MINUTES OF A meeting of

the Environment and Services Committee



Date:                          Wednesday 14 August 2013


Time:                          9.50 am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                       A J Dick

M Douglas

T Gilbertson

N Kirton

E McGregor

R Puna

L Remmerswaal

K Rose - Chairman

C Scott

F Wilson


In Attendance:            M Adye – Group Manager - Asset Management

                                      D Gorst – Team Leader, Operations

                                      O Wade – Environmental Science

                                      S Gilmer – Resource Technician

                                      M Miller – Manager, Consents

                                      E-A Bate – Planner

                                                S Chandler – Committee Secretary


1.       Welcome/Apologies/Notices

Chairman Rose welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2.       Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.       Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Held on 12 June 2013



Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on Wednesday, 12 June 2013, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record.




4.       Matters Arising From Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee Held on Wednesday 12 June 2013

From the previous minutes the following points were noted.

·           Item 11 RMA delegations & any prosecutions/enforcements - to be added to action items list (Iain Maxwell).

·           Item 12 Recognising community achievement – Following a query it was reiterated that, as and when the need arises, recognition would take place. However there was no prescribed method.



Action Items From Meetings


It was noted that the following Action from Regional Council meeting of 29 May 2013 was still outstanding - Requests that staff provide a report to the Environment and Services Committee, updating Council on the latest science on Climate Change and how it can actively mitigate against it by reducing CO2 emissions.  To be added to action items list (Iain Maxwell).



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Meetings”.





Call for General Business


Councillor Gilbertson - Cadmium in our soil letter from Forest & Bird.



Notice of Motion:  Cr M Douglas


The Notice of Motion was received, moved by Councillor Douglas and seconded by Councillor Remmerswaal.

·     Councillor Douglas presented his paper outlining for the Committee his reasons for submitting the Notice and providing examples of stock in waterways.  He acknowledged there were issues to be managed, however stated it was important to lead by example when we are expecting others to follow.

·     Mr Adye, Group Manager Asset Management advised there was some grazing associated with the Upper Tukituki Scheme, Karamu Scheme and Heretaunga Plains rivers. But advised that there were very few areas in all of these where cattle could access the waterways. He agreed that access to rivers by cattle needed to be stopped and explained that significant work had been done to achieve this.

·     Darren Gorst – Team Leader Operations provided the Committee with a short powerpoint highlighting how Council manages stock grazing in Regional Council controlled berm areas.  He gave an explanation of how the edge protection zones are fenced and planted.  The following points were noted:

o    On the Heretaunga Plains Scheme – rivers,  only 7 kms of river was not fenced, from the Chesterhope bridge to Awatoto.

o    Cattle are easier and cheaper to manage than sheep.  Sheep need more extensive fencing and do more damage to our edge protection zones.

o    The entire fencing network is inspected every two weeks which equates to a cost of approximately $11k per annum.

o    Vandalism can be a problem with fences being cut; the stock owners are quick to advise when this does happen.  Cost of fence maintenance approximately $25k per annum.


Due to the presentation scheduled for 11.00 am this item was left on the table.


Meeting adjourned at 10.45 am and reconvened at 11.00am.


11.00 am Peter Winder presentation: Potential Costs and Savings of Local Government Reform in Hawke’s Bay Report

The Chairman welcomed Mr Winder to the meeting.

Mr Winder gave the Committee a powerpoint presentation providing an overview of his report.  The report highlighted the potential for savings in roading expenditure to be the biggest unknown from any of the three different amalgamation scenarios looked at.

The Chairman thanked Mr Winder for his presentation.

Councillor Kirton exited the meeting at 11.50 am.


Verbal Update on Oil & Gas Exploration Discussions Throughout Hawke's Bay


Michael Bassett-Foss provided the Committee with an update on the work he had been involved with relating to Oil & Gas exploration discussions in Hawke’s Bay.



1.      That the Verbal Update on Oil & Gas explorations discussions throughout Hawke’s Bay be received.





Notice of Motion:  Cr M Douglas – (Resumed)


The Committee resumed its discussion on this item.



1.      The Environment and Services Committee receives the Notice of Motion.




The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

2.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

3.      Requests a staff report on stock exclusion issues in regard to the sites where Council permits stock into areas where water access is possible. This report will propose a programme to exclude cattle as soon as possible from areas where access is possible, and the cost implications, allowing for a situation consistent with guidelines to farmers re stock exclusion.





Open Spaces Projects and Funding


Mr Adye provided the committee with an update and asked Council for direction on how they wanted to proceed.  The following comments were noted:

·      Tukipo wetland still in place however looking at alternatives for its use.

·      Region short on areas available for coastal camping.

·      All current open spaces are well used.

·      Provide clarification on the figures noted for HB Museum (ACTION)

·      The cross-agency $23m value includes the Hastings I-WAY network.

·      Another 3 – 5 years before information available on whether Manuka planting at Tutira will provide a good rate of return, however it has long term potential for “The Trees on Farms” concept.

·      Note the Open Spaces policy and strategic goals was developed in 2008.

·      The Committee agreed that this issue should be put before the Council after the October elections.



That the Environment and Services Committee:

1.      Receives the “Open Spaces Projects and Funding” report.

2.      Notes that approximately $800k remains within the $7.5m borrowing facility Council established in its 2009/19 LTP for community infrastructure and open spaces.

3.      Notes that staff expect to present a Parks Network Plan for Council consideration later in 2013.

4.      Notes that HBRC has significant financial commitment to maintain existing open space facilities and as yet the full extent of this commitment is not included in Council’s annual budgets.

