Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee



Date:                 Friday 26 October 2012

Time:                10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item      Subject                                                                                            Page


1.         Welcome/Notices/Apologies 

2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations

3.         Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee 

4.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on

            22 June 2012

5.         Matters Arising from Minutes of the  Regional Transport Committee held on 22 June 2012

6.         Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings

7.         Consideration of General Business Items

Decision Items

8.         Transport Manager's Report  

Information or Performance Monitoring

9.         Napier to Gisborne Rail Line

10.       Presentation on National Land Transport Programme

11.       NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report

12.       Public Transport Update

13.       Verbal Reports from Objective Representatives

14.       General Business  



Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 26 October 2012

SUBJECT: Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee        



1.      Council has made allowance in the terms of reference of the Committee for short term replacements to be appointed to the Committee where the usual member/s cannot stand.



1.     That __________________________  be appointed as member/s of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 26 October 2012 as short term replacements(s) on the Committee for _______________________.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager




Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 26 October 2012

SUBJECT: Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings        



1.      Attachment 1 is a list of items raised at previous Regional Transport Committee meetings that require action or follow-up. All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment. Once the items have been completed and reported to the Committee they will be removed from the list.



2.      Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that as this report is for information only and no decision is required in terms of the Local Government Act’s provisions, the decision making procedures set out in the Act do not apply.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager





Action Items




Action Items

Attachment 1


Actions from Regional Transport Committee Meetings


The following is a list of items raised at the Regional Transport Committee meetings that require actions or follow-ups. All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment for each action. Once the items have been completed and reported back to the Committee they will be removed from the list.



Agenda Item


Person Responsible

Due Date

Status Comment

State Highway 38 – Request for Sealing

To be left on the list for regular follow-ups




Central Region – Regional Director’s report

Update on new Road user Charges



Update Included in Regional Director’s report

Objective Representatives

80kmh sign at Paki Paki



Signage has been installed and “school” variable speed signage has also been put in place.

General Business

Road Safety Action Plan meetings



Update included in Transport Manager’s report

RLTS Submissions

Response from Fonterra on issues raised at their verbal submission



Responses from Fonterra attached.







Response from Fonterra (Lyn O’Neill)  


1.       Has Fonterra considered the potential for growth in the Gisborne and Wairoa areas and if so, with its interest in rail movements would Fonterra support the investment in fixing the East Coast Rail Link?

There is no great indication of growth at this stage from this area.  Rail is complicated by the transit times from Gisborne, which at present are too long for our product.  There would need to be substantial growth to justify a dedicated train which would be the only solution that would work.


2.       On HPMV’s does Fonterra have priorities for where it would like to see HPMV routes [in the Hawke’s Bay region]?

Presently these would include ‘Pandora to Napier Port’ as a standard HPMV route given the apparent demand from containerised traffic, including Fonterra’s, across this route as well as a Palmerston North to Napier HPMV route.  


Once again, thank you for the opportunity to comment on the RLTS and speak at the hearing.  We look forward to seeing the revised and adopted version.  Fonterra is open to engaging with the Committee to inform future discussions and transport priorities for the region and we look forward to further opportunities to meet with the Committee and its representatives.




Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 26 October 2012

SUBJECT: Transport Manager's Report         


Reason for Report

1.      This regular report provides the Committee with a snapshot of relevant transport matters; comments on issues that have been actioned since the last Regional Transport Committee (RTC); provides an update on progress on studies and plans underway; and outlines what is coming up within the transport sector. This report will now also provide a regular update from the Transport Advisory Group (TAG) on issues raised at their regular meetings. 

Actions since Last RTC Meetings

2.      Regional Land Transport Strategy and Regional Land Transport Programme

2.1.   The RLTS/RLTP was confirmed by the Regional Council on 27 June 2012. The RLTP was submitted to NZTA on 28 June. The confirmed National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) was confirmed by NZTA in August. A presentation on the outcome of the NLTP for Hawke’s Bay will be provided later in the meeting by NZTA.

2.2.   RoadSafe RSAPs

2.2.1.   The Regional RoadSafe Co-ordinator reports the RSAP meetings are now running well.  There was a good turnout at the last meeting held with the key road safety partners attending. At the meeting an update of completed and ongoing activities was presented and a projection of the activities over the next three months. The next meeting is scheduled for 29 October 2012.

Current Issues

3.      NZTA Secondment

3.1.   Oliver Postings has been working one day a week on a secondment arrangement between NZTA and the Regional Council.  This is proving a very beneficial arrangement for both parties. The first project Oliver has been assisting with is the Regional Council’s Transport Procurement Strategy. The procurement strategy is required to be in place prior to procuring and tendering for the urban bus services contract, which is due to expire in February 2014. The draft Procurement Strategy has now been written and is awaiting comment from NZTA, it will then be presented to local bus operators and Territorial Authorities in the region for their comment and input. The Regional Council will be presented with the Strategy for approval in early 2013 before it is submitted to NZTA for endorsement.

