MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 7 March 2014
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Cr AJ Dick – Chairman
Cr T Kingston – CHB District Council
Mr R Bull – Advisor: Private Motorists
Mr J Emmerson – Advisor: Road Transport Industry
Mr K Santer – Advisor: Rail
Mr C Bain, Advisor: Port and Coastal Shipping
Cr M Herbert – Napier City Council
Cr R Barker – HBRC
Mr B Gregory – Advisor: Cultural Interests
Mr L Hammond - NZTA
In Attendance: Ms H Codlin – Group Manager – Strategic Development – HBRC
Mr J Cox – Wairoa District Council
Mr S McKinley – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
Mr J Schwass- Napier City Council
Mr M Clews – Hastings District Council
R l’Anson – NZTA
Mr C Dowdell – NZTA
M Welsby – Sustainable Transport Co-ordinator – HBRC
L Anderson – Regional Manager RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay, HBRC
K Styles - NZTA
M Drury – Committee Secretary
Chairman Dick welcomed all present to the meeting with a special welcome to Councillor Rick Barker who was attending his first meeting in his capacity as Deputy Chairman of the Regional Transport Committee.
All members of the Committee gave a brief introduction of themselves.
Councillor Kingston advised the Committee he would leave the meeting at 1.00pm.
Apologies were received from Mayor Craig Little, Mr D Murray, Councillor T Kerr and
Ms J Chetwynd.
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee |
RTC2/14 |
1. That Mr J Cox, Mr R Bull, Mr J Pannu and Mr L Hammond be appointed as members of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 07 March 2014 as short term replacements(s) on the Committee for Mayor Craig Little, Mr D Murray, Councillor Tania Kerr and Ms J Chetwynd respectively. Kingston/Herbert CARRIED |
4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Regional Transport Committee held on 29 November 2013
RTC3/14 |
Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 29 November 2013, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed. Cox/Herbert CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday 29 November 2013
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
RTC4/14 |
1. Under standing orders, SO 3.7.6: “Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting, (a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if: (i) that item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and (ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but (b) No resolution, decision, or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.” 2. The Chairman will request any items councillors wish to be added for discussion at today’s meeting and these will be duly noted, if accepted by the Chairman, for discussion as the final Agenda Item. Resolutions: That the Regional Transport Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion: 1. Letter from Audrey Jones re dust on SH38 2. Sealing of Expressway 3. Buses (Evening timetable) 4. Ability of youth gaining driving licences in the Wairoa District Dick/Kingston CARRIED |
Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings |
Ms Codlin updated the Committee on the Action items listed. In relation to the GPS development item, Ms Codlin tabled an email from Transport NZ dated 6 December 2013 which sought response to several questions around the GPS and an outline of how the feedback received would be included in a formal engagement process. Chairman Dick reported a response had not been received to a letter sent to the Minister Brownlie’s office in relation to R funds. Mr Cox also gave an update on ongoing discussions being held regarding the proposed sealing of SH38. Recent discussions had centred around the possibility of the Wairoa District Council taking over the road from NZTA and the road would then be considered a local road. |
RTC5/14 |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report. Cox/Kingston CARRIED |
Submission on Funding Assistance Rates |
Ms Codlin advised that the closing date for submissions was Friday, 28 March 2014 and that there is a further opportunity to discuss the FAR proposals with NZTA and local government representatives at the Regional Transport Summit on 13 March 2014. The draft submission for the Committee’s consideration had been reviewed by relevant TAG members. A final draft of the submission would be emailed to funding members of the RTC prior to submitting the final version. Mr McKinley outlined the main points contained within the draft submission and noted that the focus of the submission was to provide an overall regional context and support submissions made by the regional and territorial authorities. Mr McKinley commented it was important that NZTA should consider the relative wealth of all ratepayers and non-resident ratepayers in their determinations in particular the burden that rate payers in smaller districts with large road networks would have to bear. In response to questions from the Committee, Mr Hammond explained how the funding would be distributed around the country and noted that NZTA received their direction from Government through the Government Policy Statement. Mr Hammond confirmed that the bounds for the maintenance activity class had not been lifted in the last 3 years and it would continue to be the same amount. The Committee expressed concern that the GPS gave a clear direction of where money would be spent and if more was to be spent on Roads of National Significance this would result in less being spent on existing projects. The Committed noted that the introduction of walkways, cycling tracks and the HPMV trucks, had had a large impact on the NZTF. The Committee also noted that the present system appeared to be working well and queried the need to amend it resulting in a larger cost to the region. The Committee sought more emphasis on the risks associated with the emergency works provisions, practicable measures for addressing administrative costs and more emphasis on the demonstrated need for road improvement programmes. Mr Hammond requested that if possible could drafts be sent to NZTA in order for work to commence. It was noted that any amendments to the draft should be sent to HBRC staff by 17 March following the Transport Summit. |
