MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee



Date:                           Tuesday 25 February 2014


Time:                          10.15 am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     M Mohi - Chairman

H Hilton

A Manuel

F McRoberts

B Gregory

M Paku

S Haraki

R Spooner

R Maaka

R Graham

T Belford

R Barker

D Pipe

C Scott


In Attendance:           F Wilson, - Chairman HBRC

                                    L Lambert – Interim CE

                                    I Maxwell, Group Manager – Resource Management

                                    T Sharp – Strategic policy Advisor

                                    E Bate - Planner

                                    V Moule – Human Resource Manager

                                    M Drury – Committee Secretary



Chairman Mohi welcomed all present to the meeting.

An apology was received from Marei Apatu and apologies for lateness were received from Councillors Graham and Belford.





There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Short Term Replacements



That the Maori Committee agree:

That Councillor C Scott  be appointed as a member of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday, 25 February 2014 as a  short term replacement on the Committee for Mr P Prentice.




4.       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Maori Committee held on 3 December 2013


Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 3 December 2013, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




5.       Matters Arising from Minutes of  the  Maori Committee held on Tuesday 3 December 2013

Following a request from Mr Haraki about the potential benefit to develop Māori  land, Mrs Lambert advised that a report would be prepared for the next meeting of the Committee.




Follow Ups  from Previous Maori Committee Meetings


Mrs Lambert and Mr Moule updated the Committee on the follow up items listed.



1.      That the Maori Committee receives the report “Follow ups Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings”.





Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda



That Maori Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion as item 16.

1.  Chesterhope Bridge Visit

2.  Land Ownership

3.  River Name – Ngaruroro

4.  Transpacific Partnership

5.  Meeting Recording

6.  Peka Peka Wetland

7.  Zone M - Papanui




Submission to the Local Government Commission on the Draft Proposal for HB Local Government Reorganisation


Mrs Lambert advised that feedback from the Committee was requested on the submission to the Local Government Commission on the draft proposal for HB Local Government reorganisation.  The Regional Planning Committee had considered the draft at their Committee meeting on Wednesday 18 February and the draft had been updated as a result of their input.

Mrs Lambert outlined the key points outlined in the submission in particular the inadequate recognition of the environmental and natural resource functions undertaken by the Regional Council.  Mrs Lambert also explained the amendments included following the RPC meeting which centred around Māori  Representation.

Councillor Graham joined the meeting at 10.45am

Committee members expressed their views on behalf of their taiwhenua, gave their support to Council remaining as a separate body in the amalgamation process and advised that they would be also presenting their own submission to the Local Government Commission.

Following discussion by the Committee, it was agreed that the Māori  Committee would  prepare their own submission to be forwarded to the Local Government Commission.  The draft submission would be forwarded to all Committee members for comment and following agreement, Chairman Mohi would have approval to sign off the submission.

Mr Moule advised that members could meet following the lunch break to discuss the wording for the Committee’s submission to the Local Government Commission.

Councillor Belford joined the meeting at 10.55am

Following a suggestion that Māori seats and Māori voting rights be considered as part of the Committee’s submission, it was agreed that this was not the forum for this topic to be included in or discussed.  There would be other opportunities for  this topic to be raised.



That the Maori Committee:

.1.      Agrees to prepare a submission on behalf of the Committee to be forwarded to the     Local Government Commission



2,       Delegates the Chairman of the Māori Committee to sign off the submission to be           forwarded to the Local Government Commission.

3.       Strongly encourages each Taiwhenua/Exec to make its own submission



The Maori Committee recommends Council:

4.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

5.      Endorses the submission being prepared by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for lodging with the Local Government Commission.






Update on Current Issues by the Interim Chief Executive


Mrs Lambert and Councillor Wilson presented the update.

Mr Maxwell, Group Manager Resource Management was also present.

Annual Report

Council is currently in the middle of drafting the Annual Plan and was in Year 3 of the Long Term Plan.  There would be minimal amendments as set out in the LTP.

Council would be seeking feedback on the potential involvement with the Napier to Gisborne railway line.

It was noted that rail discussions hinges on Government’s response to the repairing of the line north of Nuhaka.  It was important to get the community’s thoughts on this proposal.

The Draft Annual Plan would be adopted at the March Council meeting, the community would then have the opportunity to submit on the Plan, submissions would be heard in May and the final Plan adopted in June.

Chairman Mohi advised that in 2016-17 there would be a large number of Māori In the region for the Kapahaka event. Concern had already been expressed  how water usage on the maraes would be handled.

Regional Planning Bill

This Bill would be going to the Legislative Committee of Parliament on 20 March.

