MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 30 August 2013
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
T Kingston
T Kerr
D Murray
A Sloane
L Probert
T Ashworth
K Santer
J Chetwynd
K Furlong
In Attendance: C Gilbertson, Transport Manager
M Welsby, Sustainable Transport Co-ordinator
J Cox – Wairoa District Council
S McKinley – CHB District Council
J Pannu – Hastings District Council
C Dowdell – NZTA
L Hammond – NZTA
D Broadley – Communications Manager - HBRC
M Drury – Committee Secretary
Chairman Dick welcomed all present to the meeting and noted that as the result of new legislation and subsequent amendments to the makeup of the Committee, only agencies that make a funding contribution would be included in future, however the option of appointing non local government members to the Committee remains open to Council under the provision of the Local Government Act 2002.
RTC8/13 That the apologies from Messrs M Mohi, C Bain, J Emmerson, C Wallace, M Clews and Councillor L Remmerswaal be received.
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee |
1. That Andy Sloane be appointed as a member of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 30 August 2013 as a short term replacement on the Committee for Inspector C Wallace. CARRIED |
4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Regional Transport Committee held on 17 May 2013
Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 17 May 2013, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed. CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday 17 May 2013
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings |
Mayor Probert updated the Committee on progress with SH38. Mr Cox reported residents in the area of SH38 still did not have an understanding that the highway was not the responsibility of Wairoa District Council and that because it was a state highway it was the responsibility of the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA). A suggestion was made that NZTA publish an article in the local Wairoa papers about their responsibilities in the area which could help resolve many issues perceived by the community. Mr Cox advised that complaints had been received from residents about dust levels. In response Mr Dowdell updated the Committee on actions NZTA had taken to alleviate the dust issues on SH38. The red metal used had reduced the movement of dust however machinery was required frequently to lay the red metal.
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”. CARRIED |
Mrs T Ashworth joined the meeting at 10.35am.
Consideration of General Business Items |
1. Napier Public Transport Services 2. Community at Risk |
Hawke's Bay Trails - Marketing and Communication Plan |
Mr Broadley presented the Asset and Marketing Plan for the Hawke’s Bay Trails to the Committee. The Plan had been discussed at the previous meeting on 17 May 2013. Mr Broadley acknowledged the work undertaken by all Councils in the region on the HB Trails and noted that new initiatives were always being considered to focus and build on tourism and marketing. The Committee noted that the value of $23M stated in the Executive Summary was based on current prices and included the NZ Cycle Trail projects and materials used on the pathways such as concrete and limestone. Following discussion by the Committee, concern was expressed by TA representatives that the Asset and Marketing Management Plan had not been presented to their Councils for consideration and a consultation process with Council staff around ownership of ongoing maintenance had not been completed. The Committee agreed that the agenda item would lay on the table for further consideration by the incoming Regional Transport Committee. A request was also made for toilet locations to be marked on the cycle trail maps. |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee agrees that Asset and Marketing Plan for the Hawke’s Bay Trails lay on the table. CARRIED |
Key Project Updates - Regional Land Transport Programme |
Mr Pannu, Hastings District Council (HDC) gave a presentation outlining the collaborative project process; a detailed view of the land involved; a current cost estimate; and other factors which had influenced the estimated cost for the Whakatu Arterial Project. Mr Pannu advised that many issues which concerned the Māori community at Whakatu had been noted along with other concerns which had been voice by various organisations and said that in his opinion, the process had been extremely successful. Mr Pannu advised that the current estimate was for a total price of $19.748M, with the HDC local share being $5,829,108 and NZTA share of $13,918,892 and that this project had been given “Probable” funding status priority in the National Land Transport Programme and would be funded from the region’s R funds. Responding to a question, Mr Pannu said