Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 29 November 2013
Time: 10.15 am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee
4. Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 30 August 2013 (see separate document)
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 30 August 2013
6. Follow-ups from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings - No Items this Month
Information or Performance Monitoring
7. Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda
8. Introduction to the Regional Transport Committee
9. Transport Manager's Report
10. Public Transport Update
11. East Coast Rail Line - Verbal Update
12. Verbal Reports from Advisors
13. Minor Items Not on the Agenda
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 29 November 2013
SUBJECT: Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee
1. Council has made allowance in the terms of reference of the Committee for short term replacements to be appointed to the Committee where the usual member/s cannot stand.
1. That __________________________ be appointed as member/s of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 29 November 2013 as short term replacements(s) on the Committee for _______________________.
Carol Gilbertson Transport Manager |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 29 November 2013
SUBJECT: Call for any Minor Items Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
1. Under standing orders, SO 3.7.6:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if:
(i) that item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) No resolution, decision, or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
2. The Chairman will request any items councillors wish to be added for discussion at today’s meeting and these will be duly noted, if accepted by the Chairman, for discussion as the final Agenda Item.
That the Regional Transport Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion: 1. |
Carol Gilbertson Transport Manager |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 29 November 2013
SUBJECT: Introduction to the Regional Transport Committee
Reason for Report
1. This paper provides a brief introduction to key planning documents and an explanation of the role of the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) for members; and what topics will be covered by a proposed indicative work plan for 2014 and early 2015.
Key Transport Documents
2. There are a number of documents that are relate to the duties and function of the RTC, below is a brief explanation about each of these:
3. Land Transport Management Act LTMA
3.1. The LTMA sets out the planning and funding framework that channels central government funding into roading, public transport and traffic safety. Specifically the legislation:
3.1.1. establishes the hypothecated (dedicated) National Land Transport Fund that funds the NZ Transport Agency and local government to deliver land transport projects and services;
3.1.2. sets out the central and local government transport plans that must be followed in order to allocate funds from the National Land Transport Fund to projects and services;
3.1.3. establishes the NZ Transport Agency, which is responsible for allocating the National Land Transport Fund, co-funding local road and public transport activities, and managing the state highway network;
3.1.4. sets out approval regimes for tolling new roads and for public private partnerships;
3.1.5. sets out the legislative framework for planning and managing public transport, known as the Public Transport Operating Model.
4. Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding (GPS)
4.1. The GPS sets out the government’s priorities for expenditure from the National Land Transport Fund over the next 10 years. It sets out how funding is allocated between activities such as road safety policing, state highways, local roads and public transport.
5. National Land Transport Fund (NLTF)
5.1. The NLTF is the primary source of funding for state highway improvement and management projects, allocated by NZTA through the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). It is the cumulative balance of revenue collected from Fuel Excise Duty, Road User Charges, Vehicle and Driver Registration and Licensing, and other sources. The funds are used to pay for the NZTA’s investment in a wide range of land transport activities through nationally distributed funds (N) funds and regionally distributed (R) funds. N funds are allocated to the highest priority activities in each activity class across New Zealand, in accordance with the Governments priorities.
5.2. R funds come from a 5 cent per litre fuel excise duty and were set up to be distributed regionally on the basis of population for 10 years from April 2005. R funds are allocated to the highest priority projects in a region ahead of N funds. Hawke’s Bay received a total of approximately $73M R funds, which have paid for large roading projects such as sealing extension of the Napier / Taihape Road; Matahoura Gorge Realignment and the HB Expressway – Southern Extension project. The balance of R funds is now approx $26M and the regions highest prioritised projects have been tagged for these funds.
6. National Land Transport Programme
6.1. The National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) 2012–15 contains the land transport activities that the NZ Transport Agency anticipates funding over the next three years. The NLTP has four key themes which underpin the activities within it:
6.2. ensuring value for money
6.3. supporting economic growth and productivity
6.4. improving safety
6.5. providing a range of travel choices.