RTC6/14 |
That the Regional Transport Committee : 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Receives, considers and endorses the draft submission on the Funding Assistance Rates Review to be lodged with the New Zealand Transport Agency, subject to any amendments arising from this meeting or from the Regional Transport Summit on 13 March 2014. 3. Instructs staff to circulate a Final Draft Submission to the funding members of the Regional Transport Committee for approval prior to submitting it to the New Zealand Transport Agency. Kingston/Pannu CARRIED |
Public Transport Update |
Mrs Welsby presented the public transport update and noted key items in particular Route 12 peak time services between Napier and Hastings which were carrying very heavy loads and running up to 15 mins late. An investigation of lower performing services had commenced and depending on the outcome it may be that extra vehicle resources could be diverted into the route 12 operation. The Committee requested a report be prepared for the Regional Council to consider at its 26 March meeting. Following a query regarding the lack of evening services, the Committee sought a report on the assessment that was undertaken in the last network in relation to the provision of evening services between Napier and Hastings for the next Committee meeting on 16 May. Clarification was also requested on the Total Mobility Statistics from January 2012 – March 2013 set out in Diagram 4 of the agenda item where the figures seemed to indicate a 25% increase in costs with a corresponding 19% increase in trips and 14 % increase in passengers. |
RTC7/14 |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Public Transport Update and instructs staff to take options for Route 12 to the Regional Council. Pannu/Herbert CARRIED |
Future of Roadsafe Governance Group |
Ms Codlin introduced the agenda item which proposed that the activities of RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay be reported directly to the Regional Transport Committee rather than the RoadSafe Governance group to highlight the important role the RoadSafe programme has to the overall transport programme in the region. Chairman Dick noted that RoadSafe had operated effectively for many years, and acknowledged the very strong governance role over that time. This proposal had been discussed with the Chairman of the Regional Transport Committee, Regional Director of NZTA and Ms Anderson the RoadSafe Manager for Hawke’s Bay who all agreed that discussion and direction around road safety activities would be well served under the Regional Transport Committee. Chairman Dick outlined the difficulty Ms Anderson has had to effectively interact with technical advisory representatives and other difficulties encountered in the past and suggested it was prudent for Ms Anderson to attend future TAG meetings . In response to a query, Ms Anderson confirmed she maintains ongoing contact with key stakeholders in the region. |
RTC8/14 |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives the report. 2. Agrees that RoadSafe activities are reported directly to the Regional Transport Committee. 3. Agrees that a sub-committee to oversee RoadSafe activities is no longer required.
Kingston/Dowdell CARRIED |
Roadsafe Up date Report |
Ms Anderson updated the Committee on road safety activities that were undertaken under the Road Safety Action Plans from November 2014 – February 2014. In response to a query, Ms Anderson advised that a meeting would be held in the near future to discuss the establishment of a regional programme for obtaining driving licences. Following the establishment of this programme, the current difficulties experienced in Wairoa to obtain a driver’s licence may be remedied. Following further discussion on the difficulties currently encountered by rural communities when applying for a driver’s licence, the Committee requested a report be prepared by NZTA outlining the issues and priorities for driver licence testing for 16 May meeting. Mr Hammond left the meeting at 12.10pm Ms Kate Styles outlined the difficulties NZTA had experienced whilst trying to develop a driving route in the Wairoa region to comply with the national standard driving test requirements. Following the evaluation of a trial in Gisborne in April, it was hoped a rolling programme would commence. Ms Anderson also drew the Committee’s attention to the briefing notes attached to the agenda item which illustrated the loss of control and head-on accidents in the region from 2008-2012. |
RTC9/14 |
That the Regional Transport Committee 1. Receives the report 2. Requests NZTA to provide a report to the next meeting on 16 May 2014 outlining the issues and priorities for driver licence testing in Wairoa and Central Hawke’s Bay and proposals for solutions for enabling driver testing in those areas. Barker/Kingston CARRIED |
NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report |
The Regional Director’s Report was taken as read. Concern was expressed in relation to a HPMV vehicle using a detour on a road which may not be up to the standard to carry heavy vehicles and the impacts that may result on the road from heavy vehicle use. Mr Ross l’Anson, Acting Planning and Investment Manager NZTA gave a powerpoint presentation which outlined the context of the 2015-18 National Land Transport Plan (NLTP). Mr l’Anson updated the Committee on the planning and investment priority signals which included reviewing public transport networks, completing existing and investigating more HPMV routes, identifying roads’ lifeline functions and the consequences if they were compromised by weather events and the ongoing reduction of deaths and serious injuries on our roads.
