MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Services Committee



Date:                          Wednesday 20 November 2013


Time:                          9.00 am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     P Beaven

T Belford

A J Dick

R Graham (Chairman)

B Gregory – Māori Committee Representative

D Hewitt

D Pipe

C Scott

R Spooner – Māori Committee Representative

F Wilson


In Attendance:          E Lambert – Chief Executive

M Adye – Group Manager Asset Management

I Maxwell – Group Manager, Resource Management

C Leckie – Manager Land Services

S Cave – Operations Environmental Manager

D Heaps – Operations Drainage Manager

T Sharp – Strategic Policy Advisor

M Miller – Manager Consents

D Broadley – Community Engagement & Communications Manager

S Chandler – Executive Assistant



1.      Welcome/Apologies/Notices

Chairman Rex Graham welcomed everyone to the meeting. Mr Rangi Spooner and Mr Brian Gregory from the Maori Committee were welcome and Mr Gregory provided a Karakia.


ESC28/13       That the apologies from Councillor Rick Barker and Joinella Maihi-Carroll be received.



2.      Conflict of Interest Declarations

Mr Rangi Spooner as a member of the Mana Ahuriri Board noted he had a conflict of interest in relation to item 7.

There were no other conflict of interest declarations.



Follow-ups From Previous Environment and Services Committee Meetings


Item 3 from previous minutes – Stock gaining access to water from Council controlled areas – Mr Adye advised that the previous Council had agreed to a three year programme to completely fence all areas where stock had access with the areas where access is gained easily being done as a priority.

Coastal water science team – comment by Shane Gilmour – re quality of our rivers are safe for swimming – Mr Maxwell advised on the monitoring programme for water quality. Mr Maxwell suggested that a briefing on the water quality monitoring programme be provided.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Follow-ups from Previous Committee Meetings” report.





Call For Any Minor Items Not on the Agenda


That the Environment and Services Committee accepts the following minor items not on the agenda, for discussion:

1.       Farm Forestry Field Day – Councillor Scott

2.       General Field Days – Councillor Wilson

3.       Submission on Oil & Gas – Councillor Belford



Biosecurity Operational Report and Future Strategy


Mr Adye introduced Campbell Leckie, Manager Land Services.  Mr Leckie gave a powerpoint presentation and provided feedback to questions raised.  The following was noted.

·      The presentation covered off Biosecurity section of Land Services only.  Mr Leckie noted that in the New Year a report on the Land Management section of Council would be brought to the E & S Committee.

·      As noted in the report Mr Leckie sought Council endorsement to trial new chew card technology in the fight against possums.

·      The less than 75% uptake for the PCA programme in Wairoa was primarily a result of two land users in the area being unwilling to take part in the voluntary sign up process and influencing a number of other land owners.

·      Mr Leckie advised that Council provided free advice to small block landowners wanting assistance with rabbits.  However their main focus was on rabbit problems affecting large scale agricultural areas. Council pay 50% of costs with the land owner the other.

·      Mr Leckie updated the Committee on the current Chilean Needle Grass programme in conjunction with Canterbury.  He noted that with Taskforce now available better progress in the control of Chilean Needle Grass was being made.

·      An agreement was finally reached with the Crown in September 2012 allowing them to be bound to carry out pest control on their land adjoining Crown land.

·      Following a discussion on a programme to ask for volunteers to partake in a “test for allergies” in relation to Privet and whether resources were targeting the right species, Councillor Scott raised the issue of medical ethics.

The Chairman commended the team for the good work they continue to carry out.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee Receives and notes the “Biosecurity Operational” reports for activities undertaken during the 2012/2013 financial year.

The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

3.      Endorses a trial, with an estimated cost of $65,000, for the use of chew card detection and targeted control of possums, and the integration of control of feral cats, stoats and ferrets on a project called Cape to City.





Open Space Network Plan


Mr Adye introduced Mr Stephen Cave, Operations Environmental Manager who talked through aspects of his report.  The following comments were noted:

·      There was provision within the budget to work with community groups and that those initiatives were largely funded with general funding as well as some external sponsorship.  Councillors can pass on Steve Cave’s name as the staff member to contact.

