MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee
Date: Tuesday 30 October 2012
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
M Apatu
H Hilton
P Hohipa
A Manuel
F McRoberts
E McGregor
L Remmerswaal
P Paku
BW Wakefield
R Puna
In Attendance: A Newman – Chief Executive
H Codlin – Group Manager Strategic Development
I Maxwell, Group Manager Resource Management
A Uytendaal – Principal Scientist
EA Bate – Policy Planner
V Moule – Human Resource Manager
M Drury – Committee Secretary
KARAKIA – Haami Hilton
Chairman Mohi welcomed all present to the meeting with a special welcome to members of Te Whanau Wakakotahi A Iwi Marae Te Whakaruru Mo Te Roopu Kaitiaki O Te Wai Maori who would present a discussion on the Tukituki Choices document.
Chairman Mohi advised that some agenda items would be discussed out of order.
MC14/12 An apology was received from Councillor Gilbertson.
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
3. |
Short Term Replacements |
MC15/12 |
Resolution That the Maori Committee agrees: That Councillor Christine Scott and Mrs M Hape be appointed as members of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday, 30 October as a short term replacement on the Committee for Councillor Gilbertson and Mrs L Graham. Mohi/Apatu CARRIED
Te Whanau Wakakotahi A Iwi Marae Te Whakaruru Mo Te Roopu Kaitiaki O Te Wai Maori – Tukituki Choices comments |
Chairman Mohi invited members to address the Committee in relation to their comments on the Tukituki Choices document. Four members of the Group addressed the Committee and the following points were noted: · Whakapapa reinforces the guardianship role and thereby the responsibility for the preservation and protection of Mauritanga; · There was a perception of a Lack of understanding in Council to the effect of the cultural values which also was highlighted in the Tukituki Choices document; · Knowledge and understanding needs to increase around cultural values; · Mauri is likened to a screen or an invisible presence/spirituality; and if it is damaged it will be gone forever; · In the past waterways were pristine, following colonialism, mauri changed and today a better understanding of mauri is paramount; · Mauri is small but so significant – a vital component of all things and the survival ratio must be dependent on improving the mauri · Consideration of the current colonial framework needs to be given and therefore it is vital that all people come together to discuss and form a cultural framework which would be advantageous to all; · The Cultural Index is a tool for Maori to evaluate the health of their waterways and can be integrated into resource management values however Council struggles with the implementation of mauri values; · Water is the only element that can move – both inside our bodies and outside our bodies; · It is important that consideration is given to how much poor treatment water can take, we must be more informed by the ‘voice’ of the water;
MC16/12 |
1. That the report be received. Hilton/Mohi CARRIED
9. |
Treaty Claimant Groups Mr Newman updated the Committee and advised that Council was the third Regional Council in the country to formalise a co-governance arrangement with treaty claimant groups. Mr Newman also confirmed that an agenda item was on Council’s agenda for 31 October to confirm the final 2 members to sit on the Regional Planning Committee. Tukituki Catchment Mr Newman discussed the Tukituki catchment project, outlined the issues in the catchment, and the methods Council would use to resolve some of the issues to make a difference. Mr Newman also outlined the process for the water storage project to proceed to the next level to gain a consent providing Council approval was granted at the Council meeting on 31 October. |
MC17/12 |
Resolution 1. That the verbal report from Mr Newman be received. Puna/Remmerswaal CARRIED |
11. |
Presentation by Dr Benita Wakefield on Tukituki Choices |
Prior to presenting her item, Dr Wakefield complimented Mr Ratima and his fellow members for their presentation and the way in which they expressed themselves and agreed that it would be difficult to articulate mauri into policies. Dr Wakefield advised that Te Taiwhenua O Tamatea and Te Taiwhenua O Heretaunga would work in collaboration to construct a kaupapa around a Maori cultural values framework and its application and uses within the Tukituki River catchment. This would include assessing the contemporary cumulative effects on the health state of the Tukituki river catchment and with mana whenua in terms of their relationship to cultural values and uses. Provision would also be made for a Maori kaitiakitanga planning perspective aimed at enhancing the desired aspirations of hapu and marae, mana whenua for active and effective participation in environmental management. Dr Wakefield also outlined Maori planning perspectives and noted it was important for planning provisions to be in place to provide for Maori values. Dr Wakefield emphasised the importance of Maori promoting their own ways of thinking and means of designing their own mechanisms to test out their thoughts which would also then give them the opportunity to write their own water management plans. Dr Wakefield believed it was not Council’s role to work out Maori values but Maori to develop them within a Maori framework . Dr Wakefield noted she had enjoyed her role on the Maori Committee and was leaving the region with some regret however she was happy to be involved in any future discussions.