6.6. The NLTP is a forecast of activities and expenditure for the next three years. Actual delivery relies on the revenue generated over that period.
7. Regional Land Transport Strategy / Regional Land Transport Programme
7.1. Under the previous LTMA, Regional Councils, with input from the RTC were required to produce a RLTS looking out 30 years and a three year RLTP. The previous RTC agreed to produce this as one document in 2012. The RLTS proposes key priority issues for the region and projects that support these priorities, for the next 30 years with funding applications for these projects outlined in the RLTP.
8. Regional Land Transport Plan
8.1. The amendments made in 2013 to the LTMA now requires the Regional Council to prepare and approve a RLTP every six years, previously this was the RLTS and RLTP. The RTC prepares this document on the Regional Council’s behalf. Sections 14 and 16 of the LTMA sets out the core requirements, form and content of the RLTP. The RTC will be working on this during 2014.
9. Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP)
9.1. The RPTP specifies how the regional council intends to give effect to the public transport service components of the regional land transport strategy that applies to the region. The contents and management of the plan was previously defined by the Public Transport Management Act 2008. The revised Act made some changes to the contents of the RPTP. The RTC will be involved in the drafting of the revised RPTP during 2014. The previous RPTP was produced in 2011.
Regional Transport Committee
10. The requirement for this Committee is legislated by the Land Transport Management Act 2003 which stipulates the purpose and membership of the Committee. In June 2011 the Minister of Transport announced the Government’s intention to amend the current Act in order to streamline decision making processes and reduce duplication within legislation governing the sector. The new legislation outlines the functions of Regional Transport Committees as:
10.1. to prepare a Regional Land Transport Plan, or any variation to the Plan, for approval by the Regional Council; and
10.2. to provide the Regional Council with any advice and assistance it may request in relation to its transport responsibilities.
11. Changes to the Committee membership were also made at the time the legislation was amended, which had the effect of reducing the number of (voting) committee members. At its final meeting of the last triennium the RTC discussed the membership of the RTC and made the following resolution:
11.1. That the Regional Transport Committee recommends to the incoming Committee and the Regional Council that the Transport Committee includes appropriate sector and objective representatives.
12. The Regional Council agreed with the recommendation made by the RTC and made provision for other advisor appointments to be made to the committee. Membership of the Committee is therefore as follows:
12.1. Legislated appointments:
12.1.1. Two regional councillors
12.1.2. One representative from each Territorial Authority in the region
12.1.3. One representative of the New Zealand Transport Agency
12.2. Advisor Appointments:
12.2.1. One representative from the NZ Police
12.2.2. One representative from the Road Transport industry
12.2.3. One representative of private motorists from the Automobile Association (AA)
12.2.4. One representative for Port and Coastal Shipping
12.2.5. One representative from KiwiRail and
12.2.6. One cultural interests representative.
13. Letters were sent out to each of the relevant organisations seeking an advisory representative for each appointment. These have now been confirmed, a full membership list of the committee is attached.
Purpose of the Regional Transport Committee
14. Also at its meeting on 6 November the Regional Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Regional Transport Committee, the key areas of focus for the Committee are:
14.1. To oversee and monitor the current Regional Land Transport Strategy for 2012-2042; the Regional Land Transport Programme for 2012-2015; and the Regional Public Transport Plan for 2011-2014.
14.2. To monitor passenger transport objectives and make recommendations to the Regional Council on subsidised Public Transport policies.
14.3. Prepare, for Council approval, the Regional Cycling Plan.
14.4. Advocate to Government:
14.4.1. For future regional discretionary roading capital works funding after expiration of the Regional (“R”) funds; and
14.4.2. To re-open the Napier to Gisborne rail line.
14.5. Oversee governance of RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay through a subcommittee of the Transport Committee.
14.6. Prepare for approval by the Council a new Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) in accordance with the Land Transport Management Amendment Act 2013.
14.7. Provide the Regional Council with any advice and assistance it may request in relation to its transport responsibilities.
