MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee



Date:                          Tuesday 24 June 2014


Time:                          10.15am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     M Mohi – Chairman

H Hilton

A Manuel

F McRoberts

M Paku

R Graham

T Belford

R Barker

P Prentice

J Maihi-Carroll

B Gregory

C Scott (Proxy for Dave Pipe)

R Maaka

P Paku (Proxy for Marei Apatu)


In Attendance:          T K Hawaikirangi – Nga Hapu o Tutaekuri

H Hawaikirangi – Nga Hapu o Tutaekuri

H Codlin – Group Manager, Strategic Development

G Clode, Manager, Engineering

A Madarasz-Smith, Senior Scientist, Water Quality & Ecology

O Wade, Environmental Scientist, Water Quality & Ecology

E Bate, Planner

M Drury, Committee Secretary

Viv Moule – Human Resources Manager





Chairman Mohi welcomed all present to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Councillor D Pipe,  Mr M Apatu, Mrs L Lambert, Councillor Fenton Wilson and Mrs B Kemp-Harmer.





There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Short Term Replacements



That the Maori Committee agree:

That Councillor C Scott and Mr P Paku  be appointed as members of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday, 24 June 2014 as short term replacements on the Committee for Councillor D Pipe and Mr Apatu.

 Maihi-Carroll/ Prentice




4.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Maori Committee held on 29 April 2014


Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 29 April 2014, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.

Mohi/ Maihi-Carroll



5.       Matters Arising from Minutes of the Maori Committee held on 29 April 2014

There were no matters arising from the minutes.


Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda



That the Maori Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion as item 17:

       1.         Ngaruroro River Name – Councillor Graham

       2.         Update on Mangaroa Water – Councillor Graham

       3.         Pakowhai Park – Councillor Graham

       4.         He Toa Takatini – RWSS - vote – Councillor Graham





Follow Ups  from Previous Maori Committee Meetings


Mr Moule updated the Committee on the Follow Up items listed.



1.  That the Maori Committee receives the report “Follow ups Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings”.






Verbal presentation on Mana Ake by Marei Apatu


This presentation was postponed until the next meeting as Mr Apatu was unable to attend the meeting due to illness.



Presentation from Nga Hapu o Tutaekuri


Chairman Mohi welcomed Mr Te Kaha Hawaikirangi and Ms Hinewai Hawaikirangi to the meeting.

They gave a power-point presentation which outlined  the reasons  why nga hapu o Tutaekuri had prepared  an awa management plan and the hopes and aspirations they hoped to achieve from the plan which included improved consultation, influence, health and action around the decisions made about their awa.

The presenters described the processes they hope to include in the restoration and enhancement of  the mauri of their taonga tuku iho - Tutaekuri Awa.  These processes would include inclusion in regional policy and planning, the establishment of a nursery for riparian planting along with hapu decision making and action.

The presenters also outlined the time line for the completion of the draft awa plan and once approved, hapu operation plans and projects would be distributed.

The committee commended the presenters for their mahi and indicated their support for the direction the group has taken.



1.      That the report be received.





Update on Current Issues by the Interim Chief Executive


Councillor Scott updated the Committee on the following  current issues.

Annual Plan and Ruataniwha Water Storage System Hearings

Public submissions had been received on the Annual Plan and the RWSS with hearings concluding last week.

A decision on whether to proceed with the Dam following public consultation will be made by Council at its meeting on Wednesday, 25 June.  The Annual plan will also be confirmed at the same meeting.

Napier-Wairoa Rail

Updated the Committee on current progress on this project and noted that at this time the Government would not be contributing to funding the ongoing viability of the line. A Council decision regarding funding would be made subject to the final business case being considered.

Noted that  a suggestion during the Annual Plan process for the rail corridor to become a cycling track with improvements to the road corridor was also suggested. Haami Hilton indicated that he supported the re-establishment of the rail corridor and also indicated that any proposal for turning it into a cycle track would need to be discussed with relevant tangata whenua groups.

Open Spaces Report

Outlined the funding availability in the Open Spaces budget with Council hoping to undertake further improvements in this area.

Noted that a sum had been set aside from the Open Spaces budget to undertake a  consultation progress for the Plan Change for Oil and Gas exploration.

A copy of the booklet would be sent to Committee members with the unconfirmed minutes.




1.  That the report be received.





Planning for the Development of the Next Long Term Plan 2015-25


Ms Codlin outlined the planning process for the development of the next Long Term Plan  which signals the Council’s strategic direction for the 10 year period from 2015 – 2025.

Ms Codlin advised that at a recent workshop key issues and drivers were identified as continuing to be relevant or increasing in relevance.  It was important that the Maori  Committee considered matters of importance to hapu, marae and Ngati Kahungunu as an iwi that align with or are relevant to the Council’s strategic direction and functions  in order for Council to consider feedback from the Committee.

The Committee discussed the proposed strategic direction of Council and strongly  considered it necessary for Council to develop  a senior Maori Management role in the administration structure in the future.  This position would align with the current Group Manager roles within Council and would also demonstrate Council’s commitment to work with Maori.

The Committee noted that it was important to have a ongoing quality engagement process through the LTP in this regard.

The Committee also noted that until there was a final determination around the amalgamation process and the ever changing arena around treaty settlements was completed,  it would be difficult to consider a strategic direction in order to prepare a report for the August meeting.



