MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee



Date:                          Friday 29 November 2013


Time:                          10.15 am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     AJ Dick – Chairman

T Kingston

T Kerr

M Herbert

Mayor Craig Little

D Murray

J Emmerson

C Bain

J Chetwynd

B Gregory


In Attendance:          C Gilbertson, Transport Manager

                                   M Welsby, Sustainable Transport Co-ordinator

J Cox – Wairoa District Council

S McKinley – CHB District Council

M Clews – Hastings District Council

                                      C Dowdell – NZTA

                                      M Drury – Committee Secretary



Chairman Dick welcomed everyone present with a special welcome to new members of the Committee.

Chairman Dick outlined the changes to the Committee membership which were made as a result of amendments to the Land Transport Management Act 2003.  This had meant a reduction to the number of (voting) committee members.

Chairman Dick then invited all members to introduce themselves and the organisations they represented.

Apologies were received from Messrs Barker, Pannu, Clifford, Santer and Story.





There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee


There were no short term replacements for the Regional Transport Committee meeting of Friday, 29 November 2013.


4.      CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Regional Transport Committee held on 30 August 2013


Mrs Gilbertson advised that notwithstanding Clause 36.2 of Council’s Standing Orders, that the Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 30 August 2013  had been received, reviewed, and signed by the Chairman of the Committee as a true and correct record.


5.                Matters Arising from Minutes of  the  Regional Transport Committee held on Friday 30 August 2013

The Committee discussed several items included in the minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday 30 August 2013.  Ms Chetwynd confirmed that NZTA had communicated, through local media, to the Wairoa Community that SH38 was a national highway.

Mr Cox raised his the concerns around the Wairoa District having the worst crash statistics in the country and the need for ongoing collaboration with the community to improve road safety in the district.



Follow-ups  from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings - No Items this Month


There were no follow up items for this meeting.




Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda


The Regional Transport Committee noted the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion:

1.    Airport Intersection – Councillor Herbert

2.    NZL – Battery Road – Councillor Herbert

3.    NZIER Report – Chris Bain

4.    SH38 – Jamie Cox



Introduction to the Regional Transport Committee


Mrs Gilbertson introduced this agenda item which outlined the key planning documents, the role of the Regional Transport Committee and the topics to be included in a proposed indicative work plan for 2014 and 2015.

Mrs Gilbertson then gave a detailed explanation of the various documents which related to the duties and functions of the RTC with particular emphasis on the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) which was the primary source of funding for state highway improvement and management projects, allocated by NZTA through the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP).

Mrs Gilbertson also explained the purpose of the Committee and its key areas of focus and confirmed that the Regional Council at its meeting on 6 November had approved the Terms of the Reference for the Committee.

Mrs Gilbertson also drew the Committee’s attention to the indicative timeframes and proposed workload for the Committee during 2014 and early 2015.

Following discussion by the Committee, concern was expressed that the dates set by NZTA for consultation and developing the Regional Land Transport Programme in the past had not allowed for adequate time for consultation with the community and it was hoped that consideration could be given to an earlier signal of funding priorities.

In response to a question, Chairman Dick advised that discussions had already commenced with Minister Brownlee in relation to future funding for regions, once the R funding allocations had been spent.

Ms Chetwynd gave a presentation which highlighted the role New Zealand Transport Association (NZTA) plays in delivering one transport network for the nation.  Ms Chetwynd explained the four goals of NZTA and how the projects behind each objective would achieve effective and efficient results in all areas of transport, these were:

·        Integration of one network for Customers;

·        Shape smart choices;

·        Deliver highway solutions for customers and

·        Maximise return for New Zealand

The Committee discussed the NZTA goals for the next 18 months but expressed concern around the funding issues which had occurred in the past following the release of the Government policy Statement on Land Transport Funding (GPS).  The Committee strongly suggested it was important for NZTA to work together with RTC’s in order to achieve what was required in the regions and to have early input into the direction of the GPS.

Ms Chetwynd outlined the topics which NZTA wished to progress not only regionally but nationally over the next 18 months:

·        The development of a Regional Land Transport Plan and the National Land Transport Programme;

·        Improving strategic freight network to enable increases in productivity

·        Aligning road safety actions to a safe system to achieve clear outcomes through collaboration safety and

·        Engage on the Regional Cycling Plan to leverage the investment made in the model community

Ms Chetwynd advised that between 2015-18, $12 billion would be spent across the country on the national land transport programme.

Ms Chetwynd also updated the Committee on the development of a strategic freight network and the ability for increases in productivity via the introduction of High Productivity Motor Vehicles (HPMV) and the 50MAX scheme which incorporates a new vehicle design to carry more freight.

Following discussions on improved freight strategies, concern was expressed  that a unified approach was required as funding levels were low for the ongoing checking of pavements and bridges and NZTA should also make a financial contribution.

