Meeting of the Environment and Services Committee
Date: Wednesday 11 June 2014
Time: 9.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on 9 April 2014
4. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on 9 April 2014
5. Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda 3
6. Follow-ups from Previous Committee Meetings 5
Decision Items
7. Biosecurity Operational Plans 7
Information or Performance Monitoring
8. River Gravel Update 53
9. Update on Open Space Area Plans 57
10. Science Report Updates 61
11. Statutory Advocacy Update 135
12. Minor Items Not on the Agenda 141
Environment and Services Committee
Wednesday 11 June 2014
SUBJECT: Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
1. Under standing orders, SO 3.7.6:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if:
(i) that item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) No resolution, decision, or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
2. The Chairman will request any items councillors wish to be added for discussion at today’s meeting and these will be duly noted, if accepted by the Chairman, for discussion as the final Agenda Item.
That the Environment and Services Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion: |
Paul Drury Group Manager Corporate Services |
Environment and Services Committee
Wednesday 11 June 2014
SUBJECT: Follow-ups from Previous Committee Meetings
Reason for Report
There were no follow up items from the Previous Committee meeting.
Environment and Services Committee
Wednesday 11 June 2014
SUBJECT: Biosecurity Operational Plans
Reason for Report
1. Council is the management agency for the Hawke’s Bay Regional Pest Management Strategy (now Regional Pest Management Plan – RPMP) and Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Strategy (now Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan - RPPMP). Section 100B of the Biosecurity Act 1993 requires that the management agency for a pest management plan prepare and review the operational plan for each Plan annually. Operational Plans have been prepared for both the RPMP and RPPMP and are appended to this paper for Committee reference and are available to other parties on request.
2. Staff believe that the current operational plans have proven to be effective and therefore only minor changes from the 2013/14 plans are proposed.
3. HBRC Regional Pest Management Plans are under review and a councillor working group has been formed to provide staff guidance on the future direction of the Plans. Subject to the outcome of the Regional Pest Management Plan review changes may be made to the 2015-16 operational plans.
4. This agenda item seeks Council adoption of the 2014/15 operational plans.
Regional Pest Management Plan
5. Key RPMP work programmes included in the 2014/15 operational plan include:
5.1. The control of possums within urban areas. This programme is proving to be very successful with bellbird numbers doubling and Tui trebling within the urban areas monitored.
5.2. The assessment of wide scale predator control stage one approved by Council in October 2013 is nearing completion. The results of stage one are programmed to be reported to Council in September / October 2014.
5.3. The transition of approximately 84,000 ha of TBFree New Zealand possum control vector management areas to ongoing maintenance under HBRC’s Possum Control Area programme.
6. Attached are the Plant and Animal Pest Operational Plans 2014/15.
Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan
7. There has been no requirement for Council to undertake any activities under the Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan. No changes are proposed to this operational plan. The Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Operational Plan is attached.
Decision Making Process
8. Council is required to make every decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:
8.1. The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.
8.2. The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.
8.3. The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.
8.4. Under the Biosecurity Act 1993 (sec 100B), Council is required to review its operational plans annually.
8.5. The operational plans must be consistent with the pest management strategy they are prepared for, and therefore will only affect persons to an extent that has already been considered by Council through the process of developing the existing pest management strategy.
8.6. The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.
8.7. Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.
The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. In accordance with the requirements of the Biosecurity Act 1993 adopts, after the inclusion of any amendments made as a result of the Committee’s consideration, the: 2.1. Animal Pest Operational Plan 2014/15 2.2. Plant Pest Operational Plan 2014/15 2.3. Phytosanitary Operational Plan 2014/15. |
Campbell Leckie Manager Land Services |
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Animal Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Plant Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Phytosanitary Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Animal Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 1 |
operational plan
animal pests
JULY 2014 TO 30 JUNE 2015
Animal Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 1 |
1.0...... Introduction
2.0...... Background
3.0...... Measuring Performance
4.0...... Animal Pest categories
5.0...... Regional Control Animal Pests
Map 1: Annual rabbit night count routes
Map 2: Annual RCV sample sites.
Map 3: Aerial Rook Programme
Map 4: Extinct Rookeries
6.0...... Education
7.0...... Site Specific Pests
8.0...... QEII Covenanted Land
9.0...... Research Initiatives
10.0.... Advice And Information
11.0.... Argentine ants
12.0.... Wide Scale predator (Feral Cat and Mustellid) Control (Cape to City)
13.0.... Regional pest management strategy review
Animal Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 1 |
This operational plan sets out how Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will implement the animal pest objectives for the control of animal pests as set out in the Hawke’s Bay Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP). This operational plan is effective from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
2.0 Background
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is the management agency for the RPMP. As the management agency, Council is required to prepare an annual operational plan that sets out how the strategy is to be implemented. Following the end of each financial year, staff will report to Council on the implementation of the operational plan.
This operational plan focuses on the objectives for the control of animal pests as set out in the RPMP. HBRC’s draft 2014/15 Annual Plan details the expected level of expenditure by Council in working towards achieving the objectives set out in the RPMP.
3.0 Measuring Performance
Staff will report to Council by 30 November each calendar year on the animal pest control programmes undertaken over the previous financial year. This report will indicate the level of achievement towards the RPMP objectives that has been made during the past year. Specifically the report will cover:
· The programmes undertaken compared to the approved programme as set out in the Operational Plan;
· Results from any trend monitoring undertaken, and an assessment of these results;
· The number of complaints and enquires received, and an assessment of those complaints and enquires;
· The education initiatives undertaken during the year — the number of presentations and publications or press releases on pest management issues;
· The number of direction notices issued, the level of compliance with those notices, and any follow-up activity undertaken;
· The outcomes of all service delivery operations undertaken;
· All research initiatives to which contributions have been made during the year; and
· Any cross boundary issues that arose and how they were resolved.
4.0 Animal Pest categories
The RPMP contains two classes of animal pests, Regional Control Animal Pests and Site Specific Animal Pests.
RPMS Classification |
Animal Species |
Regional control animal pests |
Possums; Rabbits; and Rooks. |
Site specific control animal pests |
Feral goats; Feral deer, Feral pigs; Mustelids (weasels, ferrets, and stoats); Feral cats; and Rats (Norway and ship rats). |
The operational plan details the strategy objective for the control of the animal pests and provides a brief description of what activities HBRC will undertake to achieve the stated objective.
5.0 Regional Control Animal Pests
Regional control animal pests are pests that have management programmes which cover the entire region. The main focus of this programme is the control of possums through the implementation of Self-help Possum Control Areas (PCAs).
The control of possums is the major focus of Council’s animal pest control programme. The strategy objective for possum control is:
That by 30 June 2016 possum control measures will be operating over 900,000 hectares of land, ensuring that possum density on that land is below 5% trap catch.
To achieve this objective HBRC established Possum Control Areas (PCAs) with the support and assistance of land occupiers. Within PCAs, Council arranged for initial possum control to 3% residual trap catch (rtc) using pest control contractors. Occupiers of land which has received such control are now required to maintain possum numbers at 5% rtc.
When an Animal Health Board (AHB) possum control programme is withdrawn from an area, the Council requires land occupiers within that area to form a PCA.
Total area of productive land with low possum numbers is
· PCA’s 507,740
· AHB 400,000 (approximately)
· Remaining productive land still to be treated 24,998ha’s
This area is made up of the Nuhaka, Mahanga and Papuni operations within which land occupiers have declined participating in the PCA programme.
With this exception HBRC have achieved the possum control objective.
The Animal Health Board (now trading as Tbfree NZ) have advised HBRC that they will be withdrawing control over 84,716ha of productive land in the 2014/15 year. Biosecurity staff will visit each individual property within this area and ensure that occupiers are fully aware of the following:
· The relevant content of the RPMP including the requirement for landowners and occupiers to keep possum numbers below 5% rtc;
· The process of establishing a PCA;
· The availability of Council assistance to land occupiers from the Biosecurity Advisory Team;
· Council’s approach to compliance including different levels of monitoring; and
· The consequences of non-compliance, which includes Council undertaking possum control work to meet the 5% rtc requirement through a contractor; and billing the occupier for the cost of that control.
Initial Contact:
Land owners and occupiers are also briefed on control methods and are encouraged to engage a contractor to carry out the required maintenance work. Occupiers in PCAs are encouraged to carry out maintenance in a three-month period in order to gain maximum benefit from maintenance efforts and reduce the risk of reinvasion from untreated neighbours within the same PCA.
Subsequent Contact:
Follow-up contact regarding maintenance in subsequent years is greatly reduced and will involve reminder letters and phone calls.
Trend monitoring will be carried out over PCAs to provide an indication of the success of the programme and to provide an early warning of any possible problem areas. Monitors will be undertaken over individual properties to determine the success of individuals control methods, and where it is suspected that the occupier is not meeting the required 5% rtc.
Maintenance Contractors:
The Advisory Team will recommend the use of maintenance contractors to land occupiers in PCAs, audit their work, assist with training opportunities and receive reports from them regarding the work that they are carrying out on behalf of landowners.
Boundary control
Currently the southern regional boundary is subject to an agreement between Horizons and HBRC Biosecurity staff for possum control to be undertaken as necessary to complement HBRC’s PCA programme.
In the 2014/15 financial year staff will undertake discussions with the Gisborne District Council to put in place a boundary control programme to assist ratepayers in the northern part of the region on the PCA programme.
Urban pest management
Possum control in an urban environment brings a range of biodiversity and amenity benefits. The Hawkes Bay Urban Biodiversity project commenced with the highly successful Napier hill possum control operation which was completed in June 2009. Bird monitoring has shown significant increases within the urban environment in a range of bird species. Bellbirds have doubled and Tui has trebled in number.
Table 4: Completed Urban & Semi Urban Projects.
Urban Pest Management Operational Areas |
Hectares |
Napier Hill |
282 |
Havelock North Stage 1 |
461 |
Havelock North Stage 2 |
578 |
Havelock North Stage 3 |
630 |
Pakipaki |
3,523 |
Mangateretere |
4,866 |
Poraiti Park Island |
1,146 |
Pukekura (Taradale) |
452 |
Karamu (Hastings) |
1,575 |
Total Hectares |
13,513 |
Table 5: Proposed Semi Urban Pest Management Operational Areas 2014/2015
Urban Pest Management Operational Areas |
Hectares |
Otatara (Taradale) |
345 |
Waiohiki (Taradale Fernhill) |
1,953 |
There is approximately 8000 ha of urban or semi urban areas in the broader Napier and Hastings urban area that are still to receive initial control. Control will be programmed at 300-1000 ha per annum.
Product Subsidy Scheme:
HBRC provides a subsidy on a range of possum control products. All land occupiers who are part of a possum control area will be given the opportunity of training and advice in the best methods of possum control on their land as part of their ongoing possum control programme. Advice will cover such things as potential possum food sources, suitable possum control methods and appropriate timing of control methods. The subsidised products will be available to all ratepayers, whether they are in a PCA or not.
Bait Stations:
A range of bait stations will be supplied to occupiers in PCAs who engage the services of a maintenance contractor. Numbers will be limited and contractors are required to install them to a prescribed protocol and all bait station locations must be recorded by Global Positioning Systems (GPS) with that data provided to Council.
Landowners who have a QEII block less than 20 hectares on their property are eligible to receive free possum bait sufficient to control possums within the QEII area. For landowners with QEIIs greater than 20 hectares, or where several small QEIIs are collectively greater than 20 hectares, HBRC arranges and pays for possum control.
Table 6 shows those PCAs that will receive initial contact regarding possum maintenance:
Table 6: First Round of Maintenance 2014/2015
Self-Help Possum Control Areas |
Hectares |
Maintenance Time Frames |
Waihua River GS2 |
5,829 |
Wairoa Buffer GS1 & GS2 |
10,4750 |
Totals |
110,579 |
The PCAs in Table 6 have already received the first intensive round of visits from the Advisory Team and will be contacted reminding them of the need to carry out maintenance.
Trend Monitoring
Council monitors 10% of the PCA programme annually. Of this area monitored no more than 10% of monitoring lines should exceed a 5% trap catch. Where lines over 5% are identified, staff visit the land occupier(s) and discuss what actions they should be taking to reduce possum numbers.
The RPMS long term goal and strategy objective for rabbits is:
Long Term Goal: To minimise the adverse effects of rabbits on the region’s biodiversity and economic prosperity.
Strategy Objective: To ensure that rabbits are maintained below level 4, on the McLean Scale.
To achieve this, the Strategy states that HBRC will:
· Conduct targeted surveillance of rabbit prone areas;
· Conduct periodic monitoring of rabbits at known or suspected Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD) areas;
· Provide advice and education to land occupiers, including occupiers of small blocks, to help them control rabbits by the most efficient and effective means.
· Monitor for compliance with the rabbit control rule; and
· At its discretion, and as set out in an approved management programme, meet up to 50% of the cost of rabbit control on rateable land where rabbit numbers exceed 4 on the McLean Scale.
HBRC implements the following monitoring regimes:
(a) Density Monitoring
Density monitoring will involve spotlight counts every 1 to 2 years along 21 predetermined rabbit monitoring lines. These lines have been selected based on historical spotlight count routes with approximately 80% of the lines in “rabbit prone areas” and the remainder outside those areas. These lines are to be counted over two nights using national protocols.
(b) RHD Monitoring
In accordance with nationally accepted guidelines, HBRC conducts the sampling of rabbits from at least 15 different sites around the region on a 1 to 2 year basis and tests for RHD. This monitoring will be used to confirm the presence or absence of RHD, or any levels of immunity that may be building in the rabbit population. The information gathered from this monitoring will be entered on the Rabbit Database and will provide information that may be used to assess the need for greater intervention in rabbit control.
(c) Compliance Monitoring
If Biosecurity staff receive a complaint or enquiry about a property with high rabbit numbers then staff or a contractor commissioned by HBRC will visit the property and carry out an assessment of rabbit numbers. If densities are found to be greater than 4 on the McLean scale, the occupier may be issued with a notice of direction under section 122 of the Biosecurity Act to comply with the RPMP rule which requires landowners to maintain rabbit populations below 4 on the McLean scale from mid- January to mid-August. Complaints will only be acted on from mid- January to mid-August as temporary spikes in the population can occur outside these times. The RPMP states that HBRC will at its discretion meet up to 50% of the cost of rabbit control.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will provide advice and education to land occupiers, including occupiers of small blocks, to encourage them to control rabbits by the most efficient and effective means. This work will comprise advising and educating individual land occupiers on ways of minimising the risk of rabbits impacting on their properties, participating in discussion groups, field days, preparing pamphlets and using media opportunities to convey relevant information.
Incentive Scheme
Where there are incidents of rabbit populations exceeding 4 on the McLean Scale, the occupier of that land may qualify for financial assistance from HBRC to assist with the cost of rabbit control. Before any such assistance is agreed to by HBRC, the occupier will be required to have an agreed management programme, which will specify the method of rabbit control and set out a long-term management programme aimed at limiting rabbit populations in the future. The HBRC contribution to any control work shall be funded from the rabbit reserve fund.
Service Delivery
HBRC do not use staff to conduct any rabbit control operations. The major focus is on monitoring rabbit populations to ensure rabbit populations are maintained at or below level four on the McLean Scale, and to provide information and advice to occupiers. In certain circumstances the incentive scheme will be used to assist land occupiers with rabbit control, with Council providing an advisory or contract management role.
Map 1: Rabbit night count routes.
Map 2: RCV sample sites.
The RPMS long term goal and objective for rooks is:
Long Term Goal: To eradicate rooks from Hawke’s Bay.
Strategy Objective: From north of the ‘rook clear line’ destroy all known rookeries by 30 June 2016. From south of the ‘rook clear line’ reduce rook numbers to 4,000 birds by 31 December 2016 and maintain rooks, such that numbers do not exceed that amount in the future.
The rook clear line is defined by SH5.
To achieve this, the Strategy states that:
· Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will provide information to land occupiers on rook identification, the potential adverse effects that they cause, who to contact for rook control, and the risks of inappropriate control.
· North of the ‘rook clear line’, all known rookeries will be destroyed by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council by 30 June 2016, subject to climatic conditions being suitable.
· South of the ‘rook clear line’, as described in Figure 5, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will provide an annual rook control service, when climatic conditions are suitable, to reduce the population to a maximum of 4,000 birds by 31 December 2016. Rook numbers will then be kept at or below this level.
Service Delivery
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will arrange for all rook control operations.
Eradication Zone
In the northern half of the region, it is intended to eradicate rooks by 30 June 2016.
HBRC will employ suitable contractors to undertake annual control work over all rookeries in the eradication zone. HBRC will conduct an annual rookery count in this part of the region to determine the effects of the control contract. Operations will be co-ordinated with Gisborne District Council in this zone where low numbers of rooks are present.
Aerial Rook Control in Action:
Map 3: Aerial Rook Programme
Note: It is estimated that there are approx 2.5 rooks for each active nest.
Map 4: Extinct Rookeries
Control Zone
In the southern half of the region, it is intended to reduce rook numbers to below 4000 by 31 December 2016, and then maintain rook numbers below this level. Council will arrange for suitable contractors to undertake annual control work. The main control work will be conducted during spring and summer.
Biosecurity staff will respond to complaints or enquires about rooks in the Control Zone. Where rooks appear to be causing damage to agricultural crops or causing a general nuisance, Council will arrange for control work to be conducted, if Biosecurity staff believe that a successful result is possible. This decision will be based on the weather and availability of other food sources.
6.0 Education
Advice and information on identifying rooks will be provided to ratepayers on request. Specific information about rooks, the difficulty of control and how best to manage rooks will be made available to specific grower organisations in late winter, to assist farmers identify potential problems and provide possible solutions before crops are planted.
7.0 Site Specific Pests
Site Specific Pests will only have management programmes in place in specific sites and under certain criteria. There are 30 site specific animal pest community groups currently being supported. The RPMP lists feral goats, feral deer, feral pigs, mustelids (weasels, ferrets, and stoats), feral cats, and rats (Norway and ship rats) as Site Specific Animal Pests. Where there are sufficient benefits to doing so, and upon land user request, HBRC may meet up to 50% of the cost of control to any land occupier. HBRC will provide “Environment Topics” on the best methods to control these pests in response to public enquires.
8.0 QEII Covenanted Land
Site specific animal pest control on QEII blocks outside PCA’s will be in accordance with an approved management plan with individual occupiers.
HBRC may consider treatment of pests on QEII blocks less than 20 hectares or other land with high ecological value where the conservation values of that land justify such control. Financial assistance for the control of animal pests on covenanted land smaller than 20 hectares may be available on request from the land occupier. Before any assistance is provided HBRC must assess the land, and a management plan be agreed between the occupier and HBRC.
9.0 Research Initiatives
There are a range of research initiatives under way as part of HBRC’s approved stage one for wide scale predator control. These include chew card operational maximisation, minimum predator control area modelling, benefits from reducing toxoplasmosis, farmer WSPC value proposition / uptake and “green credentials” for farm products where farm management delivers environmental outcomes.
Bird count monitoring
Monitoring has been completed on one urban site (Napier hill) and one rural site (Kuru range) to assess native bird numbers after possum control taking place. Follow up monitoring will continue to assess the changes in bird numbers over time.
10.0 Advice And Information
Public inquires regarding the control of animal pests listed in the RPMP will be dealt with as noted in this Plan. For inquires regarding control of magpies, HBRC has a limited number of traps which it can make available to occupiers to conduct their own control. For all other animals of concern information will be provided to assist people undertake their own control. This information may be by way of sending them Environment Topics or providing people with a list of pest control contractors who could assist them control the animal of concern.
11.0 Argentine ants
HBRC is currently undertaking surveillance activities to access the extent of the argentine ant infestation in the region. In addition to thispublic awareness of this pest is being built and best practice control and guidelines provided to occupiers who may want to undertake control.