1.       That the Maori Committee receives the report.






Options for Future of Maori Committee


Mr Moule introduced the agenda item and noted that the options for the future of the Maori Committee had been discussed at the workshop prior to the meeting.

The Committee continued to discuss the options to be considered and agreed that it was an on-going and changing horizon for Maori representation at the present time with steps already taken by settlement entities to establish Maori positions within Councils.

The Committee considered it was important that while opting for the status quo, it was imperative they continued to work forwards looking at improvements in communications from the Maori Committee to the marae level.

A request was made that Maori representatives on other Council Committees be invited to any workshops being held for Councillors so that Maori members are fully aware of the current issues under discussion.

The Committee agreed that it was imperative that the Committee  remained in its current form until the next triennial term with ongoing evaluation to take place for a successful future outcome.  



That the Maori Committee remain in its current position until the next triennial term and continues to review and evaluate the future role of the Committee.

M Paku/Mohi





River Gravel Update


Mr Clode gave a power-point presentation which outlined the research undertaken with the Review of the Riverbed Gravel Management Programme and highlighted the more relevant findings.

Mr Clode explained the important role that gravel extraction forms in ongoing flood management to both the Heretaunga and Ruataniwha Plains flood control schemes and confirmed that the establishment of the Ruataniwha Dam would change the natural supply of water, would reduce the ability of the Makaroro River to transport travel and also reduce the amount of sediment to reach the coast.   However, Mr Clode confirmed that mitigation processes were in place to alleviate any issues around this.

The Committee discussed the issues associated with the current management of the region’s river bed gravel resource and noted that if the reduced demand of gravel continued, this could result in serious financial consequences and extractors may look to land gravel sources rather than rivers.

Mr Clode also gave a power-point presentation which updated the Committee on the Pakaraka/Pakowhai area and the plans for the area which included outlining historic values of the site.  The presentation also included a verbal update on progress at Bridge Pa which included several hui with the Committee noting that landscape plans had been completed.



1.      That the Maori Committee receives the report “Gravel Resource Review: Update”.

Barker/M Paku





Science Reports - June 2014 Update


Mr Wade gave a power-point presentation which described the mapping of the extent of saltwater intrusion into the Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri estuaries.

Mr Wade noted that investigations undertaken did not reach any conclusions if saltwater was intrusive into groundwater.

Mrs Madarasz-Smith also gave a power-point presentation which outlined the conclusions of an investigation into the state of the Ahuriri Estuary health for contact recreation and shellfish gathering purposes.

Mrs Madarasz-Smith advised that although there are food gathering opportunities in the Ahuriri Estuary, current information suggests that shellfish gathered from there may be unsuitable for human consumption because of elevated faecal indicator bacteria concentrations.  This is a result of stormwater from urban drains flowing into nearby shell fish beds in the estuary.

In response to a query, Mrs Madarasz Smith confirmed that there are businesses in the area which operate under the Trade Waste Agreement, however, this practice was only as successful as their on site management processes.




That the Maori Committee receives the reports “The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri:  Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke’s Bay Estuaries” and “Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering” Report.





RMA Section 35a Requirements


Ms Bate presented this agenda item which gave an overview of the requirements in section 35A of the Resource Management Act 1991 to keep and maintain records of iwi and hapu in the region which is only applicable if a hapu requests the Crown or local authority to include the relevant information.  These records were only to be used for RMA purposes.

Ms Bate advised that any local authority must include in its records all the information provided to it by the Crown, but may seek and hold other information from other sources.  Currently, HBRC keeps records of iwi authorities and marae/hapu groups in a spreadsheet form.

Ms Bate also updated the Committee on a recent meeting with staff from the region’s TLAs and Council representatives to discuss the development of a digital repository of information regarding iwi and hapu groups in the region.   Staff considered that a GIS based application for holding this information would be immense benefit to all Councils in the region and would also fulfil Councils’ obligations under S35 of the RMA.

Ongoing meetings would be held with Council staff  following the development of a pilot application using existing datasets supplied by TAs.

The Committee discussed the implications of the proposed GIS based application and the MAI treaty group extended an invitation to Ms Bate to address their mandated members in the near future . 



1.    That the Maori Committee receives the report.





Statutory Advocacy Update


Ms Bate advised that due to an administration error the incorrect  Statutory Update list had been attached to the agenda item.  The updated list was then tabled.

Ms Bate advised that Napier City Council’s hearing on Plan Change 10 to the Operative City of Napier District Plan would commence in 4-6 weeks time.

The proposed Hastings District Plan had received a further 592 submissions with 3,000 points to be considered by staff.  The Hearing for this Plan Change was set down from 14 July – 3 December 2015.



1.    That the Maori receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.


Prentice/M Paku




Minor Items Not on the Agenda


Reason for Report

This document has been prepared to assist Committee members note the Minor Items Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 6.



Councillor/Committee member / Staff


Ngaruroro River Name

Mr Prentice advised that as part of the Ahuriri Treaty settlement claim, a request to the Geographic Board for a name change to the Clive River had been made.

Councillor R Graham


Update on Mangaroa Water

This item was discussed under Agenda Item 13.

Councillor R Graham


Pakowhai Park

This item was discussed under Agenda Item 13.

Councillor R Graham


RWSS- He Toa Takatini vote

In response to a request for an update on the He Toa Takatini vote and the possibility of them investing settlement money in the RWSS, Mr Mohi  indicated that no decision had been made regarding this possibility..

Councillor R Graham










There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.20pm on Tuesday, 24 June 2015.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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