15. Indicative timeframes and proposed workload for the RTC during 2014 and early 2015 are:
Timing |
Task |
Dec – March 2014 |
- Second stage – Funding Assistant Rate (FAR) Consultation |
Friday, 14 February RTC Meeting |
- Early discussion on timeframes and RLTP development - Focus on Road Safety and major projects in relation to RTC (e.g Ruataniwha Water Storage project) |
RTC Workshop |
- RLTP and RPTP Content |
Friday, 16 May RTC Meeting |
- Approval of significance policy - RPTP outline for RTC approval - Focus on Freight |
May – Oct |
- Draft RPTP Prepared |
July 2014 |
- GPS 2015 released |
Friday, 15 August RTC Meeting |
- Further discussion on RLTP / RPTP |
July – August 2014 |
- Draft programmes submitted by AO’s to NZTA Transport Investment Online |
September 2014 |
- RTC approval of prioritisation process; - Draft background chapters and strategic aspects of the Plan complete |
Friday, 14 November RTC Meeting |
- Approval of draft RLTP for consultation - Approval of draft RPTP for consultation |
February 2015 |
- RTC hearings and deliberations on submissions |
March 2015 |
- RTC approves Plan and lodges with Regional Council for approval |
April 2015 |
- Regional Council approves RLTP - Plan submitted to NZTA |
Decision Making Process
16. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report. |
Carol Gilbertson Transport Manager |
1View |
RTC Membership as at November 2013 |
Attachment 1 |
Membership – Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee, as at Nov 2013
Councillor Alan Dick |
Member and Chairman |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council |
Councillor Rick Barker |
Member and Deputy Chairman |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council |
Councillor Mark Herbert / Alternate Mayor Dalton |
Member |
Napier City Council |
Councillor Terry Kingston / Alternate Cr Terry Story |
Member |
Central Hawke’s Bay Regional Council |
Mayor Craig Little / Alternate (to be confirmed) |
Member |
Wairoa District Council |
Councillor Tania Kerr / Alternate John Roil |
Member |
Hastings District Council |
Jenny Chetwynd |
Member |
Regional Director NZ Transport Agency |
Brian Gregory |
Advisor: Cultural Interests |
Member Maori Committee |
David Murray |
Advisor: Private motorists |
Automobile Association |
Inspector Dean Clifford |
Advisor: NZ Police |
NZ Police |
Chris Bain |
Advisor: Port and Coastal Shipping |
Port of Napier Limited |
John Emmerson (TBC) |
Advisor: Road Transport industry |
Emmerson Transport |
Kim Santer |
Advisor: Rail |
KiwiRail |
Delaney Myers |
Advisor: Planning and Investment Manager |
Technical Advisory Group (TAG) |
Carol Gilbertson |
Transport Manager |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council |
Megan Welsby |
Sustainable Transport Officer |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council |
Jon Schwass |
Road Asset Manager |
Napier City Council |
Shawn McKinley |
Roading Manager |
Central Hawke’s Bay District Council |
Jamie Cox / Aram Goes |
Policy and Planning Engineer |
Wairoa District Council |
Mark Clews |
Strategic Planner |
Hastings District Council |
Jag Pannu |
Transportation Manager |
Hastings District Council |
Chuck Dowdell |
State Highway Manager |
NZ Transport Agency |
Simon Barnett |
Projects Team Manager |
NZ Transport Agency |
Oliver Postings |
Senior Resource Planner- Planning and Investment |
NZ Transport Agency |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 29 November 2013
SUBJECT: Transport Manager's Report
Reason for Report
1. This regular report provides the Committee with a snapshot of relevant transport matters; comments on issues that have been actioned since the last Regional Transport Committee (RTC) meeting; updates from the Transport Advisory Group (TAG) on issues raised at their regular meetings; and outlines what is coming up within the transport sector.
Current Issues
2. Update from Transport Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting
2.1. The Transport Advisory Group is made up of road asset managers, planners and staff from Approved Organisations (AOs) - NZTA, Wairoa District Council, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, Napier City Council, Hastings District Council and co-ordinated by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Transport Manager.
