


MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Planning Committee



Date:                          Wednesday 11 July 2012


Time:                          1.00 pm





















In Attendance

Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street




Cr F Wilson – Chairman

Cr E McGregor

Cr T Gilbertson

Cr N Kirton

Cr E von Dadelszen

Cr C Scott

Cr K Rose

R Spooner

N Kirikiri

T Waaka

W Wilson

K Brown



E Lambert – Group Manager – External Relations

H Codlin – Group Manager – Strategic Development

Dr R Maaka

S Daysh – Environmental Management Consultants

Dr B Lynch – Senior Scientist - Land

B Powell – Senior Land Management Officer

C Reed – Senior Planner

M Drury – Committee Secretary




Mr W Wilson offered the Karakia.

RPC5/12   Apologies were received from Ms T Hopmans, Mr C Rangi and Councillors Dick and Remmerswaal.

von Dadelszen/Rose



There were no conflicts of interest declared.

3.      CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Regional Planning Committee held on 9 May 2012


Minutes of the Regional Planning Committee held on Wednesday, 9 May 2012, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed following amendment.




4.      Matters Arising from Minutes of  the  Regional Planning Committee held on Wednesday 9 May 2012

         7.      Joint Planning committee – proposed legislation

                   Responding to a question from Councillor Scott, Mrs Lambert  advised that the Minister was now no longer hopeful of the Joint Planning Committee Bill being introduced to Parliament this year as a support piece of legislation.

                   A request was made that Council would express its disappointment to the Minister at the delay of the legislation being introduced to Parliament this year.

                   Concern was expressed that the Committee was already established and legislation had not been passed.  In response Mrs Lambert advised that Council had established the Regional Planning Committee through its own jurisdiction and that legislation would confirm the permanent status of the Committee.



Action Items from Previous Regional Planning Committee Meetings


There were no action items recorded from the previous meeting.





1.      Tangata Whenua Consultation Process



Delivering the Tukituki Strategy


Ms Codlin introduced Mr Stephen Daysh, Director of Environmental Management Services whom Council had contracted to assist in the delivery of the Tukituki Strategy and the Ruataniwha Water Storage project.

Ms Codlin  gave a Powerpoint presentation which outlined the approach that Council was proposing to take to deliver the Tukituki Strategy and the co-ordination of the decision making elements of the Tukituki Plan Change and the Ruataniwha Water Storage project.

Ms Codlin explained the role the Committee would play in the preparation of the proposed change to the Regional Policy Statement which would give effect to the key principles of the Hawke’s Bay Land and Water Management Strategy and the National Policy Statement for Freshwater.  A Cultural Values and Uses report had been prepared by Te Taiwhenua O Tamatea and Te Taiwhenua O Heretaunga and the Committee would consider this at their September meeting.

The Committee discussed the Tukituki Strategy,  the role the 2011 Hawke’s Bay Land and Water Strategy played in the setting up of the Strategy,  and the proposed changes to the Regional Policy Statement which would assist in the provision of key values and freshwater management objectives across the region.  The  Committee also agreed it was imperative that the Plan Change be instigated so ongoing discussions could commence as the proposed time frame was very tight.

Mr Daysh  outlined the EPA process, the plan change process which has only been available for the last few years and  was confident that the proposed EPA  process would allow for the rights of the submitter to be retained.

Responding to questions from the Committee the following points were noted:

  • The allocation of water is currently undertaken under policy guidelines in the RMA however there would be key policies put in place in regard to water allocation;
  • Key policies would be contained in the Tukituki Plan Change  around monitoring process;
  • Currently, the permitted activity for daily use for any purpose is 20 cubic metres;
  • The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management will feed into the Regional Policy Statement and the Regional Plan;

Comment was made that it was time to validate the values Council  was hoping to achieve from the Tukituki Strategy and the contribution of different land values within the Tukituki catchment should be identified and described in the Tukituki Choices document alongside those values for freshwater bodies in the catchment. 

Councillor Kirton moved an amendment to Recommendation 3, seconded by Mr Waaka.

3.      “Supports the preparation of the ‘Tukituki Choices’ document which identifies different land and water management scenarios for the Tukituki catchment. ensuring that the integrated land and water values to be achieved are fully described”

The amendment was lost and the original Recommendations therefore stood and were carried unanimously.



The Regional Planning Committee recommends Council:

1.    Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.    Approves the development of a change to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Policy Statement to incorporate relevant elements of the Hawke’s Bay Land and Water Strategy to set the regional context for values associated with the region’s freshwater resources.

3.    Supports the preparation of the ‘Tukituki Choices’ document which identifies different land and water management scenarios for the Tukituki catchment.

4.    Instructs staff to undertake specific consultation with Te Taiwhenua O Tamatea and Te Taiwhenua O Heretaunga regarding the Tukituki Choices document.

5.    Approves an approach to the Minister for the Environment seeking to have the following matters considered as matters of national significance determined by a Board of Inquiry:

5.1  the proposed plan change for the Tukituki River Catchment

5.2 applications for all consents relating to the Ruataniwha Water Storage project.

Gilbertson/W Wilson


Chairman Wilson left the meeting at 2.15pm and Councillor McGregor assumed the Chairmanship.

 Councillor Kirton left the meeting at 2.25pm



Introduction to Managing Non Point Source Discharge (using the Taharua/Mohaka Catchment as a case Study) - Verbal Presentation


Ms Codlin introduced Messrs Brendan Powell, Chris Reed and Dr Barry Lynch to the Committee.

Staff gave powerpoint presentations which gave an overview of their respective roles, point source and diffuse pollution, the studies undertaken to date, the results of those studies and the ongoing consultation process with landowners in the Taharua catchment.

Chairman Wilson resumed the Chairmanship at 2.30pm.

The Committee discussed the implications of managing non point source discharge and were encouraged with the results highlighting a downward trend of phosphorus as a consequence of ongoing riparian and other land management tools.  The Committee noted that point source and diffuse pollution took place on both pastoral and arable farming as well as dairy farms.

Acknowledgement was given to staff for the all embracing approach which had been undertaken to achieve an ongoing working relationship with landowners in the Taharua/Mohaka catchment who were now prepared to make a financial investment to achieve a successful outcome.

The Committee noted it was important that information on the Taharua/Mohaka catchment study should be available to the public.  Staff advised that Council’s website was currently being updated and once completed information would be available on a Taharua/Mohaka catchment study web page.




1.  That the report be received.



Councillor Gilbertson left the meeting at 3.00pm



General Business


Tangata Whenua Consultation Process

Mr Waaka outlined a recent discussion  held between tangata whenua and key scientific staff to consider ways tangata whenua could be involved in the early development of agenda items.


There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.10pm on Wednesday, 11 July 2012.

Signed as a true and correct record.


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