12.0 Wide Scale predator Control (Cat and Mustelid) - Cape to City
HBRC is currently involved in a multi agency initiative. The Cape to City project is a community based initiative with strong backing from several agencies including HBRC, DOC, Landcare Research and land users.
The project is ambitious and hopes to achieve positive biodiversity and social outcomes over 26,655 hectares encompassing both DOC reserves and private farmland. The vision of this project is to have “native species co-exist with human habitation, food production and recreation.”
Longer term, the HBRC’s main objectives in regard to Wide Scale predator control are to:
- Identify a pest control regime that substantially reduces the current cost of top predator (cats and mustelids) control within a rural landscape containing significant bush fragments
- Provide additional protection to important habitat or sites of regional significance and native species that will benefit from top predator control.
- Support and empower the local community to set and attain achievable biodiversity protection goals.
Stage one which is to assess the feasibility of the project will be completed by November 2014. Subject to council approval and funding stage two (predator initial control) will commence later in the 14/15 financial year.
13.0 Regional pest management Plan review
The RPMP 2013 must be review before 2018. It is likely however that a National Policy Direction prepared in accordance with the Biosecurity Law Reform Act 2013, will require the Plan to be reviewed before this date.
A Councillor working party has been established and will consider what changes could be made to HBRC’s current approach to animal pest management early in the 2014/15 financial year to enable some public comment to be received prior the development of the draft Long term plan 2015/25, and to consider the adequacy of current funding arrangements which provide for the implementation of pest management activities.
Animal Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 1 |
Appendix 1: Possum Control Area Self Help Agreement
Possum Control Area
Self Help Agreement
1) The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will, in accordance with the Hawkes Bay Regional Plant Pest and Animal Pest Management Plan, carry out initial possum control operations to reduce possum levels to 3% residual trap catch on your property.
2) I, the occupier will:
· Maintain possum numbers at or below 5% residual trap catch in accordance with the rule in the Hawkes Bay Regional Plant Pest and Animal Pest Management Plan.
3) The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will, in accordance with the Hawkes Bay Regional Pest Management Plan, provide an advisory service to occupiers to assist in maintaining possum numbers at or below 5% residual trap catch once initial control has been carried out.
4) Please indicate preferred maintenance option
□ Will use a contractor to carry out maintenance
□ Will carry out own maintenance (Must meet HSNO Act requirements)
Occupier |
Owner |
First Name: |
First Name: |
Surname: |
Surname: |
Property Address: |
Property Address: |
Postal Address: |
Postal Address: |
Phone Number: |
Phone Number: |
Mobile Phone: |
Mobile Phone: |
j Key Decision Maker |
j Key Decision Maker
Signature: |
(Occupier) |
(Owner) |
(Date) |
(Date) |
(Hawkes Bay Regional Council) |
(Date) |
Animal Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 1 |
Pest Management Plan
Where a land occupier does not adhere to the requirements of this Plan, an authorised person may issue directions for the control or eradication of possums under section 122 of the Biosecurity Act.
On default, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council may carry out work and recover the costs from the land occupier under sections 128 and 129 of the Biosecurity Act.
(a) Previously controlled areas
When an Animal Health Board (AHB) possum control programme is withdrawn from an area, HBRC require the land occupiers within that area to form a Possum Control Area. Where a Possum Control Area is formed HBRC will either use relevant recent monitoring data or where that is not available, monitor the area to determine the possum densities. If required, HBRC will undertake any initial possum control work necessary to achieve possum densities at or below 5% trap catch and the land occupiers within the Possum Control Area will then be bound by the possum control rule in the Plan. Where land occupiers do not wish to establish a Possum Control Area, HBRC will use its powers under Section 122 of the Biosecurity Act to direct the land occupiers to maintain possum densities at or below 5% trap catch.
Rule: Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)
Every land occupier whose property has had initial possum control work carried out as part of either a Hawke’s Bay Regional Council or Animal Health Board programme since 1 July 1999, such that possum densities over his or her land are below 5% trap catch, at the completion of that initial control or at the time of withdrawal of AHB, shall maintain possum densities on that land at or below 5% trap catch in accordance with Possum Control Areas – section (c) Maintenance. A breach of this rule is an offence under section 154 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Attachment 2 |
operational plan
plant pests
july 2014 to 30 june 2015
Plant Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 2 |
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Background
3.0 Measuring performance
4.0 Total control plant pests
5.0 Boundary control plant pests
6.0 Biodiversity plants
8.0 Biological control of plant pests
9.0 General advice and information
10.0 Press releases and general information.
11.0 Monitoring methods for Total Control plant pests
12.0 High Risk and QE11 Areas
13.0 National Pest Plant Accord
14.0 Management Programmes
15.0 Enforcement
16.0 Subsidy scheme
17.0 Site Specific
Plant Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 2 |
This operational plan sets out how HBRC will implement the objectives for the control of plant pests as set out in the Hawke’s Bay Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP). This operational plan is effective from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
2.0 Background
HBRC is the management agency for the RPMP. As the management agency HBRC is required to prepare an operational plan that sets out how the Plan is to be implemented. At the end of each financial year, staff will report to Council on the implementation of the operational plan.
This operational plan focuses on the methods of implementing the objectives for the control of plant pests as set out in the RPMP. HBRC’s annual plan details the expected level of expenditure by HBRC in working towards achieving the objectives set out in the RPMP. The operational plan details the methods used to achieve those objectives.
3.0 Measuring performance
Staff will report to Council by 30 November each calendar year on the plant pest control programmes undertaken over the previous financial year through the annual report. This report will indicate the level of achievement towards the RPMP objectives that has been made during the past year. Specifically the report will cover:
· The programmes undertaken compared to the proposed programme as set out in the Operational Plan;
· A summary of all subsidy fund applications received and the outcome of all subsidised work;
· The education initiatives undertaken during the year and the number of presentations and publications or press releases on pests management issues;
· The number of direction notices issued, the level of compliance with those notices, and any follow-up activity undertaken;
· The outcomes of all service delivery operations undertaken;
· The results of biological control research and monitoring, and the number of bio-control releases undertaken;
· Any cross boundary issues that arose and how they were resolved.
4.0 Total control plant pests
The RPMP defines a Total Control plant pest as one that is of limited distribution in the region, and the long-term goal is its eventual eradication. Seventeen plants are listed as Total Control plant pests. The RPMP places these into two categories, Service Delivery and Occupier Responsibility.
For each of these plant categories the operational plan provides a brief description of what activities HBRC will undertake to achieve the RPMP objectives.
(i) Table 1: Plant Pests
Total Control (Service Delivery) |
Management Regime |
African feather grass |
HBRC will at its discretion control every known infestation before seeds reach maturity |
Goats rue |
HBRC will at its discretion control every known infestation before seeds reach maturity |
Nassella tussock |
HBRC will at its discretion control every known infestation before seeds reach maturity |
Phragmites |
In accordance with the contract between HBRC and Ministry of Primary Industries, HBRC will control every known infestation of this plant annually |
Privet |
HBRC has altered the delivery of the privet programme to service delivery by a contractor. The contractor should be able to control Privet on most properties within at least six weeks of a legitimate complaint. However, this does not apply to Privet found in rural areas. In these situations, Occupiers are responsible and may qualify for a subsidy under the incentive scheme. The Standard Operating Procedures for managing Privet are attached to this paper. (Appendix 1) |
Spiny emex |
HBRC will at its discretion control every known infestation before seeds reach maturity |
White edged nightshade |
HBRC will at its discretion control every known infestation before seeds reach maturity |
Yellow water lily |
HBRC will at its discretion control every known infestation before seeds reach maturity |
Total Control (Occupier Responsibility) |
Management Regime |
Apple of Sodom |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Apple of Sodom on their land, and may qualify for a subsidy under the incentive scheme. HBRC will at its discretion control some known infestations before seeds reach maturity where it is practical to do so |
Australian sedge |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Australian sedge on their land, and may qualify for a subsidy under the incentive scheme. HBRC will at its discretion control some known infestations before seeds reach maturity where it is practical to do so |
Chilean needle grass |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Chilean Needle grass on their land, and may qualify for a subsidy under the incentive scheme. Chilean needle grass has been identified in summer dry areas of the region — west of Napier, and on land at Maraekakaho, Poukawa, Waipawa, Wakarara, Omakere and Porangahau. There are infestations on river berm land and roadsides. Biosecurity staff will arrange for the control of Chilean needle grass on public land. On private land occupiers are required to control Chilean needle grass in accordance with their agreed management programmes. HBRC will at its discretion control some known infestations before seeds reach maturity where it is practical to do so. HBRC will support Environment Canterbury in raising awareness of CNG within New Zealand and to help achieve milestones in the Sustainable Farming Fund CNG Project. HBRC will encourage the use of the new control tool, Flupropanate as required. HBRC will assist Marlborough and Canterbury Regional Councils in undertaking further Flupropanate trials to provide residue and efficacy data to the Environmental Protection Agency |
Cotton thistle |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Cotton thistle on their land, and may qualify for a subsidy under the incentive scheme. HBRC will at its discretion control some known infestations before seeds reach maturity where it is practical to do so |
Japanese honeysuckle |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Japanese Honeysuckle on their land in the designated control area, and may qualify for a subsidy under the incentive scheme. HBRC will at its discretion control some known infestations before seeds reach maturity where it is practical to do so |
Pinus contorta |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Pinus contorta on their land, and may qualify for a subsidy under the incentive scheme. HBRC will at its discretion control some known infestations before seeds reach maturity where it is practical to do so HBRC will continue to work with its partners in Nature Central to achieve operational efficiencies and to target strategic infestations HBRC will continue the clearing of Pinus contorta on multiple ownership land in the Rangitaiki area as resources allow. |
Old man’s beard |
The RPMP states that North of SH 5 Old man’s beard is not as widespread as it is South of this area, and it is therefore still worthwhile to require occupiers to continue to control OMB north of SH5. South of SH5 staff will respond to complaints. South of SH5 Council will still encourage the control of OMB but will not enforce compliance. Landusers below SH5 will still be eligible for the incentive scheme for the control of OMB. HBRC will at its discretion control some known infestations before seeds reach maturity where it is practical to do so There are major infestations along the river-berms, especially in Central Hawke’s Bay and the lower reaches of the Ngaruroro River. This land is administered as part of the Upper Tukituki Flood Control Scheme and the Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme respectively. |
Saffron thistle |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Saffron thistle on their land, and may qualify for a subsidy under the incentive scheme. HBRC will at its discretion control some known infestations before seeds reach maturity where it is practical to do so |
Woolly nightshade |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Woolly nightshade on their land, and may qualify for a subsidy under the incentive scheme. HBRC will at its discretion control some known infestations before seeds reach maturity where it is practical to do so |
5.0 Boundary control plant pests
The RPMP defines a Boundary Control plant pest as one that is abundant in suitable habitats in the region. The long-term goal is to prevent these plant pests spreading to new areas or neighbouring properties. The RPMP requires land occupiers to keep their property boundary free of the Boundary Control plant pest, if it is not present within a defined distance on their neighbour’s property.
Biosecurity staff will respond to a complaint from an affected occupier regarding the control of Boundary Control plant pests. On getting a complaint, a Biosecurity Officer will visit the property of the complainant and adjoining property, to confirm the identity of the plant, and what if any control needs to be carried out. Should control work be necessary the occupier of the property on which the infestation originates will be asked to carry out the necessary control work. A follow up inspection will be carried out to ensure work has been completed and if necessary, enforcement action will be undertaken.
Boundary Control |
Management Regime |
Bathurst bur |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Bathurst bur on their land. Where necessary all plants need to be cleared within 5m of the boundary of adjoining clear land. |
Blackberry |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Blackberry on their land. Where necessary all plants need to be cleared within 10m of the boundary of adjoining clear land. |
Gorse |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Gorse on their land. Where necessary all plants need to be cleared within 10m of the boundary of adjoining clear land. |
Nodding thistle |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Nodding thistle on their land. Where necessary all plants need to be cleared within 20m of the boundary of adjoining clear land. |
Ragwort |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Ragwort on their land. Where necessary all plants need to be cleared within 20m of the boundary of adjoining clear land. |
Variegated thistle |
Occupiers are responsible for the control of Variegated thistle on their land. Where necessary all plants need to be cleared within 5m of the boundary of adjoining clear land. |
Plant Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 2 |
These are plants that have a negative ecological effect, and staff believe that they can be successfully controlled, at some sites, without being included in the RPMP. The cost for control of these plants will be borne by HBRC. Plants that presently fall into this category are African love grass, Boneseed, Climbing spindleberry, Cathedral bells, Darwins barberry, Blue passion flower, Asiatic knotweed, Giant knotweed, Banana passionfruit, Cotoneaster, Himalayan honeysuckle, Mothplant, Pennisetum villosum, Purple ragwort and Chilean rhubarb.
A Didymo advocate will be employed by HBRC over the months of November 2014 – February 2015 to carry out Didymo advocacy on Hawke’s Bay freshwater waterways, subject to a $20,000 grant from the Ministry of Primary Industries which will fully fund these activities. They will also be required to liaise with any clubs using these waterways, visit sports stores, camping grounds and information centres and to contact tourist providers associated with freshwater activities. . Any organizers of activities involving freshwater waterway use will be contacted throughout the year to ensure any equipment in contact with water will be “Checked, Cleaned, Dried”
8.0 Biological control of plant pests
HBRC continues to support research into biological control of plant pests. HBRC’s priorities for further research into bio-control agents during the life of the RPMP are Chilean needle grass, Nassella tussock, and Japanese honeysuckle. Biological agents will be purchased for the control of Broom and Californian thistle. Biological control agents for Ragwort, Nodding thistle, and Gorse are widespread and active in the region.
If an occupier requests a bio-control agent, Biosecurity staff will investigate the property to ensure the bio-control agents are not already present and active on their land. If the Bio-control agents are required, HBRC will arrange for their release, if they are available.
9.0 General advice and information
Biosecurity staff will provide general advice on appropriate methods to control plant pests. The information is intended to assist occupiers meet their obligations under the RPMP. Where chemical control is advocated, then safe use, storage, and disposal of all herbicides will be promoted. Other methods of control may include mechanical methods, grubbing, stock management, or biological control.
Biosecurity staff will also assist with the general identification of plants, and provide information and education material about poisonous plants.
Information and advice on plant pests may also be provided at field days and A&P shows.
10.0 Press releases and general information
During the financial year, Biosecurity staff will produce press releases targeting specific plant pests. The press releases will provide information to occupiers to allow them to identify the plants concerned and encourage them to report its location. The plant pests to be targeted and likely timing of the press release are indicated in the table below:
Plant pest |
Time of press release |
Chilean needle grass |
November 2014 |
Didymo |
January 2015 |
Saffron thistle |
January 2015 |
Woolly nightshade |
April 2015 |
Mothplant |
March 2015 |
Phragmites |
March 2015 |
Press releases relating to other Total Control plant pests may be issued during the year depending on interest or growing conditions. In addition, the discovery of any new infestations will be reported if appropriate. Publicity material will be prepared using Weedbusters principles. Weedbusters is a national weed awareness programme involving the Department of Conservation and regional councils. HBRC is part of the Weedbusters network.
11.0 Monitoring methods for Total Control plant pests
Staff are undertaking a monitoring programme for total control plant pests using the following guidelines. The objective is to develop a better picture of the effects of control over the duration of the strategy. This monitoring programme will use an estimated 20 days of staff resource and can be completed within existing programmes.
· The two main techniques to be used will be random transects of random properties and plant counts. These are to be done before any control work for the season has been started for that plant pest. They will also be done at the same time each year.
· Transects will vary from 10-100mts in length (depending on terrain) and 1mt wide. All plants that fall within the transect will be counted and the length calculated on GPS. This will represent a portion of a hectare.
· Where multiple transects are used then these will be added together to find the overall number of plants per hectare.
· Where it is practical, plant counts will be done on selected properties of some Total Control Plants which are more than a very limited infestation. These will be done on the same properties each year. Biosecurity staff believe plant counts give a better guide than transects.
· For Total Control Plants of very limited infestation, a plant count will be done to get totals for all of Hawke’s Bay.
· These methods will be used on known infestations only as at 1 July 2006.
12.0 High Risk and QE11 Areas
High-risk areas are defined as picnic sites; old and current dump sites, old homestead sites, recreational areas, rivers, beaches, areas close to a Total Control plant infestation, and native bush areas. These areas are to be inspected as time allows.
13.0 National Pest Plant Accord
The Ministry of Primary Industries manages the National Pest Plant Accord, which has declared 132 plants as unwanted organisms under the Biosecurity Act. HBRC has agreed to be responsible for ensuring that people selling plants are conforming to the requirements of the Act, and not selling or propagating these plants. All plant pests and unwanted organisms are banned from sale and propagation under the Biosecurity Act. All retail outlets that are known to sell plants will be visited at least once per year, to ensure that they are not selling any plant pests listed in the RPMP or any plants on the Pest Plant Accord.
14.0 Management Programmes
Biosecurity staff will negotiate and agree a management programme with Transit NZ and Kiwirail. The management programme will specify how plant pests on their land will be managed.
Management programmes for the control of most Total Control plant pests will be negotiated and agreed with private land occupiers during surveillance and compliance monitoring visits.
Biosecurity staff will negotiate and agree a management programme with the Asset Management section of Council for the control of specific Total Control plant pests that occur on land managed for flood control. The management programme will specify how the Asset Management section will control these plant pests.
15.0 Enforcement
Should a Biosecurity officer observe that an occupier is either in breach of their agreed management programme, or a rule in the RPMP then that officer will issue a direction under section 122 of the Biosecurity Act requiring them to comply with the Plan. If after the reasonable period of time indicated in the direction notice, the required work has not been completed then Biosecurity staff will provide the occupier with written notice that HBRC will arrange for the necessary control work to be carried out. The occupier will meet the cost of this control work.
16.0 Subsidy scheme
The incentive scheme subsidy budget for the 2014/15 financial year is $50,000. It is intended that the incentive scheme will be mainly targeted at the following plant pests: Chilean needle grass, Japanese honeysuckle, Old man’s beard, Cotton thistle and Saffron thistle.
The standard operating procedures detailing how the incentive scheme will be operated are attached to the operational plan (Appendix 2).
17.0 Site Specific
Please refer to the Animal Pest operational plan for information on site specific control.
Appendix 1: Standard Operating Procedures For The Control Of Privet
(a) Introduction
These procedures set out in detail how Biosecurity staff will enforce the Privet rule in the Regional Pest Management Plan.
(b) Comment
Biosecurity staff will only respond to valid complaints[1]. An occupier with privet would then be advised of the effects of privet and the privet rule. Complaints will be responded to in the following order of priority:
1st priority – Privet is in complainant’s/ enquirer’s property or on a neighbouring property.
2nd priority – privet is not in a neighbouring property but is within 100 metres of the complainant’s/enquirer’s house, or adjacent to or on public land.
3rd priority – all other complaints/enquiries.
(c) Dealing with Privet hedges
Where a valid complaint is about a privet hedge, Biosecurity staff will:
Advise the occupier of the property (or properties if the hedge is a boundary fence) about the effects of privet flowers.
The occupier(s) will agree to a management programme, which would require them to keep the hedge trimmed so as to stop flowering. If the occupier will not trim the hedge Biosecurity staff will arrange a contractor to trim the hedge at Councils cost.
Plant Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 2 |
Appendix 2: Plant Pest Subsidy Scheme Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operating Procedures for Implementing The Plant Pest Subsidy Scheme
(a) Introduction
These procedures set out in detail how Biosecurity staff will operate the plant pest subsidy scheme that is provided for in the Regional Pest Management Plan.
