Meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Date: Friday 20 June 2014
Time: 10.00 am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 11 April 2014
4. Matters Arising from Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 11 April 2014
5. Call for General Business
Decision Items
6. Final approval of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan 3
7. Draft Hawke’s Bay Group Strategy Plan 5
8. Draft Submission Revised National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan 65
Information or Performance Monitoring
9. General Business 77
HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Friday 20 June 2014
SUBJECT: Final approval of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group Plan
Reason for Report
1. The purpose of this report is to obtain the final approval of the reviewed Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Plan and make new controller appointments.
Decision Making Process
2. The Committee is required to make a decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002. Staff has assessed the requirements contained in Part 6 Sub Part 1 of the Act in relation to this item and they do not apply as the special consultative procedure was used in developing this Plan.
3. Under the CDEM Act 2002 the Hawke’s Bay Group must review its group plan every 5 years. This process was commenced in late 2012 and a draft Plan was approved for consultation by the Committee on 23 September 2013. This draft was publically notified on 9 November 2013 using the special consultative process under the Local Government Act 2002. Submissions closed on 13 December 2013 with a total of eight submissions received.
4. A hearing to decide on submissions was held on 11 April 2014 and as a result the amended Plan was sent to the Minister of Civil Defence for her comment as required by the CDEM Act 2002. On 14 May 2014 the Minister replied and made no comments on the Plan.
5. This was the last requirement of the Act and the Group Plan may now be declared operative.
6. A copy of the Group Plan will be available at the meeting. There have not been any significant changes since the Committee approval at its meeting on 11 April 2014. Some minor amendments (dates, page numbers and formatting) will need to be made as part of the final publishing of the document.
7. It is therefore recommended that the Committee approves the proposed Group Plan pursuant to section 52(1)(c) of the CDEM Act 2002.
8. Since the Plan hearings, the need has arisen to include three new controllers. These are recommended as follows and if approved will be included in the new Group Plan. The proposed changes are considered minor in nature under the Act.
9. Group Controllers. With Ross McLeod being out of the country for 9 months a replacement Group Controller has been identified and endorsed by the CEG. Liz Lambert is the interim CEO of the HBRC and has filled various operational roles in the Group Emergency Coordination Centre. Liz recently completed the MCDEM Controllers seminar.
10. Local Controllers. Hastings District Council have requested that Alice Heather replace David Fraser as an alternate Local Controller. Alice is the Group Manager, Community Facilities and Programmes, and has recently completed the MCDEM Controllers seminar. She has experience in emergency management from Australia where she was responsible for delivering welfare outcomes for the Cairns Regional Council and had a management role during the 2003 Canberra fires.
11. Wairoa District Council have requested the new CEO Fergus Power replace Peter Freeman as the primary Local Controller. Fergus has had previous experience in emergency management having worked for MCDEM previously.
12. It is recommended that the above minor changes to the Group Plan be approved.
That: 1. Pursuant to Section 52(1)(c) of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 the Committee approves the proposed Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan as operative from the date of this resolution. 2. Pursuant to section 57 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 the following minor changes are made to the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan, and the Plan is to be amended accordingly. The following controller appointments are made pursuant to sections 26 and 27 of the Act: 2.1. Elizabeth Lambert is appointed as an alternate Group Controller. 2.2. David Fraser is replaced by Alice Heather as an alternate Local Controller, Hastings District Council. 2.3. Peter Freeman is replaced by Fergus Power as the primary Local Controller, Wairoa District Council. |
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller Hawke's Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management |
HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Friday 20 June 2014
SUBJECT: Draft Hawke’s Bay Group Strategy Plan
Reason for Report
1. The purpose of this report and discussion is to introduce the Committee to a draft Group Recovery Strategy that has been developed over the last few months. Feedback is sought to allow us to proceed to the next part of the process which is to finalise a final draft for the approval of the Committee.
2. There will be a short presentation on the proposed Group Recovery Strategy and there will be an opportunity for discussion and feedback.
3. The Capability Assessment Report completed on the Hawke’s Bay Group by MCDEM in 2010 identified that the Group did not have an appointed Recovery Manager or a Group Recovery Plan. In early 2012 Peter Grant was appointed as Group Recovery Manager.
4. As part of the Group Plan review strategic goals and objectives for Recovery were developed, and agreed to by the Committee. With this Plan almost complete it was decided to commence the development of a Group Recovery Strategy. As the Group Recovery Manager, Peter Grant has led this process with support from Alison Prins from the Group Office.
5. This process commenced with a Group Recovery Forum held in December last year. This was well attended with about 20 people representing councils, Lifeline utility operators and welfare agencies taking part.
6. As a result of this forum a draft Strategy was developed and a number of meetings held with those involved in the recovery area across the region. Comments were also sought from MCDEM.
7. On 2 May 2014 a workshop with local recover managers and primary controllers was held to agree on any changes needed based on feedback to date.
8. On 9 May 2014 a workshop was held with the Coordinating Executives Group (CEG) and some changes were made as a result.
9. Attached is a draft copy of the Group Recovery Strategy. At the meeting Mr Grant will outline the key points of the Strategy and seek feedback from the Committee.
10. Considering the consultative process already undertaken, unless there are significant changes required to the Strategy, the Committee is asked to formally adopt it.
That the Committee: 1. Resolves to adopt the attached Group Recovery Strategy as amended at this meeting. |
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller Hawke's Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management |
Draft Group Recovery Strategy |
HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Friday 20 June 2014
SUBJECT: Draft Submission Revised National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan
Reason for Report
1. This report seeks to get agreement from the Committee as to the process for the Group to make a submission on the review of the National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan.
2. The Minister of Civil Defence has publicly released the revised National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan for public consultation. Submissions close on 25 July 2014.
3. The National CDEM Plan is required under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (CDEM Act). It aims to integrate and align agencies’ CDEM planning and related operational activities at the national level. The National Plan has a life of 5 years and is currently being reviewed.
4. The National Plan sets the roles and responsibilities of the CDEM Groups and for individual members their responsibilities as Lifeline utility operators. As shown in the figure below, the National Plan places CDEM Groups at the centre of delivering local CDEM across the 4Rs and as such it is important the Group has a view on this Plan.
5. Since the last National Plan review New Zealand has been subject to some of the most costly disasters in its history. The review seeks to incorporate the learnings from these events.
6. Attached is a summary of amendments proposed by MCDEM.
7. As the National Plan effectively defines the role of the Group, it is recommended that the Group consider making a submission. It is suggested that given the timeline, the Group’s submission be drafted by the Group Manager with input from the Chair of this Committee and CEG. The final submission would be approved by the Joint Committee Chair and be reported at the next Committee meeting.
That the Committee: 1. Makes a submission on the reviewed National Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan. 2. Agrees this submission shall be approved by the Chair of the Joint Committee and reported to the next Committee Meeting. |
Ian Macdonald Group Manager/Controller Hawke's Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management |
Summary of amendments proposed by MCDEM |
HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Friday 20 June 2014
SUBJECT: General Business
This document has been prepared to assist the Joint Committee to note any General Business Items to be discussed, as determined earlier in the Agenda.
Item |
Topic |
Member/Staff |
1. |
Draft Minutes of the 9 May 2014 CEG Meeting (attached) |
I Macdonald |
2. |
LGNZ think piece Managing Natural Hazards in New Zealand: Towards more Resilient communities |
I Macdonald |
3. |
Hawke’s Bay Disaster Relief Fund Trust |
I Macdonald |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |