MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Services Committee



Date:                          Wednesday 11 June 2014

Time:                          9.00am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       R Graham (Chairman)

A Dick

D Pipe

C Scott

F Wilson

D Hewitt

T Belford

B Gregory

P Beaven

J Maihi-Carroll

R Barker


In Attendance:            M Adye - Group Manager, Asset Management

I Maxwell – Group Manager, Resource Management

C Leckie – Manager, Land Services

G Clode – Manager, Engineering

S Cave – Manager, Open Space Development

A Madarasz-Smith – Senior Scientist, Water Quality and Ecology

O Wade – Environmental Scientist, Water Quality and Ecology

E-A Bate – Environmental Planner, Strategic Development  

R Waldron – Data Analyst, Hydrology

M Drury  - Executive Assistant

M Hulena – Executive Assistant

P Prentice – HBRC Maori Committee member


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

Chairman Graham welcomed everyone to the meeting and made a special welcome to Mr Prentice, Mr Gregory, Ms Maihi-Carroll and Ms Hulena.

Mr Prentice gave a Karakia.

Councillor Wilson advised that a workshop to discuss the Napier-Gisborne rail issue would be held on Wednesday, 18 June.  Councillor Wilson noted that the RWSS Hearings were still to be held on Monday, 16 and Tuesday 17 June.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Held on 9 April 2014


Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on Wednesday, 9 April 2014, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record.




4.       Matters Arising From Minutes Of The Environment And Services Committee Held On 9 April 2014

The Committee noted Councillor Barker’s confirmation that he would be a member of the working party to review regional pest management plans.  

There were no further matters arising from the minutes.



Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda



That the Environment and Services Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion as item 12:

1.        Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

2.        Rates Collection

3.        Pakowhai Country Park

4.        Smoke and Fires on the Heretaunga Plains

5.        Latest Rainfall and Water Levels





Follow-ups from Previous Committee Meetings


There were no follow up items from the previous Committee meeting.



Biosecurity Operational Plans


Mr Leckie advised that the HBRC Regional Pest Management Plans were under review and a Councillor working group had been formed to provide staff guidance on the future direction of the Plans.

Mr Leckie also advised that subject to the outcome of the Regional Pest Management Plan review, changes may be made to the 2015-16 operational plans and the feasibility of wide scale predator control stage 1 approved by Council in October 2013 was nearing completion. The results of stage 1 are programmed to be reported to Council in September / October 2014.

The Committee discussed the agenda item and attached operation plans and noted that the urban programme for wide scale predator control had been very successful.  The Committee also noted that once TBfree NZ had completed their possum control programme, the land would be transitioned to a HBRC Possum Control Area (PCA) where the landowners would be responsible for the ongoing maintenance.  The Committee also acknowledged that farmers in the northern area of the region had expressed concern about the cost of ongoing possum control maintenance of their land once the transition had been completed.

In response to a question, Mr Leckie acknowledged there was an ongoing problem with feral cats and it was recognised that ongoing education was required  in both rural and urban areas. Mr Leckie also advised that following the Cape to City stage I trial, Council would have a better indication of the extent of the feral cat problem in the region.

In response to a query, Mr Leckie explained the McLean Scale which is a technique used across NZ to measure rabbit densities. Responding to a further question, Mr Leckie outlined the problems caused by rooks in the region and the current status of the Argentine Ant problems particularly in Napier, Hastings and Havelock North. Mr Leckie agreed that innovative thinking and community collaboration on pest issues is beneficial.

Following further discussion by the Committee, Mr Leckie advised that privet was now a service delivery control plant pest.  This followed an omission in the 2006 Regional Pest Management Plan whereby occupiers were then required to trim their own hedges.  Currently, if occupiers refuse to trim hedges, contractors are used at Council’s cost.

In moving the recommendation, Councillor Beaven commended staff for the ongoing work undertaken in this area.  The Committee endorsed his commendation.