4.      Land Transport Management Amendment Bill

4.1.   The Land Transport Management Act provides the statutory framework for the development of Regional Land Transport Programmes and Regional Land Transport Strategy; the membership requirements for Regional Transport Committees; and the criteria used in evaluating and assessing land transport activities for national funding support. The Land Transport Management Amendment Bill was introduced to Parliament in August and has now been referred to the Transport and Industrial Regional Select Committee. A brief presentation of key issues will be presented at the meeting. The Bill is out for public submission with submissions closing on 26 October 2012. A draft submission is attached (Attachment 1).  Changes as a result of this meeting will be incorporated into the submission and submitted to the Transport and Industrial Regulations Committee following the meeting. The Select Committee is due to report back on the Bill on 11 March 2013.

5.      Update from Transport Advisory Group (TAG) meetings

5.1.   TAG meetings were held in July, August and October. Main items discussed at these meetings are highlighted below:

5.1.1.   Attendance by Kim Santer, KiwiRail and Chris Bain, Port of Napier at the July meeting – an update on current issues was provided.

5.1.2.   Updates from other Transport Advisory groups attended by TAG members.

5.1.3.   Update on Transport Planning stocktake being undertaken by NZTA.

5.1.4.   Monitoring, reporting and updates on the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) and any funding applications submitted for projects impacting on R funds. TAG will include a regular item on their agenda which will provide an overview of all projects and funding applications and will compare the Regional Land Transport Programme and NLTP approved programme.

5.1.5.   Agreement for TAG to review the agreed targets in the Regional Land Transport Strategy to ensure they are being actioned and monitored.

5.1.6.   National car-pooling initiative – this initiative is being promoted and co-ordinated through Greater Wellington Regional Council (GW). The scheme has been taken up by a number of regions and councils around the country with most regions now signing up. The scheme promotes intra and inter-regional travel and would be co-ordinated by the Regional Council. For this scheme to be successful in Hawke’s Bay all Councils would need to agree to sign up. TAG members are considering the annual cost and will make a decision at their next meeting in November.

Approved Organisations – Significant Issues and Update

6.      Hastings District Council

6.1.   A funding application has been submitted to NZTA for the Whakatu project.

7.      Napier City Council

7.1.   A funding application has been submitted to NZTA for the Ford Road project.

8.      Wairoa District Council

8.1.   No significant issues to report.

9.      Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

9.1.   The district suffered approximately $4.5M worth of flood damage to local district roads and repairs are in progress.

10.    NZTA HNO

10.1. No significant issues to report.

Looking Ahead

11.    NZTA is undertaking consultation on a number of matters, including public transport performance measures, Funding Assistant Rates review; and guidelines for the implementation of Requirement for Urban Buses and the Public Transport Operating Model (PTOM) included in the LTMA Amendment Bill.

Decision Making Process

12.    Council is required to make a decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained in Part 6 Sub Part 1 of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:

12.1. The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.

12.2. The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.

12.3. The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.

12.4. Options that have been considered include to make a submission on the LTMA Bill and issues that affect the HBRTC or decide not to submit on the LTMA Bill.

12.5. The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.

12.6. Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.      Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.      Following input from the committee, agrees to submit to the Transport and Industrial Regional Select Committee on the Land Transport Management Amendment Bill.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager





RTC Submission on LTMA Amendment Bill




Our Ref:         TRA5


26 October 2012                                                                                               




Committee Secretariat

Transport and Industrial Relations

Parliament Buildings





submission on land transport management act bill


This submission is being made by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee (HBRTC). The HBRTC consists of members from the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Napier City Council, Hastings District Council, Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, Wairoa District Council, New Zealand Transport Agency, New Zealand Police, Port of Napier Ltd, objective representatives for access and mobility, cultural interests, public health, environmental sustainability and economic development; and advisory representatives for road transport and KiwiRail.


The HBRTC is aware that a number of other councils and Local Government NZ are making very detailed submissions. This submission will address issues that specifically impact Hawke’s Bay.


The HBRTC supports the move to simplify both the Public Transport Management Act (PTMA) and the Land Transport Management Act (LTMA) and the planning and funding framework in the current LTMA.


1.    Purpose of the Amendment Bill

The proposed purpose of the Act that refers to “public interest” needs to be defined in the definitions section of the Act. 


2.    Regional Transport Committee Membership

HBRTC has benefited from the input of its objective and advisory representatives who have provided balanced debate on issues relating to the region, even though they have not had voting rights. For this reason HBRTC would like to see discretion given to each RTC to appoint appropriate objective or advisory representatives to the RTC. The RTC also supports the mandatory appointment of a New Zealand Police representative to ensure road and community safety perspective is given at all meetings. The RTC recognises the valuable contribution to road safety and community safety that Police representation has on the RTC.

The HBRTC recommends:

·     each RTC be given the right to appoint advisory or objective members to the committee as it sees appropriate;

·     that New Zealand Police representation be made mandatory, with full voting rights, on each RTC.


3.    Public Transport Operating Model

The overall aim of the Public Transport Operating Model (PTOM) is to improve value for money; have one single operating model across New Zealand; and segment bus services into units, provided under exclusive contract to the regional council. There is no value in separating the bus services provided in Napier and Hastings and services that run between these cities, in fact this would be detrimental to the services. The PTOM provisions are too prescriptive and do not provide sufficient flexibility for smaller regions.

While the HBRTC understands the reasons for introducing a more commercial approach for public bus services in the larger regions through the introduction of PTOM, the model will be very difficult to implement into smaller regions, such as Hawke’s Bay. The model has a one-size fits all approach and parts of it are not appropriate for smaller regions. There needs to be greater flexibility with this model to allow smaller regions to use the parts of the model that applies but not to have to worry about all the provisions that affect larger regions like Auckland and Wellington. One example of this is the good partnership relationship that the regional council has with its one bus operator, which is a unique relationship that smaller regions benefit from.

HBRTC has also identified issues with defining a unit; exclusivity; and risk and reward, these need to be looked at and appropriate definitions included.

The HBRTC recommends:

·     PTOM provisions be reviewed to allow greater flexibility for smaller regions;

·     Definitions be included for a unit; exclusivity; and risk and reward provisions.


4.    Regional Land Transport Plan

The HBRTC supports the introduction of one Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP), but requests the Plan specifies the requirement “is not inconsistent with” any GPS rather than “take into account” any GPS to ensure there is better linkage with national expectations.

HBRTC supports removing the requirement for using the special consultative procedure to give more flexibility with community consultation and engagement to suit our region. Consultation on this Plan must be meaningful, there is little opportunity at present for the community to have any significant influence on what projects will be undertaken by each Region.

The HBRTC recommends:

·     The RLTP be reworded to “not inconsistent with the current GPS”;

·     The Bill be less prescriptive with consultation requirements for the RLTP where there is little opportunity for meaningful consultation to influence the RLTP.


5.    Regional Public Transport Plan

HBRTC supports the retention of a Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) and this being a document that is consulted on with the community. But the RTC would like to see the proposed purpose be enhanced to reflect the current purpose of “contributing to the aim of achieving an affordable, integrated, safe, responsive, and sustainable land transport and public transport system”.

The contents (section 119) of the RPTP needs to be amended and should not include “specifying the routes, capacities, times and frequencies of the public transport services” this would mean an RPTP is constantly out of date and requiring a review, when changes are made to schedules and timetables, which is a constant occurrence in public transport. This requirement should be removed to ensure a region can be responsive to change.

The HBRTC recommends:

-     The purpose of the RPTP have the following words added “contributing to the aim of achieving an affordable, integrated, safe, responsive, and sustainable land transport and public transport system” to enhance the purpose.

-     Removal of the section 119(1)(c)iii so that routes, capacities, times and frequencies are not specifically listed in contents of the RPTP.


6.    Regional Fuel Tax

HBRTC is concerned about the future funding for smaller regions once the R funds current funding comes to an end. If there is no alternative the HBRTC should have the ability to fund specific regional projects by other funds, such as a regional fuel tax. Future funding appears to be directed at the larger centres. There needs to be some consideration of sustainability of funding in the future for smaller regions.

The HBRTC recommends:

-     an equivalent funding policy be put into place similar to the R funds regime that currently exists or some change to funding allocation mechanisms to allow regions to fund transport projects.


Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on the issues raised above. The HBRTC does not wish to be heard in regard to this submission.


Yours sincerely





Councillor Alan Dick QSO

Chairman – Regional Transport Committee









Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 26 October 2012

SUBJECT: Napier to Gisborne Rail Line        


Reason for Report

1.      This report provides the Committee with an update on the recent decision the Government made to mothball the Napier to Gisborne rail line.


2.      The decision to mothball the line was released by Minister Brownlee following a report undertaken by KiwiRail.

3.      Following this decision, at the invitation of the RTC Chair, Mr Jim Quinn, Chief Executive of KiwiRail visited Napier on Tuesday, 16 October to attend a closed workshop with the Regional Transport Committee and representatives from Gisborne District Council. Mr Quinn reiterated the reasons for the closure of the line and answered questions from the committee. At that meeting it was agreed that Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne regional leaders would collectively strongly advocate to Government to ensure a future for the Napier-Gisborne rail line, asking the Government to consider the socio-economic consequences of their decision to mothball the rail line.

4.      It was recognised that KiwiRail needed to consider commercial imperatives that limit its ability to look at the wider socio-economic benefits of the rail line, but that there needs to be recognition of the need to future proof our regions for economic reasons and to ensure the availability of a transport network to Wairoa and Gisborne. 

5.      The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) Regional Director also attended the workshop to provide an update on the extra $4M of funding for passing opportunities that Cabinet approved for the 2012-15 period. Further information on these passing opportunities will be provided by NZTA at the meeting.

Decision Making Process

6.      Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager




There are no attachments for this report.


Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 26 October 2012

SUBJECT: Presentation on National Land Transport Programme        


Reason for Report

1.      The New Zealand Transport Agency released the National Land Transport Programme in August 2012. Representatives from NZTA will provide a presentation on the NLTP and the Hawke’s Bay confirmed programme for 2012-15.

Decision Making Process

2.      Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.




1.      That the Committee receives the presentation.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager




There are no attachments for this report.


Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 26 October 2012

SUBJECT: NZTA Central Region - Regional Director's Report        


Reason For Report

1.      This item introduces the NZTA Central Region Regional Director’s report as provided in Attachment 1.


2.      Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.




1.    That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Regional Director’s report.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager





NZTA Regional Directors Report




NZTA Regional Directors Report

Attachment 1





Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee




Jenny Chetwynd – NZTA Regional Director - Central


26 October 2012



The purpose of this report is:

·      To provide an update on NZTA’s role in the delivery of the Regional Land Transport Strategy and the National land Transport Programme in the Hawke’s Bay Region

·      To provide an update on key initiatives that may impact the strategic development of the regional transport network




1.0     Changes to the transport operating Environment


The New Zealand economy is starting to grow more strongly. In part this is due to output gains from the agricultural sector (in particular dairy) which has benefited from favourable weather conditions and continued offshore demand for local produce. This stronger performance can also be attributed to an improved showing by the building and construction sector.


However, an unpredictable and uncertain global environment still poses risks to the economy. These risks are tempered by continued improvements in the financial health of households (evidenced by lower debt burdens, falling unemployment and higher wage settlements) and a low OCR should mean more domestic spending. The Christchurch rebuild, when it gets underway will also have a positive effect on macro-economic conditions.


An improving macro-economic climate should result in higher revenues being generated from petrol excise duty and road user charges flowing into the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF). However, by itself this means very little – what is important is whether these higher revenues are in line with the expenditure programme. The Christchurch rebuild also poses challenges for the purchasing power of the NLTF, as demand strengthens and the construction industry pass on higher input prices onto the NZTA and local authorities. The NZTA will monitor these factors as the NLTP programme is delivered. 


The Government is also moving forward with its very active legislative and policy programme, including proposed amendments to the Local Government Act, and policy (legislative) reviews of the Land Transport Management Act, the Public Transport Management Act, and the Resource Management Act.




2.0     Update on State Highway and Network Ops activities


2.1     Maintenance and Operational Issues


Work on the Mohaka Bridge on SH5 has now been successfully completed opening the route between Napier and Auckland for HPMV loads. A number of operators have already been issued HPMV permits to start operating on this route with heavier loads.


Much of the reinstatement works necessary as a result of the ongoing storm damage this winter is now complete, with the balance about to be tendered. This includes some preventive work necessary to retain route security as a result of damage at two sites where loss of edge support has occurred.


A number of safety improvements have been installed this year throughout the region. These include wide centrelines, wide edge lines, speed reductions, pedestrian crossing points and improved skid resistance through the use of higher quality sealing chip. We believe that these initiatives are having a very positive impact on the safety performance of the network. Finally, electronic engine braking signs on the approaches to Bay View, are expected to be operational by the end of October.


Capital Projects


The construction of the acceleration taper and safety improvements on the southern exit from the Paki Paki intersection is underway. This project is a commitment from the previous NLTP and is N funded. The project appears in the programme under the name “SH2 Poukawa Swamp Sth Passing lane”.


NZTA is initiating construction of the southbound passing lane at Te Mahanga. The contract is currently out to tender and construction will be underway around year end. This passing lane will compliment the current northbound passing lane and will be N funded. The project is part of a national initiative to increase the proportion of projects undertaken targeting a safety improvement outcome.


Progress is being made on the initial stages of establishing the Pakowhai Road intersection project in anticipation of funding approval. We are working with Hastings District Council on the Whakatu Arterial Project and the linkage with the Pakowhai project.


2.2     Heavy Transport Forum


The Heavy Transport Forum had a very successful meeting on 13th June. Meetings of the group have previously focussed on establishing the group, agreeing the terms of reference and developing the schedule of opportunities to be debated with the group. As a result of this we have a very comprehensive roadmap of issues to work through at future meetings that will make a difference to the safety and efficiency of freight operations in the region.


The meeting on the 13th June was the first session that took opportunities from the schedule and started the discussion process. The two topics debated were engine braking and static roll threshold.

The numbers of complaints received from neighbours affected by engine braking has been increasing over recent years. We believe that the outcomes of the discussion will increase the awareness of the negative impacts of engine braking and make a difference. The initiatives adopted compliment well the electronic sign project which was also discussed at the meeting. The discussion on static roll threshold and initiatives to increase awareness of the safety impacts of this were appropriate given the incidence of heavy vehicles roll over crashes in this region.


2.3     NLTP Development – Capital Projects


Two tables are included in the appendices summarising capital works activities.


