamu waterway and one of the first steps of the project is to remedy the water quality issues for all community members.

Mr Clode gave a power-point presentation which illustrated the 2 draft options to be considered in the establishment of a park extension in the Pakowhai area alongside the current Park.

The Committee discussed the proposed plans for the Pakowhai area noting it is a culturally sensitive area. It was further noted that there were ongoing discussions with landowners in the area in particular and a proposal to purchase a parcel of land to extend the park area.

Following a suggestion, the Committee agreed that Council be asked to co-ordinate the process of gathering historical information from the area in order that the information would be included in the park project and be highlighted in various ways for public information.



That the Maori Committee:

1.      Receives the report.




That the Maori Committee recommends Council:

2       Commissions to record the Maori history of Pakowhai Park and the immediate area          and that this history is displayed for public viewing in an appropriate manner as part of          the park’s on-going development.





Land Science Soil Quality Update


Dr Barry Lynch presented this agenda item and gave a power-point presentation which gave an overview of Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Soil Quality Monitoring programme including an example of how soil tests are undertaken and  how the programme relates to topical issues such as cadmium accumulation in soils.

Dr Lynch advised that there are 57 sites around the region at present where soil testing is undertaken. However, it is proposed that there will be 85 permanent sites in the future.   The programme is long term and has been an organized one since 2010 therefore it is now possible to look at trends.

Dr Lynch also outlined why cadmium in the soil is an issue and the impacts it could have on both human and plant life.

Responding to a question, Dr Lynch explained the process if cadmium reached the water and confirmed that cadmium is bound in the soil and therefore not a direct link to fish.




1.    That the Maori  Committee receives the “Land Science Soil Quality Update” report.





Science Report:  Hawke’s Bay Biodiversity Inventory – Current State of Knowledge


This agenda item would be presented at the October Maori Committee meeting.



Kaitiaki Liaison Group Compliance


Mr Moffitt updated the Committee on the status of Kaitiaki Liaison Groups (KLG) in regard to TLA wastewater discharges.

Mr Moffitt advised that although Napier and Hastings councils had reached full compliance on the conditions attached to relevant consents,  they were not being compiled with in Central Hawke’s Bay.  However, following an informal meeting with Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, the Taiwhenua O Tamatea was now fully aware that consent conditions had to be maintained and CHBDC would convene KLG meetings and offer support in the future.

The Committee discussed the implications if the KLG conditions were not adhered to and noted that with the introduction of new limits as set out in Plan Change 6, it hoped the passive approach of the past would cease.

Chairman Mohi acknowledged Mr Moffitt’s contribution to solving the issues in Central  Hawke’s Bay.



1.    That the Maori Committee receives the report.





Statutory Advocacy Update


Mr Moule updated the Committee on the Statutory Advocacy report.




1.      That the Maori Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.





Minor Items Not on the Agenda


Reason for Report



Councillor/Committee member / Staff


Enviro Schools in Koru      

A r A request was made for a report on the number of kura kaupapa schools in the enviro-schools project in HB and what is done to get more involved.

 S Haraki



White-baiting season

A request was made that with the whitebait season underway, steps were taken by the Council to minimise disruption to white-baiting activities as it can become a very emotive issue.

M Apatu








There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.50PM on Tuesday, 26 August..


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................