MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee
Date: Tuesday 25 June 2013
Time: 10.15 am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
M Apatu
H Hiha
F McRoberts
M Paku
R Puna
P Prentice
B Gregory
D Ratima (Proxy)
T Gilbertson
E McGregor
L Remmerswaal
In Attendance: L Lambert – General Manager – Operations
V Moule – Human Resources Manager
M Drury – Committee Secretary
Chairman Mohi welcomed all present to the meeting and extended the Committee’s sympathy to the Tareha family on the recent passing of Mr Tipu Tareha, a past member of the Māori Committee.
Chairman Mohi also welcomed Mr Peter Tilley from Bouygues Construction and Ms Renee Murphy from Opus.
Apologies were received from Mrs M Hape and Councillor F Wilson.
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Short Term Replacements |
That the Maori Committee agree: That Mr Des Ratima be appointed as a member of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday, 25 June 2013 as a short term replacement on the Committee for Mrs Marge Hape.
4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Maori Committee held on 30 April 2013
MC11/13 |
Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 30 April 2013, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed. Mohi/Prentice CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday 30 April 2013
8. Receiving Hapū Management Plans
Mrs Lambert responded to a question about Hapū Management Plans and the Committee noted that the ownership and control of the Plan must belong to Hapū not Council. If there were amendments required in the future, there was not a requirement to seek approval from Council to do so. Council could also submit on a Hapū Plan if it was appropriate.
Call for General Business Items |
2. Visit to Brazil Update 3. Science Wananga 4. Seminar 5. Ballance Award evening |
Action Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings |
Mr Moule updated the Committee on the Action items listed. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Maori Committee Meetings”.
Presentation re RWSS from Peter Tilley - Bouygues Construction |
Chairman Mohi introduced Mr Tilley and Ms Murphy to the Committee. Mr Tilley is the Strategic Manager for Bouygues Construction one of the two companies currently involved in the Design and construction process for the Ruataniwha Dam project. Mr Tilley gave a power-point presentation which illustrated the staff structures within Bougyues Company, photos of completed projects by the Company and the formations on which the Company is managed. Mr Tilley also noted that Bouygues always took a special interest in the area where projects were undertaken and strived to be part of the region with a motto of “arrive as strangers, leave as friends’. Mr Tilley emphasised the importance of employing local people for the project and advised that if Bouygues was successful in obtaining the project, it was hoped that after identifying the skills within the region, 300-350 local people would be employed on the project in various skill lines with 200 being employed for 2 of the 3 years of the building project. Training of employees would also be undertaken either on site or at a training institution. As a result of training, it was hoped that people would be able to continue in the work force following the completion of the construction phase of the dam but as its contract would not extend after completion it had no power to ensure this takes place. In response to questions in regard to ecological issues surrounding the construction project, Mr Tilley advised that Bouygues would be proactive to mitigate any issues. |
1. That the report be received.
Update on Current Issues by the General Manager - Operations |
Mrs Lambert updated the Committee on current issues. 2013-2014 Annual Plan Mrs Lambert advised that Council would consider the 2013-14 Annual Plan at its meeting on Wednesday, 26 June and if carried the rate increase would be 2.4%. This was also the second year of the Long Term Plan. Plan Change 6 Plan Change 6 and the resource consent applications for the Ruataniwha Dam had now been called in by Government. The notification process for further submissions from the public would now be managed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and 6 July was the target date for notification with a hope that Council would have a much clearer picture of costs involved by September. Mrs Lambert noted that a further special consultation process for public comment on whether Council should invest the remainder of its $80m in the scheme would occur once Council had received a recommendation from HBRIC. |
1. That the report be received.
Messrs Paku and Puna left the meeting at 11.25am
Update on Long Fin eel |
Dr Uytendaal updated the Committee following a request at the last Committee meeting. Concern was expressed at the lack of action by the Minister for Primary Industries to address the control of Long fin eel. Dr Uytendaal confirmed that control was now out of Council’s hands and it was now in the hands of Central Government. Dr Uytendaal advised the Committee of work currently underway by Council with Long fin eel passage and barriers and mitigation works. Staff would also be attending a national workshop at the end of this year on fish passage/fish barriers. Several fish surveys in local catchments had recently been completed to determine what fish community values are. The Committee noted that it was important that focus be placed on the local region and the local quota management area when seeking Government input. The Committee agreed that a letter be prepared for the Chairman’s signature and then presented by Ngati Kahungunu at the forthcoming Leaders forum outlining the concerns around the control of Long fin eel.
That the Committee: 1. Receive the verbal report on Long Fin Eel 2. Agree that a letter signed by the Chairman of the Māori Committee be presented by Ngati Kahungunu at the forthcoming Leaders forum outlining Committee concerns around control of Long Fin Eel. Prentice/McGregor CARRIED |
Statutory Advocacy Update |
Ms Bate presented the Statutory Advocacy report and outlined Council’s comments on the 3 latest activities listed. The Committee noted that these activities were only in draft at this time. |
MC15/13 |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.
Apatu/Ratima CARRIED |
General Business |
Prior to the closure of the meeting, Mr Moule tabled a document Kahungunu ki Uta, Kahungunu ki Tai – marine and Freshwater Fisheries Strategic Plan which would be considered by the Committee at the meeting on 27 August.
Closing Prayer – H Hiha
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.15pm on Tuesday, 25 June 2013.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................