Appendix 1 is the closing report for the 2009_12 programme and indicates the current status of works that were included in the NLTP that has just ended.


Appendix 2 represents the projects that we will be reporting against for the 2012_15 NLTP.



3.0     Investment update


3.1     The 2012-15 RLTP and NLTP Development


The National Land Transport Programme went before the NZTA Board on 24 August 2012 for sign-off, and was formally launched by the Minister on 29 August 2012.  Regional stakeholder engagement sessions, hosted by NZTA Chief Executive Geoff Dangerfield, were held around Country to explain the key outcomes of the NLTP. The Lower North Island workshop was held on 29 August in Palmerston North. 


The NZTA would like to take this opportunity to thank the Regional Transport Committee and all of the Council officers for all of their hard work throughout the development of the Regional Land Transport Programme.


3.2     Road Maintenance Taskforce / Roading Efficiency Group


In July 2011, the government announced the establishment of a Road Maintenance Task Force. The Taskforce has recommended the establishment of regional Roading Efficiency Groups tasked to identify how we can best deliver road maintenance efficiencies while maintaining appropriate levels of service in the years ahead. Members of the REG will be drawn from local government, the NZTA and the industry.  Submissions on the final Road Maintenance Taskforce report closed on 28 September, but the consultation document is still available on the NZTA website (for more information see:


While the Taskforce final report is due soon, some actions to implement the draft findings are already underway. The NZTA Highways and Network Operations (HNO) group recently coordinated a series of workshops across the country as part of the Maintenance and Operations (M&O) review. Attendance from Hawke’s Bay interests at the local meeting was good.


3.3     FAR review


NZTA invests the National Land Transport Fund on a proportional basis to our transport partners, known as the Financial Assistance Rate, (FAR).  The FAR is differentiated by activities, and for most activity classes is based on each Approved Organisation’s ability to pay.  A review of the FAR system is planned over the next year, and all Councils and RTCs will be involved in the process.  We encourage all parties to take an interest in this process, as it is a fundamental review and has the potential to significantly change the way in which the FAR system works.  As they are available, updates will be provided to the RTC.


3.4     Crown funding for Napier-Gisborne passing opportunities


The Government has announced it will provide $3-4m of Crown funding for passing opportunities between Napier and Gisborne.  These funds will not be sourced from the National Land Transport Fund, so as such are neither N nor R funds.  Cabinet has signed off on this investment, and we will keep the committee apprised of progress on this initiative.


3.5     Funding approvals


The 2009/12 NLTP expired on 30th of June. Interim funding arrangements were put in place to enable councils to continue to claim for their normal operational expenses from the NZTA until the commencement of the 2012/15 NLTP.  No new project approvals were able to be granted until the 2012/15 NLTP was publicly released.  The 2012/15 NLTP has commenced and applications for new funding approvals can now be made. The NZTA Board has requested that regions only promote ‘probable’ projects starting in 2012-13. 


In order to deliver the key projects for the region, it will be critical that the programming of projects is carefully managed, to ensure lower ranked projects do not go ahead at the expense of the higher ranked projects that are not yet ready to start.


Funding approvals for the 2012/15 NLTP as part of the Board approval were:


Activity description




Renewals Programme 2012/15

Central Hawke's Bay DC



Minor improvements 2012/15

Central Hawke's Bay DC



Maintenance, Operations Programme 2012/15

Central Hawke's Bay DC



Maintenance, Operations Programme 2012/15

DOC (Hawke's Bay)



Renewals Programme 2012/15

Hastings DC



Minor improvements 2012/15

Hastings DC



Maintenance, Operations Programme 2012/15

Hastings DC



Renewals Programme 2012/15

Hawke's Bay HNO



Minor improvements 2012/15

Hawke's Bay HNO



Maintenance, Operations Programme 2012/15

Hawke's Bay HNO



Road Safety Promotion Medium Strategic 2012/15

Hawke's Bay RC



Road Safety Promotion - High Strategic Fit

Hawke's Bay RC



Public Transport Programme 2012/15

Hawke's Bay RC



Minor improvements 2012/15

Hawke's Bay RC



Renewals Programme 2012/15

Napier CC



Minor improvements 2012/15

Napier CC



Maintenance, Operations Programme 2012/15

Napier CC



Renewals Programme 2012/15

Wairoa DC



Minor improvements 2012/15

Wairoa DC



Maintenance, Operations Programme 2012/15

Wairoa DC



Renewals Programme  2012/15

Wairoa DC SPR



Minor improvements 2012/15

Wairoa DC SPR



Maintenance, Operations  Programme 2012/15

Wairoa DC SPR




Approvals since the Board NLTP approval:


Activity description




Regional Land Transport Planning Mgmt

Hawke's Bay RC



Emergency Reinstatement

Wairoa SPR





4.0     Network Access and Use Update


4.1     Changes to Road User Charges (RUC)


Changes to the Road User Charges (RUC) system took effect from 1 August 2012. This represents the most significant reform of the system since it was introduced in 1978. In readiness for the change, the NZTA has been busy completing work on our new processes and procedures to ensure the smoothest possible transition for our valued customers.