2.2. TAG meets at least quarterly and its main purpose is to support the operation of the RTC and provide co-ordinated and timely advice backed up by technical knowledge. It gives AO staff the opportunity to discuss relevant roading issues, provide updates on key projects and any applications made for funding of projects and share information about reference groups members may have attended.
2.3. One TAG meeting has been held since the last RTC meeting. The main items discussed at this meeting included:
2.3.1. Impacts on AOs of flat funding – the group agreed to look at this collectively and gather evidence (if there is any) of impacts of the flat funding approach for input into the 2015-18 Regional Land Transport Plan.
2.3.2. Discussion on the NZTA Funding Assistant Rate review and One Network Classification (ONC) project – it was noted that Hastings and Central Hawke’s are part of the ONC trials.
2.3.3. An update on the status of major projects in Hawke’s Bay.
2.3.4. Discussion on road safety statistics, in particular in Wairoa. It was noted that this would be a key focus of the TAG and RTC during 2014.
3. Regional Cycling Plan
3.1. A very productive workshop was held on Tuesday, 19 November with the members of the working group who are contributing to the Regional Cycling Plan. The outputs from that workshop will be communicated to Councils over the next few weeks.
4. Regional (R) Funds Update
4.1. A delegation of regional council reps met with the Minister of Transport, Hon Gerry Brownlee on 8 August 2013. At that meeting regional councils committed to providing the Minister with further information on projects that had been completed with the use of R funds and the sort of projects that would benefit from a new dedicated fund for regions beyond 2015.
4.2. This information has now been provided to Minister Brownlee and we await a response to that letter.
Update on Priority Projects in the Regional Land Transport Programme
5. The RTC requested a regular progress / status report on the key improvement projects in the Regional Land Transport Programme, as shown in Attachment 1. The updates are high level status reports from the Approved Organisations (AO’s) and give the RTC a brief overview of current progress. The RTC will note that not all projects in the RLTP are shown, only the key improvement projects with the highest priority in the RLTP and those that contribute to the key aims of the Regional Land Transport Strategy.
RoadSafe Governance Group (RSGG) – Membership and Terms of Reference
6. The RSGG is a subcommittee of the RTC and is responsible for overseeing the RoadSafe function for the region.
7. Funding for RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay comes from the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council, Napier City Council, Wairoa District Council, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council and NZTA. The functions and funding is administered by HBRC and the staff report to the HBRC Transport Manager.
8. RSHB is responsible for developing, coordinating and implementing road safety programs throughout Hawke’s Bay focussing on key road safety issues identified in Safer Journeys 2020, the Communities at Risk Register, NZTA Briefing Notes and Road Safety Action Plans.
9. As funding Councils it is important that each Council has a committed representative on the RSGG to report back to individual councils on current road safety initiatives, issues and projects.
10. A proposed terms of reference and suggested membership is attached (Attachment 2) for the consideration of the RTC.
Approved Organisations – Significant Issues and Update
11. For this section of the report each approved organisation (AO) provides a brief comment on any significant issues or update that is relevant to the RTC.
12. Hastings District Council
12.1. No significant issues to report.
13. Napier City Council
13.1. Waiting for funding applications to be lodged and a subsequent decision from NZTA on both the Whakatu and Pakowhai/Links Road projects so funding can be applied for the Napier City Council Ford Rd extension project.
14. Wairoa District Council
14.1. The FAR review and upgrade options for Te Urewera rainforest route (SH38) are the significant items on Wairoa District Council’s transport agenda. Resource consent has been granted for the emergency works associated with the coastline repairs at Blacks beach improving the resilience of the Mahia community.
15. Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
15.1. The renewals programme is getting back on track from a slow start last year (due to emergency works and new consultant). The Council has a new maintenance contractor who is in the process of building up resources and completing urgent works. All else is on track.
Looking Ahead
16. Funding Assistant Rates (FAR) Review
16.1. The second consultation stage of the FAR review is expected to be undertaken in December, closing in March, there have been early indications of a preferred approach by NZTA but no details have been made available to individual councils about specific funding rates.
