MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee



Date:                          Tuesday 27 August 2013


Time:                          10.15 am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     M Mohi - Chairman

H Hilton

A Manuel

F McRoberts

T Gilbertson

E McGregor

L Remmerswaal

B Gregory

M Paku

M Hape

S Haraki

B Wakefield

C Scott


In Attendance:          V Moule – Human Resource Manager

                                   G Ide – Team Leader Policy

                                   E Bate – Planner

                                   S Gilmer – Resource technician WQ&E

                                   O Wade – Scientist

M Drury – Committee Secretary



Chairman Mohi welcomed all present to the meeting and extended a warm welcome to Dr Benita Wakfield.

Mr Paku advised he would leave the meeting at 12.00 midday to meet another commitment.

MC16/13              Apologies were received from Messrs P Prentice and M Apatu and Councillor F Wilson.




There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Short Term Replacements



The Maori Committee agrees that:

Dr B Wakefield and Mr S Haraki be appointed as members of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday, 27 August 2013 as short term replacements on the Committee for Mr P Prentice and Mrs M Hammond and that Councillor Scott be appointed as a member for today’s meeting only.




4.      CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Maori Committee held on 25 June 2013


Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 25 June 2013, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record following amendment.


5.      Matters Arising from Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday 25 June 2013

         9. Update on Current Issues by the General Manager – Operations – Plan Change 6

Councillor Gilbertson advised that farmers had voiced concerns that the estimated cost of fencing under PC6 for the Tukituki catchment could be well in excess of the Council’s estimate which could then result in higher fencing costs in 2017 when the rules would be introduced.



Call for General Business Items


1.    Participation of Tangata Whenua/Cultural audit

2.    New Māori Committee post October Elections



Action Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings


Chairman Mohi updated the Committee on the Action item listed.



1.      That the Maori Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings”.





Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Marine and Freshwater Fisheries Strategic Plan


Mr Ide spoke to the Committee on the Kahungunu ki Uta, Kahungunu ki Tai, Marine & Freshwater Fisheries Strategic Plan lodged by Ngati Kahungunu on 14 June.

Mr Ide outlined the key implications of Kahungunu ki Uta, Kahungunu ki Tai, Marine & Freshwater Fisheries Strategic Plan for Council’s activities and responsibilities and noted that Council was being asked to consider receiving the document under the IHMP process so that the document could be taken into account as part of Council’s future planning and decision-making processes.

Mr Ide noted that Council considered that the Strategic Plan was orientated toward commercial and customary fisheries which MPI (Ministry of Primary Industries) and DoC (Department of Conservation) were largely responsible for, with Council not having a key role in fisheries regulation. However, Council has and will continue to work with Ngati Kahungunu and their initiatives as that would assist in Council’s advocacy role.

The Committee discussed the Strategic Plan and noted that members considered that there was a need for increased communication with all rohe when drafting this type of plan. It was suggested that there were implications for all Taiwhenua and that this Strategic Plan should be tabled at all Taiwhenua meetings for further discussion and input from Taiwhenua groups.

The Committee also noted that this Strategic Plan had first been drafted in 2008 and one of the key points that should now be considered was the position of the treaty claimant groups (LNG) and how changes in the future would reflect on them.

Following further discussion, the Committee agreed that the Strategic Plan should not be received at this time and instead be referred back to Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated for further consultation amongst Taiwhenua and the LNG for their input.



The Maori Committee recommends that Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.       Refers the Kahungunu ki Uta, Kahungunu ki Tai, Marine & Freshwater Fisheries Strategic Plan back to Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated for further widespread distribution amongst Taiwhenua to receive their input.





Update on Current Issues by the Interim Chief Executive


Mrs Lambert updated the Committee on current issues.

Plan Change 6

EPA received 398 submissions  with further submissions on the Plan Change only closing on 30 August.

Bids had been received from Bouygues Construction and OHL-Hawkins Joint Venture to design and build the dam. These are currently being assessed however it will be a number of weeks before a decision is reached.