(b) Comments
Plant pests having a serious economic impact on farming operations provide their own incentive to occupiers to control them. The subsidy scheme is therefore only available to assist with the control of those plant pests which are either very expensive to control, or whose density has become so low that they no longer cause a significant economic impact to the occupier of the land. HBRC provides the control work for some total control plant pests with limited distribution. Those plants for which HBRC conducts the control measures are not eligible for subsidy scheme assistance.
The following table lists the plant pests that subsidy scheme money is available for, and indicates the rationale for the subsidy scheme.
Plant pest |
Limited distribution |
Difficult to control |
Non-economic benefits |
Apple of Sodom |
√ |
Australian sedge |
√ |
Chilean needle grass |
√ |
Cotton thistle |
√ |
Japanese honeysuckle |
√ |
Old man’s beard |
√ |
Pinus contorta |
√ |
Privet |
√ |
Saffron thistle |
√ |
Woolly nightshade |
√ |
√ |
Plant Pest Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 2 |
Organisation of Subsidy Budget
The budget will be split up and allocated towards the control of each plant pest. The Plant Pest Team Leader will determine the actual amount of money allocated to each plant pest each year, based on the size of infestations and the range of management programmes operating.
This will ensure that subsidy scheme money is available during the year, so that effective control can be conducted at the most appropriate time for each plant pest.
An indicative split of the total budget for each total control plant pest is provided in the following table.
1-5% of budget |
5-10% of budget |
>10% of budget |
Privet |
Australian sedge |
Old man’s beard |
Cotton thistle |
Pinus contorta |
Japanese honeysuckle |
Saffron thistle |
Apple of Sodom |
Chilean needle grass |
Type of Assistance
Where there is a very limited distribution of the plant pest then the subsidy scheme will be made available to the occupier of that land to assist with the destruction of all the plants each year, until no more emerge. Biosecurity staff will continue to monitor these sites.
As set out in the Strategy, subsidy scheme money can meet up to 50% of the cost of the work required, with a maximum contribution of $3,000 being paid except for Chilean needle grass. However this amount also does not apply to Privet hedges and Privet in rural areas, only a maximum contribution of $500 will be paid. Privet in a rural area is defined by being outside a 50km speed zone area. In the case of Chilean needle grass, 100% of the cost of the chemical Taskforce and 50% of the cost of contractor application will be met through the subsidy scheme. The maximum contribution for Chilean needle grass will still be $3,000.
Japanese honeysuckle subsidy scheme money is available for the few private land occupiers within the control areas listed in the RPMP.
Old man’s beard subsidy scheme is only available for land occupiers on private rateable land. The majority of infestations of Old Man’s Beard occur along rivers (controlled by the Council); in DoC reserves; or along the State highways (where Transit NZ has responsibility for control). The control of Old Man’s Beard on Council land, DoC land and along the State highway will be managed via the agreed management programmes.
The subsidy scheme will therefore be used to assist occupiers to remove Old Man’s Beard from their properties. It is expected that the majority of subsidy scheme money for Old Man’s Beard will be spent in the Wairoa district, as this is where control operations have been carried out for a number of years.
Accessing Subsidy Scheme Money
No subsidy scheme money will be provided to any occupier unless there is an agreed management programme, which clearly specifies what action the occupier is to carry out. Before Council will pay an occupier any subsidy scheme money the following steps must be taken:
· The plant pest must be clearly identified. The occupier must be clearly informed of what work is expected and the timeframe Council expects work to be completed by.
· The application form for an incentive scheme grant must be completed by the occupier and returned to Council.
· The Biosecurity Team Leader Plant Pests will determine whether the application is approved or not. All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application for financial assistance.
· Any work completed before the application has been approved will not qualify for financial assistance.
· A Biosecurity team member will inspect the property to ensure that the work has been completed to the agreed standard.
· Payment of the agreed amount will only be made once Council is satisfied that work has been completed to the agreed standard.
Appendix 3:
· Boundary clearance to be 5mts on ALL properties except where dense on both sides of boundary, then do nothing.
· If dense one side and medium to sparse on the other side of boundary, clear 5mts both sides.
· Boundary clearance of 5mts is a MINIMUM only. If necessary a larger boundary clearance distance or Total control can be enforced.
· Particular attention is to be placed on properties that have road frontages. These to be cleared back 5mts in ALL cases.
· Should a property owner not comply then we have the option to prosecute.
· Where grazing is used as a management tool, all satellite plants left within the control area must be removed or sprayed before they set hard seed.
· Management options can include grazing, mowing, spot spray, weed eater or grubbing.
· ALL properties WILL have a current management plan.
· Boundary control distances are a MINIMUM only and Total control is still an option if needed.
· Plant densities are, Dense= 5+/m2, Medium= 2-4/m2 and Low= 0-1/m2
Attachment 3 |
operational plan
Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management
july 2014 to 30 june 2015
Phytosanitary Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 3 |
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Background
3.0 Measuring Performance
4.0 Phytosanitary Pests to be Controlled
4.1 Apple black spot (Venturia inaequalis)
4.2 Codling moth (Cydia pomonella)
4.3 European Canker (Nectria galligena)
4.4 Fireblight (Erwinia amylovora)
4.5 Lightbrown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana)
5.0 Flowchart - implementing the Operational Plan
6.0 Occupiers Responsibilities
7.0 Hawke’s Bay Fruit Growers Responsibility
8.0 Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Responsibilities
9.0 Management Options for Controlling Phytosanitary Pests
10.0 Enforcement
Phytosanitary Operational Plan 2014 - 15 |
Attachment 3 |
This Operational Plan focuses on the methods for implementing the control of Phytosanitary Pests as set out in the Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan.
Hawke’s Bay Fruit Growers Association is responsible for monitoring of the Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan. They will be the initial facilitator in responding to enquiries, and ensuring monitoring information is gathered in response to landowners’ complaints.
The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will assist Hawke’s Bay Fruit Grower’s Association to achieve a satisfactory conclusion when their involvement and discussions have failed to resolve the issue.
2.0 Background
HBRC will be the management agency for the Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan. As the management agency HBRC is required to prepare an Operational Plan that sets out how the Plan is to be implemented. The Operational Plan will be reviewed annually. At the end of each financial year, Pipfruit New Zealand, and Hawke’s Bay Fruit Growers Association in consultation with HBRC will report to council on the implementation of the Operational Plan.
3.0 Measuring Performance
HBRC staff will report to Council by 30 November each calendar year. These reports will document the performance of HBRC in achieving the objectives of this Regional Photosanitary Pest Management Plan including whether:
· A complaints and enquiries register has been maintained, and follow up action has been taken as appropriate;
· Any phytosantitary pest management control has been undertaken;
· The cost of implementing this strategy.
4.0 Phytosanitary Pests to be Controlled
4.1 Apple black spot (Venturia inaequalis)
Apple black spot is a fungal disease, often referred to as apple scab outside of New Zealand. It is a wet weather disease, and rainy and humid conditions provide ideal conditions for infection. Even the smallest black spot is unacceptable for export.
Rule for Control
Every occupier of an unmanaged pipfruit production site in Hawke’s Bay is required to control Apple black spot (Venturia inaequalis) on their land from the presence of green tips until fruit harvest by applying Apple black spot fungicides on a calendar basis as per the fungicide label instructions.
A breach of this rule is an offence under section 154 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Fruit so treated will not be available for export sale.
4.2 Codling moth (Cydia pomonella)
Codling moth is a small speckled, grey moth, hosted by apple, pear and walnut trees. The larvae of Codling moth burrows into fruit leaving small holes. The Frass (droppings) indicates the presence of the larva. The moth over-winters as a dormant caterpillar in a cocoon under the bark of the tree or in the soil.
Rule for Control
Every occupier of an unmanaged pipfruit production site in Hawke’s Bay is required to control Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) on their land if five (5) or more Codling moths are caught in any one Codling moth pheromone trap during any calendar week on their land.
A breach of the rule is an offence under the section 154 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Occupiers of pipfruit production sites are therefore required to monitor for and control Codling moth.
4.3 European Canker (Nectria galligena)
Initial symptoms of European canker are a small sunken area around a bud, leaf scar, or at the base of a small dead shoot or open wound. Concentric rings of a canker growth then appear. The sunken area increases in size with the centre becoming flaky, eventually it will girdle the stem and shoots above the canker die.
Rule for control
Every occupier of an unmanaged pipfruit production site in Hawke’s Bay is required to control European Canker (Nectria galligena) by inspecting all pipfruit trees on their land at least once during winter (May to August), and removing and burning all pipfruit trees showing any presence of European Canker.
A breach in this rule is an offence under section 154 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Occupiers of the pipfruit production sites are therefore required to monitor for and control European Canker.
4.4 Fireblight (Erwinia amylovora)
Blossom infection can result in “shepherds crook” of the shoot. Blossom appear water soaked then turn brown and finally black. Young fruit if infected turn brown, then black, wilt then drop off.
Rule for control
Every occupier of an unmanaged pipfruit production site in Hawke’s Bay is required to control Fireblight (Erwinia amylovora) on their land during the pipfruit bloom period (from pink to petal fall) by applying Fireblight bactericides as per the bactericide label instructions.
A breach in this rule is an offence under section 154 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Occupiers of pipfruit production sites are therefore required to monitor for and control Fireblight.
4.5 Lightbrown apple moth (Leafroller) (Epiphyas postvittana)
Lightbrown apple moth adults are variable in colour and may be confused with other leaf rollers. Males have a forewing length of 6-10 mm with a light brown area at the base distinguishable from a much darker, redbrown area at the tip. The latter may be absent, the moth appearing uniformly light brown, as in the females, with only a slightly darker oblique markings distinguishing the area at the tip of the wing. Females have a forewing length of 7-13 mm, and colour varies from a uniform light brown, with almost no distinguishing markings.
Larval first instar has a dark brown head, while all other instars have a light fawn head and prothoracic plate (plate behind head). Overwintering larva are darker, while the mature larva is medium green with a darker green central stripe and two side stripes. Pupae are at first green, but become medium brown after rapid hardening.
Rule for control
Every occupier of an unmanaged pipfruit production site in Hawke’s Bay is required to control Lightbrown apple moth (Leafroller) (Epiphyas postvittana) on their land once thirty (30) Lightbrown apple moths are caught in any one Lightbrown apple moth pheromone trap on their land from 15th December until fruit harvest.
A breach in this rule is an offence under section 154 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Occupiers of pipfruit production sites are therefore required to monitor for and control Lightbrown apple moth.
5.0 Flowchart - implementing the Operational Plan
Affected party monitors increased
management inputs and reports issue to local independent
third party (eg HBFGA). No further action
Independent third party advises
affected grower on what needs to be monitored and what data will be needed Crop dependent monitoring advice
Monitoring over next month shows clear
difference in management inputs to previous 3 years data from affected
production site Independent third party advises
landowner that production site meets the criteria as an ‘abandoned
production site’ and gives 14 calendar days notice to reach a
satisfactory conclusion with affected neighbours. At the end of the
14 calendar days the case will be handed to the HBRC for action under their
Regional Plan. Independent third party assesses
checklist and agrees with affected party regarding impact and
notifies HBRC of the issue by fully supported letter HBRC action
6.0 Occupiers Responsibilities
All occupiers of pipfruit production sites are expected to monitor for and control phytosanitary pests over their property.
Following an increase in presence of pests the affected occupier will contact the occupier of the adjacent unmanaged pipfruit production site to seek agreement that they will control phytosanitary pests on their land in accordance with the Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan management regime.
When the adjacent pipfruit production site occupier does not agree to control phytosanitary pests, the affected occupier may contact Hawke’s Bay Fruit Grower’s Association advising them of the problem when monitoring confirms:
· There is a clear difference in the management inputs required to control Phytosanitary pests compared to the previous three years.
· Or monitoring results indicate that the Phytosanitary pest outbreak is more severe along the boundary with the adjacent unmanaged pipfruit production site.
7.0 Hawke’s Bay Fruit Growers Responsibility
Hawke’s Bay Fruit Growers Association has the following responsibilities:
· Determining whether the adjacent pipfruit production site occupier has been affected by an increase of the presence of Phytosanitary Pests.
· Assessing monitoring data on the affected managed pipfruit production site to confirm there is a clear difference in the management inputs required to control the phytosanitary pests compared to the previous three years, and/or that the pest outbreak is more severe along the boundary with the adjacent unmanaged pipfruit production site.
· Advising the occupier of the unmanaged pipfruit production site that a complaint has been received regarding their inaction to control phytosanitary pests on the their land, and that Hawke’s Bay Fruit Growers Association are now investigating the issue in accordance with this operational plan and the Hawke’s Bay Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan.
· Investigating and seeking agreement for the control of phytosanitary pests.
· Advising the occupier of the unmanaged pipfruit production site(s), that they are deemed to be an exacerbator of phytosanitary pests.
· Assisting occupiers to reach an agreement regarding the control of phytosanitary pests within 14 days, and providing technical support to monitor that the necessary control measures are undertaken.
8.0 Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Responsibilities
HBRC will direct and enforce the provisions of the Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan when all steps have been taken to reach a satisfactory agreement by an independent third party (eg Hawke’s Bay Fruit Grower’s Association), and a satisfactory conclusion has not been achieved.
9.0 Management Options for Controlling Phytosanitary Pests
There are three management options proposed for the control of Phytosanitary Pests:
· The occupier of the pipfruit production site manage at their cost the phytosanitary pests on their land in accordance with current pipfruit industry pest management best practice for either organic or integrated fruit production.
· The occupier of an unmanaged pipfruit production site allows an affected adjacent pipfruit production site to manage their pipfruit production site in a manner that reduces the level of risk. Costs of control are to be agreed between the two occupiers.
· The occupier of an unmanaged pipfruit production site, at no cost to adjacent managed pipfruit sites, removes their pip fruit trees.
10.0 Enforcement
When a satisfactory conclusion cannot be reached between occupiers HBRC will consider a detailed report prepared by Hawke’s Bay Fruit Growers Association on the unmanaged pipfruit production site.
When a landowner does not adhere to the requirements of the Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan, an authorised person may issue directions for the control of Phytosanitary Pests under Section 122 (Notice of Direction) of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
On default, HBRC may arrange for the work to be carried out and recover the costs from the land occupier under sections 128 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 (Notice of Intention to Act on Default) and section 129 of the Biosecurity Act 1993 (Liens).
Criteria for enforcement is set out in each rule for each Phytosanitary Pest. Notices will be set out as per the rule in the Regional Phytosanitary Pest Management Plan.
Environment and Services Committee
Wednesday 11 June 2014
SUBJECT: River Gravel Update
Reason for Report
1. This report is to update the Environment and Services Committee on progress with the Review of Riverbed Gravel Management. This is review being managed by the Engineering Section as part of the Gravel Management Project (Project 369).
2. Gravel extraction forms an integral part of ongoing flood protection to both the Heretaunga and Ruataniwha Plains scheme areas, with gravel being extracted such that the flood capacity of the schemes is maintained, and the potential for the rivers to undermine edge protection is minimised.
3. The Hawke’s Bay river-borne gravel resource is increasingly under pressure for construction use particularly in the proximity of the Heretaunga Plains where the transport cost to the main centres is significantly less than gravel sourced further away.
4. The majority of the easily accessible rivers are now effectively managed through the process of targeted gravel extraction. However gravel stocks are limited in many of the areas closest to the market and as a result pressure is placed on gravel extractors to win their resource at greater distances (eg Ruataniwha Plains rivers) from their markets putting pressure on their competitiveness.
5. With the understandable reluctance to source gravel from further afield due to the high transport costs there is a risk that gravel management for flood control purposes in these areas will become an expense on scheme ratepayers that may be unaffordable.
6. In addition there is increasing concern being expressed by the public that river gravel extraction is aggravating coastal erosion, particularly in Haumoana and Te Awanga. More research being undertaken to fully understand and manage the potential effects.
7. The Asset Management section believes it is imperative for Council to have an effective framework for the ongoing management of the gravel resource within the region, supported by robust science and processes. This was the subject of a paper to Council on 09 November 2010 where a scoping report was presented that outlined the issues and proposed a way forward.
8. The scoping report identified the issues associated with the current management of the region’s river bed gravel resource that when completed would:
8.1. Improve Council’s understanding of riverbed gravel transport and the impact of gravel extraction on flood protection works and coastal processes.
8.2. Enable Council to review its management regime for assessing the gravel resource and for managing its extraction.
8.3. Examine the future demand for the resource working with the extraction industry.
8.4. Inform co-management discussions with regard to the gravel resource and its management with Treaty Claimant Groups.
9. The scoping report adopted by Council included a prioritised programme of work that could be accommodated in a 6 year time span. This 2013/2014 financial year is the third year of the programme. Completion is programmed for 2016/2017.
10. In order to carry out the review and obtain a wide view of community concerns and ideas on the gravel resource a number of meetings have been arranged, (and are ongoing) to discuss the issues. A separate meeting was held with the key people in the gravel supply industry to hear their views as they have a different perspective on the resource than other interested parties. These meetings with the industry are continuing as they are a vital part of gravel management.
11. A meeting has been held with DOC, Fish & Game and the TLA’s. A hui was widely advertised and held at Kohupatiki Marae to inform and discuss with hapu associated with the rivers the issues relating to gravel management. In addition a number of specialists working in the fields of coastal and river gravel processes have been interviewed for their expert knowledge.
12. HBRC has a number of responsibilities that have a direct bearing on the management of gravel resources in the region:
12.1. It has the jurisdiction to manage and authorise activities in riverbeds
12.2. It has the jurisdiction to manage and authorise activities in the coastal area
12.3. It has responsibility for flood control and protection of assets.
13. There is an ongoing demand for gravel and aggregate for a range of activities in the roading and construction industry. There is a need to balance the allocation of gravel between supply demand and the need to maintain the flood capacity of flood protection schemes. This balance should also take account of the environmental effects of gravel extraction, Māori views and the river ecology.
14. Extensive flood protection schemes have been established throughout the Heretaunga Plains and the Ruataniwha Plains, managed by HBRC. These schemes are currently designed and constructed to a standard (1% Annual Exceedance Probability, AEP). This standard is maintained through maintenance of the channel carrying capacity and design riverbed levels.
15. The main population areas and therefore gravel demand are on the Heretaunga Plains. However the gravel resources are spread between the Northern area, Heretaunga Plains and Ruataniwha Plains. As noted above there is a tension between the gravel supply and the gravel demand areas due to the extra transport costs. This has implications for HBRC’s management of the flood protection schemes as too high a cost to extract the gravel may result in gravel extractors preferring to establish land based sources. HBRC currently has little ability to manage these land based areas, although land based mining is covered in the Hastings District Plan.
16. There is uncertainty over the potential effects of riverbed gravel extraction, specifically in relation to the following aspects:
16.1. Long-term riverbed morphology
16.2. Long-term riverbed gravel supply from the high country
16.3. Sediment supply to the coast and the effect on coastal stability
16.4. Riverbed ecology and biodiversity
16.5. Sites and issues of significance to tangata whenua.
17. The review includes work to investigate and/or quantify these effects and determine what further work, if any is needed to provide HBRC with robust information necessary to manage the gravel resource as well as confirming or otherwise whether the current management regime and processes are appropriate for long term sustainability. The information will improve the understanding of gravel transport and therefore also enhance the understanding for other interested parties.
18. The review is divided into 13 separate but related issues that require investigation. The order presented in the table below begins with the highest priority first and some of the later issues are dependent on the outcome and/or data from the earlier studies. Rough order costs to carry out the work have been assigned to each issue. In addition there are annual costs associated with Tangata Whenua involvement and a steering group.