17. RTC Meeting Dates for 2014
17.1. The proposed Committee meeting dates are:
· Friday, 14 February
· Friday, 16 May
· Friday, 15 August
· Friday, 14 November
Decision Making Process
18. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives the Transport Manager’s report; 2. Notes the RTC meetings for 2014; 3. Considers and agrees the membership of the RoadSafe Governance Group and adopts the proposed Terms of Reference for the Group. |
Carol Gilbertson Transport Manager |
1View |
Update on RLTP Projects 2012-2015 |
2View |
RoadSafe Governance Group - draft Terms of Reference |
Attachment 1 |
Prioritised Activities for 2012-15 – RTC Update – November 2013
RTC Priority |
Organisation |
Project name and description |
NLTP Decision |
Funding source |
Indicative NLTP Funding Allocation |
Status Update |
1 |
Whakatu Arterial Link 2012/15. |
Probable |
R |
2,865,000 |
Design and Assessment of Environmental Effects phase is on track. The Notice of Requirement (NOR) application will be lodged with Hastings District Council early February 2014. Public notification and Hearings will follow from February 2014 to May 2014 leading to a decision by June. All financial data has been updated on Transport Investment Online (TIO). |
2 |
HB Expressway Pakowhai & Links Rd Intersection |
Probable |
R |
6,483,000 |
Verbal update will be provided at the November RTC meeting. |
3 |
SH2 Napier Road Intersection - proposed 3 legged roundabout as standalone project; 4 legged with Whakatu outlet |
Probable |
R |
3,743,000 |
Subject to outcome of HDC Whakatu Arterial investigation. |
4 |
Extension to Ford Rd to connect to existing Prebensen Dr / Severn St roundabout - including extension of off road cycle/pedestrian network |
Probable |
R |
3,571,441 |
Ready to proceed. |
5 |
Four laning of Prebensen Drive between HB Expressway and Hyderabad Road |
Reserve |
R |
6,400,000 |
Currently below funding line. |
6 |
Prebensen Drive / Hyderabad Rd Intersection Upgrade |
Reserve |
R |
2,295,000 |
Currently below funding line. |
7 |
HB Expressway Kennedy Rd to Meeanee Rd - wire rope barrier to improve safety and capacity of this section of expressway (possible 4 laning) |
Reserve |
R |
162,000 |
Currently below funding line. |
9 |
Seismic Retrofit - treatment of various seismic retrofit and seismic linkage sites to ensure the delivery of a secure integrated network |
Probable |
R |
1,500,000 |
NZTA: No works programmed for this region. |
13 |
Improved Driver Information - to optimise the network by managing the movement of people and freight |
Probable |
R |
876,800 |
Awaiting confirmation of national programme. |
14 |
Safety Retrofit - corridor type initiatives focussed on higher risk corridors |
Probable |
R |
2,212,023 |
NZTA: Programme under development. |
15 |
SH2/SH50A Paki Paki Junction |
Not included |
0 |
Currently below funding line. |
16 |
Te Mahanga Sth -Passing Lane |
Now N funded |
Completed. |
21 |
Property Acquisition Block and Fees - Hawke's Bay |
Probable |
R |
2,812,500 |
NZTA: No draw down to date. |
Attachment 2 |
RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay Governance Group
Proposed Terms of Reference
1. To develop, coordinate and implement road safety programs focussing on key road safety issues identified in Safer Journeys 2020, Communities at Risk Register, NZTA Briefing Notes and Road Safety Action Plans
2. Develop a RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay Strategic Plan incorporating the key road safety issues identified in the strategic documents (outlined above) and develop work plans to address these issues with a regional and local focus.
3. Collaborate with key road safety partners to increase awareness and reduce risk and harm in relation to fatal and serious crashes.
4. Establish relationships with community providers to support activities in relation to key road safety issues.
5. The RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay Governance Group are a sub-committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee and include representatives from the funding organisations of the Territorial Local Authorities, Police and New Zealand Transport Agency.