Mr Cox explained that because Wairoa District Council thought it was the best manager of its bridges on the network, the Council had not yet signed up to a Memorandum of Understanding.  He also noted that the one stop shop was not advantageous to Wairoa.

Mr Dowdell also gave a presentation which illustrated strategic plans for the future and the aim to build a culture of collaboration between all road controlling authorities resulting in better asset management practice.

Mr Dowdell explained the timeline for the State Highway Strategic Plan which incorporated the State Highway system between SH2/50A and SH2/5 junctions; gave an update on the SH2 Napier-Gisborne passing lanes with the first official opening on 18 February 2014; the SH2 Pakowhai/Links intersection and the SH2/SH50A Paki Paki intersection.

Mr Dowdell also endorsed Ms Chetwynd’s discussion on 50MAX and HPMV noting that the projects were exciting opportunities for the region’s future in regard to freight movement and economic success.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.       Receives the report and notes the four core topics that New Zealand Transport Agency are seeking to work with the RTC over the next 18 months, which are:

·         The development of a Regional Land Transport Plan and the National Land Transport Programme;

·         Improving strategic freight network to enable increases in productivity

·         Aligning road safety actions to a safe system to achieve clear outcomes through collaboration safety and

·         Engage on the Regional Cycling Plan to leverage the investment made in the model community

2.       Investigates the preparation of a submission to the Minister of Transport relating to the next Government Policy Statement (GPS).



The meeting adjourned at 12.15pm and reconvened at 12.35pm



Transport Manager's Report


Mrs Gilbertson gave an update on key items from her report and introduced Linda Anderson, Regional RoadSafe Manager. Mrs Anderson explained the role of RoadSafe and outlined the activities that staff were currently working on.

The role of RoadSafe Governance Group was explained to the committee – noting that it is a sub-group of the Regional Transport Committee and has been an extremely effective group that has operated for the last 12 years. The make-up of the committee was agreed to. It was noted that at the first meeting of the RSGG they would discuss and agree on their terms of reference.

Mrs Gilbertson then provided an update on projects in the Regional Land Transport Programme. Mrs Delaney Myers, NZTA, advised the committee that with the current estimated costs for the Whakatu and Pakowhai Links Road projects, it was looking very unlikely that the Ford Road project would be given funding approval. The current estimate for Whakatu was projected to cost $4M more than was allocated. It was also noted that current tender prices were coming in at higher than estimated.

Mr Mark Clews, Hastings District Council, advised that the Assessment of Environmental Effects for the Whakatu project, was currently underway and must accompany any designation and consent process. It is expected hearings would be held in June 2014.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.      Receives the Transport Manager’s report;

2.      Agrees the proposed RTC meetings for 2014;

3.    Adopts the proposed Terms of Reference for the RoadSafe Governance Group (RSGG), subject to possible variation by members; and that membership for the RSGG be the elected member representative from each Territorial Authority on the RTC (or their alternates), and representatives from NZ Police, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and the New Zealand Transport Agency.

4.    And further agrees that appropriate Transport Advisory Group members be requested to attend the RSGG meetings.





Public Transport Update


Mrs Megan Welsby presented the public transport update and noted key items from the report, in particular the increasing monthly patronage numbers.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Public Transport Update.





East Coast Rail Line - Verbal Update


Chairman Dick provided a verbal update on progress on the East Coast rail line. He provided background information on the East Coast Rail Group that is currently working on a proposal to present to Central Government to reopen the rail line between Napier and Gisborne. He advised the Group is due to meet with the Minister of Transport, Hon Gerry Brownlee on Wednesday, 4 December.

Cr Tania Kerr left the meeting at 1.35pm



1.      That the report be received.





Verbal Reports from Advisors


David Murray – Advisor: Private Motorists

Mr Murray noted the cycle safety campaign in Otago and questioned whether something similar may be done in Hawke’s Bay.

John Emmerson – Advisor – Road Transport Industry

Mr Emmerson complimented NZTA on the roading improvements in Hawke’s Bay, in particular the passing and double laning improvements. 



That the report be received.





Minor Items Not on the Agenda


Reason for Report

This document has been prepared to assist Councillors note the Minor Items Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 7.



Councillor / Staff


Airport Intersection

This item was covered during previous discussions.

Councillor Herbert


NZL – Battery Road

Because of a loop hole in Napier City Council’s (NCC) District Plan NZL was able to increase the number of containers at its Battery Road location, this has now resulted in an increase in the number of complaints received from residents. Cr Herbert confirmed this is an issue that NCC needs to deal with.

Councillor Herbert


NZIER Report

As Mr Bain had left the meeting, this item will be discussed at the RTC meeting being held in February 2014. Link to this report is:


Chris Bain



Mr Cox updated the Committee on SH38, advising an inter-regional group has been formed to seek alternative funding for SH38.

Jamie Cox




There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.40pm on Friday, 29 November 2013.


Signed as a true and correct record.



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