Issue |
Total Indicative cost |
Stage |
Current Status |
1 |
Hydrological Review |
$40,000 |
Stage 1 |
Complete |
2 |
Gravel Supply & Transport |
$110,000 |
In Progress |
3 |
Gravel Resource Inventory |
$60,000 |
4 |
Implications for Flood Protection |
$40,000 |
5 |
Gravel Demand & Forecast |
$30,000 |
6 |
Gravel Monitoring & Resource Availability |
$40,000 |
7 |
In-stream Ecological Effects |
$75,000 |
Stage 2
In Progress |
8 |
Riverbed Birds & Flora |
$45,000 |
In Progress |
9 |
Tangata Whenua Values |
$20,000 |
Ongoing |
10 |
Effectiveness of Beach-raking |
$40,000 |
Stage 2
Complete |
11 |
RMA Issues |
$30,000 |
Stage 3 (RMA issues sooner) |
12 |
Allocation & Financial Mechanisms |
$30,000 |
13 |
Riverbed Gravel Management Plan |
$75,000 |
Final Stage |
Total |
$635,000 |
Tangata Whenua consultation |
$10,000/year |
Ongoing |
Steering Group |
$10,000/year |
Ongoing |
19. The terms of reference for the review were to consider the costs spread over a number of years at about $100,000 per year. This of course is subject to a suitable source of funding and could be expanded or reduced to suit. At present 6 years is the time period considered. A work programme has been prepared to enable each of these issues to be studied and reported on in a final report by 2017.
20. Possible options for funding the work were discussed with gravel extractors and Council. The option chosen to fund the work is from increased Resource Management charges currently levied on a per cubic metre rate on all river bed gravel extracted. With the previous level of extraction averaging approximately 600,000 cubic metres per annum this required an increase of the levy charged from $0.60/m3 to approximately $0.80/m3.
21. In the past year gravel extraction from the region’s rivers has reduced significantly as the market demand has dropped off. There are two consequences of this if the trend continues;
21.1. The lesser consequence is that funding to continue the research will need to be topped up from another source or the programme will need to be extended. This latter action is least preferred owing to the urgent nature of some of the issues.
21.2. The more serious consequence with reduced demand is that gravel build-up in the rivers will be a problem for the flood protection system. Already some river reaches in the Ruataniwha Plains (e.g. Makaretu River) have excessive gravel deposits causing problems.
22. Staff will give a short presentation to Councillors outlining the research done to date, highlighting some of the more pertinent findings and provide some comment on future work.
Decision Making Process
23. This paper is to update Council on a programme of work that has already been approved and as such no decisions are required to be made. Likewise there are no recommendations to consider.
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report “Gravel Resource Review: Update”. |
Gary Clode Manager Engineering |
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Environment and Services Committee
Wednesday 11 June 2014
SUBJECT: Update on Open Space Area Plans
Reason for Report
1. To provide an update on HBRC’s Individual Park Plan review process covering Pekapeka, Pakowhai, Waitangi and Tutira Regional Parks.
2. To update Council on potential park developments.
HBRC Regional Park Network Plan
3. At its meeting on 20 November 2013 the Environment and Services Committee (E&SC) adopted the Regional Park Network Plan (RPNP) as the guiding document for managing and improving HBRC’s open space / regional park assets.
4. The RPNP recognises the evolution of HBRC open space from areas of limited public use (often acquired for reasons other than to become parks), to areas of increasing public use and community value. The RPNP identifies some of our open space as regional parks, reflecting what they have become and acknowledging the need to manage them collectively.
5. By HBRC definition a regional park is “an area of land recognized for its natural, cultural & heritage and recreation value, or other reason, and under administration of the HBRC”.
Individual Park Plan Review
6. A requirement of the RPNP is to draft 10 year Individual Park Plans to guide the management, maintenance and development of each regional park asset.
7. At the November 2013 meeting it was identified that a program of management plan review had commenced and that Council endorsement for these plans would be sought during the 2014 calendar year.
8. This paper provides an update on where the Individual Park Plan review process is at.
Open Spaces Projects and Funding
9. On 6 March 2008 Council resolved to establish a $7.5m borrowing facility for the purposes of funding projects identified in Council’s Open Space programme and also to fund capital projects of regional significance under the Community Facilities Fund criteria.
10. There is approximately $800,000 available in that borrowing facility.
11. At the November 2013 meeting, Council agreed not to commit that money to additional projects. This money could then be available to fund an expansion of the Regional Parks Network or improvements within existing open space areas.
Individual Park Plan Components
12. Individual Park Plans consist of a narrative, asset management spreadsheet, recreation activity summary and status (encouraged, limited, discouraged), existing inventory and concept development plans. The narrative includes a brief overview of the park as well as detail on the park values, vision and management objectives. The asset management spreadsheet sets out management, maintenance and proposed capital development items and associated costs over a 10 year period. These are to be prioritised on the basis of community interest/response, need and added value.
13. The intent of the concept development plans is to provide vision for each park to enable individual initiatives within each park to be developed consistently and in alignment with the overarching Regional Parks Network Plan. It is not the intent that all or any proposed developments are to occur in any one financial year. Developments are proposed on the basis that capital works may be completed
13.1. when funds are allocated by Council or
13.2. when funds are raised through external sources.
14. The fundamental point is that when development does occur it is completed to an approved park plan.
Individual Park Plan Review Progress
15. Individual Park Plans are in draft for Pekapeka, Pakowhai and Waitangi Regional Parks.
16. Consultation has been undertaken on the draft plan for Pekapeka Wetland including kaitiaki from Pakipaki, Forest and Bird (Hastings - Havelock North), Department of Conservation, Fish and Game New Zealand and Kiwirail. These groups are generally supportive of the project and draft plan.
17. Public and visitors to the wetland have been invited to provide comment and feedback on the wetland restoration and the draft plan. While formal feedback has been limited (2 responses), what has been received is supportive. The most common informal comment or request is for the installation of a toilet and rubbish bin at the interpretation site.
18. Cost estimates have yet to be completed.
19. The drafting of an Individual Park Plan for Tutira Regional Park is on hold. Preliminary scoping work was undertaken, however, on request and advice from the Maungaharuru Tangitu Trust (MTT), drafting is on hold until such a time MTT can appropriately engage in the project. This is likely to be September 2014. Initially, staff were looking to include Lake Tutira within the “Tutira Regional Park” boundary. This is now unlikely due to the complexities of land ownership surrounding Lake Tutira.
20. The table below provides an overview of the Individual Park Plan review process covering plan drafting, consultation, capital development & maintenance costing, Council approval and plan implementation.
21. At the meeting staff will
deliver a presentation outlining some of the key issues associated with each
Park and the draft vision for each of them
Regional Park |
Draft IPP |
Consultation |
Costing / funding |
Council Approval |
Implementation |
Pekapeka Wetland |
95% complete |
complete |
Due September 2014 |
8th October 2014 |
Pakowhai Country Park |
80% complete |
July / August 2014 |
Due September 2014 |
8th October 2014 |
Waitangi Wetlands |
80% complete |
July / August 2014 |
Due September 2014 |
8th October 2014 |
Tutira Country Park |
20% complete |
Late 2014 |
Late 2014 |
Park Maintenance Requirement
22. Funding priority should be given to maintaining and protecting existing park assets. This includes:
22.1. maintaining park infrastructure (pathways, tables, seats, signage, fencing, carparks)
22.2. plant and animal pest control
22.3. community engagement provision
22.4. maintaining plantings (restorative, conservation, investment, enhancement, amenity)
22.5. providing for capital expenditure to protect, promote and enhance park values
funding depreciation of the park assets
Potential Park Development
23. Potential park developments are based on historical management objectives, ecological monitoring recommendations, anecdotal feedback and consultation where completed.
24. The table below identifies key potential developments.
Regional Park |
Key Potential Developments |
Pekapeka Wetland |
- Land acquisition & enhancement (Waireporepo Pa, northern carpark, southern secondary arrival area) - Island Pa site enhancement - Toilet installation - Western wetland enhancement (community provision) - Northern walkway & carpark (loop track) - Native planting program around perimeter of wetland (community provision) - Update / replace / install signage (interpretive and gateway) - Open water and bittern habitat enhancement (northern end) - Resource consent for aerial application of selective herbicide - Landscape predator control
program |
Pakowhai Country Park |
- Park expansion / land aquisition - Walkway bridge abutment protection - Installation of stream crossing structure for dogs near bridge approaches - Service track relocation - Lake creation near the old Raupare bridge - Entrance and parking reconfiguration in conjunction with HDC - Foot bridge (Raupare Stream) - Planting Program (community provision) - Update interpretive and gateway signage - Establishment of dog agility area and infrastructure - Pedestrian overbridge (over Pakowhai Rd linking Ruahapia with the park) |
Waitangi Wetlands |
- Upgrade / replace vehicle barriers onto the beach at East Clive - Upgrade Richmond Rd primary arrival area (carpark) - Upgrade Ferry Rd secondary arrival area - Upgrade Awatoto primary arrival area - Coastal erosion control planting program (Muddy Creek wetland protection) - Amenity and restoration planting program (community provision) - Signage installation (gateway, interpretive and educational) |
Tutira Country Park |
- To be confirmed |
Decision Making Process
25. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained in Part 6 Sub Part 1 of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:
25.1. The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.
25.2. The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.
25.3. The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.
25.4. No persons affected by this decision.
25.5. Options will be considered as part of the development of each individual park plan.
25.6. The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.
25.7. Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.
26. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report. 27. That the Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council: 27.1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 27.2. Notes that the development of Individual Park Plans for Pakowhai, Pekapeka and Waitangi Regional Park areas is well advanced and that the final plans are programmed to be brought to Council for endorsement following public consultation later in 2014. 27.3. Notes that the development of an Individual Park Plan for Tutira will be progressed in conjunction with Maungaharuru – Tangitu Trust later in 2014.
Steve Cave Manager, Open Space Development |
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
Environment and Services Committee
Wednesday 11 June 2014
SUBJECT: Science Report Updates
Reason for Report
1. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) has a responsibility under the RMA, the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement and the Regional Coastal Environment Plan to safeguard the integrity, functioning and resilience of the coastal environment and to sustain its ecosystems.
2. These reports and the associated summaries will update Council regarding the outcomes of an ongoing targeted investigation into the extent of saltwater influence in the region’s estuaries. The report also outlines the conclusions of a review of relevant data into the state of the Ahuriri Estuary for contact recreation and shellfish gathering purposes.
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the extent of saltwater influence in Hawke’s Bay estuaries. RM 14/01 – Plan No: 4577.
3. This report describes the mapping of the extent of saltwater influence in the Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri estuaries.
4. Electrical conductivity was used as a proxy for salinity. Following preliminary surveys of conductivity gradients in each of the estuaries using field meters, Odyssey conductivity loggers collecting continuous data were deployed. These deployments coincided with periods of low flows and spring tides, which were expected to be the periods of the maximum extent of saltwater influence.
5. The data collected by the loggers was then interpolated using ArcGIS to generate maps of the salinity gradient through the estuaries.
6. The data collected by the Odyssey loggers was correlated against median flow and tide height. At most of the sites tide height was strongly correlated with salinity (the higher the tide the higher the salinity). River flow often had a relationship (the higher the flow the lower the salinity) with salinity, especially at those sites furthest from the mouth of the estuary.
7. The maximum extent of saltwater influence from the sea was:
7.1. 1 km into the Tukituki estuary
7.2. 4.1 km into the Clive River arm of the Waitangi estuary
7.3. 5.1 km into the Ngarururo River arm of the Waitangi Estuary
7.4. 2.9 km into the Tutaekuri River arm of the Waitangi Estuary
7.5. 9.2 km into the Ahuriri Estuary.
8. Since the writing of this report, the extent of saltwater influence into the Porongahau, Mohaka and Nuhaka estuaries has been established. The Odyssey loggers are currently deployed in the Waikari estuary. These estuaries will be the subject of a future report.
Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review. EMT13/10 – Plan Number 4483.
9. The Ahuriri Estuary, Napier is a significant ecological and recreational resource for the Hawke’s Bay community. It is recognised as a nationally significant wildlife and fisheries habitat, and a nationally important example of tectonic processes. Natural and human-induced changes to the estuary over the last century have considerably changed the estuary form.
10. As one of the few sheltered tidal lagoon estuaries within Hawke’s Bay, Pandora Pond provides for a number of recreational opportunities including swimming, kayaking, sailing, and waka ama. These activities can however be compromised by the presence of faecal contaminants that have the potential to cause illness. Faecal indicator organisms sampled within the Ahuriri Estuary may stem from stormwater, overland flow or accidental sewage discharges.
11. The estuary is currently classified as being in ‘Fair’ condition (grades range from Very Good to Very Poor) in terms of contact recreation, due to the influence of inflows with elevated bacterial concentrations – these may increase the risk of illness to recreational users of the estuary. Other metrics, such as clarity and algal growth do not indicate impairment of recreational opportunities as a consequence of nuisance algal growths.
12. The Ahuriri Estuary also provides food gathering opportunities, most commonly cockle and various species of flounder. Current information suggests that shellfish gathered from the estuary may be unsuitable for human consumption because of elevated faecal indicator bacteria concentrations.
13. If the community regards the water and sediment quality within the estuary as impaired for contact recreation and food-gathering purposes, techniques such as faecal source tracking may assist in identifying the sources of faecal contamination in targeting appropriate management strategies.
Decision Making Process
14. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the reports “The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke’s Bay Estuaries” and “Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review”. |
Oliver Wade Environmental Scientist WQ&E |
Anna Madarasz-Smith Senior Scientist, Water Quality & Ecology |
Stephen Swabey Manager, Science |
Iain Maxwell Group Manager Resource Management |
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke's Bay Estuaries |
Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review |
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke's Bay Estuaries |
Attachment 1 |
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri
Assessment of extent of saltwater influence into Hawke's Bay estuaries
November 2013
HBRC Report No. RM 14/01 HBRC Plan No. 4577
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri
Assessment of extent of saltwater influence into Hawke's Bay estuaries
November 2013
HBRC Report No. RM 14/01 HBRC Plan No. 4577
Prepared By:
Oliver Wade
Scientist – Coastal Quality
Reviewed By:
Neale Hudson
Approved By:
Iain Maxwell
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke's Bay Estuaries |
Attachment 1 |
Executive summary
1 Introduction
1.1 Project objectives
1.2 Statutory context
2 Methodology
2.1 Site selection
2.2 Deployment
2.3 Data analysis
3 Tukituki Estuary
3.1 Results
4 Waitangi Estuary
4.1 Clive River
4.2 Ngarururo River
4.3 Tutaekuri River
5 Ahuriri Estuary
5.1 Ahuriri Estuary Results
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion
8 Acknowledgements
9 References
Appendix A Laboratory test results
Table 2‑1: The Venice Classification System.
Table 3-1: Spearman correlation coefficients for the Tukituki Estuary sites.
Table 4-1: Spearman Correlation Coefficients for Clive River sites.
Table 4-2: Spearman Correlation Coefficients for Ngarururo River sites.
Table 4-3: Spearman Correlation Coefficients for Tutaekuri River sites.
Table 5-1: Spearman Correlation Coefficients for Ahuriri Estuary sites.
Figure 2-1: Map showing the location of estuaries within Hawke's Bay.
Figure 3-1: Tukituki estuary logger deployment sites.
Figure 3-2: Maximum extent of saltwater influence in the Tukituki Estuary.
Figure 3-3: Minimum extent of saltwater influence in the Tukituki Estuary.
Figure 3-4: Scatter plot of median flow (X) and median conductivity (Y) for the Tukituki Estuary.
Figure 3-5: Line plot of tide height with associated median conductivity (Y1) and median flow (Y2) readings.
Figure 4-1: Waitangi estuary logger deployment sites.
Figure 4-2: Maximum extent of saltwater influence in the Waitangi Estuary.
Figure 4-3: Minimum extent of saltwater influence in the Waitangi Estuary.
Figure 4-4: Scatter plot of median flow (X) and median conductivity (Y) for the Clive River.
Figure 4-5: Line plot of tide height with associated median conductivity (Y1) and median flow (Y2) readings.
Figure 4-6: Scatter plot of median flow (X) and median conductivity (Y) for the Ngaruroro River.
Figure 4-7: Line plot of tide height with associated median conductivity (Y1) and median flow (Y2) readings.
Figure 4‑8: Line plot of tide height with associated median conductivity (Y1) and median flow (Y2) readings.
Figure 5-1: Ahuriri estuary logger deployment sites.
Figure 5-2: Maximum extent of saltwater influence in the Ahuriri Estuary.
Figure 5-3: Minimum extent of saltwater influence in the Ahuriri Estuary.
Figure 5-4: Line plot of tide height with associated median conductivity (Y1) and median rainfall (Y2) readings.
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke's Bay Estuaries |
Attachment 1 |
This report documents the mapping of the extent of saltwater influence in three Hawke’s Bay estuaries, the Tukituki, the Waitangi and the Ahuriri.
The current report provides a specific benchmark or reference point in time against which change over time may be assessed. These changes may be driven either by Council managed activities (such as those regulated through the resource consent process), or natural events (e.g. climate change, change in shape and extent of the estuary following an unusual hydrological event).
The extent of saltwater influence was mapped using ArcGIS interpolating continuous conductivity data collected using Odyssey CT loggers. The data collected indicates that the individual estuaries have different saltwater regimes, driven largely by their physical characteristics and the magnitude of freshwater inflows. Correlations indicate that the dominant variable influencing the extent of saltwater influence was flow in the Tukituki, flow and tide height in the Waitangi estuary and tide height in the Ahuriri estuary.
The maximum extent of saltwater influence in these estuaries was:
§ 1 km into the Tukituki Estuary;
§ 4.1 km into the Clive River arm of the Waitangi Estuary;
§ 5.1 km into the Ngarururo River arm of the Waitangi Estuary;
§ 2.9 km into the Tutaekuri River arm of the Waitangi Estuary;
§ 9.2 km into the Ahuriri Estuary;
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke's Bay Estuaries |
Attachment 1 |
Estuaries form a transition zone (ecotone) between saline and fresh waters. Over tidal cycles, saline water moves through estuaries and river mouth openings, the larger the tidal coefficient (amplitude of the tide), the further the saltwater pushes inland. Due to the density differences between saltwater and freshwater, the saltwater often moves upstream in the form of a wedge, with the denser saltwater pushing underneath the fresh. Temperature differences between cooler seawater and river water reinforce density differences during the summer period. As the freshwater flow decreases, the wedge becomes longer and sharper, as flow increases, the wedge becomes shorter and blunter until the freshwater pushes the saltwater back toward the estuary mouth. In addition to flow, the extent of saltwater influence in estuaries is affected by four processes that determine the influence of physical characteristics of an estuary on the tidal wave (Rijn 2010). These are:
§ amplification (or shoaling) of the tidal wave as it is compressed as the width and depth of the estuary decrease (convergence)
§ reduction in the velocity of the tidal wave due to bottom friction
§ deformation of the tidal wave leading to high tide occurring as a sharp transient event, whereas low tide occurs as a long, smooth event
§ partial reflection of the tidal wave by abrupt changes in the depth of the estuary or at the landward end of the estuary (in the absence of a river).
Other meteorological factors can also affect the extent of saltwater influence. Strong winds can push the salt water in shallow estuaries. Strong onshore winds and large swells can create a ‘storm surge’ effect where the sea level, and hence tide level, is higher than it normally would be. Similarly, low barometric pressure can cause an increase in water depth – tide heights are estimated for a standard, 1013 hectopascals (hPa) pressure, and for every decrease in pressure by of 1 hPa below the standard, tide height may be expected to increase by about 1 cm[2].
Estuaries are highly productive areas (P. Meire (2005)) driven by the constant supply of nutrients provided by freshwater inputs. This productivity is not realised in an especially large diversity of species but rather through large numbers of individuals and a high biomass. These species include both freshwater and marine species living at the maximum extent of their distribution areas, as well as estuary-specific species. The distribution of species has been highly correlated with salinity (J. Maes 1998). This high productivity results in a high biomass of algae and phytoplankton, which in turn attract a large number of invertebrates, fish and birds. Retaining the natural balance in these areas is important to maintain the feeding and reproductive cycles of many species.