speed limits had not yet been considered however at this point there were several speed limits attributed to different roads within the planned area and would be considered as part of a project HDC was undertaking to look at speed across the district. Mr Barnett, New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), then gave a presentation illustrating the proposals for the HB Expressway and the Pakowhai Links Road Intersection project noting that the current estimate had come in at $7.536M, this was a variance of $1.050M from the NLTP estimate of $6.486M. Mr Barnett explained the reasons for the cost increase which included ground conditions being significantly worse than what would be reasonably expected; project outcomes including safety issues; efficiency; ongoing walking and cycling projects; and confirmation of a future vision which provides stability for neighbours on property boundaries. Responding to a question, Mr Barnett advised that in the estimates there were some buffer zones for consideration of further cycleways in the future. Mrs Gilbertson also explained how the two projects would impact on the region’s R funds and noted that following the revised costs outlined to the Committee the top projects in the RLTP funded from R funds – i.e. Whakatu Arterial Link, HB Expressway – Pakowhai & Links Road, SH2 Napier Road intersection and the Ford Road extension there would a balance of $3,353,068 remaining in R funds. Ms Chetwynd advised that NZTA required certainty in relation to the costs for the two projects and the Ford Road extension project had to be lodged before any further determination could be finalised. Councillor Furlong acknowledged Messrs Pannu and Barnett’s input into the two projects and she was hopeful that there would be the goodwill and sense so that the green light would be given as soon as possible. Chairman Dick emphasised the importance of the projects for the region and noted that there was no guarantee that there would be a source of R funds in the future and he hoped NZTA would approve them and make them fit within the available funding as the projects had been listed for several years.
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives the information on the indicative costs from Hastings District Council for the Whakatu arterial link project and the New Zealand Transport Agency for the Expressway, Pakowhai and Links Road intersection improvement project. 2. Recognises and reinforces the strategic importance of the top projects included in the Regional Land Transport Programme, which are: 2.1 The Whakatu Arterial Link (estimated R Funding of $13,920,000) 2.2 Expressway, Pakowhai and Links Road intersection improvement (estimated R Funding of $7,536,000) 2.3 SH 2 Napier Road extension (estimated R funding $0, as will form part of Whakatu Project) 2.4 The Ford Road extension (estimated R funding of $2,072,000) 3. Confirms its commitment for these projects, acknowledging the cost increases for the Whakatu Arterial Link project; and the Expressway, Pakowhai and Links Road intersection improvement project, noting that the SH 2 Napier Road extension project will form part of the Whakatu project and requests that the New Zealand Transport Agency takes into consideration the view of the Regional Transport Committee when it considers the requests for funding for these top projects. 4. Requests that the New Zealand Transport Agency consults with, and keeps the Regional Transport Committee informed, during its consideration of funding for these projects. CARRIED |
Public Transport Update |
Mrs Welsby provided the Committee with an update on the Regional Council’s public transport services, including trends from May 2013. Mrs Welsby drew the Committee’s attention to a graph contained within the agenda item which showed that passenger trips from January to July 2013 were approximately 10% higher than during the same time last year. Mrs Welsby also noted that NZTA had approved a 30 month contract extension which meant that under a contract extension variation agreement Go Bus Transport Ltd would continue to operate the urban bus contract until 30 June 2016. The Committee noted that there would a second stage of fare increases commencing 1 September in line with the three year fare increase programme Council approved last year. This increase had been widely publicised. Mrs Welsby also advised that the mobile bus timetable application for smartphone users was proving to be very popular with just over 2500 hits since May with the goBay web pages being the busiest on the HBRC website with approximately 22% of all hits between may and July. Chairman Dick acknowledged the excellent work undertaken by Mrs Gilbertson and Mrs Welsby on the public transport system in the region and drew the Committee’s attention to the patronage figures which had doubled over the last 5 years.