Council would also be discussing the Terms of Reference of the Regional Planning Committee as amended at their meeting on Wednesday, 25 February.  The TORs stand outside the Bill.

Reconstruction of the Makara No 1 Dam

Work has commenced on the reconstruction of the dam, progress is good and the completion date is the end of April 2014.

Onga Onga Flood

Following the flood at Onga Onga in December, a public meeting will be held on 3 March commencing at 5.00pm at the Onga Onga Hall for all interested parties.

Contaminants in the Waipawa River

Mr Maxwell updated the Committee on the recent discharge issues in the Waipawa river/  This issue had been covered extensively by the media and also on the Internet.

Mr Maxwell reported that samples which had been taken 2-3 hours after the report had been received had shown there were no evidence of faecal pathogens in the results.  There were a range of possibilities including trade waste products.  Additional discharge samples taken have been clear.

In response to questions, Mr Maxwell also outlined the consent conditions Central Hawke’s Bay District Council is operating under in regard to wastewater and noted that in September when the floating wetlands are operational, consent conditions will change.



1.      That the report be received.





Greater Heretaunga Ahuriri Plan Change TANK Group Update


Mr Sharp gave a Powerpoint presentation which provided an update on the TANK collaborative stakeholder group which is deliberating policies for the Greater Heretaunga and Ahuriri Plan Change.

Mr Sharp advised the Committee that the group had formed a set of Interim Agreements which were supported in principle by most parties with the exception of Hastings District Council which required further time to consider the report and provide feedback, Matahiwi Marae which had raised several concerns and Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated who are not in agreement on a number of issues.  It is hoped the outstanding issues would be resolved at a future TANK meeting.

Mr Sharp sought the Committee’s feedback on the makeup of the Stakeholder Group and the Committee agreed the currently makeup of the group was satisfactory and covered a wide representation in the region.  A number of people in the group were very passionate about their participation and any issues would be fully addressed.

Responding to a question, Mr Sharp confirmed that following science investigations by HBRC science staff, the recommendations  would be considered by the Stakeholder group before any final decisions were determined.

Councillor Wilson left the meeting at 12 midday




That the Māori Committee receives the report titled ‘Greater Heretaunga Ahuriri Plan Change TANK Group Update.’






HB District Health Board "Healthy Homes" presentation


The presentation will be carried over to the next meeting of the Māori  Committee



The Establishment of Taiwhenua - verbal report by Dr Roger Maaka


Dr Maaka  gave the Committee a background on the establishment of Taiwhenua which was introduced in 1990 as a result of the Local Government Act.  At the same time, the Department of Māori Affairs was disestablished and runanga were formed.

Dr Maaka noted that in the next 10 years, depending on treaty settlements, the format of Taiwhenua as it stands may change.

The Committee discussed the formation of Taiwhenua, some of the issues which had been created since its inception and the place that the Regional Planning Committee could play in the region.




1.      That the report be received.





Statutory Advocacy Update


Ms Bate updated the Committee on the Statutory Advocacy Report and the current status of activities listed in particular the Plan Change 10 to the Operative City of Napier District Plan and the Proposed Hastings District Plan.




1. That the Maori receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.






Minor Items Not on the Agenda





Councillor/Committee member / Staff


Chesterhope Bridge Visit

Councillors Barker and Graham reported on a recent visit to the Chesterhope Bridge area.  Concerns were expressed about the state of the area and the future plans for the establishment of a Park in the area.   A meeting with Mr Des Ratima was also discussed.

Councillors Barker/Graham


Land Ownership

Councillor Graham advised the meeting of issues surrounding land ownership – land had been taken under the Public Works Act which had resulted in land ownership being split. 

Councillors Barker/Graham


River Name – Ngaruroro

Councillor Barker sought information regarding the naming of the Ngaruroro River.  Advice was given that the best option for addressing naming issues was via the treaty Settlement redress process.


Councillor Barker


Transpacific Partnership

Mr Haraki expressed concern at the Free Trade Agreement being negotiated by Government and the impacts it would have economically and environmentally.

Mr Haraki


Meeting Recording

Mr Haraki suggested that Māori Discussions had at the Committee meeting should be recorded in Te Reo.

Mr Haraki


Peka Peka Wetland

It was understood a further spraying programme was to take place at Peka Peka Wetland in the last week and clarification was sought as to whether this had occurred.

Mr Hilton


Zone M – Papanui

Mr Gregory gave a report on the visit by Councillors to their area and the Papanui Stream last week.  It was a very successful visit and Councillors were able to hear the concerns of the farming community in regard to the high phosphorus levels in the Papanui Stream.

Mr Gregory








There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.00pm on Tuesday, 25 February 2014..


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................