Ongoing discussions with potential investors are proceeding well.

Bridge Pa

A hui will be held tomorrow to discuss water flows in local streams during several months of the year in the Bridge Pa area.

It is hoped that following the hui, there will be opportunities to attempt to mitigate some of the issues that have been occurring.

Irrigation Issues in Twyford

Concern has been expressed via the media regarding Council’s input around the irrigation issues in Twyford.

Council has ndeed been working alongside the Twyford Irrigators Group to investigate the issues around minimum flow levels to avoid ongoing problems in the future.  Following the Twyford hearing, a global consent had been investigated for the area.

The area is covered by the TANK plan change (Tutaekuri, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro, Karamu) and the stakeholder Group for the Plan Change is fully aware of the social and economic impacts for the area.

Māori Committee Post Election

A paper will be discussed at the Corporate and Strategic Committee around Council’s proposed new Committee structure following the Election.

It is suggested that the Māori Committee be re-established at the start of the new triennium but with a review as to its continuance to occur by June 2014.

Mrs Lambert thanked the Committee members for their dedication, openness, honesty and commitment shown to Council during the last 3 years.

Chairman Mohi acknowledged councillors Scott, Remmerswaal, Gilbertson and McGregor’s contributions as members of the Māori Committee with a special thanks to Councillor Remmerswaal for her ongoing enthusiasm and participation in Māori  activities.



1.      That the report be received.





Verbal Update Coastal Water - Science Team


Mr Gilmer gave a short powerpoint presentation which outlined the processes for the taking of recreational water quality samples.

Mr Gilmer advised that there are 36 sites in the region – lakes, coastal and estuaries – where monitoring takes place and data is collected around bacteria levels. If levels are above the acceptable level and there is a public health risk, the HB District Health Board becomes involved.

Mr Gilmer also advised that the water quality in the region’s rivers was excellent and safe for swimming and although agricultural runoff was the main issue exceedances mainly occurred after heavy rain events with the bacteria levels normally dropping away after 24 hours.

Mr Gilmer noted that it was hoped that the faecal tracking technology would be used at Mahia this summer to identify any issues, in particular vegetative bacteria, prior to the area being hooked up to the new wastewater system.

In response to a question, Mr Gilmer confirmed that funding difficulties was the main reason why the technology was undertaken in site specific areas.

Mr Wade also gave a powerpoint which illustrated the uses of HAWKi, a marine buoy recently installed of the coast at Tangoio.  The buoy provides two types of information; weather conditions and water temperature, and provides HBRC with continuous data on water quality parameters in the Bay.

The presentation also illustrated a phyto plankton bloom towards the end of July which the buoy had measured, and a comparison was shown with satellite information from the Cawthron Institute.

Mr Paku left the meeting at 12.00 midday

Mr Wade advised that the buoy would provide 6 weekly water quality samples, and provide valuable information around the natural processes occurring in the Hawke Bay coastal waters. Data could be used to validate remote sensing data and data is held for 10 years to assist in ongoing trend analyses.

Responding to a question, Mr Wade confirmed that this data is available on Council’s website.



1.      That the verbal reports be received.





Statutory Advocacy Update


Ms Bate presented the Statutory Advocacy report and updated the Committee on the current status of activities listed.



1.     That the Maori Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.






General Business





Councillor / Staff


Participation of Tangata Whenua/Cultural audit

Dr Wakefield discussed ways to improve cultural values during Plan preparations and suggested Council look at cultural monitoring systems by way of a cultural audit.

Mrs Lambert confirmed that Council has regular contact with iwi however it was hoped that additional assistance in the future would be advantageous both to Council and iwi.

B Wakefield


New Māori Committee post October Elections

Mr Moule advised that he would notify Taiwhenua in the near future advising that nominations are sought for the new incoming Māori Committee and the various standing committees following approval by the Council.

V Moule





Closing Prayer:  H Hilton

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.20pm on Tuesday, 27 August 2013.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................