The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.      In accordance with the requirements of the Biosecurity Act 1993 adopts, after the inclusion of any amendments made as a result of the Committee’s consideration, the:

2.1.    Animal Pest Operational Plan 2014-15

2.2.    Plant Pest Operational Plan 2014-15

2.3.    Phytosanitary Operational Plan 2014-15.






River Gravel Update


Mr Clode gave a powerpoint presentation which outlined the research undertaken with the Review of the Riverbed Gravel Management programme and highlighted some of the more pertinent findings. Mr Clode explained that the review was divided into 13 separate but related issues and all would require investigation. 

Mr Clode drew the Committee’s attention to the ongoing issues that are created by lupin growth within the river systems and explained the integral part that gravel extraction forms in ongoing flood management to both the Heretaunga and Ruataniwha Plains flood control scheme areas.

Mr Clode also advised that there was increasing public concern that river gravel extraction was aggravating coastal erosion and confirmed more research was being undertaken to fully understand and manage the potential effects.

The Committee discussed issues associated with the current management of the region’s river bed gravel resource and noted that meetings had been arranged with  the community and stakeholders to obtain their views.  The Committee also noted that transport costs from Central Hawke’s Bay rivers meant that gravel extractors were interested in finding land based opportunities on the Heretaunga Plains to reduce costs. This is seen as a risk to ongoing management of flood capacity in the rivers.

The Committee commended Council on the extent of records of data collected.

Responding to a question on gravel build up in Central Hawke’s Bay, Mr Clode reiterated he would be attending an upcoming meeting with gravel extractors.  Following that meeting he hoped to have a better understanding of extraction and transport costs and would also have a clearer sense of timeframes. Mr Clode confirmed that all rivers would be studied individually and that collaboration is ongoing with NIWA who also work with Environment Canterbury on their gravel bed rivers. Contact is maintained between regional council staff on similar issues.

Mr Clode also confirmed that there was no reason for Council to look at alternative funding because of a downturn in gravel extraction however there could be serious consequences if the reduced demand continued.

Mr Clode advised that consent issues relating to land based extraction were handled by Hastings District Council under rules in the District Plan.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report “Gravel Resource Review: Update”.




The meeting adjourned at 10.41am and reconvened at 10.58am.



Update on Open Space Area Plans


Mr Cave gave a powerpoint presentation on Regional Parks Network which provided an update on HBRC’s Individual Park Plan review process covering Pekapeka, Pakowhai, Waitangi and Tutira Regional Parks and on potential park developments. A copy of the HBRC Regional Park Network Plan was tabled.

Mr Cave advised that the development of a Park Plan for Tutira Country Park had been put on hold until the post Treaty Settlement entity now responsible for the Lake Tutira bed had adequate resource available to focus on the issue.

The Committee discussed Council’s open space area plans, noted that there was approximately $700,000 available which could be used to fund an expansion of the Regional Parks network or improvements within existing open space areas. 

The Committee noted that the proposed extension of Pakowhai Regional Park was the site of historical events which could be incorporated into the signage displayed in the Park area. The Committee also noted that there was a strategic plan for the region’s parks which had been based on Auckland Regional Council’s Strategic Plan. 

In response to a query about open spaces in Central Hawke’s Bay, Mr Cave advised that there were some Council owned areas in Central Hawke’s Bay and discussions were currently taking place.  Mr Cave also confirmed that Lake Hatuma did not fit the criteria for Council’s potential park developments.

In response to a question, Mr Cave confirmed there was a bird viewing structure within the Waitangi wetland area however the facility was being reviewed.  He also confirmed that although the area was publicised in a book, the Hawke’s Bay community were not fully aware of the area and what it contained.  Concern had also been raised regarding vandalism in the wetland.

Responding to a question Mr Cave acknowledged in the past planting and replanting had not always been consistent with landscape plans prepared for Pakowhai Park however, staff would engage with the community and users of the park to gather feedback on issues with the pine plantation. Mr Cave agreed that staff would re-engage with community groups in relation to planting days in the Park.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report.

The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

2.       Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

3.       Notes that the development of Individual Park Plans for Pakowhai, Pekapeka and Waitangi Regional Park areas is well advanced and that the final plans are programmed to be brought to Council for endorsement following public consultation later in 2014.

