MINUTES OF A meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Date: Friday 20 June 2014
Time: 10.00 am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: F Wilson, Chairman, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council - Chairman
C Little, Mayor, Wairoa District Council
B Dalton, Mayor, Napier City Council
Cr T Kerr, Hastings District Council (on behalf of Mayor Yule)
Cr S Butler, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council (on behalf of Mayor Butler)
In Attendance: E Lambert, Chief Executive HBRC
I Macdonald, Group Controller HB CDEM & Group Manager
R McLeod, CEO, Hastings District Council
J Freeman, CEO, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
F Power, CEO, Wairoa District Council
N Simpson, Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group
A Hickey, MCDEM
P Grant, Group Recovery Manager
W Jack, CEO, Napier City Council
L Pearce, Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group
M Hulena, Executive Assistant
S Webster, Lawyer, Sainsbury Logan & Williams (part of meeting)
Chairman Wilson welcomed everyone to the meeting. Mr Macdonald introduced Mr Grant, Group Recovery Manager presenting in item 7. Mr Macdonald advised the Committee Mr Webster would attend at 10.30am to discuss item 3 in General Business. There were no notices.
Apologies were received from:
L Yule, Mayor, Hastings District Council
PB Butler, Mayor, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 11 April 2014
CDE8/14 |
Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on Friday, 11 April 2014, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed. |
4. Matters Arising from Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 11 April 2014
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Call for General Business |
CDE9/14 |
1. That the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group accepts the following minor items for discussion: 1.1. Draft Minutes of the 9 May 2014 CEG Meeting 1.2. LGNZ think piece Managing Natural Hazards in New Zealand: Towards more Resilient communities 1.3. Hawke’s Bay Disaster Relief Fund Trust |
Final approval of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan |
Mr Macdonald advised the Committee following the meeting held on 11 April 2014 there have been no changes to the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Plan. The draft Plan was received by the Minister of Civil Defence for her comment. No changes were recommended and the Minister commended the Group on the Plan. Final approval was required for the Group Plan and new controller appointments. In responding to a question, Mr Macdonald agreed the plan provided good news for the Council and a media release would be prepared. Mr Macdonald also advised the final Group Plan would be available online via the Civil Defence website and in written form. Members of the CEG and Joint Committee Group would receive a copy once finalised. The Committee noted the Group Plan was largely consulted on by government and non-government agencies. The Group Work Programme now needs to be developed in detail and implemented and the focus is forward thinking. It was acknowledged that a review of existing resourcing will be needed to implement a work programme in accordance with the objectives of the Plan. In moving the recommendation, Councillor Kerr commended staff for the on-going work undertaken and the process of the Plan review. |
CDE10/14 |
That: 1. Pursuant to Section 52(1)(c) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 the Committee approves the proposed Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan as operative from the date of this resolution. 2. Pursuant to section 57 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 the following minor changes are made to the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan, and the Plan is to be amended accordingly. The following controller appointments are made pursuant to sections 26 and 27 of the Act: 2.1. Elizabeth Lambert is appointed as an alternate Group Controller. 2.2. David Fraser is replaced by Alice Heather as an alternate Local Controller, Hastings District Council. 2.3. Peter Freeman is replaced by Fergus Power as the primary Local Controller, Wairoa District Council. Butler/Kerr CARRIED |
Draft Hawke’s Bay Group RECOVERY Strategy |
Mr Grant gave a PowerPoint presentation which outlined the key points of the Group Recovery Strategy. Mr Grant sought feedback from the Committee to proceed to finalise a final draft for the approval of the Committee and for the Committee to formally adopt it. Mr Grant advised the Committee since the CEG meeting, recommended minor changes had been made. Positive feedback has been received during consultation with Councils and other agencies. The document may require updating if changes to the local government structures are made or if the CDEM Act changes. The Committee discussed the agenda item and commended Mr Grant on the attachable appendices, which are easily accessible and used as a checklist that is easily pulled out. 10.30am Mr Webster, Lawyer from Sainsbury Logan & Williams joined the meeting. Mr Webster discussed the Hawke’s Bay Disaster Relief Fund with the Committee. Mr Webster and Mr Macdonald are looking to have a trust in place before a disaster happens. If implemented the Hawke’s Bay Disaster Relief Fund would