Representatives from: NZ Police Wairoa District Council Napier City Council Central Hawke’s Bay District Council Hastings District Council Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Supported by Transport Advisory Group members from these organisations and the New Zealand Transport Agency.
Transport Manager Supported by the RoadSafe Regional Manager and RoadSafe staff. |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 29 November 2013
SUBJECT: Public Transport Update
Reason for Report
1. This agenda item provides the Committee with an update on Council’s public transport services, including trends since the previous update in August 2013. The report contains patronage and other relevant public transport graphs which are provided to this Committee and the Regional Council Corporate and Strategic Committee.
General Information
2. Public transport is administered by the regional council. Services are jointly funded by fare paying passengers, regional ratepayers (through a targeted rate) and the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA).
3. The Hawke’s Bay goBay network consists of 12 routes, providing 950 trips a week across Napier and Hastings. Currently the fleet consists of 28 vehicles.
4. The bus service is run under contract by Go Bus (Go Bus) Transport Ltd. In July 2013 NZTA approved a 30 month contract extension which means Go Bus will continue to operate the urban bus contract until 30 June 2016. It is anticipated that the contract for the urban bus services will be released for tender in July 2015. The contract extension was necessary to ensure that new legislative requirements are able to be met – these include producing a new Regional Public Transport Plan and Procurement Strategy by 30 June 2015.
Total Passenger Trips
5. The following graph shows total passenger trips from February 2009 to October 2013. Passenger trips from January to October were approx 9% higher than during the same period last year.
Diagram 1 – Total Passenger Trips – February 2009 – October 2013
6. Since 2009 the total numbers of trips per year and monthly averages have steadily trended upwards, as follows:
Total Yearly Trips Monthly Average
2009 434,231 36,186
2010 512,657 42,721
2011 616,198 51,350
2012 726,373 60,531
2013 (Jan-Oct) 671,453 67,145
SuperGold Card Trips
7. SuperGold cardholders, who travel free of charge between 9am and 3pm on weekdays and anytime at weekends/public holidays, continue to make very good use of this scheme. The graph below shows the number of SuperGold cardholder trips made from October 2012 to October 2013.
Diagram 2 – SuperGold Card Trips – October 2012 - October 2013
Bus Stops
8. Unique goBay bus stop signage has been installed at all Hastings bus stops and feedback from passengers and drivers has been very positive. Regional Council staff will work with Napier City Council roading staff to implement a staged programme of signage installation at Napier bus stops.
Bikes on Buses
9. The uptake of bikes on buses continues to increase, with over 2400 bikes carried this year.
10. In line with the three-year fare increase programme the Regional Council approved last year, the second stage of increases was introduced on 1 September. The increase was widely publicised and as a result it was readily accepted by passengers, with no negative feedback.
11. A bus service review is currently underway. Ratepayers in Napier and Hastings were invited to ‘Have Your Say’ on public transport through the Regional Council “Our Place” publication as well as local media. Around 200 people responded and feedback from this review will be considered and form part of the new Regional Public Transport Plan which must be adopted by the end of June 2015.
12. The mobile bus timetable application for smartphone users and the on-line bus timetable continues to be very popular, making up approximately 22% of all hits on the HBRC website.
Total Mobility Update
13. The Total Mobility Scheme, which is funded by regional council, local councils and the NZTA, provides subsidised taxi transport for people who have a permanent illness or disability which prevents them from using their own or public transport.
14. The following table shows the Total Mobility Scheme statistics and expenditure since October last year.
Diagram 3 – Total Mobility Statistics – October 2012 – September 2013
Decision Making Process
15. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Public Transport Update. |
Sustainable Transport Coordinator |
Carol Gilbertson Transport Manager |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 29 November 2013
SUBJECT: Minor Items Not on the Agenda
Reason for Report
This document has been prepared to assist Councillors note the Minor Items Not on the Agenda to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 6.
Item |
Topic |
Councillor / Staff |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |