MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee



Date:                          Friday 14 December 2012


Time:                          10.15am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                              AJ Dick – Chairman

T Kingston – CHB District Council

J Roil – Hastings District Council

Mayor L Probert - Wairoa District Council

L Remmerswaal – HBRC

K Furlong – Napier City Council

D Myers - NZTA

M Mohi - Objective Representative – Cultural Interests

B Pritchard – Objective Representative – Environmental Sustainability

                                      D Murray – Objective Representative – Access and Mobility

J Emmerson – Advisory Representative – Road Transport

C Wallace – Objective Representative – Safety and Personal Security

K Santer – Advisory Representative - Rail


In Attendance:          Mrs C Gilbertson – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

                                   Mr A Goes – Wairoa District Council

                                   Mr S McKinley – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

                                   Mr J Schwass- Napier City Council

                                   Mr J Paanu – Hastings District Council

                                   Mr M Clews – Hastings District Council

                                   Mr C Dowdell – NZTA

                                   S Chandler – Committee Secretary


1.      Welcome/Apologies/Notices

The Chairman welcomed everyone present to the meeting. Mayor Probert introduced Aram Goes representing Wairoa District Council.

Thank you letter received from Noreen Mako, Chairperson Board of Trustees, Te Kura Reo Rua o Pakipaki re speed reduction around Pakipaki School. 

Councillor Remmerswaal noted that Tracy Ashworth from DHB had recently had a baby girl and suggested the Committee send a card of congratulations to her.

Apologies received from Jenny Chetwynd, Tania Kerr, Nick Jones.

Cr John Roil, attended as the alternate to Cr Tania Kerr, Hastings District Council




2.      Conflict of Interest Declarations

There were no conflict of interest declarations.


Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee


There were no short term replacements for this meeting.


4.      Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee Held on 26 October 2012



Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 26 October 2012, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record.




5.      Matters Arising From Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee Held on Friday 26 October 2012

There were no matters arising from the minutes.


Action Items From Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


State Highway 38

·          Mayor Probert advised groups from Whakatane and Wairoa were continuing to progress resealing of State Highway 38. They hoped this coming year opportunities with Tuhoe, who will be receiving a treaty settlement payout, will have a positive outcome for this issue.  Mr Goes noted the shorter link to the Bay of Plenty will benefit all.

Car Pooling

·          Mrs Gilbertson advised that under funding restraints at present this will be reviewed by TAG towards the end of the current financial year. 

·          David Murray commented that while the AA national office doesn’t have an official position on car pooling they did support this idea. Personal safety must be considered.  Details are available on their website. 

·          Councillor Remmerswaal asked if funding could be requested through the Annual Plan process. Mrs Gilbertson and TAG to discuss and report back at next meeting.


Ford Rd extension, Whakatu and Pakowhai Links

·          This item would be covered later in the meeting.

·          NCC reported that they were ready to go with Ford Road upgrade.

Napier-Gisborne Rail – work in progress and item covered later in the agenda.

NZTA funding

·          Delaney Myers NZTA advised a running R funds total was not simple to provide due to a number of reasons. Unfortunately an exact total figure was not able to be provided, however at the next meeting an indication will be provided.  The committee requested that this be reported on regularly. 

Action item from RoadSafe Governance Group to RTC – Driver Licensing

·          Request to lobby that driver licensing be made available in rural areas (Wairoa and Central Hawke’s Bay).



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.

2.    That a letter be sent to Tony Bates, Senior Sergeant Wairoa Police, in support of his endeavours to retain some form of driver licensing in rural areas of Hawke’s Bay.




Consideration of General Business Items


1.        Cycle Safety

2.        Information from HBRC Council meetings re utilisation of bikes on buses

3.        Request for information on level of utilisation of State Highway 5 effluent site.


Transport Manager's Report


Mrs Gilbertson – presented her report and the following was noted:

·          LTMA submission presented by Mrs Gilbertson and Chairman Dick, via teleconference.

·          TAG Update – implementation of Land Transport programme – updates are occurring, targets discussed and reported on.

·          Meeting dates for 2013 to be noted. Calendar requests will be forwarded to all members.

·          Public Transport highlights – bus stops in Napier in conjunction with NCC confirmed.

o    Met with potential bus tenderers, HBRC to review procurement strategy next year.

o    Bikes on buses stats – carried 129 bike trips on buses during November, this figure has exceeded what was anticipated.

o    Total bus passenger numbers are up on this time last year.

o    The positive bus numbers will be noted in media releases early next year.

·          Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) are leading an initiative on “R” funds in conjunction with other regions. 

o    Councillor Kingston moved that formal discussions in support of this TRC initiative be undertaken, seconded by Kathie Furlong.

o    NZTA advised Projects with “safety focus” would measure up well.

·          Wairoa Report – Aram Goes advised that Wairoa District Council has its own roading company which contributes significantly to the prosperity of the region.

·          CHBDC - noted that they have been working with Tararua and other TLAs. He noted that they were looking at maintenance contracts collaboratively with neighbouring regions, with significant interest in work to be carried out as a result of storm damage.

·          HDC - Jag Pannu presented a powerpoint on the Whakatu Arterial route project. During discussion the following was noted:

o    NZTA had previously advised there would be implications on funding for Ford Road because of the Whakatu project. 

o    Delaney Myers, NZTA, advised the projects that the RTC had set originally and until the design funding costs for Whakatu were available, NZTA could not commit funding to the Ford Road project. It was noted that costs for the Whakatu project would not be available until mid 2013.

o    Jon Schwass, NCC commented that R funds are at risk because NZTA have chosen to re-prioritise the funding.  He noted there was a small window of opportunity to get the Ford Road project started this summer.

o    In response to a question from Councillor Wilson, HBRC, if funding could be leveraged from elsewhere NZTA noted that there may be a small amount from National funds but until numbers are received for these other projects they were unable to comment.

o    Councillor Furlong noted it had taken since 2004 to get to this stage. The cost for the Ford Road project was only $3M, with everything in place to carry it out now.  If funded now it would still leave $21M available for the other projects.

At 11.30 am Chairman Dick adjourned item 8 to allow for scheduled presentations.




11.30am Awards Presentation for Contribution to Road Safety


Inspector Wallace welcomed the guests to the meeting for presentations today.

Presentations were made to:

Jared Thomas, Helen Small and Victoria Morrison

Inspector Wallace read out the citations and Chairman Dick presented the certificates.



8. (continued)

Chairman Dick asked the Committee for their input on whether the Ford Road project could be brought forward and the following comments were noted:

·          While frustrating there was a process to follow and any funds spent now could impact on the other projects.

·          To date was there any difference in the budgeted figures for the Whakatu project?   Mr Pannu advised that figures won’t be available until June 2013.

·          Is there a tipping point for this project?  has an exercise been carried out re BCR?  Unable to answer until other figures available next year.

·          It was advised that doing any of the work in stages would be of no benefit.

·          Need to be more pragmatic – use the required funds now; start with Ford Road and work from there.

·          NZTA reiterated the priorities that were set by the RTC.  If Ford Rd was funded now then there’s the possibility Whakatu could not go ahead. However should the BCR slip below 4 then Ford Road would be reconsidered. Don’t believe a position can be made until the costs are known in June.

·          Agency has decision on funding however was guided by RTC – Does the RTC want to change the priority. A project could be reassessed at any time should there be significant changes.

·          The process had been set and we need to be cautious on making changes to the big picture.

·          It was requested that this item be scheduled for the next meeting on 15 February 2013. At which time an R Funds update would be available from NZTA. 



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.        Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.        Confirm the 2013 Regional Transport Committee meeting dates.

3.        Receive the update on the Whakatu Project.

4.        Receive the Transport Manager’s report.

5.        Supports the Taranaki Regional Council initiative to address future funding allocations, once the current “R” funds scheme ceases and recommends that Hawke’s Bay Territorial Authorities also support this initiative.






Napier to Gisborne Rail Line - Update


Mrs Gilbertson presented this paper and it was noted that the BERL report would not be available for public release until January 2013.

Councillor Wilson advised that discussions with Minister Gerry Brownlee were still to take place with himself and the regions’ mayors and he thanked the RTC for the work they had put in to date.

Chairman Dick believed the report highlighted inconsistencies and awaited KiwiRail and the Ministry of Transport feedback.

Mayor Probert noted the effects this has had on the Wairoa community with businesses closing down.  The social implications for Wairoa were huge.

Kim Santer, KiwiRail – Last train was on 4 December.  Mothballing had been deferred until at least February. Mr Santer provided an update on the last trip.

KiwiRail believe the Wairoa/Napier section may have potential from a forestry perspective but not in the foreseeable future.

Councillor Remmerswaal noted it was disappointing the Ministers hadn’t had the time to meet with local representatives and believed the BERL report provided some hope for future economics.

The Committee agreed to write to Mr Quinn, KiwiRail, and be copied to Ministers, re his decision to delay the mothballing.  Also the outcome of BERL report.



1.  That the Gisborne to Napier rail line be discussed at the meeting.

2.  A letter be sent to Mr Jim Quinn, CEO of KiwiRail, and copied to the Minister of Transport thanking Mr Quinn for deferring the process of mothballing at least until the Berl report has been released and a meeting has been held with the Region’s Mayors and Chair and Ministers Brownlee and Joyce.




NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report


Mr Chuck Dowdell introduced Sean Perry who  had been appointed to the role of Asset Manager for NZTA. Delaney Myers presented the Directors report and the following was noted:

·          Vehicle licensing review was now before Cabinet.

·          Funding Assistance Rates (FAR) review – A powerpoint presentation was given.   Councils and the Committee were encouraged to review this and provide feedback as appropriate.

State Highways Manager, Chuck Dowdell, gave an update on the regions state highways and provided a slide of the Napier to Gisborne passing opportunities,  8 – 10 sites had been identified and would be finished over the next two years.  The following comments were noted from the Committee:

·          Extending existing passing lanes will provide improvement however new passing lanes were preferred.

·          Roadside vegetation especially Fennel in CHB is an issue – can this be part of NZTA maintenance programme.

·          The NZTA were thanked for the Pakipaki and Te Aute Hill work along with Te Mahanga passing lane. 

·          Looking forward to the new studies including the Levin to Hastings corridor.

·          Chris Bain concerned some of these studies were not notified – Freight survey had been notified to the RTC – however interested parties had not been advised. It was advised that TAG were aware of this.

·          It was requested that any studies or surveys be advised to all members of  the Committee.

·          Another study was noted that was being carried out by Department of Internal Affairs, which involved a suggested performance criteria of Council assets including roads, were NZTA involved?  NZTA advised they weren’t aware of this.

·          Jag Pannu advised he attended the DIA workshop and noted they were out of step with NZTA.

·          It was requested that Jag and Shawn liaise with NZTA to ensure these issues are worked through.



1.    That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Regional Director’s report.






Monitoring Report - Regional Land Transport Strategy 2008-18 and Regional Land Transport Programme 2009-12


Mrs Gilbertson advised this report had been put together by Oliver Postings and was prepared in line with Land Transport Management Amendment Act.



1.      That the three year monitoring report for the 2008-18 RLTS and 2009-12 RLTP be adopted.





Verbal Reports From Objective Representatives


M Mohi – Cultural

·              Acknowledged the Pakipaki School thank you letter. Looking forward to new proposed roundabout at Pakipaki – can temporary signage be provided with regard to the use of air breaks during tangi?

·              Consultation with Tangata whenua on the Whakatu arterial route appreciated.

·              RoadSafe Awards – highlights the need for  safe driving.

Inspector Wallace – Police

·              Request report on Safer Journeys should be distributed to all members of the Committee and be tabled quarterly.

David Murray – Access and Mobility 

·              Noted changes to the mobility act

·              Drivers licences to be colour coded.

Chris Bain – Coastal and Business  

·              The Port of Napier’s annual results showed increased business, a good result. Napier largest port in Central New Zealand and dependent on a good land transport network Hawke’s Bay.

Kim Santer – KiwiRail

·              KiwiRail and the Port of Napier have a great working relationship and recently have been looking at opportunities to increase efficiencies in Napier. Looking at how to utilise surplus land in the Ahuriri area.

·              Lot of inter-regional work going on to increase freight volumes.



That the report be received.





General Business


1.     Cycle Safety – Cr Remmerswaal

With more bikes on the road, especially during summer, it is important that cyclists are safe. NZ Police and RoadSafe use public messaging and safety programmes offered in schools.

2.       Information from HBRC Council meetings re utilisation of bikes on buses – this item was covered in the Transport Manager’s report.

3.     Request for information on level of utilisation of State Highway 5 effluent site – Information has been sought from Hastings District Council and will be provided to the Regional Council.                                               


In closing the Chairman thanked the members of the Committee for all of their hard work throughout the year. Achievements included producing the Regional Land Transport Strategy and Regional Land Transport Programme; getting ‘bikes on buses’ established; having the highest increase in public transport patronage in NZ and having the RTC’s priorities adopted by NZTA.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.10pm on Friday, 14 December 2012.


Signed as a true and correct record.



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