MC18/12 |
1. That the Maori Committee receives Dr Wakefield’s report. Paku/Hilton CARRIED 2. That the Maori Committee support the recommendations within the Tukituki River Catchment Values and Uses – 2.1 To undertake a cultural audit of current HBRC policies to identify gaps and areas for improvement; 2.2 To develop, implement and monitor a “Maori” cultural framework for improving and enhancing the ‘mauri’ of the Tukituki Catchment; 2.3 To ensure wahi tapu sites of cultural importance are protected. Mohi/Hilton CARRIED
Tukituki Choices - Responses |
Ms Codlin presented a powerpoint presentation which updated the Committee on the Tukituki Plan Change which would progress following the receipt of 164 comments on the Tukituki Choices document. Ms Codlin outlined Council’s approach to the Plan Change and noted that the first priorities were to improve the summer flows and also achieve a reduction in phosphorus. The Committee noted that the Plan Change would be under statutory requirements with a minimum of 20 working days for submissions whereas the Tukituki Choices comments process was under a non statutory process. The Committee discussed the present minimum flow requirements, current allocation limits and the impacts the flows have on the mauri of the river and what the future impacts would be. A suggestion was made that new levels be set now rather than waiting for the Plan Change. Responding to a question regarding employment opportunities for Maori if the dam project went ahead, Mr Newman confirmed that no guarantee could be given at this time however there could be an opportunity for conditions to be included in future agreements. Mr Apatu commented on points contained the Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga comments on the Tukituki Choices in particular their opposition to the proposed water storage dam on the Makaroro and a suggestion that if the project was to proceed a resource rental of 10 cents per cubic metre be charged for water extracted from the Tukituki catchment and used for commercial benefit be paid to tangata whenua on a monthly basis. |
MC19/12 |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the report on the Tukituki Choices responses. Wakefield/McGregor CARRIED |
Tukituki Catchment Science work and findings presentation - verbal |
Mr Uytendaal gave a powerpoint presentation which outlined the science work and findings which had been undertaken for the Tukituki project. It also illustrated the factors influencing growth of periphyton and macrophytes, appropriate limits for nitrogen and assessing nutrient limitation. Mr Uytendaal advised that considerable reductions in nitrogen were necessary to limit algae growth in the lower river with the oxidation ponds being a major input of phosphorus at mid to low flows in the lower Tukituki. Therefore by reducing phosphorus levels in the upper catchment through targeted management along with the removal of oxidation pond discharge to river at low flows will reduce phosphorus concentration during low flow risk periods In response to a question, Mr Uytendaal advised that stock exclusion from the river edge would have a marked improvement in stream health. Mr Uytendaal also advised the Committee that State of the Environment (SOE) reporting is undertaken by Council and staff would welcome input from the Committee on any gaps they feel exist in the Report. |
MC20/12 |
1. That the report be received. Wakefield/Apatu CARRIED |
Update on Winter Air Quality Results & Heat Smart Update |
Dr Kozyniak presented this agenda item which presented the results of air quality monitoring specifically PM10 monitoring, in the Napier and Hastings airsheds during the winter of 2012, including a comparison to other years. Also included was a summary of findings from the air quality modelling project undertaken by Golder Associates in 2011/12. Dr Kozyniak advised that for the first time since 2006, there were no exceedances measured during the 2012 winter in Napier however in Hastings 10 occasions were measured compared with 12-28 since 2006. Dr Kozyniak also advised that monitoring had been undertaken in Waipukurau from June 2011 to June 2012 with samples being taken every three days and 24 hour averages calculated. The results indicated that there had not been any exceedances on any of the samples. It was suggested that a further monitoring site be established in Flaxmere to gain accurate data from that area particularly because of the number of those in the lower social-economic groups.
MC21/12 |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the report. Paku/Hilton CARRIED |
Statutory Advocacy Update |
Ms Bate updated the Committee on current proposals under Council’s statutory advocacy project and the Resource Management Act 1991. Ms Bate advised that Council had not submitted on Proposed Plan Change 57 – Omahu North Industrial Area (HDC) as a comprehensive stormwater plan had been put forward. Council have submitted on Draft Stormwater Bylaw 2012 (NCC) as it was inconsistent with draft stormwater policy. HBRC had also recommended amendments.
1. That the Maori Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report. McGregor/Puna CARRIED |
4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Maori Committee held on 28 August 2012
MC23/12 |
Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 28 August 2012, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed following amendment. Mohi/Puna CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday 28 August 2012
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
6. |
Call for General Business Items |
White Baiting Wairoa River Life Jackets |
7. |
Action Items from Maori Committee meetings |
The Committee noted the Action Items listed. Mr Maxwell updated the Committee on progress to date about the Longfin eel and noted that a report would be prepared for the Environment and Services Committee to consider on 7 December. Mr Maxwell also updated the Committee on progress with the Biodiversity Strategy and noted that a working group had been set up. A steering group comprising of key stakeholder groups would also be set up where ideas could be considered and a Terms of Reference established.
MC24/12 |
Resolution: 1. That the Maori Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Meetings”. Apatu/Paku CARRIED |
8. |
Appointment to the Environment and Services Committee |
Chairman Mohi nominated Mr Rangi Puna which was seconded by Mr Apatu. Mr Puna accepted the nomination. |
Resolution That the Maori Committee recommend to Council: 1. That Mr Rangi Puna be endorsed as the Maori Committee representative on Council’s Environment and Services Committee replacing Dr Benita Wakefield. Mohi/Apatu CARRIED |
General Business |
Mr Moule will discuss concerns with staff and report back directly tho those members raising the concerns. Life Jackets Mr Moule advised that a new bylaw regarding life jackets had been implemented with lifejackets to be worn on all vessels 6m or less in length. Mr Moule advised that the Harbour Master would be happy to visit marae to explain the new by laws.
Karakia - Mr Taylor
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.45pm on Wednesday, 30 June 2011.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................