To inform the Transport Operator sector, and respond to their questions, a series of regional RUC roadshows have been running across the country since mid July, co-hosted by NZTA's Access & Use regional teams and Ministry of Transport (MoT) staff.


A roadshow for Operators in the Hawke’s Bay region was held in Napier on the 4th July, attended by 29 operators. The roadshow covered off the background to the RUC changes, key changes of the new RUC system for transport operators, including administration and fee structures. 


Most operators appear to be aware of the changes, and are planning on how to operate their respective fleets in light of the changes. Operators seem to be largely positive about the change, and appreciative of the efforts gone to in organising these engagement events.


How Police will treat individual offences and issues with RUC will be a case of ‘wait and see’ in terms of what offences are occurring, if operators are trying to find loopholes in the system and what changes might need to be made to address those issues.


Enquiries about the implementation of the Act can be addressed to the RUC Contact Centre: 0800 655 644, or via email:


The MoT website also has the latest Questions and Answers about RUC, regulations, and petrol excise charges (see for more information).


4.2     Vehicle Licensing Reform Consultation


On 19 September 2012, Associate Minister of Transport Simon Bridges announced Vehicle Licensing Reform which aims to find simpler and more efficient ways to run vehicle licensing systems.


The reform is looking at:


·    the warrant of fitness and certificate of fitness systems,

·    the annual vehicle licensing (registration) system, and

·    the transport services licensing system.


Current licensing systems have been in place for many years and around 14 million transactions take place every year putting significant administration and compliance burdens on both households and businesses and the government agencies that process these.


Consultation is open from 19 September to 31 October 2012.


Submissions can be made to the MoT through their website ( A final report will be prepared for the Minister of Transport by the end of 2012. Any law changes are scheduled to be finalised by the end of 2013 and implemented by 1 July 2014.


4.3     Changes to the Basic Handling Skills Test (BHST)


On 1 November 2012 improvements are bring introduced to strengthen the BHST to improve the safety of motorcyclists. This regulatory intervention is one of several actions for increasing the safety of motorcyclists in the Safer Journeys Action Plan 2011-12. The new test will ensure riders have a higher level of basic skills required to ride on the road than the current test provides.

From 1 November 2012, to pass a basic handling skills test, motorcyclists have to show they can:

·    complete basic turns and stops

·    negotiate figures of eight

·    park and leave a park safely

·    complete

The official New Zealand Road Code for Motorcyclists ( provides more detail about the criteria for these skills. The NZTA will be auditing all training course providers around the country by 31 March 2013, to ensure the new testing regime is put in place properly.



NZTA Regional Directors Report

Attachment 1


Appendix 1:  Hawke’s Bay Regional State Highway and Network Operations Activities in the 2009-12 NLTP 


Activities in the 2009 - 2012 NLTP


The table below summarises of NZTA’s delivery to the Hawke’s Bay Region over the 2009-2012 GPS period.


Over the last three years NZTA has directed its efforts into improving the efficiency and safety of the network with a customer first philosophy and a focus on value for money.


In March 2011 the first two government stimulus projects in the country, were delivered on the same day, in the Hawke’s Bay. Those two projects were the Matahorua Gorge Realignment and the Southern Extension to the Hawke’s Bay Expressway.


More efficient journeys in and out of the region has been enhanced by the realignment and passing lane on SH5 at Dillon’s Hill, the realignments and passing lanes to the south of Hastings at Te Mahanga, the passing lanes on SH2 south of Takapau, the bypassing of the Matahorua Gorge, and the realignment at the Waipukurau railway overbridge.


The completion of the southern extension of the Hawke’s Bay expressway achieved significant progress with the development of this key arterial route.


The Glengarry stock effluent disposal facilities targeted both environmental and safety benefits.


The replacement of the Mangakino Bridge enhances route security on State Highway 38.


Significant freight efficiency has been achieved with the uptake of HPMV operations across the region and it has been great that most of the local routes have been made available with minimal cost. The deck maintenance of the Mohaka Bridge on SH5 and the earlier seismic retrofit works have achieved significant improvement to the resilience of that route, and enabled the uptake of HPMV across SH5 to the centre of the island and north.


We have continued to build on the relationships we have with communities and see strategic outcomes of the Heretaunga Plans Transport Study kick start us in the next GPS period.


Project Phases that remain open are focused around finalising designations resource consent approval’s following land purchase.