·      A breakdown on budget expenditure was provided, with between $15,000 and $20,000 allocated to groups for specific projects.

·      Mr Cave provided an update on the Open Space programme and how it came about. He also advised that a classification system would be followed for putting together individual park plans, this would continue to be used and to maintain standards.

·      Council works in conjunction with other landowners in the immediate vicinity of our regional parks.



The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.      Endorses the Regional Parks Network Plan subject to any changes that the Committee may wish to make.

3.      Agrees not to commit money remaining in the current borrowing facility or any new money to projects for enhancement or expansion of the current open space areas pending an assessment of a range of possible options to be compiled during the 2014/15 financial year.






Future of Ahuriri Estuary Management


As a member of the Mana Ahuriri Board Mr Rangi Spooner had earlier noted a declared conflict of interest with this item.  However any comments he wished to make would be welcome.

Mrs Lambert provided the Committee with an overview of the report. She noted that Council currently had a working relationship with two groups who had already settled their treaty claims, Ngati Pahuwera and Maungaharuru Tangitu.

Mr Spooner advised that the proposed committee was open to everyone and commented that there was a real issue with pollution in the estuary.

It was noted that DOC did have responsibility for various pieces of land within the estuary.

Mrs Lambert clarified that this committee would not have statutory powers and that it would fill an advisory role, as opposed to a decision making role.  It would have different responsibilities to the Regional Planning Committee.

It was proposed that HBRC would work with this group and the Crown and other stakeholder groups to meet the needs of Mana Ahuriri.




The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.      Commits to engaging with Mana Ahuriri, the Crown and other parties in the development of the Ahuriri Estuary Committee, and advises the Crown of its decision prior to 4 December 2013.

3.      Authorises the Interim Chief Executive to represent the Council in negotiations on the development of detail on the purpose and functions of the committee, together with membership and appointment criteria and any other matters that may arise during discussions.

4.      Notes that a paper will be brought back to Council seeking a councillor appointment to the Ahuriri Estuary Committee once the Committee has been finalised.






Greater Heretaunga Ahuriri Plan Change


Mrs Lambert introduced Tim Sharp, Strategic Policy Advisor, to the Committee.

Mr Sharp provided information on the purpose of the Tutaekuri, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamu Catchments (TANK) group and how they would provide feedback to the Greater Heretaunga and Ahuriri Plan Change process.  He noted that the draft report referred to had been provided to Councillors at their 6 November 2013 meeting. The following points were noted:

·          It was acknowledged by members of the TANK group that engaging with all the stakeholders in a collaborative process may take a long time; that there was a significant amount of work to get through, some of it complicated, especially the science, necessary to make informed decisions. 

·          It was noted that HBRC as a stakeholder on the group represented the wider community.

·          It was clarified that the TANK report was a summary of the Groups 12 months to date and was a starting point for discussions in 2014. The TANK group will be making recommendations on limits to the Regional Planning Committee to be included in the plan change.

·          Councillor Beaven provided a list of items he believed were missing from the report.  Mr Sharp noted that the report was a summary of the Groups work to date and therefore may not have covered everything that needs to be covered yet.

·          A number of these were covered in the report however Councillor Beaven can bring the remainder to future TANK Group discussions

1.            How do we deal with an emergency supply of water - What steps can we take as a council?

2.            Consents coming up for renewal – agree to temporary renewal and set a time frame.  Requirement to put in telemetry meters and to attend water efficiency usage training should be compulsory.

3.            Properties that don’t currently have consents

4.            When did the Raupare Drain be renamed a Stream and when did it get a minimum flow?

5.            Ground and surface water relationship, surface depleting

6.            Conserving water everywhere on the plains, need more efficient water use across the plains.



The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

1.        Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.       Considers the ‘Interim Agreements’ in the Draft TANK Group Report 1: Interim Agreements and supports in principle the ‘Interim Agreements’ contained in the Report.






