MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Planning Committee
Date: Wednesday 14 May 2014
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: F Wilson - Chairman
R Barker
P Beaven
T Belford
K Brown
AJ Dick
R Graham
T Hopmans
N Kirikiri
P Paku
D Pipe
C Scott
R Spooner
T Waaka
W Wilson
In Attendance: E Lambert – Interim Chief Executive
Dr A Tait - NIWA
G Ide – Manager Strategy & Policy
M Drury – Executive Assistant
Chairman Wilson welcomed all to the meeting.
Karakia Mr W Wilson
Chairman Wilson advised he would be leaving the meeting at 3.30pm to attend a meeting in Wairoa.
RPC4/14 Apologies were received from Councillor Hewitt and Mr N Baker.
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Planning Committee Held on 19 February 2014
4. Matters Arising From Minutes of the Regional Planning Committee Held on Wednesday 19 February 2014
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Follow-ups From Previous Regional Planning Committee Meetings |
Mrs Lambert updated the Committee on the Follow Up items listed. |
RPC6/14 |
1. That the Regional Planning Committee receives the report “Follow-ups from Previous Committee Meetings”. Waka/Paku CARRIED |
Call For Any Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
There were no minor items called
Tukituki Plan Change - Draft Board of Inquiry Decision |
Mrs Lambert introduced Mr Rob van Voorthuysen and Mr Grant Pechey to the Committee. Mr van Voorthuysen is Council’s planning consultant for Plan Change 6 application and Mr Pechey is Council’s economic advisor. Mrs Lambert and Messrs van Voorthuysen and Pechey briefed the Committee on the Board of Inquiry’s draft decision on the Tukituki Catchment proposal and outlined the implications for the community and for Council in terms of implementation. A powerpoint presentation was also given. Mr van Voorthuysen and Mr Pechey explained the implications of the Board’s decision to set a DIN limit of 0.8 mg/l across the whole of the catchment both to Council and landowners in the region and noted that all production on the Heretaunga Plains would require a consent. Farmers would also accrue a large range of costs in relation to PC6 with significant increases in on farm regulatory costs, requirement of Management Plans, S36 charges and compliance costs. Mr Pechey advised that there would be an HBRC general funding increase of $19m between 2018-2050 with an average annual increase of $600,000. The Committee discussed the implications of the BOI draft decision and noted that there would be ongoing changes in farm practices from what is occurring at the present time however, there would be a number of farms that would struggle to meet the financial requirements to meet the proposed limits. The Committee noted that Shag Rock was the location defined by the BOI as the monitoring site. The majority of vegetable crops grown on the Plains would struggle as there was heavy reliance on artificial fertilisers and the implementation of good practice by farmers was essential. The Committee discussed the possibility of the farm size currently set at 4ha except for low intensity/lifestyle type blocks under 10 ha be increased, consideration for a longer time frame for meeting LUC leaching limits, new technology for the farming of dairy herds and how water quality could be improved. Responding to a question, Mr van Voorthuysen confirmed that one environmental benefit from the BOI’s draft decision was that the health of the river system would be protected and agreed that both nitrogen and phosphorus should be managed as one. Concern was expressed that the report contained a lack of vision and leadership from Council as the region’s lead agency for the environment to help protect the Tukituki river for the present and for future generations. Councillor Barker moved an amendment, seconded by Councillor Belford “That the Regional Planning Committee determines that the Tukituki River is a taonga for this and subsequent generations and that Council as the region’s pre-eminent and environmental protection agency, supports the interim decision of the Board if Inquiry for a two nutrient model and in particular 0.8 DIN and that Council’s work be focussed solely on the implementation of the BOI decision” The motion when put was lost 6/8 Belford, Barker, Waaka, Graham, Beaven, Brown Dick, Scott, Kirikiri, Hopmans, Pipe, Spooner, F Wilson, W Wilson, P Paku abstained |
RPC7/14 |
That the Regional Planning Committee receives the ‘Tukituki Plan Change Draft Board of Inquiry Decision’ report. Dick/Hopmans Lost10/4 1 Abstention NOTE: Under the Terms of Reference for the Regional Planning Committee, the agreement of 80% of the Committee members in attendance is required. This agenda item therefore lays on the table |
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group 2 Report Update by Dr Andrew Tait |
Chairman Wilson welcomed Dr Andrew Tait from NIWA. Dr Tait is a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Dr Tait confirmed that New Zealand does have a very variable climate from year to year. Dr Tait gave a powerpoint presentation which outlined the projected climate changes, the implications for key sectors, adaptation and risk management and the key risks for New Zealand and Australia. Dr Tait also discussed the impact the projected climate changes would have on the Hawke’s Bay region. Nationally there was a possible increase in temperature of up to 5 degrees, a decrease in mean annual rainfall, droughts may become more prevalent in the future, ecosystems could be affected by the introduction of introduced pests and diseases and health impacts from increased water/food borne diseases with a shift in summer/winter health issues. Dr Tait emphasised the requirement for adaptation processes to be continually considered in light that many adaption limits have a long lead in time. There would also be a widespread increase in flood risk. Following discussion by the Committee, Dr Tait responded to questions. |
RPC8/14 |
1. That the report “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group 2 Report Update” be received. Barker/Belford CARRIED |
Chairman Wilson left the meeting at 3.25pm and Mr Waaka assumed the Chair.
Councillor Dick left the meeting at 3.30pm, and the quorum was LOST.
Due to a lack of quorum, the following items were not formally considered.
Karamu Characterisation Report |
Resource Management Planning Project Update |
Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
Karakia – W Wilson
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.40pm on Wednesday, 14 May 2014.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................