New and Improved infrastructure



Construction Phase



Waipukurau Overbridge Realignment

Opened March 2010


Dillons Hill Realignment

Opened June 2010


Dillons Hill Realignment Stage 2

Opened June 2010


SH2 South of SH50 Passing Lane

Opened February 2011


Matahorua Gorge Realignment

Opened March 2011


SH50 Southern Extension (HB Expressway)

Opened March 2011


SH5 Glengarry Hill North & Southbound Stock Effluent

Opened March 2011


Te Mahanga Nth - Passing Lane

Opened May 2011


Mohaka Seismic Retrofit

Opened May 2011


Mohaka Deck Repairs

Opened May 2011


Mangakino Stream Bridge Replacement

Opened June 2011


SH2 Poukawa Swamp Southbound Passing Lane

Start September 2012

Committed against N funds in 2011/12

SH2 /50 Intersection Improvements


Re-prioritised (may be included in future programmes)

Napier Airport to Bay View Passing Lanes


Re-prioritised (may be included in future programmes)




Design Phase



SH2 Napier Rd Intersection


Construction deferred (carried to 2012_15)

SH2 Pilcher Rd Intersection


Project integrated into the SH2 Napier Rd project.

Te Mahanga Sth - Passing Lane 


Construction to be programmed

Corkscrew Gully Northbound Passing Lane

Practically complete

Alteration to designation in final stages.

Corkscrew Gully Southbound Passing Lane

Practically complete.

Alteration to designation in final stages.

Prebensen Drive/Hyderabad Road Intersection upgrade

Nearing completion

Property purchase & final resource consent approval outstanding. Ongoing liaison with LINZ

Gisborne - Napier Passing Opportunities HB

7 are practically complete + 5 are subject to land and consents.

Outstanding property negotiations to be concluded subject to future funding.

College Rd to Silverstream


Final compensation agreements for property, designation & resource consent approval to be concluded. We plan to maintain and build on the stakeholder relationships.

Waikaremoana Seal Extension SH38


Does not meet funding criteria




Investigation Phase



SH2/50A Paki Paki Intersection with SH50A

Investigation underway

Programmed completion December 2012 Committed against 2011/12 programme

SH2/SH5 Intersection Improvements

Scheme Assessment Complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

Waitangi Washout Bridge Replacement

Scheme Assessment Complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised. Low cost maintenance programme initiated.

SH2 Wairoa Stock Effluent Facility

Scheme Assessment Complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

SH2 Kennals Corner and Curve South

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

Tarawera Hill Realignment and PL

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

HB Expressway Kennedy to Ngaruroro Improvements

Scoping complete

Project concluded – Safety and Efficiency gains identified

HB Expressway Meeanee Quay Intersection

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised. Minor safety works implemented.

Tangoio Straight Seal Widening

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

Bay View - 70kph Zone Traffic Management

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

Bay View to SH2/SH5 Intersection Seal Widening

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

North of Tunanui Rd Realignment

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

Whakaki Rd Curves Improvements

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

Glencoe Gorge Realignment

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

SH2 Poukawa Swamp Northbound Passing Lane

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

Tutira section corridor mass action

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

SH2 Opapa Passing Lane Northbound

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised. Safety concerns

SH2 Opapa Passing Lane Southbound

Scoping complete

Project suspended – re-prioritised. Safety concerns

Tahaenui Bridge Replacement and Realignment

Project Deferred

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

Manga-o-Nuku Bridges

Project Deferred

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

SH5 Turangakumu to Windy Gap mass Action

Project Deferred

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

Tuiroa Cutting Realignment and Seal Widening

Project Deferred

Project suspended – re-prioritised.

SH5 Te Pohue golf course to Mistletoe mass action

Project Deferred

Project suspended – re-prioritised.




Walking and cycling facilities



Omahu Rd/Expressway Pedestrian Crossing

Project superseded

This NZTA led project was superseded by Model community initiatives


Appendix 2:  Hawke’s Bay Regional State Highway and Network Operations Activities in the 2012-15 NLTP 


Project Name





Waipukurau Overbridge Realignment




Second coat seal required to complete, programmed 2012/13

09-12 Roading - Corkscrew Gully Northbound Passing Lane




Practically Complete

09-12 Roading - Corkscrew Gully Southbound Passing lane




Practically Complete

HB Expressway Southern Extension




Second coat seal required to complete, programmed 2012/13

Matahorua Gorge Realignment




Second coat seal required to complete, programmed 2012/13

Tarawera Hill Realignment and PL's




Scoping phase practically complete

09-12 Roading - Te Mahanga Nth Passing Lane




Second coat seal required to complete, programmed 2012/13

09-12 Roading - College Road to Silverstream Realignment & P




Subject to land purchase

09-12 Roading - SH2 Napier to Gisborne Passing Opportunities




Under review - elements likely to be constructed with Crown Funding

09-12 Roading - VDM Projects - Hawke's Bay & Gisborne





09-12 Roading - SH2 South of SH50 Passing Lane




Second coat seal required to complete, programmed 2012/13

09-12 Roading - Bay View to SH2/SH5 Intersection Seal Widening





09-12 Roading - Poukawa Swamp Sth Passing Lane




Programmed for completion early 2013

HB Expressway Pakowhai & Links Rd Intersection




Scoping phase initiated

HB Expressway Pakowhai & Links Rd Intersection




Subject to funding approval

HB Expressway Pakowhai & Links Rd Intersection




Subject to funding approval

SH2 Napier Road Intersection




Subject to funding

Improved Driver Information - Hawke’s Bay





Property Acquisition Block and Fees - Hawke’s Bay





Te Mahanga Sth -Passing Lane




Programmed for completion 2012/13 financial year.

