MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Planning Committee
Date: Wednesday 5 September 2012
Time: 1.00pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
In Attendance |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER
Cr F Wilson – Chairman Cr E McGregor Cr T Gilbertson Cr E von Dadelszen Cr K Rose Cr A J Dick Cr L Remmerswaal R Spooner N Kirikiri T Waaka W Wilson K Brown T Hopmans C Rangi
E Lambert – Group Manager – External Relations H Codlin – Group Manager – Strategic Development B Powell – Senior Land Management Officer G Ide – Team Leader - Policy C Reed – Senior Planner M Drury – Committee Secretary
Mr W Wilson offered the Karakia.
Chairman Wilson welcomed all present to the meeting and advised that due to another commitment, he would have to leave the meeting at 3.00pm. if the meeting was continuing past that time, Mr Waaka would take the Chair. Ms Hopmans advised she would also leave the meeting at 3.00pm.
RPC9/12Apologies were received from Councillors Scott and Kirton and Dr Maaka.
There were no conflicts of interest declared however Mr Waaka advised that he was a member of other Committees within the region.
3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Regional Planning Committee held on 11 July 2012
RPC10/12 |
Minutes of the Regional Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 11 July 2012, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed. Rose/McGregor CARRIED |
4. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Planning Committee held on Wednesday 11 July 2012
7. Delivering the Tukituki Strategy.
In response to a question from Councillor Remmerswaal, Ms Codlin advised that Council’s approach to the Minister for the Environment seeking to have matters considered as matters of national significant was an approach in principle pending the decision to proceed to the consenting phase.
9. General Business – Tangata Whenua Consultation Process
Mr Waaka noted that he had not asked for involvement in development of agenda items but he was asking how communications from this Committee to the tangata whenua group and hapu could best be achieved. It was noted that the Maori Committee had a role to play in identifying an appropriate process.
Action Items from Previous Regional Planning Committee Meetings |
Mrs Lambert updated the Committee on the Action item listed. |
RPC11/12 |
1. That Council receives the report “Action Items from Previous Meetings”. Gilbertson/Kirikiri CARRIED |
Catchment Strategy |
Mr Powell and Mr Reed introduced the agenda item and requested that members of the Taharua Stakeholder Group present at the meeting introduce themselves. Those members present were Messrs Steve Smith, Tony Fleming, Andrew Kempson and Sean Newland. A powerpoint presentation was given which updated the Committee on progress to date in the Taharua catchment and also set out a proposed management package and landowner actions, which had been developed by the main landowners and DairyNZ with assistance from Council staff. Mr Powell advised that the management package was in response to public feedback that restoring and maintaining natural character, ecosystem health and biodiversity of the upper Mohaka river was paramount. In order for this to occur it was necessary that the total load of nitrogen leaving the Taharua catchment be reduced to approximately 161 tonnes per year. However, emphasis should be placed on an adaptive approach of action, monitoring, review and adjustment, rather than reliance on numbers. Mr Reed outlined the proposed statutory plan change, which would set initial goals for farmers to reduce nitrogen leaching and establish a “club”, or partnership, of members to take collaborative action to implement an agreed Catchment Management Plan. The partnership would assess performance of member landowners on a yearly basis. Mr Reed advised that landowners would need to meet the target nitrogen load within 10 years and that poor performance would be addressed by requiring a whole of farm consent. In response to questions from the Committee, Mr Powell noted the following: A range of nitrogen leaching mitigations were considered for the dairy farms in this specific catchment. Farmers have selected the nitrification inhibitor ‘Eco-n’ as a preferred approach, recognising other actions may be needed. Eco-n is a proven mitigation tool based on 20 years research. Assessing the impacts of planned deforestation and future land use options will assist landowner negotiations on how to collectively meet the target catchment load. If not, Council may need to make a decision on landowner allocations. Mr Newland of Fonterra outlined the approach Fonterra would continue to take in the catchment, including new Fonterra initiatives. Mr Fleming of Country Spirit outlined the constraints of existing farm investments on future mitigation options, including herd homes. Mr Smith representing the major non-dairy landowner outlined his support for an adaptive management approach through the Catchment Management Plan as the logical way forward, as long as there is adequate accountability. Outcomes must be “fair and equitable” to landowners. Members of the Committee congratulated staff and the farming community in the Taharua/Mohaka catchment for the outstanding achievements already attained particularly when currently times are not the easiest for succeeding.
RPC12/12 |
1. That the Regional Planning Committee recommends that Council: 1.1. agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 1.2. supports in principle the proposal as outlined in paragraphs 12 to 23 of the report, subject to any feedback and discussion arising at the Committee meeting. 1.3. supports the MfE Clean-up Fund application, outlined in paragraph 24, as an integral part of the Taharua catchment proposal. 1.4. supports the ongoing work of landowners and staff, through to early 2013, to seek a collaborative approach to reach the target catchment load. 1.5. notes the development of a Mohaka catchment plan change will involve revised timeframes that could see a plan change ready for Council approval by mid 2013 for notification. Rose/McGregor CARRIED |
Call for General Business Items |
Greater Heretaunga / Ahuriri Land and Water Plan Change |
Ms Codlin updated the Committee on the progress of the Greater Heretaunga / Ahuriri Land and Water Plan Change and advised the changes to the Regional Policy Statement that is currently out for informal consultation includes management objectives for the Heretaunga catchments and is an important framework for the plan change. Ms Codlin also outlined the issues that would be addressed in the Plan Change and noted there would be a large amount of technical evidence prepared and advice would be sought from the te Taiwhenua O Heretaunga and Te Whanganui A Orotu of the Council’s Maori Committee with regard to manawhenua membership on the Stakeholder Group. In response to a question, Ms Codlin advised that consents in the area were due to expire in 2015 and it was hoped that the notification process would commence in July 2014. |
RPC13/12 |
1. That the Regional Planning Committee receives the report titled “Greater Heretaunga / Ahuriri Land and Water Plan Change” Update. Waaka/Dick CARRIED |
Tukituki Choices Update |
Ms Codlin presented this item and advised that the draft Tukituki Choices discussion document which was distributed at the meeting was now available for public comment. Ms Codlin also outlined the timetable for public meetings which would be held at Waipawa and Havelock North, a breakfast session in Napier and a combined meeting with the Chamber of Commerce. The Committee noted that any feedback by members could be given at 19 September meeting and the closing date for public comment was 5 October. A report on feedback received would be presented at 31 October Council meeting and the Plan Change would be presented to Council at its November meeting for approval to formally notify the Plan Change.
RPC14/12 |
1. That the Regional Planning Committee receives the report ‘Tukituki Choices Update’. McGregor/Rose CARRIED
Councillor Dick left the meeting at 2.30pm
Regional Policy Statement - Change 5 Update |
Mr Ide updated the Committee on the draft change (Change 5) to the Regional Policy Statement parts of the Regional Resource Management Plan, noted that there had been thirty groups and individuals who had given written feedback on Draft Change 5 and also outlined the key issues to be addressed following feedback. Other issues not contained within the scope of Change 5 were also the subject of written public comment. Mr Ide advised that timeframes were tight and that it was still Council’s intention to publicly notify RPS Change 5 in October so a final draft version would be presented at 19 September Committee meeting along with the associated s32 Evaluation Summary report. The Committee discussed key issues which had arisen from public feedback and those which do need addressing prior to further consideration and adoption by Council as a ‘proposed’ Change for public notification. The Committee also noted that feedback had been received which sought additional freshwater bodies to be added and staff were requested to report back to Committee members on ways to address the issue of ‘outstanding’ fresh water body classifications. Responding to a question, Mr Ide confirmed that all persons who provided written comments on Draft RPS Change 5 would receive a note of acknowledgement. It was also noted that any wording revisions to the current content of Draft RPS Change 5 would be presented to the Committee meeting on 19 September for consideration. |
RPC15/12 |
1. That the Regional Planning Committee: 1.1 Receives the report titled ‘Regional Policy Statement Change 5 update.’ 1.2 Provides direction to staff about what key issues and other issues arising from public feedback needs addressing in revisions to draft Change 5 prior to further consideration and adoption by Council as a ‘proposed’ Change for public notification. 1.3 Notes that at the new scheduled Regional Planning Committee meeting on 19 September 2012, staff will present suggested revisions to Change 5 (and associated section 32 evaluation summary report) for the Committee’s consideration. Gilbertson/von Dadelszen CARRIED |
General Business |
There were no items of general business.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.50pm on Wednesday, 5 September 2012.
Mr W Wilson offered the closing Karakia.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................