MINUTES OF A meeting of the Environment and Services Committee



Date:                          Wednesday 5 December 2012


Time:                          9.00 am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                                 F Wilson - Chairman

                                      C Scott

                                      A J Dick

                                      T Gilbertson

                                      E von Dadelszen

                                      N Kirton

                                               L Remmerswaal

                                      E McGregor

                                      R Puna


In Attendance:             M Adye – Group Manager Asset Management

                                      L Lambert – Group Manager External Relations

                                      C Leckie – Manager, Land Services

                                      G Ide – Team Leader Policy

                                      A Madarasz-Smith – Senior Environmental Scientist




The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting including the Makara/Elsthorpe delegation.

It was noted that Councillor Rose was on leave and so not in attendance.



There were no conflict of interest declarations.


3.      CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Environment and Services Committee held on 17 October 2012



Minutes of the Environment and Services Committee held on Wednesday, 17 October 2012, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record.

von Dadelszen/Scott



4.      Matters Arising from Minutes OF THE ENVIRONMENT and Services Committee held on Wednesday 17 October 2012

There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Deputation from Andrew Thomas


Mr Andrew Thomas read a letter on behalf of the Makara Dam Scheme community ratepayers and provided a copy for members of the Committee. The letter also included a list of seven actions the community wished to have addressed.

Members of the Committee questioned Mr Thomas on various aspects of his letter.

An original report referred to (page 2 of letter) to be provided for Councillors information.

The Chairman thanked Mr Thomas for his attendance and invited him to stay for agenda item 8 and the Council report – Makara Scheme Review.




Call for General Business

1.          Napier – Gisborne rail Line, Councillor Remmerswaal.

2.          Global CO2 Rising by 3%, Councillor Gilbertson




Action Items from Meetings


Biodiversity Strategy – It was reported that an update would be provided at the Council Meeting on Wednesday 12 December.

Blue Flag – It was reported that Mr Iain Maxwell would give an update at the Council Meeting on Wednesday 12 December.

Makara Dam – It was noted that this item was on today’s agenda.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Meetings”.





Makara Scheme Review


Mr Mike Adye provided a short powerpoint presentation to the Committee.  A discussion followed and the following was noted:

·          Mr Adye advised that queries raised at the October Environment & Services Committee were addressed in today’s paper.

·          Latest community meeting held with catchment on 28 November when Philpott report, Makara Scheme, Review of Scheme Management Options, was circulated.

·          Records of Annual surveys intermittent until the last 5 years. A detailed list was requested for the Council meeting on 12 December.

Action: Councillors requested details be provided on what survey reports are available.

·          Survey work did highlight corrosion in outlet pipe and work on resolving this was underway, prior to April 2011 rain event and complete failure of pipe.

·          Inspections carried out as per legislative requirements.

·          Staff understanding is that the Dam has been built to a 5 year level of protection.

·          Funding to be finalised as quickly as possible to re-establish the level of protection the community expects.

Action: Arrange a visit to the site for Councillors.

·          A special consultative process has set timelines for notification, submissions, reports and hearings which cannot be altered.

·          Powerpoint slides showed 2-D modelling the effect of flooding with and without dam protection.

·          Following a question on whether funds from the disaster reserve fund could go towards the repair Mr Adye advised that as a result of the April 11 weather event he believed that they could

·          While it was noted that staff had noted corrosion on the pipe they didn’t know what the potential risks were until the event took place.

·          The amount of silt that is stored in the dam ponding area is likely to be minimal compared to total volume that flows into the Tukituki river.

·           Following a question on how much Council had spent on consultancy work, Mr Adye advised in excess of $100,000.  He also advised that more modelling work still needed to be carried out.

·          The cost to manually remove silt would be over $1 million however it was noted that the silt was suitable for dam wall construction, with the cost to replace the pipe approximately $1.4 million.




The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

1.           Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.            Receives this report together with the attached Philpott report.

von Dadelszen/Scott


3.           Instructs staff to seek ratepayer feedback on specific options through a special consultative process under the Local Government Act 2002, with a hearing held to consider submissions early in the 2013 year.

carried 6/ 2

For: Gilbertson, McGregor, Scott, von Dadelszen, Wilson , Dick

Against: Kirton, Remmerswaal

Abstained: Puna

The meeting broke for morning tea at 10.45 am


Regional Open Spaces


Mr Adye outlined to the Committee the proposal to set up a Regional Open Spaces framework.  A draft report by Opus and Shannon Bray Landscape Architect had been provided to Councillors outlining the concept.

·          It was noted that other than DOC, discussions were yet to take place with potential partners, i.e. Guthrie Smith Trust, Te Mata Peak Trust, QEII, Rotary Pathways etc.

·          It was noted that previous work carried out by Murray Tonks approximately 5 years ago was taken into account.

Action: Provide a map overview showing the location of all areas highlighted to be part of Regional Open Spaces overview.

·          Individual Management Plans would be established for each open space outlining what features and or facilities were available. I.e. toilets, coin operated bbqs etc.

Action: Councillor von Dadelszen requested the draft report be carefully proofed to correct several grammatical errors.



That the Environment and Services Committee:

1.            Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.            Endorses the Regional Parks Network Plan subject to any changes that the Committee may wish to make.

3.            Notes that Part 2 (Policies & Objectives) and Part 3 (Individual Park Plans) of the Regional Park Network Plan are yet to be completed. Management plans for each of the individual open space areas will be reviewed or developed in accordance with the indicative programme set out in the briefing paper. Parts 2 & 3 will require Council approval prior to adoption and implementation.





Intensive Land Use Approach - Pilot Implementation Plan


Mr Leckie provided an overview of the report and the following was noted:

·          A staff visit to Taranaki is planned to and view their riparian planting approach.

·          Following a question on whether the research Massey will be undertaking is included Mr Leckie confirmed there would be an alignment with their work.

·          Mr Leckie advised HBRC were taking a different approach to land management policy to that in being undertaking with the Horizons One Plan and the Land Management framework would be guided by our Policies and Resource Management Plans.

·          Mr Adye advised staff were assisting farmers on managing phosphorus runoff from their farms.

·          Following a question on the Trees on Farms programme it was noted that while the current carbon price levels remain this programme would not be rolled out.  He also advised a paper was planned to be coming back to this Committee in February.

·          In response to a question of other outcomes for Land Management Team that weren’t shown Mr Leckie agreed to revise his report accordingly and present it to the Regional Council meeting for 12 December 2012.



The Environment and Services Committee recommends that Council:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.      Endorses the Intensive Land Use Approach – Pilot Implement Plan report.





Lake Tutira Water Quality


Mrs Anna Madarasz-Smith provided a powerpoint presentation and verbal update on the current situation at Lake Tutira.

·          She advised that staff were undertaking further modelling work and once this was analysed they hoped to have answers on how to alleviate the current algal bloom on Lake Tutira.

·          She confirmed there were a number of issues to take into account including water flow in and out of the lake; riparian planting, retirement of farm land, the level of hydrilla.

·          In response to a question on nutrients leaching into the lake she advised the lake already had high levels of nutrients within it.

·          She confirmed that this type of algal bloom had appeared before.

·          HBRC provide information to the District Health Board who advise the public of any public health risks.  Key messages are: don’t have contact with the water, don’t drink the water, avoid eating any fish as current findings suggest bacteria is also present in the muscle not just the gut; don’t go boating.

·          It was also suggested that signage at the lake be made clear to reflect the current situation.

·          Mrs Madarasz-Smith was thanked for her straightforward and easy to understand presentation.



1.      That the Environment and Services Committee receives the report.





Statutory Advocacy Update


Mr Gavin Ide presented the Statutory Advocacy Update.  He advised that hearings had been held with Napier City Council and decisions were pending.



1.    That the Environment and Services Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.

von Dadelszen/Scott




General Business


1.     Napier – Gisborne Rail – Councillor Remmerswaal advised the meeting that the last train travelled on the line yesterday (4 December).  She commended Councillor Dick on all the work he had done.

1.1.         She commented that it was disappointing Kiwirail hadn’t waited on the Berl Report before making this decision and that the $4 million diverted to roading was an insult.

2.     CO2 rising – Councillor Gilbertson highlighted an article from the paper on rising temperatures caused by greenhouse gases and should this be something the Council has a policy on?



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.55pm on Wednesday, 5 December 2012.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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