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Public Transport Update. CARRIED |
East Coast Rail Line - Verbal Update |
Chairman Dick gave the Committee a verbal update on the East Coast rail line and outlined ongoing discussions with industry representatives in the region. |
1. That the verbal report on the East Coast Rail line be received. CARRIED |
Transport Manager's Report |
Mrs Gilbertson updated the Committee on relevant transport matters, commented on issues that had been actioned since the last Regional Transport Committee meeting, gave an update from the recent Transport Advisory group (TAG) meeting and outlined the changes to the Regional Transport Committee which included the functions of the Committee which had been narrowed in scope and the membership of the RTC which had been amended. Mrs Gilbertson provided an update to the Committee on a meeting a number of representatives from Regional Councils had had with the Minister of Transport on Friday, 8 August to discuss regional funding options for land transport activities beyond 2015 after the R funding had expired. Following a request from the Minister, information from each region about major projects is currently being compiled by Taranaki Regional Council and will be presented to the Minister for his further consideration. Chairman Dick acknowledged the Committee’s gratitude to the Objective Representatives for their excellent input to all meetings over the last three years and hoped that the Advisory Representatives would have the opportunity to represent their organisations in the future. Mayor Probert acknowledged Chairman Dick’s ability to manage the region’s transport issues over the last three years particularly in light of several major issues before the Committee. Mr Murray, Objective Representative Access and Mobility said he had found his time on the Committee very enlightening and had no doubt saved much letter writing. The Committee position had facilitated good communication and understanding of issues within the region. Ms Chetwynd stated that police representative support on the Committee was fundamental. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives the Transport Manager’s report receive the Transport Manager’s report. Furlong/Probert CARRIED 2. Recommends to the incoming Transport Committee and the Regional Council that the Transport Committee includes appropriate sector and objective representatives. CARRIED |
NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report |
Ms Chetwynd provided an update on NZTA’s role in the delivery of the Regional Land Transport Strategy and the National Land Transport Programme in the Hawke’s Bay region. Ms Chetwynd advised that NZTA CE and Board members would be having a “conversation” with regional representatives following today’s meeting focussing on 2012-15 timeframes, and also key issues being faced by NZTA. Ms Chetwynd updated the Committee on the FAR (Funding Assistance Rate) review and advised that NZTA was now coming up with suggested funding rates that could be applied and would then undertake further consultation on these, probably during September and October. In response to a question, Ms Chetwynd advised that robust and transparent data would be required to determine any material difference each region may have which may impact of whether there is a nationwide FAR. Following further discussion by the Committee concern was expressed at the short duration NZTA hoped to have a decision on the funding rates. In response, Ms Chetwynd stated NZTA expected the new funding rates would be implemented for the 2015-2018 regional land transport programme. Mr Dowdell then updated the Committee on the current status of regional projects with particular mention of the SH2 Napier to Gisborne Passing Opportunities - three contracts have been let with construction commencing in early August. A ceremonial opening will take place at the completion of the project which is planned for March 2014. |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Regional Director’s report. CARRIED |
Verbal Reports from Objective Representatives |
T Ashworth – Objective Representative – Public Health Mrs Ashworth noted she had found the Transport Manager’s report very helpful. Recent discussions had been held locally around the child safety restraint changes to be introduced shortly. B Pritchard – Objective Representative – Environmental Sustainability Had found his time on the Committee extremely useful and hoped that Objective Representatives would still have a place on the new Committee. A Sloane – Objective Representative – Safety and Personal Security Road deaths nationally 172 at this time – Eastern District – 9. This time last year 21 deaths in the region. Focus on rural drink/drive and speed with spring/summer seasons coming up. Driver Licensing – not as optimal as in other areas however needs to be an effective strategy to improve the processes. D Murray – Objective Representative – Access and Mobility Attention to speed restrictions to increase safety on the roads. Updated the Committee on initiatives introduced by Peugeot in regard to fuel savings. K Santer – Advisory Representative – Rail Increased efficiencies in HB region with the introduction of new locos onto lines replacing the current fleet of 1960 locos. Petrol efficiencies have been gained within the region and the rail network generally with the introduction of new equipment. Commissioning problems with the first load of new locos however second load a lot better. Chairman Dick advised that a letter of congratulations would be sent to Mr John Emmerson, Advisory Representative – Road Transport on his induction into the Hall of Transport Fame in Invercargill. |
1. That the verbal reports from Objective Representatives be received. CARRIED |
General Business |
Prior to closing the meeting, Chairman Dick thanked Councillor Furlong for her input into the Committee for the last three years and wished her well in the future as she was not standing for Napier City Council in the 2013 elections. Chairman Dick also wished all election candidates the best of luck.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.45pm on Friday, 30 August 2013.
Signed as a true and correct record.
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