Additionally, the extent of saltwater penetration into rivers can have some important implications for jurisdictional issues, claims under the Foreshore and Seabed Act (2004), and administration of the Resource Management Act (1991).
The extent of saline penetration in most New Zealand estuaries and rivers is largely unknown. Within Hawke’s Bay, extensive work has been undertaken to describe these zones, so that change driven either by Council managed activities (such as those regulated through the resource consent process), or natural events (e.g. climate change, change in shape and extent of the estuary following an unusual hydrological event) may be detected. The current report provides a specific benchmark or reference point in time against which change over time may be assessed.
1.1 Project objectives
This project will:
§ Describe the spatial extent of Hawke’s Bay estuarine and riverine transition areas;
§ Monitor transition zones over time to provide an understanding of temporal change;
§ Provide information regarding transitional zones to better target monitoring of activities that may affect flora and fauna in these areas.
1.2 Statutory context
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) has a responsibility under the Resource Management Act (1991) for the sustainable management of the coastal area. Sections 6 and 7 of the RMA outline the matters of national importance, and include the ‘preservation of natural character’ and ‘Maintenance and enhancement of the quality of the environment’.
HBRC has demonstrated commitment to increasing knowledge regarding the region's coastal resources by funding investigation of estuarine processes (including saltwater influence) over the life of the current long-term plan (Level of Service Statement, LTCCP 2009-2019).
2 Methodology
Odyssey conductivity loggers (manufactured by Dataflow Systems Pty. Ltd.) were deployed in selected estuaries in order to collect time series data that describe changes in salinity at fixed points in the estuaries and to provide a spatial characterisation of the saline transition zone. Water was classified as fresh, brackish or salt as according to the Venice Classification System (Table 2‑1).
Table 2‑1: The Venice Classification System.
Salinity (ppt) |
Conductivity (mS/cm) |
Classification |
< 0.5 |
1.2 |
Fresh water |
0.5 – 30 |
1.2 – 46 |
Brackish water |
>30 |
>46 |
Salt water |
2.1 Site selection
Prior to logger deployment, an initial survey of the estuary was conducted. Firstly, aerial or satellite photos were inspected to see if there was an indication of where the deeper channels may lie. Secondly, a physical reconnaissance of the estuary was conducted at high tide, on a large tidal coefficient, by either kayak or boat. Using a field conductivity meter, the extent of saltwater influence at the time of survey was ascertained in order to guide placement of the loggers. A survey of the types of shoreline vegetation gave further indications regarding the extent of saltwater penetration.
Once the initial survey was completed, conductivity loggers were deployed at the pre-determined sites on the estuary. The location of the sites was determined by several factors:
§ Existence of previous conductivity data.
§ Water depth: the dense salt water moves up the channel that defines the deepest parts of the estuary (thalweg); to ascertain the maximum extent of saltwater influence, the loggers need to be deployed in the thalweg, where practicable.
§ Proximity to areas of interest such as tributaries and potential Inanga spawning sites.
§ Distance from the estuary mouth: placement of the loggers at even distances from the estuary mouth allows for better interpolation of the data.
§ Location of suitable attachment points. The loggers were attached in a variety of ways: to manmade structures (bridges/whitebait stands); to logs and root systems; anchored by concrete blocks both freestanding and tethered to the bank. Loggers were attached approximately 30 cm above the river bed in locations where they were permanently covered by water.
2.2 Deployment
The loggers were deployed under low flow conditions with high tidal coefficients (spring tides) which are believed to be the optimum conditions for determining the maximum extent of the saltwater influence. The loggers were deployed in the Tukituki Estuary once, and the larger Ahuriri and Waitangi Estuaries twice. This was because of the size and complexity of the latter two estuaries. Each deployment encompassed at least two periods of spring tides that coincided with low flows. A tide was designated a spring tide when the depth of water under high water conditions exceeded 1.7 meters.
While every effort was made to map the maximum extent of the saltwater influence, the many influencing variables involved means that it is possible the saline water could intrude further into these estuaries than was observed during the periods of study. Events such as large swells, strong onshore winds and low barometric pressure can create ‘storm surge’ conditions where tidal height dramatically exceeds the forecast height, leading to an increase in the extent of saltwater influence. The present study is considered to describe the typical extent of saltwater influence.
Similarly, it is not possible to map the ultimate minimum extent of saltwater influence, because river conditions necessary (e.g. flood conditions with high velocity flows) would probably lead to loss of loggers.
The extent of saltwater influence recorded during this investigation has been mapped on an estuary by estuary basis. The current report details work completed on the Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri Estuaries (see Figure 2-1).
Figure 2-1: Map showing the location of estuaries within Hawke's Bay.
The red points denote the estuaries that have been included in this study to date, the yellow points are estuaries that will be mapped during future surveys.
2.3 Data analysis
The data retrieved from the conductivity loggers was analysed using ArcGIS. Data were interpolated to provide a conductivity gradient for each estuary at the time of maximum and minimum saltwater influence.
Spearman correlations were determined using Statistica V.11. These allow the influence of tidal height and flow/rainfall on conductivity readings to be determined at sites where saline or brackish water was recorded. The amount of data available for the correlations was restricted by the tidal height information. The tide data utilised[3] gives only the time of the point of lowest and highest tide, whereas the conductivity and flow data were collected at 15 minute intervals. Therefore the median conductivity and flow values for a six hour period (three hours either side of the tide time) were calculated and these values were used for the correlations rather than the raw data.
Tidal influx is often delayed in estuarine systems relative to the adjacent coastline. Typically the delay for the tidal wave to reach a point in an estuary increases with distance from the estuary mouth. This delay was accounted for at each logger site by first examining the conductivity and tide height data graphically to ascertain any lag between peak conductivity readings and time of high tide. Where necessary, the high tide time was then adjusted to be synchronised with peak conductivity readings. This temporal adjustment was confirmed using the Spearman correlation - adjustment was accepted if the adjusted tide time provided a higher correlation coefficient (r).
The correlation coefficient (r) describes the relationship between conductivity and either flow or tide height. The correlation coefficient can have a value of between 1 and -1. A negative value means that as either flow or tidal height increase, conductivity tends to decrease. A positive value means that as flow or tidal height increases, conductivity tends to increase also. The closer the correlation coefficient is to either 1 or -1, the stronger the relationship. The p value describes whether this relationship is statistically significant. The relationship is significant when p < 0.05.
3 Tukituki Estuary
The Tukituki River is the fourth largest river in the region in terms of average flows. (Hume 2013), determined that residence times of waters within the estuary are short and characterised the estuary as essentially an extension of the river that is tidally influenced. The river bed within the estuary is predominantly gravel, with a relatively steep gradient.
Conductivity loggers were deployed at five sites (Figure 3-1) in the Tukituki Estuary between 24/01/12 and 24/02/12. These loggers were attached to concrete blocks placed on the river bed.
The initial survey indicated that saltwater intruded as far as site 3 (1.8 m tide). The logger at site 4 was placed in the thalweg where there was rapid flow and was not expected to log any saline or brackish water. Bankside vegetation could not be used as an indicator of the extent of saltwater influence because the area is highly modified and characterized by introduced grasses, willows and poplars. The saline and fresh water appeared to be highly stratified, with the saltwater confined to the thalweg and minimal mixing with the upper freshwater layer. Visual observations of the water clarity appeared to be the best indicator of saline water, which was much more turbid than the freshwater.
Figure 3-1: Tukituki estuary logger deployment sites.
The hydrographic flow site at Red Bridge, approximately 10 km upstream of the estuary was used to estimate river flow (m3/sec) data at the estuary. There is limited inflow between the Red Bridge site and the river mouth.
The loggers were deployed during a period of low flow (~ 12 m3/sec) that lasted for two and a half weeks before the flow increased to over 50 m3/sec on the 20/02/12. The loggers were retrieved three days later because of concerns they would be buried by gravel or swept away. The logger at site 0 malfunctioned, however field observations at this site indicated that it would be subject to saltwater under all conditions. Sites 3 and 4 recorded brackish water at certain periods, and sites 1 and 2 recorded saltwater the majority of the time. Further observations were taken during periods of low flow (~ 5 m3/sec) at the ‘Field Observation Site’ using a field meter. Conductivity readings of 36 mS/cm (brackish – saltwater) were recorded here in 1.2 m water depth. Of particular interest at this site was a localized phytoplankton bloom of Cryptomenas sp. collected from the saline part of the water column (see Appendix 1 for laboratory report).
3.1 Results
ArcGIS was used to interpolate the data from the Odyssey loggers and generate graphical images of the maximum (Figure 3-2) and minimum (Figure 3-3) extent of the saltwater influence in the Tukituki Estuary. The maximum extent of saltwater influence was approximately 1 km from the estuary mouth. At present the upper extent of the saltwater influence is bounded by a steep riffle, approximately 100 metres downstream from Black Bridge.
Maximum extent of saltwater influence in the Tukituki
Figure 3-3: Minimum extent of saltwater influence in the Tukituki Estuary.
The median conductivity was correlated with the median flow data and tidal height (Table 3-1). The estuarine stretch of the Tukituki River is relatively short and straight – accordingly, there is little tidal delay and it was only necessary to adjust the data at Site 4 (Table 3-1).
Table 3-1: Spearman correlation coefficients for the Tukituki Estuary sites.
Figures shown in bold are statistically significant (p<0.05).
Site |
Period of Deployment |
Tidal delay |
Conductivity vs. Flow |
Conductivity vs. Tide height |
4 |
24/01/12 – 24/02/12 |
+ 2 hrs |
-0.586 |
0.101 |
3 |
24/01/12 – 24/02/12 |
0 hrs |
-0.676 |
0.105 |
2 |
24/01/12 – 24/02/12 |
0 hrs |
-0.616 |
0.393 |
1 |
24/01/12 – 24/02/12 |
0 hrs |
-0.478 |
0.469 |
Flow was significantly negatively correlated with conductivity at all sites (Table 3-1). These correlations are quite high for the natural environment and suggest a strong relationship between an increase in flow and a decrease in conductivity. The increase in flow required to reduce the influence of saltwater to all sites was quite similar (between 35 and 45 m3/s) (see Figure 3-4). Tide height had a strong positive correlation with conductivity at the lower sites but no relationship at the upstream sites (Table 3-1). This suggests flow limits conductivity at the upstream sites, while both flow and tide height have a combined influence closer to the estuary mouth.
The increasing influence of saltwater closer to the estuary mouth can be seen in Figure 3-5. At the upstream sites (3 & 4), only brackish water was present on the largest tidal coefficients with corresponding low flows. As might be expected, salinity was highest at the sites closest to the mouth, and the point of highest salinity more frequently coincided with the high tide.
Site 4 |
Upstream |
Site 3 |
Site 2 |
Site 1 |
Downstream |
Figure 3-4: Scatter plot of median flow (X) and median conductivity (Y) for the Tukituki Estuary.
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke's Bay Estuaries |
Attachment 1 |
Site 4 |
Upstream |
Site 3 |
Site 2 |
Site 1 |
Downstream |
Tide Height Median Flow Median Conductivity |
Figure 3-5: Line plot of tide height with associated median conductivity (Y1) and median flow (Y2) readings.
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke's Bay Estuaries |
Attachment 1 |
The Waitangi Estuary is the common mouth of the Tutaekuri River (north), Ngarururo River (centre) and Clive River (south), and is the only multi-river estuary in Hawke’s Bay. The rivers feeding into the Waitangi Estuary have been extensively modified. Each river channel appears to have characteristics that effect the extent of saltwater influence uniquely.
Conductivity loggers were deployed within the Waitangi Estuary from the 18/12/12 to the 24/01/13 and from the 27/02/13 till the 16/04/13 (Figure 4-1). The loggers were deployed using a variety of methods, including attachment to concrete blocks, whitebait stands, logs and the Brookfields Bridge. Despite efforts to conceal the loggers, several were lost due to vandalism.
The initial survey of the estuary found saltwater penetration 100 metres downstream of site 1T on the Tutaekuri River, to site 2N on the Ngarururo River and to site 1C on the Clive River. Similar to the Tukituki Estuary, the banks of the Waitangi are highly modified with only replanted remnants of native vegetation, and the waters are similarly stratified, making it difficult to visually determine the extent of saltwater influence. Once again water clarity provided a better indication of the saline content of the water. On retrieval of the loggers on the 16/04/13, a large phytoplankton bloom was observed around logger site 3N. The bloom was dominated by Cryptomonas sp, which can be fresh or saltwater species (see Appendix 1 for laboratory report). This bloom was confined to the saline part of the water and may therefore be a saline species.
Figure 4-1: Waitangi estuary logger deployment sites.
Red points denote sites were logger data was correlated against flow and tide height; white points denote sites of previous logger deployment
During the primary period of deployment there was one rain event around the 26/12/13 that increased flows in all the rivers. The second period of deployment was during extreme low flow conditions. The purpose of the primary deployment was to coarsely identify the extent of saline penetration into the estuary. The second deployment focused on the areas of furthest extent of saline water found during the primary deployment to increase the resolution at this level.
The different physical attributes of these rivers (e.g., depth of thalweg, meanders, flow etc.) mean that the saltwater influence into each is different. The estuary was treated as a single system for the GIS interpolation but correlations were conducted separately for each river.
The maximum extent of saltwater influence in the Waitangi Estuary was approximately 5.2 km in the Ngarururo River), 2.5 km in the Tutaekuri River and 4.1 km into the Clive River (Figure 4-2).
Figure 4-2: Maximum extent of saltwater influence in the Waitangi Estuary.
The minimum extent of saltwater influence in the Waitangi Estuary was shorter in the Tutaekuri and Ngarururo arms than the Clive River (Figure 4-3). This is likely due to the larger catchments and greater flows of water in the former that exert a greater pressure on the salt water, particularly during rainfall events .
Figure 4-3: Minimum extent of saltwater influence in the Waitangi Estuary.
4.1 Clive River
The Clive River is the southern-most arm of the Waitangi Estuary. The Clive River follows the original path of the Ngarururo River prior to its channelization. The flows in the Clive River are much smaller than would typically be found in a river channel of this size. As a consequence, flows in the Clive River are slower than the other rivers; this creates a depositional environment – as a consequence, the river bed is characterised by soft sediments and extensive macrophyte growth. Flow measurements from a hydrographic site in the Awanui Stream (one of the tributaries of the Clive River) were used as a proxy for flow conditions in the Clive River.
The maximum extent of saltwater influence in the Clive River was 4.1 km from the mouth.
Data from loggers collected during both periods of deployment were correlated against median flow and tide conditions (Table 4-1).
Table 4-1: Spearman Correlation Coefficients for Clive River sites.
Figures shown in bold are statistically significant (p<0.05).
Site |
Period of Deployment |
Tidal delay |
Conductivity vs. Flow |
Conductivity vs. Tide height |
3 C |
27/02/13– 16/04/13 |
+ 3 hrs |
-0.578 |
0.047 |
2 C |
27/02/13– 16/04/13 |
+ 3 hrs |
-0.757 |
0.093 |
1 C |
18/12/12- 24/01/13 |
0 hrs |
-0.766 |
0.213 |
Flow had a significant negative correlation with conductivity at all sites (Table 4-1). This suggests a strong relationship between an increase in flow and a decrease in conductivity. Towards the estuary mouth a higher flow is required to reduce the influence of saltwater (see Figure 4-4). Tide height had a weak positive correlation with conductivity at Site 1C but no relationship at the upstream sites (Table 4-1). This suggests flow is the deciding factor limiting conductivity at all sites, however at the estuary mouth tidal height additionally has a small positive influence on conductivity levels. At all sites the periods of highest conductivity were associated with the period of highest tidal coefficient (Figure 4-5).
Site 3C |
Upstream |
Site 2C |
Site 1C |
Downstream |
Figure 4-4: Scatter plot of median flow (X) and median conductivity (Y) for the Clive River.
Site 3C |
Upstream |
Site 2C |
Site 1C |
Downstream |
Tide Height Median Flow Median Conductivity |
Figure 4-5: Line plot of tide height with associated median conductivity (Y1) and median flow (Y2) readings.
Note the different flow values (Y2) between the sites 3C and 2C and the site 1C, corresponding to different periods of deployment.
4.2 Ngarururo River
The Ngarururo River forms the central arm of the Waitangi Estuary. It generally contributes the greatest flow of the three rivers which flow into the Waitangi Estuary. Where the river enters the estuary it is channelised with a deep thalweg. The bed of the estuary is mainly comprised of river gravels.
The hydrographic site at Fernhill was used to measure flow (m3/sec). Flows from 2 – 26 m3 /sec were recorded (annual mean = 33.12 m3/sec). Conductivity data collected from the Odyssey loggers was correlated against flow and tide height (Table 4-2).
The maximum extent of saltwater influence in the Ngarururo River was 5.1 km from the estuary mouth.
Table 4-2: Spearman Correlation Coefficients for Ngarururo River sites.
Figures shown in bold are statistically significant (p<0.05).
Site |
Period of Deployment |
Tidal delay |
Conductivity vs. Flow |
Conductivity vs. Tide height |
3 N |
27/02/13– 16/04/13 |
+ 3 hrs |
-0.563 |
0.146 |
2 N |
18/12/12- 24/01/13 |
+ 2 hrs |
-0.247 |
0.479 |
1 N |
18/12/12- 24/01/13 |
0 hrs |
-0.289 |
0.716 |
0 |
18/12/12- 24/01/13 |
0 hrs |
-0.288 |
0.645 |
Flow and tidal height have significant negative and positive correlations respectively with conductivity (Table 4-2). Flow had a higher negative correlation at the most upstream site (3 N), suggesting that the influence of flow on the extent of saltwater influence increased with distance from the river mouth. Similarly, the flow rate required to reduce saltwater influence at the lower sites was much higher than that at the upper sites (Figure 4-6). The lower sites had a higher positive correlation with tide height, suggesting that at these sites an increase in tide height had a more important influence on conductivity than flow. At all sites the periods of highest conductivity were associated with the period of highest tidal coefficient (Figure 4-7).
Site 3N |
Upstream |
Site 2N |
Site 1N |
Site 0 |
Downstream |
Figure 4-6: Scatter plot of median flow (X) and median conductivity (Y) for the Ngaruroro River.
Site 3N |
Upstream |
Site 2N |
Site 1N |
Site 0 |
Downstream |
Tide Height Median Flow Median Conductivity |
Figure 4-7: Line plot of tide height with associated median conductivity (Y1) and median flow (Y2) readings.
Note the different flow values (Y2) between the site 3N and the other sites corresponding to different periods of deployment.
4.3 Tutaekuri River
The Tutaekuri River forms the northern arm of the Waitangi Estuary. The Tutaekuri River is the shallowest of the three rivers running into the Waitangi Estuary and the bed is predominantly clean river gravels.
The hydrographic site at Puketapu was used as a proxy for flows into the estuary. Flows ranging between 3 – 25 m3/sec were recorded during the period of logger deployment (annual mean = 11.66 m3/sec).
The maximum extent of saltwater influence in the Tutaekuri River was approximately 2.9 km from the mouth.
Several of the loggers placed in the Tutaekuri River malfunctioned, and the data from these loggers failed quality control checks. Therefore data from only two loggers were used in the assessment.
Table 4-3: Spearman Correlation Coefficients for Tutaekuri River sites.
Figures shown in bold are statistically significant (p<0.05).
Site |
Period of Deployment |
Tidal delay |
Conductivity vs. Flow |
Conductivity vs. Tide height |
1T |
27/02/13– 16/04/13 |
+ 3 hrs |
-0.088 |
0.308 |
0 |
18/12/12- 24/01/13 |
0 hrs |
-0.288 |
0.645 |
Tide height was positively correlated with conductivity at both sites (Table 4-3). This suggests a strong relationship between an increase in tide height and conductivity at site 0, and a moderate relationship at site 1T (Figure 4‑8).
