MINUTES OF A meeting of the

Roadsafe Governance Group



Date:                          Monday 17 June 2013


Time:                          11.00am



Mohaka Room

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street




A J Dick – Chairman

T Kingston, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

C Wallace, Police

L Probert, Wairoa District Council

         A Campion, Hastings District Council


In Attendance:          C Gilbertson – HBRC Transport Manager  

                                   L Anderson – Regional Manager RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay

                                   RoadSafe Team – Kae Schlierike (Wairoa), Kate Taylor (CHB),

                                   Fiona Whaanga & Liz Schlierike (contracted staff)

                                   S Chandler – Minute Taker


Chairman Dick welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Cr Kathy Furlong.




Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee



1.     That Mr Aaron Campion be appointed as a member of the RoadSafe Governance Group for the meeting of Monday 17 June 2013 as a short term replacement for Cr Tania Kerr.






There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.      CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Roadsafe Governance Group held on 14 December 2012



Minutes of the RoadSafe Governance Group held on Friday, 14 December 2012, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




4.      Matters Arising from Minutes OF THE ROADSAFE Governance Group held on Friday 14 December 2012

There were no matters arising.



Action Items from Previous Meetings


Item 1 - Mrs Gilbertson advised a letter had been forwarded to Snr. Sgt Bates at Wairoa Police.  She noted however that no response had been received. Inspector Wallace said he would follow this up.

Item 2 – It was confirmed that Mrs Anderson had sent website links to all members of the Committee.  



1.      That the RoadSafe Governance Group receives the report “Action Items from Previous Meetings”.





Financial Report


Mrs Gilbertson gave an overview of the prepared financial report advising all budgets year to date were on track.

Mrs Anderson provided an update on funding secured or requested from other funding sources.

It was agreed that a letter from the Chairman would be sent to ken Holst with a copy to Chuck Dowdell seeking a decision on the application for funding. ACTION Mrs Gilbertson.



That the RoadSafe Governance Group:

1.    Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.    Receive the financial position report as at 31 May 2013.





RoadSafe Activity Reports


An update on Activity Reports was presented and the following was noted:

Kate Taylor Central Hawke’s Bay 

·              Fatigue Stop – A great response from the public and good feedback received.

·              Safe hunting promotion – agreed it would be commenced earlier next year.

·              Following a question on the use of quad bikes on farm vs. on road,  Inspector Wallace advised on farm there is no requirement for quad bikes to have a warrant or registration.  However if used on the roads and driven over 40 kms per hour full road licensing is required.  Inspector Wallace advised he would provide a poster to Mayor Probert on this subject.

·              Mrs Anderson advised ACC have a link on their website “safety on quad bikes”.

·              Terry Kingston confirmed he had received positive feedback from members of the public on the work Kate had been doing.

Kae Schlierike Wairoa

·              Ongoing work with Wairoa College on billboard design.

·              Successful Soba D campaign run at Frasertown Tavern with a good number of registrations.  It was noted that while invited to be part of the campaign the Police were a no show.  Inspector Wallace agreed to follow this up.

·              Request had been received from Waikaremoana to run the same campaign there.

·              A programme targeting older drivers is taking place over June and July in conjunction with AA.

Fiona Whaanga & Liz Schlierike

·              Visits to Early Childhood Centres providing education on fitting and using child restraints ongoing. A visit to Wairoa is planned for week beginning 24 June 2013.

·              Mrs Anderson acknowledged the great work these two have been undertaking and the success of the campaigns, especially with the limited amount of hours they work.

Linda Anderson, Regional Manager

Mrs Anderson provided an overview of her report and the following was noted:

·              Another successful Youth Alcohol Expo held recently with feedback and surveys now being reviewed.  While encouraging feedback had been received the team will be reviewing all aspects of the Expo and look for adding more value and improvements moving forward.

·              Mrs Anderson commented that other areas were interested in the Hawke’s Bay model.

·              A good campaign, in conjunction with Police, on truck driver’s health and safety had been run for truck drivers at the Port of Napier; she advised this had been well received.  It was planned for this programme to be run at ‘weigh stations’ in the future.

·              A full review will take place on the “Just another Saturday Night” resource.

·              “Mothers Against Impaired Driving” (MAID’s) website was now live.

·              Motorcycle safety campaign to be reviewed, with an option of adding an ‘advanced’ programme.

ACTION: Provide an annual report to each of the TLAs and key partners.  To include What programmes have been run, what is planned and a brief financial update.

Other comments made by the Committee included:

·              Can the work Kate Taylor and RoadSafe carry out in CHB have more exposure. Especially the Soba D campaign and Party Register.

·              In response to a question on providing any assistance to the Putorino community, Mrs Anderson advised a Host Responsibility programme will be implemented.

·              Inspector Wallace, on behalf of Police, thanked Linda and the team for the great work they do and that it was appreciated by Police.  He believed a strong profile had been established with good branding especially with the exposure received at the Expo.

·              Councillor Dick on behalf of the Committee thanked the dedicated RoadSafe team and congratulated them on their effectiveness.



That the RoadSafe Governance Group receives and notes the RoadSafe Activity Reports.





General Business


There were no items of General Business.





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.20pm on Monday, 17 June 2013.


Signed as a true and correct record.



DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................