MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Council
Date: Wednesday 23 October 2013
Time: 9.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
P Beaven
T Belford
A J Dick
R Graham
D Hewitt
D Pipe
C Scott
F Wilson (Chairman)
In Attendance: M Mohi – Chairman – Maori Committee
E Lambert – Chief Executive
C Gilbertson – Transport Manager & Electoral Officer
P Drury – Group Manager Corporate Services
L Hooper – Governance & Corporate Administration Manager
M Adye – Group Manager Asset Management
I Maxwell – Group Manager Resource Management
I Macdonald – Civil Defence & Emergency Management Group Controller
G Hansen – Group Manager Water Initiatives
Mr Mike Mohi offered a karakia and hymn supported by students from Central Hawke’s Bay College, before welcoming everyone present to the Inaugural meeting of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council with a korero.
Mr Toro Waaka (Co-Chairman of Council’s Regional Planning Committee) offered a korero, followed by Henare O’Keefe.
Liz Lambert, Chief Executive, welcomed everyone present to this Inaugural meeting of the Regional Council for the 2013-16 triennium and advised evacuation procedures in case of an emergency.
The Making and Attesting of the Declarations Required by Members |
Ms Lambert called upon each member to make and attest their declaration as required under Schedule 7, Part 1, clause 21 of the Local Government Act 2002. Ms Lambert then congratulated Councillors on their election to the Regional Council. |
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1. All elected members made their oral declarations and attested their written declarations; being: Alan Dick; Tom Belford, Christine Scott, Rex Graham, Fenton Wilson, David Pipe, Peter Beaven; Richard Barker and Debbie Hewitt. CARRIED |
Adoption of Standing Orders |
Ms Lambert advised that the Local Government Act 2002 (Schedule 7, Part 1, Sec 27) required that “A local authority must adopt a set of standing orders for the conduct of its meetings and those of its committees”. Cr Barker advised that he had not received the Agenda papers for the meeting and so was unwilling to participate in the consideration or making of decisions other than in relation to election of the Chairman. |
1. That the matter be left to lie on the table until the 6 November 2013 Regional Council meeting. CARRIED |
Election of Chairman |
Mrs Carol Gilberton explained that the Local Government Act 2002 provides direction for the election of the Chairman, which must be done in accordance with the voting requirements contained in Schedule 7, Part 1, sections 24 and 25; and provided an overview of what those were. |
That Council: 1. Resolves to adopt voting system A for the election of the Chairman of Council as detailed in Schedule 7 Part 1 Section 25(3) of the Local Government Act 2002. 2. Confirms that in the case of determination by lot the method used shall be for the Electoral Officer of Council (Carol Gilbertson) to draw the name of the person to be excluded from the next round of voting from a suitable container with the Group Manager Corporate Services acting as scrutineer during this process. CARRIED |
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Ms Lambert then called for nominations for the position of Chairman. Councillor Dick nominated Councillor Wilson, which was seconded by Councillor Scott. Councillor Graham
nominated Councillor Barker, which was seconded by Councillor Ms Lambert then closed nominations and called upon nominators and nominees to each speak about their nominations. Councillor Dick spoke in support of his nomination of Councillor Wilson. Councillor Graham spoke in support of his nomination of Councillor Barker. Councillor Wilson spoke in support of his nomination and accepted the nomination for Chairman. Councillor Barker spoke in support of his nomination, and accepted the nomination for Chairman. Ms Lambert then called for the first round of voting, which was undertaken by show of hands. Councillor Wilson received 5 votes and Councillor Barker received 4 votes. Division Votes for Councillor Wilson: Dick, Scott, Wilson, Pipe, Hewitt Votes for Councillor Barker: Belford, Graham, Beaven, Barker Ms Lambert declared and congratulated Councillor Wilson as the new Chairman of the Regional Council. |
The Making and Attesting of the Declaration Required by the Chairman |
Ms Lambert then called upon Chairman Wilson to make and attest the declaration as required by Schedule 7, Part 1, clause 21 of the Local Government Act 2002.
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1. The Chairman, Fenton Wilson, made his oral declaration and attested his written declaration. |
Ms Lambert then called a short adjournment (at 10am) while she vacated the Chair and Chairman Wilson assumed the Chair. The meeting reconvened at 10.30am.
Election of Deputy Chairman |
Cr Barker reiterated that he had not received the Agenda papers and therefore was unwilling to participate in the meeting other than the election of the Chairman. Mrs Gilbertson, Electoral Officer, advised that Schedule 7, section 21 of the Local Government Act requires that the first meeting of the Council following a triennial election must include: the making and attesting of the declarations required of the members, the election of the chairperson and the making and attesting of the declaration required of the chairperson, the election of the Deputy Chairperson, a general explanation of LGOIMA 1987 and other laws affecting members including Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968, Crimes Act 1961 and Secret Commissions Act 1910, as well as setting a date and time for its first ordinary meeting. The Chairman confirmed that the meeting would continue in order to meet the legislative requirements.
Mrs Gilbertson provided an overview of the voting process; the same process as is followed for election of the Chairman. |
That Council: 1. Resolves to adopt voting system A for the election of the Deputy Chairman of Council as detailed in Schedule 7 Part 1 Section 25(3) of the Local Government Act 2002. 2. Confirms that, in the case of determination by lot, the method used shall be for the Electoral Officer of Council (Carol Gilbertson) to draw the name of the person to be excluded from the next round of voting from a suitable container with the Group Manager Corporate Services acting as scrutineer during this process. CARRIED |
Chairman Wilson then called for nominations for the position of Deputy Chairman. Councillor Wilson nominated Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Dick. There were no further nominations, and so Councillor Scott was declared Deputy Chairman and congratulated. |
The Fixing of the Date and Time of the First Ordinary Meeting of the Council |
The paper was taken as read. |
1. That, in accordance with LGA2002 Schedule 7, Part 1, Section 21(5)(d) the first ordinary meeting of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council is set for Wednesday, 6 November 2013 commencing at 9.00am. CARRIED |
Schedule of Meetings to 31 December 2013 |
It was noted that the names of the Committees may change however the purpose of this paper is to lock in the dates in Councillors diaries and to provide public notice of the meetings in accordance with statutory timeframes. Mr Mohi explained the composition and functions of the Maori Committee, and Mrs Lambert explained the composition and functions of the legislated Regional Planning Committee. |
1. That Council adopts the Schedule of Meetings following, for November and December 2013. November Wednesday, 6 Regional Council 9.00am Half day Wednesday, 6 Tenders Committee 3.00pm 1 hour Wednesday, 20 Environment & Services Committee 9.00am Full day Thursday, 21 Council Direction Setting workshop 9.00am Full day Thursday, 28 Regional Council 9.00am Full day Friday, 29 Regional Transport Committee 10.15am Full day
December Tuesday, 3 Maori Committee 10.15am Half day Wednesday, 4 Regional Planning Committee 1.00pm Half day Wednesday, 11 Corporate & Strategic Committee 9.00am Full day Wednesday, 18 Regional Council 9.00am Full day CARRIED |
Council Prayer |
Mrs Lambert explained that Council tradition included reading a prayer at the commencement of the Regional Council meetings. It was noted that the Maori prayer had been translated by Mr Haami Hilton. |
1. That Council adopts the custom of commencing meetings of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council with a prayer. CARRIED |
Local Government New Zealand |
Mrs Lambert provided an explanation of Local Government New Zealand and the Council’s participation of this professional organisation, as well as advising that the Regional Affairs Committee was recently re-named the Regional Sector Group. |
That Council: 1. Confirms the Chairman of Council, or his/her substitute delegate, as the Hawke's Bay Regional Council’s representative at Zone 3 meetings of Local Government New Zealand. 2. Authorises the Chairman, as HBRC delegate, to vote at those meetings on behalf of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council in accordance with the decisions and policies of Council on matters where they exist. 3. Appoints the Chairman as Council’s representative on the Regional Sector Group of Local Government New Zealand. 4. Delegates to the Chairman of HBRC, the authority to respond to and provide input into matters relating to Local Government New Zealand, reporting as necessary to Council. CARRIED |
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 |
It was noted that LGOIMA applies to members in their roles as Councillors. |
1. That Council takes note of the information contained in the “Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987” report. CARRIED |
Relative Laws And Legislation Affecting Elected Members |
Mr Drury provided an overview of the various legislation that applies to Councillors in carrying out their roles as elected representatives. Councillors were advised that copies of relevant legislation are available in the Councillors Lounge, and it was agreed that links to relevant legislation on the New Zealand Legislation website would be emailed as well. |
1. That Council takes note of the information contained in the “Relative Laws and Legislation Affecting Elected Representatives” report. CARRIED |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 11am on Wednesday, 23 October 2013.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................