HB Expressway Pakowhai & Links Rd Intersection




Subject to funding

Seismic Retrofit - Hawke’s Bay




Programme under development

Safety Retrofit - Hawke's Bay




Programme under development

Prebensen Drive / Hyderabad Rd Intersection Upgrade




Subject to funding

Wairoa SEDF (North of Napier SEDF)




Subject to funding

HB Expressway Kennedy Rd to Meeanee Rd




Subject to funding

Wairoa SEDF (North of Napier SEDF)






Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 26 October 2012

SUBJECT: Public Transport Update        


Reason for Report

1.      This agenda item provides the Committee with an update on Council’s public transport services, including trends since the previous update in June 2012. The report contains patronage graphs which are updated each month and provided to this Committee and the Regional Council.

General Information

2.      The overall performance of the bus service continues to be positive, with good passenger growth and farebox recovery levels. August 2012 passenger trips reached a record high of 74,493. Total passenger trips for January to September 2012 were 554,901, almost 20% higher than the same period last year.

Total Passenger Trips

3.      The following graph shows total passenger trips from February 2009 to September 2012:

Diagram 1 – Total Passenger Trips – February 2009 – September 2012

4.      Since 2009 the total numbers of trips per year and monthly averages have steadily trended upwards, as follows:

                                        Total Yearly Trips            Monthly Average

2009                    434,231                             36,186

2010                    512,657                             42,721

2011                    616,198                             51,350

                            2012 (Jan-Sept)   418,561                             61,655


5.      This graph shows the seat capacity utilised on a monthly basis from September 2011 to September 2012. The average utilised capacity for this period was almost 42%.


Diagram 2 – Capacity – September 2011 – September 2012

SuperGold Card Trips

6.      The following graph shows the number of SuperGold cardholder trips made from September 2011 to September 2012. SuperGold cardholders continue to make very good use of this scheme.

Diagram 3 – SuperGold Card Trips – September 2011 – September 2012

Improvements to Bus Services

7.      The increased services on Route 12 (Napier-Hastings) continue to be well patronised, with transport operator Go Bus Ltd reporting heavy loads at peak times.

8.      It was reported previously that peak-time services on Route 20 (Hastings-Flaxmere) were carrying very heavy loads (both passengers and prams/strollers) often with standing room only and at times leave people behind until the next service came through.  From Monday 29 October, seven extra services daily (Monday to Friday) will be added to the current schedule.

9.      Hastings District Council (HDC) approved the additional bus stops for the extension to Route 17. HDC staff will now liaise with the contractors to get the poles installed and also to extend the footpath outside the Summerset Village. The extension to this service is expected to start on 5 November.




Bus Stops

10.    Stage 1 of a project to install goBay signage at all bus stops, with an existing bus stop pole, is due to begin later in the year. All bus stops have been numbered and the design of the signs has been approved by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA). Stage 2 of the project, which would have seen bus stop poles and signage installed at all bus stops, in line with the adopted hierarchy of bus stops outlined in the Regional Public Transport Plan, is unlikely to proceed in Napier, due to approval for the unique signage being declined by Napier City Council. The signs were deemed by NCC to be for advertising purposes as opposed to information purposes.

Two new bus shelters have been installed outside and opposite EIT, Taradale.

Bikes on Buses

11.    Bike racks have been installed on 14 goBay buses. Transport provider Go Bus have reported a better than expected uptake, with bikes carried on all 14 racks.  Feedback has been very positive and we anticipate usage will increase greatly during the summer months.

Bikes are carried free of charge and passengers/cyclists are responsible for loading and unloading their own bikes. Bikes are insured by Council’s bus operator to a maximum of $1,500 while being carried on the bike rack.


12.    A recent fare review saw fares increase by an average of 4% from 1 September 2012. A small annual increase over the next three years was deemed appropriate to meet the target of a 40% farebox recovery by 2014 (as stated in the Regional Public Transport Plan 2011-14) and to keep in line with the increased costs of running the services. The increase has been well received by passengers, with no negative feedback.

Bus timetable information is now easily accessible for people with smart phones via the website and/or a QR code.

Total Mobility Update

13.    Below is a table showing details of Total Mobility client numbers and expenditure to date for 2012.

Diagram 4 – Total Mobility Statistics – Jan 2012 to September 2012


14.     Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.




1.    That the public transport update report be received.





Megan Welsby

Sustainable Transport Coordinator



Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager



There are no attachments for this report.


Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 26 October 2012

SUBJECT: General Business        



This document has been prepared to assist Committee members note the General Business to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 7.



Councillor / Staff



