set up its own 0800 number and bank account. The draft trust document allows for people to tag donations to a specific event or area. The establishment of a trust had been agreed to by the Committee as part of the Group Plan review process. As part of consultation as to the wording of the Trust with the Councils, a concern had been raised as to whether the trust constituted a Council controlled Organisation (CCO). Mr Webster was of the view that it did. Mr Macdonald outlined the process for establishing a CCO using the special consultative process under the Local Government Act 2002. In responding to questions, Mr Macdonald confirmed thinking needs to be done around administrative costs to Council, communication, marketing and advertising to the community. The Committee noted Mr Macdonald will submit a proposal to manage the process, gather submissions, hold a hearing, register the Trust and receive preapproval for a Charitable Trust. An adhoc Joint Committee meeting will be set in 2-3 months to discuss further. The Committee also noted an amendment to the section headed Hawke’s Bay Disaster Relief Fund in the draft Recovery Strategy. Committee is comfortable with text though the fund is not in place. Recommended changing to “Establish a fund…”. 10.40am Mr Webster left the meeting. The Committee discussed each TLA developing their own Recovery Plan. The Committee was of the view that each Council needed to develop their own local recovery plan. It was confirmed Mr Grant would provide assistance to TLAs and their plans would be a detailed extension to the region plan. The Committee commended the progress undertaken to date. The Committee agreed to another amendment to the draft Strategy: Group Strategy be used as a basis of TLA to develop their own local Recovery Plan and the Group would provide assistance from Mr Grant. (So there were no conflicting plans). Wilson/Butler CARRIED |
CDE11/14 |
That the Committee: 1. Resolves to adopt the attached Group Recovery Strategy as amended at this meeting. Dalton/Kerr CARRIED |
Draft Submission Revised National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan |
Mr Macdonald advised the Committee that the Minister of Civil Defence has publicly released the revised National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan for public consultation. Submissions on the National Plan close on 25 July 2014. Mr Macdonald required agreement on a process for the Committee to enter their submission. The Committee discussed their thoughts on the submission process and agreed Mr Macdonald would draft a submission to include topics on welfare and risk reduction, how to manage risks before they become an issue. The draft submission to be discussed with the CEG Chair. The final submission would be approved by the Joint Committee Chair and be reported at the next Committee meeting. |
CDE12/14 |
That : 1. The Committee make a submission on the reviewed National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan. 2. This submission shall be approved by the Chair of the Joint Committee and reported to the next Committee Meeting. Dalton/Little CARRIED |
General Business |
Elected Mr Jack as the Chairman of the Coordinating Executive Group for a period of two years as Mr McLeod is away overseas for 9 months. Mr Don Scott has volunteered to complete the review of the NZ Response Teams Hawke’s Bay Needs Analysis for the Group. Mr Scott will review light rescue teams, welfare response teams which are at a higher level than average volunteers. Mr Macdonald noted some smaller communities have their own response and rescue group, to get better coverage and training across Hawke’s Bay a discussion on filling the gaps will be held at the next CEG meeting. Mr Simpson confirmed that there are staff and agencies trained in Emergency Management Information System (EMIS), training is available if required.
LGNZ think piece Managing Natural Hazards in New Zealand: Towards more Resilient communities |
Mr Macdonald discussed the “LGNZ Think Piece” document and sought feedback from the Committee. Local government has an important role in natural hazard management, and by working alongside and in collaboration with central government agencies and private sector players such as the insurance industry we could improve community resilience. The Think Piece discusses the need to ensure we have all the necessary tools and capabilities, adequate information and preparedness to ensure the system works in the best interest of communities with the ability to make sound planning and policy decisions. In response to questions from the Committee, Mr Macdonald advised some small communities have identified their own action plans. Information on Natural Hazards is available to communities who need to use information responsibly. Mr Macdonald also advised that the Group Office was happy to assist individual Councils who were having conversations with their communities on natural hazards. The Group Office had strong relationships with the MCDEM hazards team, GNS and EQC. Ms Pearse to circulate the electronic copy of the document to the Committee.
Hawke’s Bay Disaster Relief Fund Trust |
Dealt with as part of agenda item 7. |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 11.15am on Friday, 20 June 2014.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................