Flood and Drainage Operational Report


Mr Mike Adye introduced, Dan Heaps Operations Drainage Manager.  Mr Heaps provided a powerpoint presentation covering the annual operational report.

The Committee discussed several items including the use of Grass carp for weed control in Muddy Creek.  It was noted that Council staff were considering other sites to introduce the Grass carp into.

A deficit in Project 291 was as a result of the work on the Harakeke waterway project. It was suggested that Councillors visit this area to see the great improvement that had been achieved.

Following a question on whether a licence was required to release Grass carp Mr Heaps advised that they were and that permits cost approximately $1000 per application. Applications for a 10 year licence could also be made.

Staff advised they would be happy to discuss with various community groups what options may best suit their needs to control weeds in their water storage facilities.

Following a question on Gravel extraction – Mr Adye advised that the gravel extracted from the rivers by extractors is required to maintain capacity in the flood channels.  He also noted that Council was progressing a research programme on this issue.

Mr Adye advised that due to the absence of Mr Darren Gorst a presentation on the other schemes covered within the Council’s region would not be done as part of this year’s report.  

Mr Aye provided an update on the Ohuia Pump replacement.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “2012/13 Flood Control and Drainage Schemes Annual Reports”.





Climate Change Update


Mr Adye outlined the purpose for this report.  It was agreed that this item required further discussion.  Mr Adye agreed the broader issue of preparedness for Climate Change should be considered by Council as part of their review of the Strategic Plan and Annual and Long Term Plans.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Climate Change Update” report.



The meeting adjourned at 11.45 am and reconvened at 2.20pm, with Councillor Dick absent.


Air Quality Monitoring Update


Dr Kathleen Kozyniak was welcomed to the meeting and gave a presentation on the status of Air Quality within the Napier and Hastings air sheds.  The following points were noted.

·      Figures for the 2013 winter were disappointing compared to the previous year, however overall the trend of exceedance days was continuing to decrease.

·      Mobile testing had been carried out for the first time over the last winter and will be carried out again next winter.

Councillor Dick re-joined the meeting at 2.55 pm.

The Committee discussed the impending deadline for replacing older fires and what publicity opportunities there may be.

The Chairman thanked Dr Kozyniak and the team for their work.



1.      That the Environment & Services Committee receives the Air Quality Monitoring Update” report.





Tukituki Water Permit Renewal Process Update


Mr Malcolm Miller, Consents Manager joined the meeting and presented his paper.   Mr Miller advised that there had been a successful outcome in negotiations with stakeholders with an interest in this issue which had enabled these consents to be renewed without a lengthy hearing and legal process.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Tukituki Water Permit Renewal Process Update” report.





Statutory Advocacy Update


Mrs Lambert provided the Committee with an update on this paper and provided feedback to several questions.

It was noted that the draft proposal on Local Government Reform was due out next week.  The Chief Executive confirmed she would report back to Councillors as soon as was practicable.



1.    That the Environment and Services Committee receives the “Statutory Advocacy Update” report.





Minor Items Not on the Agenda





Councillor / Staff


Farm Forestry Field Day

Integrated farm dairy, dairy support & forestry, Nitrate leaching rates impressive and should be considered by this Council. Could also be an option for a Councillor visit.

Councillor Scott


General Field Days

Recommend that Councillors get out and about - suggestions were Taharua catchment, Drainage Schemes, Tutira Forestry, Makara Scheme, and Weedboat.

Councillor Wilson


Council submission on Oil & Gas

Mr Belford reported a news article which recently quoted an MPI staff member. Mrs Lambert advised that while our submission was already in she would be speaking with MPI staff this week and would raise those comments.

Councillor Belford


Mr Adye advised he would bring back some dates for Councillor excursions.

Hoping for a visit to Heretaunga Plains and out to Tutira before the end of this year.

To Opuahi and Boundary Stream probably a Saturday towards the end of January with families to be included. With a visit out to Cape Sanctuary towards the end of February 2014.

Mike Adye




There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 4.00pm on Wednesday, 20 November 2013.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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