Conductivity was negatively correlated with flow at the downstream site only (Table 4-3). It was expected that the saline wedge would act similarly in the Tutaekuri River as was observed in the other rivers, with the negative correlation of conductivity with flow increasing in an upstream direction. However no significant correlation between flow and conductivity was observed - therefore the scatterplot of flow (X) and conductivity (Y) has not been plotted for this river.
Site 1T |
Upstream |
Site 0 |
Downstream |
Figure 4‑8: Line plot of tide height with associated median conductivity (Y1) and median flow (Y2) readings.
Note the different flow values (Y2) between the two sites indicating different periods of deployment.
5 Ahuriri Estuary
In a region dominated by alluvial flood plain river mouths, the Ahuriri Estuary (Te Whanganui-a-Orotu) represents one of the few tidal lagoon estuaries in Hawke’s Bay. With an area of 470 ha it is also the region’s largest estuary. Unlike the other estuaries, this estuary also has large areas of associated wetlands (approx. 175 ha) (Madarasz-Smith, 2013).The Ahuriri Estuary also differs from the other estuaries in the area as there are no large riverine inputs. The bed of the estuary comprises of mainly soft sediments and the water depth is generally much shallower than the other estuaries reported here.
Figure 5-1 shows the sites of logger deployment within the estuary. Placement of the loggers was informed by conductivity data collected at a limited number of sites during previous investigations on the estuary (HBRC unpublished) and an initial survey of bankside vegetation. The initial survey of the Ahuriri Estuary used the extent and location of native vegetation, especially the raupo (Typha orientalis) as an indicator of the maximum extent of the saltwater influence.
Figure 5-1: Ahuriri estuary logger deployment sites.
Red points denote sites where logger data was correlated against flow and tide height.
Conductivity loggers were deployed in the Ahuriri Estuary (Figure 5-1) for two periods, first between the 17/08/12 and the 25/09/12 and then between the 23/04/13 and the 6/06/13. During the first deployment, several of the loggers malfunctioned and the data gathered from these loggers failed quality control checks and were therefore not used in the assessment. The second period of deployment was at the end of an extended period of drought. Loggers were attached to existing structures and warratahs driven into the soft sediment.
There was no operational flow site within the Ahuriri Estuary during the time of logger deployment so rainfall at a nearby site (Newstead) was used as a proxy for flow in the estuary. There were two periods of low rainfall during the time of deployment but these seemed to have little effect on conductivity measurements (Figure 5-4).
5.1 Ahuriri Estuary Results
ArcGIS was used to interpolate the logger data and generate graphical images of the maximum (Figure 5-2) and minimum (Figure 5-3) extent of saltwater influence in the Ahuriri Estuary. The maximum extent of saltwater influence into the Ahuriri Estuary was approximately 9.2 km (Figure 5-2).
Figure 5-2: Maximum extent of saltwater influence in the Ahuriri Estuary.
The ArcGIS interpolation for the minimum extent (Figure 5-3) utilised data collected during previous surveys of the estuary and shows the saline water pushed back almost to the mouth of the estuary.
Figure 5-3: Minimum extent of saltwater influence in the Ahuriri Estuary.
Conductivity was not significantly correlated with rainfall at any of the sites (Table 5-1). Due to this lack of correlation the scatter plots of conductivity (Y) and rainfall (X) have not been plotted.
Table 5-1: Spearman Correlation Coefficients for Ahuriri Estuary sites.
Figures shown in bold are statistically significant (p<0.05).
Site |
Period of Deployment |
Tidal delay |
Conductivity vs. Rainfall |
Conductivity vs. Tide height |
3 |
23/04/13 – 06/06/13 |
+ 6 hrs |
- 0.089 |
0.279 |
2 |
23/04/13 – 06/06/13 |
+ 6 hrs |
0.103 |
0.312 |
1 |
23/04/13 – 06/06/13 |
+ 3 hrs |
0.005 |
0.339 |
0 |
23/04/13 – 06/06/13 |
+ 3 hrs |
-0.011 |
0.338 |
At all sites, conductivity was positively correlated with tide height (Table 5-1). This suggests that tide height is the significant factor influencing the extent of saltwater influence in the Ahuriri Estuary. There was less variation in conductivity readings between the low and high tides (Figure 5-4) than the Tukituki and Waitangi Estuaries due to a higher degree of vertical mixing through the water column, and much smaller inflows of freshwater into the estuary.
Site 3 |
Upstream |
Site 2 |
Site 1 |
Site 0 |
Downstream |
Tide Height Median Flow Median Conductivity |
Figure 5-4: Line plot of tide height with associated median conductivity (Y1) and median rainfall (Y2) readings.
6 Discussion
The data collected from the Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri Estuaries indicate that the individual estuaries have different salinity regimes, driven largely by their physical characteristics and the magnitude of freshwater inflows.
Data from the Tukituki Estuary indicate that it is the most stratified of the three estuaries. The correlations suggest that flow is the dominant force governing the extent of saltwater influence, with all conductivity values at all sites displaying a stronger relationship with flow than tide height (Table 3-1). Under the conditions encountered, the Tukituki acted as a classic ‘saline-wedge’ estuary (Pritchard, 1989), with the salt water pushing up under the fresh water with little mixing between the two layers. Since flow appears to be the dominant force influencing the extent of saltwater influence at this site, any changes in flow are likely to affect the extent of saltwater influence. However, the relatively steep gradient of the upper Tukituki Estuary appears to act as a physical barrier as the estuary bed rapidly rises above sea level. The bed of the estuary is dynamic and this physical barrier can move up or downstream in responses to changes to the river bed following flood events. During the initial survey it was hoped to use bankside vegetation as an indicator of the extent of saltwater influence; the strong stratification and limited mixing of fresh and saline water has little impact on the vegetation, which only comes into contact with the surface freshwater layer. This is evident in the fact that willows are present almost down to the estuary mouth.
As a common mouth for three river systems, the characteristics of the extent of saltwater influence in the Waitangi Estuary were different in each of the rivers. The Clive River is highly stratified and acted as a ‘saline-wedge’ estuary where flow had a stronger correlation with conductivity than tide height (Table 4-1). In the Ngarururo River although both flow and tide height appeared to strongly influence the extent of saltwater influence (Table 4-2), the water still appeared stratified. The Tutaekuri River, as the shallowest of the three arms of the Waitangi Estuary, did not appear to be as stratified as either the Clive or Ngarururo arms. For the Tutaekuri arm, tide height was significantly correlated with conductivity (Table 4-3). As for the Tukituki Estuary, the Waitangi Estuary is susceptible to changes in low flows affecting the maximum extent of saltwater influence, however, this extent is also bounded by the physical barrier of the river beds rising above sea level.
The Ahuriri Estuary has different physical characteristics to the Tukituki and Waitangi Estuaries. There are no large riverine inputs, and the estuary itself is relatively shallow and meandering with extensive wetlands. The lack of riverine inputs is reflected in the salinity regime, with tide height the significant variable affecting salinity at all sites (Table 5-1). Unlike the Tukituki and Waitangi Estuaries, conductivity remains high in the estuary throughout the tidal cycle (Figure 5-4) (Figure 3-5, Figure 4-5, Figure 4-7). The limited freshwater inflow, generally shallow water and meandering nature of the channel, combined with wind mixing, limit the stratification of the water in the estuary. This lower degree of stratification means that the extent of saltwater influence is more likely to have an impact on the bankside vegetation than in the Waitangi or Tukituki Estuaries.
It is possible that the extent of saltwater influence recorded in the Ahuriri Estuary was unusual as large diebacks of the saltwater intolerant plant raupo were observed upstream of Site 2 during the summer of 2013. The presence of raupo suggests that under typical conditions, saline or brackish water does not travel this far toward the head of the estuary. Another factor that could have caused some of the dieback of the Raupo was input of heavily brackish water (measured at 35 mS/cm) from a pump station 500m up-stream from site 3. The reason for this pump station to be discharging heavily brackish water is unknown but could be due to the disturbance of previously static marine silts or an increased level of seawater ingress into the groundwater due to the drought conditions.
Data collected in the Tukituki and Waitangi Estuaries suggest that Council-managed activities are unlikely to influence the maximum extent of saltwater influence in these estuaries appreciably, because of the dominant effect of the physical barrier caused by the riverbed rising above sea level, regardless of flow. This has the potential to affect the distribution of species that do not have a high degree of salt tolerance. Further monitoring over longer time periods and through different flow conditions is required to verify this. The limited inflow of freshwater into the Ahuriri Estuary means that while it is likely to be less susceptible to changes in low flows than other estuaries, the relatively low gradient makes it more susceptible to issues such as sea level rise caused by global warming.
Initial surveys of the estuaries prior to logger deployment showed that bankside vegetation was of little use as an indicator of the extent of saltwater influence, primarily because these estuaries are generally highly modified (channelised and denuded of native vegetation). An exception was the upper reaches of the Ahuriri Estuary. Secondly, the water in the estuaries (especially the Tukituki and Waitangi Estuaries) is highly stratified, generally confining the saltwater to the deepest parts of the channel (the thalweg), limiting contact with and therefore effect on the bankside vegetation. The best broadscale indicator of the saltwater wedge appeared to be water clarity. Under low flow conditions the river waters appeared less turbid than the associated marine waters. This resulted in a visually identifiable change in the waters that was verified using a field conductivity meter.
The initial surveys of the estuaries, carried out on spring tides (>1.7m), led to under-estimation of the extent of the saltwater influence because of the unexpectedly large delay in the tidal wave reaching the upper parts of the estuaries. Previously the tidal delay in the Ahuriri estuary was believed to be +2.5 hours (Madarasz-Smith, pers. comm.). The data collected during this investigation shows the tidal delay to vary between 3 hrs at Site 0 at the mouth of the Taipo Stream, to as much as 9 hrs at the at the head of the estuary (the maximum extent of saltwater influence). It was only by deploying static continuous recording devices such as those used in this investigation that it was possible to determine the extent of this tidal wave delay.
The interface between saline and freshwater is highly productive, characterised by effects such as phytoplankton blooms (J. Lobry 2003). During these surveys, extensive phytoplankton blooms were observed in the Clive (24/01/13) and Ngarururo (15/04/13) rivers, and small localised blooms were observed in the Tukituki (27/02/13) and Tutaekuri (27/02/13) Rivers. Samples collected from both the Ngarururo and Tukituki Rivers were dominated by Cryptomonas sp. For blooms to persist in estuaries, warm temperatures and stable flow conditions are required. A similar bloom of Cryptomonas sp. was observed by Robertson and Stevens (Stevens 2008) in the upper areas of the Motupipi Estuary (Tasman) which was caused by a combination of excessive nutrient concentrations, a stable salt wedge, warm water temperatures, stable base-flows and limited turbulent mixing. The conditions in the Hawke’s Bay estuaries where blooms occurred generally mirrored the conditions observed in the Motupipi estuary: Water temperatures were high, flows were extremely low and stable, causing little turbulence and a stable salt wedge. These conditions may be regarded as atypical because the region was in the middle of a prolonged drought, with uncharacteristically low flows that persisted over a longer period of time than usual. Under normal conditions when flows are generally higher and more varied, it is unlikely that blooms would have a chance to form. Further study of the extent and frequency of bloom formation in the regions estuaries will be required to understand the dynamics involved, or whether Council-managed activities influence the extent or persistence of these blooms.
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke's Bay Estuaries |
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This report describes the extent of saltwater influence in the Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri Estuaries. The maximum extent of saltwater influence in these estuaries was:
§ 1 km into the Tukituki Estuary;
§ 4.1 km into the Clive River arm of the Waitangi Estuary;
§ 5.1 km into the Ngarururo River arm of the Waitangi Estuary;
§ 2.9 km into the Tutaekuri River arm of the Waitangi Estuary;
§ 9.2 km into the Ahuriri Estuary;
These values provide a reference point against which temporal changes in the extent of saltwater influence in these estuaries may be compared.
8 Acknowledgements
Shane Gilmer for invaluable assistance during logger deployment and retrieval.
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke's Bay Estuaries |
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Hume, T. (2013). Key Statistics and Flushing Time for the Tukituki Estuary, NIWA.
J. Lobry, L. M., E. Rochard and P. Elie (2003). "Structure of the Gironde estuarine fish assemblages: a comparison of European estuaries perspective." Aquatic Living Resources 16: 47-58.
J. Maes, A. T., P. A. Van Damne, K. Cottenie and F. Ollevier (1998). "Seasonal Patterns in the Fish and Crustacean Community of a Turbid Temperate Estuary (Zeeschelde Estuary, Belgium)." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 47: 143-151.
P. Meire, T. Y., S. Van Damme, E. Van den Bergh, T. Maris and E. Struyf (2005). "The Scheldt Estuary: a description of a changing ecosystem." Hydrobiologia 540: 1-11.
Rijn, L. C. V. (2010). Tidal phenomena in the Scheldt Estuary. LTV Zandhuishuoding Schelde Estuarium 2010, Deltares.
Stevens, B. R. a. L. (2008). Motupip Estuary: Vulnerability Assessment and Monitoring Recommendations
The Tukituki, Waitangi and Ahuriri: Assessment of the Extent of Saltwater Influence in Hawke's Bay Estuaries |
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Appendix A Laboratory test results
Tukituki estuary bloom report
Ngarururo bloom laboratory report
Hume, T. (2013). Key Statistics and Flushing Time for the Tukituki Estuary, NIWA.
Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review |
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Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review
July 2013
HBRC Report No. EMT 13/10 – 4483
Environmental Science - Water Quality and Ecology
Ahuriri Estuary:
Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review
July 2013
HBRC Report No. EMT 13/10 – 4483
Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review |
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Executive summary.........................................................................................................................
1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................
2 Methods for assessing contact recreation and food gathering risk..........................................
2.1 Contact recreation.......................................................................................................
2.2 Food gathering.............................................................................................................
3 Contact recreation.................................................................................................................
3.1 Background..................................................................................................................
3.2 Threats........................................................................................................................
3.3 Current state...............................................................................................................
3.4 State of the Ahuriri Estuary for contact recreation.........................................................
4 Food gathering......................................................................................................................
4.1 Background..................................................................................................................
4.2 Threats........................................................................................................................
4.3 Current state
4.4 State of the Ahuriri Estuary for food gathering..............................................................
5 Conclusions and recommendations.......................................................................................
6 Acknowledgements..............................................................................................................
7 Glossary of abbreviations and terms......................................................................................
8 References............................................................................................................................
Appendix A Assessing microbiological water quality for contact recreation................................
Table 2‑1: Current water quality guidelines associated with contact recreation.
Table 3‑1: Current guideline values associated with water and shellfish quality.
Figure 1‑1: Ahuriri Lagoon pre-1931 earthquake.
Figure 1‑2: Ahuriri Lagoon post-1931 earthquake.
Figure 1‑3: Drainage channels constructed to the north and south of the main estuary outfall channel to develop agricultural land.
Figure 2‑1: Levels of bacterial indicator Enterococci at Pandora Pond, Ahuriri during the 2012/2013 recreational season.
Figure 2‑2: Turbidity measured in inflows to the Ahuriri Estuary and within the Ahuriri Estuary.
Figure 2‑3: Turbidity levels at Pandora Pond, Ahuriri Estuary between 1999 and 2013. n=20 per annum
Figure 2‑4: Sediment chlorophyll a concentrations in the Ahuriri Estuary between 1998 and 2000.
Figure 2‑5: Chlorophyll a levels of water samples taken within the Ahuriri Estuary between March and April 2013 (Ahuriri 1-6), and 2006-2013 (Ahuriri at Pandora).
Figure 3‑1: Dead fish being cleared from the Ahuriri Estuary post- 1931 earthquake.
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The Ahuriri Estuary, Napier is a significant ecological and recreational resource for the Hawke’s Bay community. It is recognised as a nationally significant wildlife and fisheries habitat, and a nationally important example of tectonic processes. Natural and human-induced changes to the estuary over the last century have considerably changed the estuary form.
As one of the few sheltered, tidal lagoon estuaries within Hawke’s Bay, Pandora Pond provides for a number of recreational opportunities including swimming, kayaking, sailing, and waka ama. These activities can however be compromised by the presence of faecal contaminants that have the potential to cause illness. Faecal indicator organisms sampled within the Ahuriri Estuary may stem from stormwater, overland flow or accidental sewage discharges.
The estuary is currently classified as being in ‘fair’ condition in terms of contact recreation, because it is influenced by inflows with elevated bacterial concentrations – these may increase the risk of illness to recreational users of the estuary. Other metrics, such as clarity and algal growth do not indicate impairment of recreational opportunities as a consequence of nuisance algal growths.
The Ahuriri Estuary also provides food gathering opportunities, most commonly for the cockle (Austrovenus stutchburyi) and various species of flounder. Current information suggests that shellfish gathered from the estuary may be unsuitable for human consumption because of elevated faecal indicator bacteria concentrations. While there is some debate regarding the confidence in current guidelines for bacterial concentrations in foods harvested recreationally for human consumption, the inflow of stormwater derived from urban drains and proximity of shellfish beds to these inflows indicate that the estuary should not be regarded as safe food-source.
If the community regards the water and sediment quality within the estuary as impaired for contact recreation and food-gathering purposes, techniques such faecal source tracking may assist in identifying the sources of faecal contamination in targeting appropriate management strategies.
Toxic metal contamination of shellfish and fish species is currently not at levels expected to pose immediate health risks. Although it was not within the scope of this study to assess the indirect effects of contaminants on the abundance and distribution of edible resources, this was identified as an area for further investigation.
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As they form the interface between land and sea, estuarine habitats are unique, distinctive and dynamic environments. They experience rapid chemical and physical changes over tidal cycles, yet provide some of the most important and diverse habitats supporting bird roosting, feeding and breeding, fish spawning and nursery grounds, and ecological services that help to sustain environmental quality and integrity. They are productive habitats, and play an important role in water regulation and nutrient cycling.
In a region dominated by alluvial flood plain river mouths, the Ahuriri Estuary (Te Whanganui-a-Orotu) represents one of the few tidal lagoon estuaries in Hawke’s Bay. Formed in the wake of the 1931 earthquake, the Ahuriri Estuary is the remnants of the former Ahuriri Lagoon (Figure 1-1). The earthquake resulted in an uplift of between 1 - 2 metres, exposing approximately 1300 ha (Figure 1-2) (Chague-Goff et al., 2000). Drainage and reclamation following the earthquake has reduced the area to its current size of approximately 470 ha of true estuary, and around 175 ha of associated wetlands (Figure 1-3; (Comerty, 1996).
Figure 1-1: Ahuriri Lagoon pre-1931 earthquake.
Source: Hawke's Bay Museum.
Figure 1-2: Ahuriri Lagoon post-1931 earthquake.
Source: Hawke's Bay Museum.
Despite extensive modification, reclamation, drainage and discharges, the estuary is recognised as an area of regional and national significance, with high wildlife and fisheries values. The estuary provides important feeding area for 20 species of trans-equatorial migrants (waders and terns), six Australian species (herons, ibises and duck), and a number of native species including white heron and royal spoonbill (Knox, 1979). Additionally, the estuary makes a significant contribution to Hawke’s Bay marine fisheries, supporting approximately 29 species of fish during some stage of their life cycle. Some species (e.g. kahawai, grey mullet, yellow-bellied flounder, stargazer and parore) use the area for feeding, and around 11 species use the area as a nursery or spawning ground. These include commercially important species such as yellow-bellied flounder, grey mullet, sand flounder, common sole, and yellow-eyed mullet (Kilner and Akroyd, 1978).
Figure 1-3: Drainage channels constructed to the north and south of the main estuary outfall channel to develop agricultural land.
Source: Hawke's Bay Museum.
Ahuriri Estuary is listed as a Significant Conservation Area under the Regional Coastal Environment Plan (HBRC, 2012), a Wetland of Ecological and Representative Importance (WERI), and a Site of Special Wildlife Interest (SSWI) (Henriques, 1990). A Wildlife Refuge status protects the areas between the Southern Marsh, Westshore Lagoon and the estuary, from the low level bridge to Pandora Pond.
Figure 1‑4: Ahuriri Estuary, Napier 2006.
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2 Methods for assessing contact recreation and food gathering risk
2.1 Contact recreation
“Contact recreation” includes any activity that causes people come into contact with water where a reasonable risk of inhaling or ingesting water exists. At times, the suitability of water for recreation may be compromised by the presence of human or animal faecal material resulting from land run-off, discharges or from natural populations of animals or birds. During these events, water may contain pathogens from this faecal matter. The risk of contracting illnesses such as gastro-enteritis, respiratory illnesses, Hepatitis A, giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, campylobacterosis, and salmonellosis increases as the risk of exposure to pathogenic organism increases (MfE and MoH, 2003).
From an aesthetic point of view, water clarity can be an important consideration for people undertaking recreational activities. Although not as important in marine waters which tend to be naturally more turbid, freshwater recreation choice can be influenced by visual clarity.
Visual clarity (determined by black disk visibility), is not generally measured in marine or estuarine waters. Turbidity, a measure of the amount of light scattered or absorbed by particles in the water, is more commonly used in New Zealand coastal water quality monitoring programmes. An inverse relationship can generally be demonstrated between turbidity and visual clarity. Generally, if turbidity meets the requirements for aquatic ecosystems, it is likely to meet the aesthetic value for contact recreation as well.
High algal biomass can influence aesthetic values associated with contact recreation. High algal biomass may reduce the visual clarity of the water by making it more turbid, or by changing the colour of the water, creating ‘murky’ or discoloured water. Human health risk associated with contact recreation may be increased if toxic species are present. Increased nutrient inputs from either land or marine sources can influence (increase) algal biomass growth rates.
Current guidelines for the attributes associated with contact recreation are detailed in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1: Current water quality guidelines associated with contact recreation.
cfu = colony forming units, NTU = Nephelometric turbidity units, BD = black disk.
Attribute |
Guideline value1 |
Source |
Value |
Satisfactory |
Unsatisfactory/ Unacceptable |
Enterococci (cfu/100 mL) |
<280 cfu/100 mL |
>280 cfu/100 mL |
(MfE and MoH, 2003) |
Human health |
Turbidity (NTU) |
0.5-10 NTU |
>10 NTU |
(ANZECC, 2000) |
Aquatic ecosystems |
Visual clarity (BD) |
>1.6 m |
<1.6 m |
(MfE, 1994) |
Aesthetic and safety |
Chlorophyll a (g/m3) |
<4 µg/L |
>4 µg/L |
(ANZECC, 2000)1 |
Aquatic ecosystems |
Toxic algal species (cells/mL) |
Absent |
Present |
‑ |
Human health and aquatic ecosystems |
1These guidelines refer to ANZECC 2000 for South-Eastern Australia which is used in the absence of New Zealand specific estuarine guidance.
2.2 Food gathering
With the exception of overlying water quality, comparatively little information or guidance exists around the risk associated with recreational harvesting of shellfish and fish. Export food safety guidelines are applied in the absence of recreational specific guidelines; however it is acknowledged that this appears to be an area for further work or development.
For shellfish gathering the attributes likely to compromise the ability to collect shellfish include contamination by faecal material that may contain pathogens. Additionally, the ability of shellfish and fish to accumulate contaminants such as trace metals and other industrial and stormwater related toxins, means that these parameters are also used to assess risks associated with food gathering.
Current guidelines for the attributes associated with shellfish/fish gathering are detailed in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2: Current guideline values associated with water and shellfish quality.
MPN = Most Probable Number.
Attribute |
Guideline |
Source |
Relevance |
Satisfactory |
Unsatisfactory/ Unacceptable |
Faecal coliforms in overlying waters |
Seasonal median < 14 MPN/100mL < 10% of samples < 43MPN/100mL |
Seasonal median > 14 MPN/100mL > 10% of samples > 43MPN/100mL |
(MfE and MoH, 2003) |
Human Health |
Toxic algal species in overlying waters |
Not present |
Present |
Nil |
Human Health and Aquatic Ecosystems |
E. coli in shellfish flesh |
Median < 230 MPN/100g and < 10% of samples < 700 MPN/100g |
Median > 230 MPN/100g and > 10% of samples > 700 MPN/100g |
(NZFSA, 1995) |
Human Health |
Trace metals |
Below FSA guidelines |
Above FSA guidelines |
Human Health |
Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review |
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Like many Hawke’s Bay rivers and lagoons, the Pandora Pond (or Humber Street Pond) within the Ahuriri Estuary provides recreational opportunities, including swimming, kayaking, sailing, and waka ama. This is perhaps one of the highest profile uses of the estuary, along with birdwatching, and its accessibility makes recreation a dominant use and value for the estuary.
The Pandora Pond was created when sediment was excavated in 1977 to provide fill for the cargo handling area in the Port of Napier (Lee, 1977). This created a pond that provided Napier residents with an easily accessible, enclosed area for recreational and boating activities suitable for families. On an exposed coastline such as Hawke’s Bay, this area provides important opportunities for aquatic recreation.
3.1 Background
Use of an area for contact recreation can be driven by a number of external factors such as climate, proximity from home and the physical characteristics of the recreational site (Madarasz-Smith, 2010). Increasingly water quality is becoming a prevalent deciding factor in people’s choice of recreational areas. The key attributes that may affect water quality, and therefore affect people’s recreational experience, include the risk of illness from faecal contamination (bacteria and pathogens), water clarity, the extent of algal coverage and the general amenity value or mauri of the area. This report focusses on the first three key attributes - while recognising that general amenity or mauri is important, it falls outside the scope of this report.
3.2 Threats
Faecal material can enter water via stormwater, overland flow or accidental sewage discharges. Within the Ahuriri estuary, faecal contamination has been demonstrated to have resulted from all of the above at various times. Farming within the upper catchment can contribute bacteria by overland flow during periods of rain and stock watering, stormwater and land drainage discharges occur regularly throughout the middle and lower estuary (Rycroft, 2000), and accidental sewerage discharges have occurred infrequently in the past. While sewerage discharges are more likely to cause high concentration of potentially pathogenic organisms and immediate health risks, these tend to be short-lived and well communicated. The overall risk to public health associated with sewer overflows may be therefore be lower than the risks associated with less obvious but more frequent inputs such as diffuse runoff from agricultural lands and stormwater.
Several studies have identified variable and at times poor water quality within the Ahuriri Estuary. In general high numbers of bacteria were found in upstream reaches of the estuary and in drains, most likely due to lower levels of dilution by seawater (Hooper, 1989), or following periods of heavy rain (Fenton, 1997). In the lower estuary, water entering the estuary may contain high concentrations of faecal bacteria at times (e.g. Tyne Street Drain (30-2000 FC/100 mL (Hooper, 1989) where FC = faecal coliforms).
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3.3.1 Faecal bacteria
National guidelines identify concentrations at which the risk of illness associated with contact recreation is no longer considered acceptable (MfE and MoH, 2003). This allows the public to be informed of the health risks, and make informed decisions regarding their exposure to these risks (see Appendix A for an explanation of these guidelines).
The results of routine sampling at the Pandora Pond, the most popular site within the estuary, has provided good quality information regarding the risks associated with contact recreation at this site. The pond is partially enclosed by a barrier arm, creating a hydrodynamic environment that favours exchange of water on the incoming tide (refreshed with saltwater), rather than the outgoing tide (refreshed with freshwater) (Eyre, 2009). These characteristics suggest that this area is likely to be protected from faecal contamination arising from freshwater inflows outside of the pond.
Pandora Pond has been monitored as part of Councils Recreational Water Quality Monitoring programme since 1996. Since the 2008/09 season, the indicator has remained enterococci, allowing trends over time to be established from this date.
During 2012/13, the pond was sampled for enterococci (as an indicator of faecal contamination), electrical conductivity (as a proxy for salinity), turbidity and temperature. During this period the site achieved 90% compliance with MfE and MoH (2003) guidelines, indicating that for 18 out of the 20 weeks sampled, the risk of illness associated with contact recreation at this site was low. For two weeks however, elevated levels of bacteria (>280 cfu/100 mL) meant that the risk of illness was considered ‘unacceptable’ (Figure 3-1). Both of these occasions occurred after periods of significant rain (11 mm 24th and 25th December and 9 mm 7th January), indicating that surface runoff can impact water quality at this site. Given the hydrodynamic regime described above, localised sources should be investigated to determine their role in elevated bacterial concentrations following rainfall events.
Figure 3-1: Levels of bacterial indicator Enterococci at Pandora Pond, Ahuriri during the 2012/2013 recreational season.
Weekly monitoring provides important information regarding the current state of water quality within Pandora Pond. However, the timing of such information limits our ability to assess the public health risk associated with contact recreation because much of the information only becomes available after the period of risk has occurred. This situation arises because the results of analysis only become available 24-36 hours after the samples are collected – during this period, the risk associated with contact recreation is unknown and individuals may be exposed to elevated concentrations of pathogenic organisms. To overcome this limitation, the 2003 guidelines incorporate an approach that couples historical data with a catchment risk assessment to generate a ‘Suitability for Recreation Grade’ (SFRG). The SFRG is designed to provide a general indication of recreational water quality of a water body at any time, rather than in response to the result from a single sampling event.
A suitability for recreation grade for Pandora Pond was generated at the completion of the 2012/13 season:
§ A moderate catchment risk was obtained, indicating potential contamination from sources such as stormwater, rural runoff, birds, land drainage and boat mooring
§ A microbiological assessment category of ‘C’ was obtained, indicating that elevated bacteria concentrations can occur at times
§ Pandora Pond achieved a ‘Fair’ SFRG.
This grading indicates that the area is generally suitable for swimming, although caution should be taken if there has been heavy rainfall, or if the water appears discoloured (MFE and MOH, 2003).
3.3.2 Clarity/Turbidity
Turbidity within the estuary has been assessed for a number of discrete projects over the last decade. The most comprehensive data record exists for the period between 1995 and 1998. These data characterise the water quality of the Ahuriri Estuary and the inflows to the estuary. These data were compared with the results from a previous survey (Hooper (1989)) in Fenton (1997).
The turbidity in waterways flowing in to the Ahuriri Estuary generally exceed guidelines for New Zealand lowland streams (5.4 NTU (ANZECC, 2000); Figure 3-2, left). At times, and within certain sub-catchments, turbidity can be extremely high; however they appear to be somewhat buffered within the estuary with only a few sites exceeding guidelines for marine and estuarine waters (Figure 3-2, right). Typically higher turbidity values are observed in the upper reaches of the estuary (Quarantine and Watchmen Rd), with elevated values at sites in proximity to incoming waterways (e.g. Low level bridge, Tyne Street). In general turbidity in the mid to lower estuary is within, or close to, guideline values for aquatic ecosystems (10 NTU). These values are unlikely to negatively impact on contact recreation except during periods of heavy rainfall, when turbidity may transiently reach values of 130 NTU.
Figure 3-2: Turbidity measured in inflows to the Ahuriri Estuary and within the Ahuriri Estuary n=4-37 Red line = ANZECC trigger levels for aquatic ecosystems for freshwater (left) and estuaries (right).
Figure 3-3: Turbidity levels at Pandora Pond, Ahuriri Estuary between 1999 and 2013. n=20 per annum
The data described above was collected mainly during the period 1995-98, with more recent data restricted to the Pandora Bridge site. The Pandora Pond however has consistently been monitored for turbidity since 1999 as part of the Recreational Water Quality Monitoring programme. With the exception of 2004, no significant increase or decrease in turbidity has been observed (Figure 3-3).
Therefore, the turbidity at the Pandora Pond site does not appear to have significantly changed since 1998.
3.3.3 Algae
Algae, both macroscopic (large, found on the sediment surface), and microscopic (small, plants found within the water column and on the sediment), are normal constituents of a healthy estuarine ecosystem. In areas of high nutrient loading however, algal numbers or cover can become excessive, causing nuisance growths in terms of visual amenity, as well as negatively influencing sediment quality and water chemistry.
The largely channelised nature of the Ahuriri Estuary minimises the likelihood of prolific algal growths. In depositional areas (where flow is less rapid or obvious), algal growth has generally been restricted to small patches of ephemeral species (e.g. Ulva sp.) during the spring/summer period, persisting at times through to autumn.
Given the nature of the estuary and the moderate sediment nutrient concentrations, prolific algal growth that would adversely affect contact recreation within the lower estuary area (more commonly used for contact recreation) is unlikely.
Chlorophyll a
A few previous studies have detailed the nutrient status of the Ahuriri Estuary waters. These identified that inflows to the estuary have delivered high concentrations of both phosphorus and nitrogen into the main, ‘true’ estuary (Fenton, 1997, Hooper, 1989). Although the estuary has previously been described as eutrophic (Hooper, 1989, Knox, 1979), the decrease in phosphorus concentrations measured between 1989 and 1997 and currently indicate that the trophic state of the waters may have decreased more recently. Conversely, nitrogen concentrations (particularly ammoniacal nitrogen) appear to have increased over the period 1989 – 2013 (Fenton, 1997, Hooper, 1989). The current trophic status of estuarine waters, including the contributions of nutrients from various inflows and land-uses should be investigated further.
That said, chlorophyll a concentrations on estuarine sediments were assessed as part of a specific water quality study in 1998 and 2000 (Figure 3-4). These data can provide important information regarding the relative nutrient status of inflows to the estuary. This work highlighted the role of inflows in determining overall quality of estuarine water.
Figure 3-4: Sediment chlorophyll a concentrations in the Ahuriri Estuary between 1998 and 2000.
More recently, sampling in the Ahuriri Estuary has been undertaken as part of:
§ the Nearshore Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Programme (at Pandora Bridge),
§ the Estuarine Water Quality Monitoring programme to support policy development (at six locations between Watchman Rd and Pandora Bridge) (waters),
§ the Estuarine Ecological Monitoring Programme (sediments collected at multiple locations across the estuary).
The waters of the upper estuary appear to be fairly eutrophic, consistent with the findings of previous reports. However by approximately the middle of the estuary, chlorophyll a levels have dropped below trigger levels, indicating that dilution and flushing from marine waters is moderating nutrient concentrations and algal growth (Figure 3-5).
Figure 3-5: Chlorophyll a levels of water samples taken within the Ahuriri Estuary between March and April 2013 (Ahuriri 1-6), and 2006-2013 (Ahuriri at Pandora). Redline = ANZECC trigger value for south-east Australian estuaries.
From a contact recreation perspective, waters of the Ahuriri Estuary are unlikely to support algal growth to an extent that would impair contact recreation. This assessment excludes the periodic and transient blooms which can significantly increases chlorophyll a concentrations and reduce visual clarity. Such events are infrequently reported for the Ahuriri Estuary.
Harmful algal blooms (HABs)
Harmful algae blooms (and associated marine biotoxins) occur infrequently in Hawke Bay and estuarine areas. These are defined as species that may release toxins (e.g. Gymnodinium catenatum, Pseudonitzchia, Karenia, Dinophysis) which can be harmful if ingested via water or contaminated shellfish, resulting in serious illness. Additionally, species may be present in bloom numbers that do not produce toxins, but cause irritation to the eyes or skin. These blooms may also have environmental impacts, such as depletion of dissolved oxygen concentrations in the water column.
Marine biotoxins were routinely monitored by the Public Health Unit on behalf of the Food Safety Authority until recently, when this function was transferred to the Ministry of Primary Industry (MPI). During autumn 2005 and 2006, significant parts of the Hawke’s Bay coastline were closed due to the presence of marine biotoxins. In August 2012, a large and persistent bloom of Akashiwo sanguine (red tide) was observed along most of the east coast of the North Island, and in the following month a bloom of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (produces the neurotoxin domoic acid) was observed off Napier; this bloom also included the red tide, Mesodinium rubrum. During these times, contact recreation would have been discouraged along coastal beaches or estuaries affected by these organisms.
3.4 State of the Ahuriri Estuary for contact recreation
Based on information derived from various monitoring programmes operated by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, the Ahuriri Estuary may be considered as “fair” for contact recreational purposes (see appendix one). This grading indicates that:
§ Ahuriri Estuary waters are generally suitable for swimming.
§ Elevated bacteria concentrations can occur at times.
§ Caution is required during periods of heavy rain or when the water appears discoloured.
Faecal contamination of the estuary is associated with stormwater inflows, runoff from rural land uses and direct deposition of faeces by the high numbers of birds for which the estuary is valued. Throughout the summer period when water quality monitoring indicates an elevated risk of illness due to high numbers of faecal bacteria, the Regional Council work in collaboration with the Public Health Unit of the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board to inform the public of the risk through signage and media releases.
Sewage discharges may cause infrequent problems; these are not considered to be a persistent problem.
Should the community express a desire for improved water quality, application of techniques such as faecal source tracking would be useful in identifying the sources of faecal indicator organisms, which in turn would allow management strategies to be targeted on these sources.
Other water quality metrics, such as visual clarity and algal growth do not generally impair recreational values.
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4.1 Background
The Ahuriri Estuary has traditionally been an important food source for local hapu and whanau. Maori occupation dates back as far as the 12th century, and the estuary was used not only to provide food to the local area, but also as a resource that aided in the development of trade and social relationships with neighbouring hapu (Black and Ataria, 2008).
Prior to the 1931 earthquake (which dramatically altered the physical nature of the estuary), the estuary was used to collect fish (mullet, kahawai, flounder, herring), shellfish (freshwater mussel, crayfish, mussel, horse mussel, pipi, mud snail, periwinkle, cockles), and eels. However, in the aftermath of the earthquake and due in part to drainage, reclamation, diversion and development, the species distribution and abundance within the estuary was significantly altered (Black and Ataria, 2008).
Figure 4-1: Dead fish being cleared from the Ahuriri Estuary post- 1931 earthquake.
Source: Hawke's Bay Museum.
More recently the estuary has continued to provide valuable food resources for Napier residents. The collection of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) and flounder is widespread within the estuary, with Yellowbelly founder (Rhombosolea leporine), Sand flounder (Rhombosolea plebeian), Yellow-eyed mullet (Aldrichetta forsteri), and Grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) all common in the lower estuary (Ataria et al., 2008).
4.2 Threats
As filter feeders, cockles filter large volumes of water, ingesting the small plants living in the water for nutrition. They are therefore highly susceptible to the contaminants present both in the water, and attached to any particulates they ingest from the water column. They also have the potential to accumulate contaminants associated with particulate material within their gut. In turn, humans consuming whole cockles collected within these waters will ingest any contaminants that have been retained within the cockle gut. Similarly, flounder can ingest sediment particles during feeding, which makes them vulnerable to accumulating contaminants from sediment. For this reason, both cockles and flounder may be used to assess general environmental contamination.
Contaminants likely to affect food gathered within the Ahuriri Estuary may enter the water and sediments in the estuary through similar pathways to the contaminants likely to impair contact recreation. Sources of faecal contaminants that can make shellfish unsuitable for harvesting are described in section 3.2. The quality of shellfish and fish harvested from the estuary may be compromised by unacceptable concentrations of contaminants (including trace metals as indicators of pollution) arising from stormwater discharges. Stormwater derived from residential subdivisions may contain elevated concentrations of copper from plumbing fittings, and zinc from roofing material, as well as several other toxic metals associated with road runoff. Stormwater derived from industrial areas have also been shown to contribute elevated levels of toxic metals to waterways – these may accumulate in sediments within the waterways, (Smith, 2011), as well as sediments within the estuary itself (Smith, 2010).
Previous studies have highlighted the impact that accidental discharges of chemicals from industry may have on shellfish quality. Concentrations of chromium and lead within the Tyne Street drain were deemed ‘unacceptable’, and at levels ‘well above’ New Zealand averages for estuaries (Hooper, 1989). A spill of the timber treatment chemical Tanalith NCA in 1987 resulted in concentrations of chromium in cockles that were 60% higher than in adjacent area (Hooper, 1989). It is likely that episodes of acute industrial discharge, as well as more pervasive discharges of trace amounts of these metals, may contribute to elevated concentrations of toxic metals within shellfish and fish.
When assessing the changes associated with food gathering, it is necessary to consider:
1) The presence or absence of contaminants in edible resources, as well as
2) How contaminant profiles may indirectly affect the likelihood of encountering an edible resource e.g.:
a. numbers may be reduced by impairment of habitat type and quality, or
b. an increase or reduction in prey species may decrease or increase the numbers of edible species.
Assessment of these factors is not within the scope of the current study, but this requirement has been identified for further consideration.
Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review |
Attachment 2 |
4.3.1 Faecal bacteria
The Microbiological Water Quality Guidelines provide guidance regarding an the level of faecal coliform contamination in waters during a shellfish gathering season (MfE and MoH, 2003). These guidelines indicate that over a season:
§ median faecal coliform concentrations should not exceed 14 MPN (Most Probable Number) /100 mL, and/or
§ for 90% of samples, faecal coliform concentrations should not exceed 43 MPN/100 mL.
These guideline values are based on the 1995 Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ‘Shellfish Quality Assurance Circular’ and the 1992 Department of Health ‘Provisional microbiological water quality guidelines for recreational and shellfish-gathering waters in New Zealand’ for export standard shellfish.
Recent concerns regarding appropriateness of these guidelines was incorporated into a review document produced for MfE (Bolton-Ritchie et al., 2013), this has resulted in working groups being established to address a review of the guidelines by late 2013. More recently the Ministry of Health have stated that they do not recommend collecting shellfish from areas affected by urban runoff (Paul Prendergast (MoH) pers.comm.).
That said, HBRC have collected information on shellfish gathering waters within Ahuriri Estuary in line with MfE and MoH guidelines (2003) since 2006. The results are detailed in Table 4-2 below:
Table 4‑1: Levels of compliance with MfE and MoH guidelines for shellfish gathering waters, in Ahuriri Estuary.
Year |
Median concentration (MPN /100mL) |
of samples |
Compliant with guideline values? |
2006/07 |
9 |
20 |
No |
2007/08 |
14 |
10 |
Yes |
2008/09 |
10 |
5 |
Yes |
2009/10 |
14 |
20 |
No |
2010/11 |
39 |
40 |
No |
2011/12 |
5 |
20 |
No |
2012/13 |
3 |
0 |
Yes |
The compliance of waters in the Ahuriri Estuary with seasonal guidelines for water quality at shellfish gathering sites is variable (Table 4-2). This variability exemplifies one of the underlying concerns with the current guidelines. This is that they produce highly variable results for the same shellfish gathering waters, hindering the ability to provide consistent, reliable communication regarding the level of risk with the public.
§ the historic levels of non-compliance and;
§ the recommendation that shellfish should not be gathered from areas influenced by urban runoff;
indicate that water quality in the Ahuriri Estuary should not be considered generally appropriate for shellfish gathering purposes.
This view is supported by research completed in the Ahuriri Estuary in 2004, which showed that at times E. coli concentration in shellfish flesh collected from the estuary were higher than those considered acceptable for commercial harvest (ESR, 2004). Although guidelines do not currently exist for acceptable E. coli concentrations in shellfish flesh collected for recreational purposes; commercial limits may be applied, noting that these are likely to be more conservative (provide a higher level of protection from infection).
A number of factors support the need for further investigation of water quality pertaining to recreational shellfish gathering in the Ahuriri Estuary:
§ The Ahuriri Estuary is used extensively for recreational fishing and some cultural harvest
§ Greater certainty regarding the general suitability of water in the estuary for shellfish gathering
§ Sources of faecal contaminants that currently compromise microbiological water quality need to be identified and targeted for remedial action.
4.3.2 Toxic metals
Toxic metals are delivered to the estuary (water and sediments) through numerous waterways that discharge stormwater to the estuary (Ataria et al., 2008, Hooper, 1989, Smith, 2010, Smith, 2011). Concentrations of metals in the water column and sediments may render shellfish and fish unsuitable for consumption.
Shellfish flesh (cockles) was previously tested as part of a study into the effects of boat maintenance and repair facilities on sediments in the Inner Harbour (Strong, 2005). This report showed that levels within shellfish flesh fell within guidelines for human consumption, and so were unlikely to pose a risk for human health. More recently, a review undertaken in association with Te Taiwhenua a Te Whanganui-a-Orotu comprehensively assessed the concentrations of industrial and stormwater contaminants in the sediments of the Ahuriri Estuary, as well as within shellfish and fish flesh (Ataria et al., 2008). This investigation showed that at the time of the study, the risk to human health associated with consumption of cockles and yellowbelly flounder could be considered negligible. For example, it would be necessary to consume 6 kg of cockles or 11 kg of flounder per day to exceed the tolerable limit for zinc, and 11 kg of cockles or 123 kg of flounder to exceed the tolerable daily intake limit for copper.
Ataria et. al. (2008) noted that for tangata whenua, the presence of contaminants in the water from discharges, even at levels considered safe in relation to food safety standards, was regarded as unacceptable.
Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review |
Attachment 2 |
4.4 State of the Ahuriri Estuary for food gathering
There is relatively little information regarding the state of food resources within the Ahuriri Estuary. While Hawke’s Bay Regional Council undertakes monitoring of waters overlying popular shellfish gathering areas, comparing measured concentrations with national guideline values, there is some concern regarding the relevance and applicability of these guidelines for assessing the risks to human health. Available information has been derived from single study events of variable duration and robustness. The most comprehensive study undertaken to date related the effects of stormwater contaminants on edible shellfish resources.
In general, shellfish gathered within the Ahuriri Estuary are likely to contain relatively elevated faecal contaminant concentrations. Further work is required to assess whether current contaminant concentrations do restrict this activity, and how these relatively elevated concentrations may be reduced.
Although shellfish and fish gathering is not compromised by levels of contamination that constitute immediate health risks, the presence of stormwater contaminants is likely to impose a barrier to food gathering by tangata whenua.
Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review |
Attachment 2 |
5 Conclusions and recommendations
This report describes the current state of knowledge for the factors likely to influence contact recreation and food gathering within the Ahuriri Estuary.
The estuary may be considered fair for contact recreation, recognising that at times inputs of faecal material may contribute to high concentrations of faecal bacteria at the Pandora Pond site.
Should contact recreation be considered as compromised by faecal contamination, and a desire exist to improve water quality, techniques such as faecal source tracking would assist in identifying source areas and in focusing management or remedial measures.
Little information exists regarding the impact of land-use on food resources within the estuary. Existing information indicates that concentrations of toxic metals in edible resources harvested in the estuary do not currently constitute a risk to human health. The elevated concentrations of contaminants observed in the inflows to the estuary indicate that there is a potential for adverse impacts on edible resources – this is an issue that needs to be considered in future.
Faecal contamination of resources indicates that the estuary should not be considered suitable as a safe source of shellfish for human consumption. Further work is required at a national level to develop appropriate guidance on assessing the risks of shellfish gathering to recreational fishers.
Regardless, the Ahuriri Estuary does support a significant recreational fishery and further work is required to quantify the public risk associated with consumption of food harvested from the estuary. At this stage it is unclear where responsibility for this assessment lies (Public Health Unit, Food Safety Authority (MPI), or Regional Council). Continuing monitoring of toxic metals, other chemical contaminants and faecal indicator bacteria within edible resources (cockles and flounder) in the estuary is recommended to better assess human and ecological health risks, inform public health and identify appropriate catchment management actions that will achieve community objectives for the area.
Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review |
Attachment 2 |
The author wishes to acknowledge the reviewers for comments made on the draft report and the Hawke’s Bay Museum for images used within the report.
7 Glossary of abbreviations and terms
cfu |
Coliform Forming Units |
E. coli |
Esherichia coli |
Harmful Algal Bloom |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council |
MfE |
Ministry for the Environment |
MoH |
Ministry of Health |
Ministry of Primary Industries |
Most Probably Number |
Nephelometric Turbidity Units |
Suitability for Recreation Grade |
Ahuriri Estuary: Contact Recreation and Food Gathering Review |
Attachment 2 |
ANZECC (2000) Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality 2000. ANZECC and ARMCANZ (eds), Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Australia.
Ataria, J., Tremblay, C., Tremblay, L., Black, M., Kaukau, M., Kemp, R. and Mauger, J. (2008) He Moemoea mo Te Whangaui-a-Orotu: A vision plan.
Black, M. and Ataria, J. (2008) Napier Estuary Literature Review, p. 31, Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand.
Bolton-Ritchie, L., Greenfield, S., Madarasz-Smith, A., Milne, J., Stevenson, M. and Walker, J. (2013) Recreational Water Quality: A practitioner's discussion on the limitations of the 2003 national guidelines.
Chague-Goff, C., Nichol, S.L., Jenkinson, A.V. and Heijnis, H. (2000) Signatures of natural catastrophic events and anthropogenic impact in an estuarine environment, New Zealand. Marine Geology 167, 285-301.
Comerty, P.S., D.A. (1996) A directory of wetlands., p. 395, Department of Conservation, Wellington.
ESR (2004) Ahuriri cockle results, p. 1, ESR, ESR.
Eyre, T.M. (2009) The Sediment Dynamics of Ahuriri Estuary, Napier, New Zealand, University of Waikato & Universitat Bremen, Hamilton, New Zeland.
Fenton, J.A. (1997) Ahuriri Estuary Water Quality: Review of water quality in the estuary and catchment area, p. 69, Blue Tear Environmental, Napier, New Zealabnd.
HBRC (2012) Hawke's Bay Regional Coastal Environment Plan, HBRC.
Henriques, P.R., Binmore, H., Grant, N.E., Anderson, S.H., Duffy, C.A.J. (1990) Coastal Resource Inventory First Order Survey: Hawke's Bay Conservancy, p. 78 + Department of Conservation, Wellington.
Hooper, G. (1989) Ahuriri Estuary Water Quality Study, p. 37 +, Hawke's Bay Regional Council.
Kilner, A.R. and Akroyd, J.M. (1978) Fish and Invertebrate Macrofauna of the Ahuriri Estuary, Napier, p. 79, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Wellington, New Zealand.
Knox, G.A. (1979) Ahuriri Estuary: An Environmental Study, p. 84, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, Canterbury.
Lee, J.W. (1977) Hawke's Bay Harbour Board's Proposal to Dredge Humber Street Pond. Board, H.s.B.C. (ed), p. 9, Wellington, New Zealand.
MfE (1994) Water Quality Guidelines No. 2. Environment, M.f.t. (ed), Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, New Zealand.
MfE and MoH (2003) Microbiological Water Quality Guidelines for Marine and Freshwater Recreational Areas, Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
NZFSA (1995) Microbiological Limits for Food. Authority, F.S. (ed).
Rycroft, C. (2000) Napier Inner Harbour & Lower Ahuriri Estuary Point Source Discharges, p. 17, Hawke's Bay Regional Council, Napier, New Zealand.
Smith, S. (2010) Monitoring of benthic effects of stormwater discharges at sites in the Ahuriri Estuary: 2010 Survey, p. 52.
Smith, S. (2011) Fate, transport and extent of sediment associated trace metal contaminants in Napier urban waterways: Purimu Stream and County Drain, p. 39.
Strong, J. (2005) Antifoulant and trace metal contamination of the sediments from the Napier Inner Harbour., p. 30, EAM Ltd, Napier.
Appendix A Assessing microbiological water quality for contact recreation
The “Microbiological water quality guidelines for marine and freshwater areas” (MfE and MoH, 2003) were developed to improve the communication of risk to recreational water users. In a departure from earlier assessments of recreational water quality, the 2003 guidelines required two related activities to be undertaken in order to assess suitability for recreational use:
§ risk grading, allowing a Sanitary Inspection Category to be assigned to the water body and associated catchment, and
§ allocation of a Microbiological Assessment Category, using routine monitoring data.
Combining these indices allows an overall Suitability for Recreation Grade to be assigned, which is the basis for informing the public regarding health risks associated with recreation at a particular location.
Significant monitoring is required to classify recreational water. A minimum of 20 data should be acquired over the recreation season. Ideally the classification should be based on data collected over a five year period. The classification makes use of 95th percentile concentration values.
Weekly Monitoring
The MfE and MoH (2003) guidelines also identify two tiers of surveillance activity. These actions are based on maintaining the risks of infection below identified thresholds. A “traffic light” coding system is used:
§ in surveillance mode (green), where concentrations of indicator organisms in individual samples remain below specific thresholds, routine monitoring continues.
§ where the surveillance concentration threshold is exceeded by a single sample result:
− alert (amber) or
− action (red) monitoring modes commence.
§ sampling frequency increases (to daily), the source of pollution is investigated and warning signs may be erected.
The monitoring thresholds for fresh and saline waters associated with these “traffic light” are detailed in Table A-1.
Table A‑1: Status levels and management actions associated with measured faecal indicators and illness risk. Source MfE&MoH, 2003
Colour code |
Status |
Marine waters (enterococci /100 mL) |
Freshwaters (E. coli /100 mL) |
Action |
Green |
Surveillance |
All results <140 |
All results <260 |
Continue routine weekly monitoring |
Amber |
Alert |
Single sample result >140 |
Single sample result >260 |
Increase to daily sampling, identify source of contamination |
Red |
Action |
2 consecutive sample results >280 |
Single sample results >550 |
Increase to daily sampling, identify source of contamination, erect signs, inform public |
Suitability for Recreation Grade (SFRG)
In order to grade a recreational water body, two activities must occur:
§ the Microbiological Assessment Category (MAC) must be established from existing or collected microbiological data; definitions for the different categories are given in Table 4-3
§ the Sanitary Inspection Category (SIC) must be established (classifications are Very High, High, Moderate, Low or Very Low; these refer to risk of contamination and are determined for a specific water body by using the SIC flow chart provided in the guidelines (MfE and MoH, 2003).
The Suitability for Recreation Grade (SFRG) provides five grades (very poor to very good) that summarise the potential health risk associated with primary recreation (such as swimming or surfing) at a site. The process for generating a SFRG is summarised schematically in Figure A-1.
Figure A‑1: Suitability for recreation grade schematic.
The grades can then be used to communicate typical risk of contact recreation in a specific water body to water uses as described in Table A-2.
Table A‑2: Explanation of suitability for recreation grades.
Description* |
Very Good |
The site has generally excellent microbial water quality and very few potential sources of faecal pollution. Water is considered suitable for swimming for almost all of the time. |
Good |
The site is considered suitable for swimming for most of the time. Swimming should be avoided during or following heavy rain. |
Fair |
The site is generally suitable for swimming, but because of the presence of significant sources of faecal contamination, extra care should be taken to avoid swimming during or following rainfall or if there are signs of pollution such as discoloured water, odour, or debris in the water. |
Poor |
The site is susceptible to faecal pollution and microbial water quality is not always suitable for swimming. During dry weather conditions, ensure that the swimming location is free of signs of pollution, such as discoloured water, odour or debris in the water, and avoid swimming at all times during and for up to three days following rainfall. |
Very Poor |
The site is very susceptible to faecal pollution and microbial water quality may often be unsuitable for swimming. It is generally recommended to avoid swimming at these sites. |
Environment and Services Committee
Wednesday 11 June 2014
SUBJECT: Statutory Advocacy Update
Reason for Report
1. This paper reports on proposals forwarded to the Regional Council and assessed by staff acting under delegated authority as part of the Council’s Statutory Advocacy project between 1 April and 5 June 2014.
2. The Statutory Advocacy project (‘Project 192’) centres on resource management-related proposals upon which the Regional Council has an opportunity to make comments or to lodge a submission. These include, but are not limited to:
2.1. resource consent applications publicly notified by a territorial authority
2.2. district plan reviews or district plan changes released by a territorial authority
2.3. private plan change requests publicly notified by a territorial authority
2.4. notices of requirements for designations in district plans
2.5. non-statutory strategies, structure plans, registrations, etc prepared by territorial authorities, government ministries or other agencies involved in resource management.
3. In all cases, the Regional Council is not the decision-maker, applicant nor proponent. In the Statutory Advocacy project, the Regional Council is purely an agency with an opportunity to make comments or lodge submissions on others’ proposals. The Council’s position in relation to such proposals is informed by the Council’s own Plans, Policies and Strategies, plus its land ownership or asset management interests.
4. The summary plus accompanying map outlines those proposals that the Council’s Statutory Advocacy project is currently actively engaged in.
Decision Making Process
5. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
1. That the Environment and Services Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report. |
Helen Codlin Group Manager Strategic Development |
Statutory Advocacy Update |
Statutory Advocacy Map |
Statutory Advocacy Update |
Attachment 1 |
Statutory Advocacy Update (as at 31 May 2014)
Received |
Map Ref |
Activity |
Applicant/ Agency |
Status |
Current Situation |
5 December 2013 |
1 |
Plan Change 10 to the Operative City of Napier District Plan. A community driven Plan Change to harmonise district wide provisions between the Napier District Plan with the Hastings District Plan, incorporate the Ahuriri Subdistrict Plan and update provisions as a result of recent Napier City Council policy changes and decisions into the Napier District Plan. |
Notified |
31 May 2014 · Further submissions closed Friday 9 May 2014. HBRC staff did not consider that a Further Submission was required as none of the Submissions received by NCC contradicted HBRC’s original Submission or raised issues of concern to this Council. · In total NCC received 28 Submissions. It is anticipated that NCC will begin hearings within the next few months. · Original submission period closed on Friday 14 February 2014. The HBRC submission can be found at HBRC Submissions · Previously informal comments were made by staff on draft content relating to HPUDS and RPS Change 4. |
8 November 2013 |
2 |
Proposed Hastings District Plan Review of the Hastings District Plan in its entirety. Includes the harmonisation of district wide provisions between the Napier District Plan with the Hastings District Plan where relevant.. |
Notified |
31 May 2014 · Further submissions closed Friday 9 May 2014. HBRC lodged a Further Submission on a number of Submissions including on those requesting development in areas outside of the settlement pattern adopted in HPUDS. · In total HDC received 198 Submissions on their Proposed District Plan. It is anticipated that HDC will begin hearings within the next few months. · The HBRC Submission and Further Submission on the HDC Plan Review can be found here HBRC Submissions Document Library/20140214 Submission HDC District Plan.pdf · Prior to the notification of the Proposed District Plan, HDC released a Draft District Plan Review on which the Regional Council provided comments. Various informal comments were made by staff on draft content, particularly relating to natural hazards, HPUDS and RPS Change4, riparian management. |
1 August 2013 |
NA |
3 |
Application under Coastal and Marine (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 Rongomaiwahine has made an application for a Protected Customary Rights Order and a Customary Marine Title Order in the general Mahia Peninsular area under section 100 of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011. |
Rongomaiwahine (Pauline Tangiora) |
Notified |
8 November 2013. · Council has opposed the grant of the orders unless the nature and geographical extent of the orders is specified with sufficient detail to enable the Council to appropriately understand the effect of the orders sought. · High Court has been assessing validity of other parties joining these proceedings. No additional actions or responses have been required from HBRC since joining proceedings in late 2013. |
Environment and Services Committee
Wednesday 11 June 2014
SUBJECT: Minor Items Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
This document has been prepared to assist Councillors note the Minor Items Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 6.
Item |
Topic |
Councillor / Staff |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |