MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 26 October 2012
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
T Kingston – CHB District Council
T Kerr – Hastings District Council
Mayor Probert - Wairoa District Council
L Remmerswaal – HBRC
K Furlong – Napier City Council
J Chetwynd - NZTA
M Mohi - Objective Representative – Cultural Interests
B Pritchard –Objective Representative – Environmental Sustainability
D Murray – Objective Representative – Access and Mobility
T Ashworth- Objective Representative – Public Health
J Emmerson – Advisory Representative – Road Transport
C Wallace – Objective Representative – Safety and Personal Security
K Santer – Advisory Representative - Rail
In Attendance: Mrs C Gilbertson – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Mr J Cox – Wairoa District Council
Mr S McKinley – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
Mr J Schwass- Napier City Council
Mr M Clews – Hastings District Council
Mr C Dowdell – NZTA
M Drury – Committee Secretary
Chairman Dick welcomed all present to the meeting.
Chairman Dick welcomed Mr Chuck Dowdell who had replaced Mr Gordon Hart at New Zealand Transport Association.
Mr Dowdell then gave the Committee a brief background of his work experience and noted he was looking forward to his new role and returning to live in Napier.
Chairman Dick acknowledged Mr Hart’s involvement with the Committee and wished him well in his new role.
Chairman Dick also advised that under Section 3.19 of the New Zealand Standing Orders, Mr Ken Crispin representing the Rail Action Group had been granted permission to deliver a 10 minute deputation on the Gisborne rail line.
Mr Santer and Councillor Kerr advised they would be leaving the meeting early.
An apology was received from Mr Pannu.
RTC48/12 Resolution
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee |
4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Regional Transport Committee held on 17 August 2012
Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday, 17 August 2012, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed. Kingston/Chetwynd CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Friday 17 August 2012
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings |
Mr Cox updated the Committee on SH38 and advised monthly meetings were being held between the Te Taiwhenua, Wairoa and Whakatane District Councils. Mr Probert advised that a meeting had taken place with Tuhoi and they were very supportive of the sealing programme. |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”. Kerr/Probert CARRIED |
Consideration of General Business Items |
Transport Manager's Report |
Mrs Gilbertson updated the Committee on national issues, current issues in the region and topics of interest from the TAG meetings in particular the national car-pooling initiative which promotes intra and inter-regional travel. Several Councils have already expressed interest and if the scheme was signed up in this region, it would be co-ordinated by the Regional Council. Further information about this initiative was available on Greater Wellington’s website http://www.gw.govt.nz/. Following discussion on the car pooling initiative, Mr Murray agreed to make further inquiries about the scheme in Hawke’s Bay and report back to the December meeting of the Committee. Mrs Gilbertson acknowledged the presence of Mr Santer from KiwiRail and Mr Chris Bain for PONL at recent TAG meeting and noted the benefits to TAG discussions with the two representatives in attendance. Representatives from Napier City Council and Hastings District Council also updated the Committee on progress with Ford Road extension and the Whakatu projects. In response to a question, Ms Delaney confirmed that the funding application for the Ford Road extension would not be approved until the investigation phase for the Whataku project had been completed. Mr Clews noted the investigation phase for the Whakatu project could take up to 12 months before an outcome was achieved. Following further discussion, it was suggested that an update from NZTA on the Ford Road extension, Whakatu and the Pakowhai Links Road projects be a standing Action item for the Committee. Mrs Gilbertson also gave a presentation highlighting key issues included in the Land Transport Management Amendment Bill following which the Committee discussed the draft submission on the Land Transport Management Act Bill. Amendments were noted by staff, including the request for the Committee to present its submission. The Committee also discussed the proposed changes to the Regional Transport Committee membership and noted the benefits which had been achieved by the objective and advisory representatives being present at Committee meetings.
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Following input from the committee, agrees to submit to the Transport and Industrial Regional Select Committee on the Land Transport Management Amendment Bill. Kingston/Remmerswaal CARRIED J Chetwynd - ABSTENTION |
Napier to Gisborne Rail Line – DELEGATION 11.00AM |
Mr Ken Crispin gave the Committee an update on the ongoing activities his organisation is undertaking in an attempt to keep the Napier-Gisborne rail line open. Mr Crispin also answered questions from the Committee. Chairman Dick thanked Mr Crispin for his presentation. |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee notes the presentation from Mr Crispin. Remmerswaal/Kingston CARRIED |
9. |
Napier to Gisborne Rail Line |
Mrs Gilbertson presented this agenda item and noted that following a closed workshop with the Regional Transport Committee and representatives from Gisborne District Council and MrJim Quinn of KiwiRail was held on 16 October it was agreed that Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne regional leaders would collectively strongly advocate to Government to ensure a future for the Napier-Gisborne rail line and request Government to consider the socio-economic consequences of its decision to mothball the rail line. Mr Santer advised that presently trains were still running on the line and although a closing date had not been set in concrete, the end of December had been muted as the closing date. During discussion by the Committee on the ongoing effects of government’s decision to close the line, Mr Simon Barnett, NZTA, presented a diagram illustrating the proposed passing opportunities for SH2 between Napier and Gisborne. This project would be funded from the additional $4m which had been approved by Cabinet for the 2012-15 timeframe. It was noted that an education programme must be put in place for truck drivers to raise their awareness on the use of the proposed passing opportunities. Concern was expressed that as industry increases in the region, SH2 truck volumes would increase which would have a detrimental effect on the road surface and traffic flow therefore it was imperative that improved road management commence as soon as possible. Chairman Dick advised the Committee that the BERL independent review of the KiwiRail Closure Business Case, should be available in about a week’s time.
Resolutions That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives the report including the report from New Zealand Transport Association (NZTA) on additional passing opportunities on SH2 Napier-Gisborne. Dick/Furlong Carried 2. Requests the Hawke’s Bay/East Coast Mayors and Chair to advocate strongly to the highest level of Government, for the repair and redevelopment of the East Coast Rail service with emphasis on the social, environmental and economic issues that are at stake for our isolated and export dependent regions of New Zealand.” Dick/Furlong CARRIED J Chetwynd - ABSTENTION Mr Santer exited the meeting at 11.50am
Presentation on National Land Transport Programme |
Ms Myers gave a presentation which highlighted key points in the National Land Transport Programme 2012-2015 including estimated total public investment, historic and forecast expenditure on land transport, an explanation for funding and delivering the $12M programme, investment category proportions and key investment areas. Ms Myers also outlined the key themes of the Programme which highlighted the regional needs for improved freight links between industrial growth areas, the wider region and the Port of Napier to assist economic growth and the walking and cycling programme in Hastings which has assisted in encouraging transport choice. The Committee noted that there was approximately $24m regional “R” funds available in the region which would be spent on the highest priority infrastructure improvement projects in the region. However, any unused R funds would revert to N funds in March 2018. It was also noted that over $250M is expected to be spent in the region in the 2012/15 National Land Transport Programme focussing on efficient maintenance of existing network and services, improved freight efficiency, safe systems approach and more transport choices. Following discussion about the Regional Land Transport Programme, it was suggested that it would be advantageous for the Committee to view a running tally of the funds spent/funds available so that implications for the rest of the programme could be noted. This will be included in future reports to the RTC. Responding to a question, Mr Hart confirmed that the seismic retrofit study had been undertaken on all regional bridges and that it was a national ranking project. In response to a question Mr Hart stated it was unlikely there would be a maintenance re-assessment of bridges on SH2 Napier-Gisborne in the near future. |
1. That the Committee receives the presentation. Probert/Remmerswaal CARRIED
12. |
Public Transport Update |
Mrs Gilbertson updated the Committee on relevant public transport matters which had been actioned since the last meeting. Councillor Furlong noted the reference in the report to the bus signage in Napier and advised that Napier City Council would work with the Regional Council to progress this as soon as possible. Mrs Gilbertson also advised that the current bus contract expires in February 2014 so expressions of interest for other bus operators would be sought shortly. One on one consultation would be undertaken with operators and potential operators and the contract would be put out for tender in March next year. Responding to a question, Mrs Gilbertson advised that Council would write to submitters who had requested a change to Route 17 outlining the commencement date of this service. |
RTC45/12 |
Resolution 1. That the public transport update report be received. Wallace/Kingston CARRIED |
13. |
Verbal Reports from Objective Representatives |
B Pritchard – Environmental Sustainability Outlined a trial recently undertaken on Swedish roads where adapted Volvo trucks have been running on fuel produced from biomass. There had already been interest from China, Russia and USA. The bio-DME fuel in the trials in produced from black liquor, a by- product from the production of pulp. Predictions have been made that bio-DME could replace up to half of the diesel consumed by commercial vehicles in Europe within the next 20 years. C Wallace – Safety & Personal Security Has been a 5 year trend of improvements from 2007-2012 however this current year the death rate is well up from past years. Facts noted in deaths this year include unrestrained occupants, use of cellphone and the usual speed and alcohol factors. Compliments for RoadSafe HB for their activities at the recent HB A&P show and ongoing outstanding work. National recognition gained for Lynda Anderson of HBRC and Ian Cheyne of NZ Police for their ongoing work with the project “Just Another Saturday Night”.
D Murray – Access and Mobility Noted that a local company is now importing electrically assisted bikes. J Emmerson – Road Transport Acknowledged NZTA for their work on the Mohaka Bridge – a big help to the transport industry and also the passing lane at Paki Paki. Update report on the HTMV vehicles – day one 2 units did 19 loads which equated to 9 tonnes of product – in comparison it would have taken 20 truck and trailer units to do the same trips.
RTC46/12 |
Resolution That the verbal reports from the Objective Representatives be received. Kerr/Kingston CARRIED
The meeting adjourned at 12.45pm
Mr Mohi left the meeting at 12.45pm
The meeting reconvened at 1.15pm
NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report |
Ms Chetwynd updated the Committee on national issues, explained the purpose of the Road Maintenance Taskforce/Road Efficiency Group and noted that submissions on the final Road Maintenance Taskforce report had closed in late September and the final report was due to be released shortly. Mr Hart explained the condition of SH2 Napier to Gisborne, noted that the bottom portion of SH2 was not as bad as the northern sector from Morere onwards and the current condition of the road had been as a result of contractors being unable to carry out regular maintenance over the winter months due to inclement weather conditions. Chairman Dick left the meeting at 1.30pm and Councillor Remmerswaal assumed the Chairman’s role. The Committee also discussed the FAR (Financial Assistance Rate) review which was planned over the next year with all Councils and RTC’s being involved in the process and the impact it may have on consultants and contractors if financial rates were amended. Ms Chetwynd explained the process which included scoping and understand concerns following that a draft document will be circulated with options which could then be discussed in a workshop session and a decision would be made in August 2013. Ms Chetwynd also advised that she would be chairing the review and Mr Colin Goble would be the local contact. Mr Pritchard highlighted issues around productivity which had arisen with changes to Road User Charges (RUC) but was confident they would be worked through. Mr Pritchard also congratulated NZTA for their input into the HPMV process. |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Regional Director’s report. Furlong/Kerr CARRIED
General Business |
There were no items of general business.
There being no further business Councillor Remmerswaal declared the meeting closed at 1.55pm on Friday, 26 October 2012.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................