5.    Notes that the Report and Parks network plan be brought to the new Council.





Statutory Advocacy Update


Esther-Amy Bate outlined the highlights in her report and the following comments were noted:

·      A Hearing date of 22 August 2013 had been set in relation to the Resource Consent Application by Silverhill Trustees Ltd.

·      Te Mata Park Trust Board Visitor Centre still awaiting resource consent from HDC.



1.    That the Environment and Services Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.



Meeting adjourned at 12.30 pm and resumed at 1.00 pm


Verbal Update Coastal Water - Science Team


Oliver Wade, Environmental Science, Water Quality & Ecology and Shane Gilmer, Resource Technician, Water Quality & Ecology provided the Committee with an update.  A short powerpoint was shown and the following was highlighted:

·     Recently installed marine Buoy is situated out from Tangoio, providing a warning of events and allows for tracking. Takes measurements at different depths. Data from buoy is also being corroborated with satellite information coming from the Cawthron Institute.

·     An example of this was shown. Turbity measures water clarity, conductivity measures salt water contact. Chlorophyll A picked up showing a phyto plankton bloom at end of July.

·     Following a question on what the information will be used for Mr Wade advised that over time Council will gain a more informed understanding on marine water quality.  Giving better information of the interface between land and sea and would ultimately have input into Plan Change work.

·     The reason for its current location was provided – easy to access, not impacted by large swells, away from shipping lines and away from direct fresh water outlets.

·     The buoy has the capability to provide further data and enhancements will be added when funding permits.

Shane Gilmer provided an overview on how we measure and monitor recreational water quality. The following points were noted:

·     Currently 36 sites are sampled throughout Hawke’ Bay from Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Coastal. He noted that the water quality for our rivers was excellent and safe for swimming.

·     Faecal source tracing at Waipatiki stream had highlighted the cause as water fowl, other than ducks.  Good prognosis to see it had not been caused by human waste.

·     The faecal tracking technology will now move to Mahia and Mahanga.

·     Following a question on whether this could be used at Clive Mr Gilmer advised yes and that samples had been taken, however no exceedances were reached so no testing was carried out.

·     It was questioned why we are not measuring for cyanobacteria in Tutira?  It was advised staff are guided by MFE guidelines as to what gets measured.

·     It was acknowledged that different bacteria’s in Lake Tutira was challenging and impacting the water quality of the lake.

·     The Committee agreed it was a particularly good result for Waipatiki.



1.      That the verbal update on Coastal Water be received.





Verbal Update on the Tukituki Water Permit Renewal Process


Mr Malcolm Miller, Manager Consents provided an update on water take consents currently being processed.  The following comments were noted:

·      A total of 57 consent applications had been received for surface water and stream depleting groundwater takes.

·      Staff had been out in the catchment providing information to consent holders.

·      A total of 46 consents were notified.

·      Fish & Game Hawke’s Bay had lodged a submission against the consent applications.  Mr Miller advised that Council staff were trying to meet with Fish & Game to discuss this.  Staff would prefer that the substantive flow and allocation issues are addressed once at the Plan Change hearing. The aim was to manage these consents through to the new Plan Change approach once it was finalised, and it was considered this could be achieved without going to a hearing, if F&G were willing.

·      It was noted that any water consent takes less than 1 litre per second were being processed as non-notified.  Group work costs would be shared.

·      A neutral submission was received from DoC, Mr Miller noted he believed DoC were comfortable with the water being allocated as per previous consents until the new plan provisions were brought into effect.

·      It was noted that the life of new consents would be between 5 and 10 years.  While it was questioned whether these should be put on hold until the plan change was through in April 2014, staff believed it was unfair to leave consent holders with that level of uncertainty.

·      A review of conditions would be allowed for should the final Plan Change require it.

·      Following a question on whether Officers or Councillors would be better placed to deal with putting the consents on hold to await the completion of the Plan Change Mr Miller agreed talk to Iain Maxwell.



1.      That the verbal update on the Tukituki Water Permit Renewal process be received.





General Business






Cadmium in our soil - Councillor Gilbertson advised he had received a letter from CHB Forest & Bird however had not yet had a chance to respond.

Tim Gilbertson

14.     Confirmation of the Public Excluded Minutes of the Environment & Services Committee held on 12 June 2013

ESC25/13  That the Environment & Services Committee excludes the public from this section of the meeting, being Agenda Item 15 Confirmation of the Public Excluded Minutes of the Environment & Services Committee Meeting Held on 12 June 2013 with the general subject of the item to be considered while the public is excluded; the reasons for passing the resolution and the specific grounds under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution being as follows.





Confirmation of the Public Excluded Minutes of the Environment & Services Committee held on Wednesday 12 June 2013

7(2)(i) That the public conduct of this agenda item would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority holding the information to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

The Council is specified, in the First Schedule to this Act, as a body to which the Act applies.





15.     Confirmation of the Public Excluded Minutes of the Environment & Services Committee Held on 12 June 2013

ESC26/13  The Public Excluded Minutes of the Environment & Services Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 12 June 2013, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record.



16.     Matters Arising from the Public Excluded Minutes of the Environment & Services Committee Meeting Held on 12 June 2013

There were no matters arising.



ESC27/13  That the meeting moves out of Public Excluded session.




The meeting went into public excluded session at 1.55 pm and out of public excluded session at 1.58 pm.


In summing up Chairman Rose noted that this would be the last meeting of this Committee for the current triennium.  He thanked a number of people including the Māori Committee representative, Mr Puna for his input and support.  He also thanked the press and the committee secretary for her support to the Chair. He acknowledged Mr Adye for his continued support and pass on his thanks to the staff.


Thanked Councillors Remmerswaal and Kirton for their support and wished them well for the future.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.00pm on Wednesday, 14 August 2013.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................