4.       Notes that the development of an Individual Park Plan for Tutira will be progressed in conjunction with Maungaharuru – Tangitu Trust later in 2014.





Science Report Updates


Mr Maxwell introduced Mr Oliver Wade, Environmental Scientist, Water Quality and Ecology and Ms Anna Madarasz-Smith, Senior Scientist Water Quality and Ecology to the Committee.  The Science presentations would update the Committee on recently completed science investigations.

Mr Wade gave a powerpoint presentation which described the mapping of the extent of saltwater intrusion into the Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri estuaries.  Mr Wade advised that investigations into the extent of saltwater influence in the Porangahau, Mohaka and Nuhaka estuaries had also been recently completed but were not yet reported.

The Committee expressed surprise at the extent and variability of saltwater influence in the Ahuriri Estuary and discussed the contributing factors to this extent of tidal movement. Mr Wade explained that factors at play would include the catchment hydrology.

Responding to a question, Mr Wade confirmed that the investigations undertaken did not reach any conclusions about saltwater intrusion into groundwater however groundwater monitoring sites, located at Awatoto would give an early indication of saltwater intrusion issues.

The meeting adjourned at 12.27pm and reconvened at 12.59pm.

Ms Madarasz-Smith gave a powerpoint presentation which outlined the conclusions of an investigation into the state of the Ahuriri Estuary for contact recreation and shellfish gathering purposes.

Ms Madarasz-Smith advised the Ahuriri Estuary is a significant ecological and recreational resource for the Hawke’s Bay community. It is recognised nationally for its significant wildlife and fisheries habitat, and a nationally important example of tectonic processes. Natural and human-induced changes to the estuary over the last century have considerably changed the estuary form.

The Committee discussed the presentation, noted that signs had been erected to alert the public to the dangers of collecting shellfish in the area and that an aspirational plan for the area would result from the Tutaekuri, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamu (TANK) Stakeholder Group process currently underway.

Mr Piri Prentice updated the Committee on a recent meeting with interested stakeholders and community representatives on the Ahuriri Estuary.  It was a very successful day out with keen interest expressed to clean up the Estuary.  Mr Prentice also outlined the purpose of the Stakeholder Management Group partnership and its responsibilities.

A request for a presentation by Mr Maxwell outlining Council’s overall science programme was noted.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the reports “The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri:  Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke’s Bay Estuaries” and “Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review”.





Statutory Advocacy Update


Ms Bate presented this agenda item which reported on proposals forwarded to the Regional Council and assessed by staff acting under delegated authority as part of the Council’s Statutory Advocacy project between 1 April and 5 June 2014.

Responding to a question, Ms Bate noted that HBRC did not consider a further submission was required in regard to Plan Change 10 to the Operative City of Napier District Plan however HBRC did lodge a further submission on a number of submissions in the Proposed Hastings District Plan including those requesting development in areas outside of the settlement pattern adopted by HPUDS.

Ms bate also confirmed there was no update on the Rongomaiwahine.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.





Minor Items not on the Agenda




Councillor / Staff


Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Suggested an invitation be extended to invite the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment to visit Hawke’s Bay to give a talk on oil and gas.

Councillor Belford


Rates Collection

Concern had been received that although a member of the community had paid his rates, he had been contacted by a credit agency.

Queried whether this was a common occurrence and were there difficulties in the accounting system in relation to rates.

Councillor Barker


Pakowhai Country Park

Covered off in agenda item 9.

Councillor Barker


Smoke and Fires on the Heretaunga Plains

Noted recent large fires on the Heretaunga Plains the smoke is drifting over Hastings. Request for a staff report on the consenting conditions relating to burning of fires during certain times of the year.

Councillor Barker


Latest Rainfall and Water Levels

Mr Waldron demonstrated how to view the latest information from the last 24 hours. Public are able to log onto the HBRC website to view the data.

Mr Adye





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.18pm on Wednesday, 11 June 2014.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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