RTC10/14 |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Regional Director’s report. Herbert/Kingston CARRIED |
15. |
Verbal Reports from Advisors |
John Emmerson – Advisor – Road Transport Industry Ongoing problems with trucks travelling Marine Parade. Meeting with Napier City Council next week and hope to resolve the problem in near future. Kim Santer – Advisor – Rail Due to the fleet of locomotives being grounded while investigations for the presence of asbestos takes place in the locomotives’ cabs, a large amount of freight was being transported by road. KiwiRail hope to have the asbestos problems resolved in the next few weeks. Chris Bain – Advisor – Port & Coastal Shipping As a result of KiwiRail’s investigations into asbestos, increased truck volume has had impacts on the roading system. Marine Parade volumes have increased however, seasonal variations could attribute to the increase. The NZIER Report was commissioned and illustrates Government expenditure within the region on health, prisons etc. Economic development and transport are not a high spend. Mr Bain will circulate the report to all Committee members and a report will be prepared for the next Committee meeting on the significance of the NZIER Report. |
RTC11/14 |
Resolution:: That the Committee: 1. Receives the verbal update from Advisors 2. Instructs staff to prepare a report for the next Committee meeting on the significance of the NZIER report in the region. Dick/Bull CARRIED |
The meeting adjourned at 12.50pm and reconvened at 1.10pm
Messrs Bain, Santer, Schwass and Kingston left the meeting at 1.10pm
14. |
Verbal Update on Major R Funded Projects 2012-2015 - Ford Road and Whakatu |
Mr Pannu gave a power point presentation which updated the Committee on progress of the Whakatu Arterial Project. Mr Pannu also outlined the proposed timetable with the awarding of Tender planned for March 2015. In response to a query, Mr Pannu advised that he hoped to bring a confirmed estimated cost to the next Committee meeting. Mr Pannu also advised that the Link Road intersection design had been completed and land purchase would commence in the near future. Councillor Herbert updated the Committee on Napier City Council’s decision to move ahead with the Ford Road project and fund it from Council’s existing budgets with no proposed increase in rates. Mr Herbert expressed concern that NCC representatives had not been involved in recent NZTA workshops to discuss the Watchman Road / Meeanee Quay Intersection.
RTC12/14 |
Resolution: Verbal Update on Major R Funded Projects 2012-2015 - Ford Road and Whakatu 1. That the verbal reports be received. Cox/Pannu CARRIED |
Mr Pannu left the meeting at 1.45pm
Safe Systems - Presentation by NZTA |
Ms Kate Styles gave a power point presentation which gave an overview of the Safe System for Hawke’s Bay and outlined the principles and vision of the Safe System approach. |
RTC13/14 |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the presentation on NZTA’s Safe System Approach to Road Safety. Herbert/Cox CARRIED |
Councillor Barker left the meeting at 2.10pm
Eastcoast Rail Verbal Update |
Chairman Dick updated the Committee on progress with the proposals for the Napier to Gisborne rail line. |
RTC14/14 |
1. That the report be received. Dick/Cox CARRIED |
Minor Items Not on the Agenda |
This document has been prepared to assist Councillors note the Minor Items Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 6.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.35pm on Friday, 7 March 2014.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................