Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 22 June 2012
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee
4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 27 April and 8 June 2012
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 27 April and 8 June 2012
6. Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings
7. Consideration of General Business Items
Decision Items
8. Endorsement of the Final Regional Land Transport Strategy - Incorporating the Regional Land Transport Programme
Information or Performance Monitoring
9. Transport Manager's Report
10. Central Region - Regional Director's Report
11. Verbal Reports from Objective Representatives
12. General Business
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 22 June 2012
SUBJECT: Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee
1. Council has made allowance in the terms of reference of the Committee for short term replacements to be appointed to the Committee where the usual member/s cannot stand.
1. That __________________________ be appointed as member/s of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 22 June 2012 as short term replacements(s) on the Committee for _______________________.
Carol Gilbertson Transport Manager |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 22 June 2012
SUBJECT: Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings
1. Attachment 1 is a list of items raised at previous Regional Transport Committee meetings that require action or follow-up. All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment. Once the items have been completed and reported to the Committee they will be removed from the list.
2. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that as this report is for information only and no decision is required in terms of the Local Government Act’s provisions, the decision making procedures set out in the Act do not apply.
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.
Carol Gilbertson Transport Manager |
1View |
Action Items |
Attachment 1 |
Actions from Regional Transport Committee Meetings
The following is a list of items raised at the Regional Transport Committee meetings that require actions or follow-ups. All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment for each action. Once the items have been completed and reported back to the Committee they will be removed from the list.
Agenda Item |
Action |
Person Responsible |
Due Date |
Status Comment |
State Highway 38 – Request for Sealing |
To be left on the list for regular follow-ups |
ongoing |
Consideration of East Coast Rail Situation |
Letter of Support to KiwiRail re Gisborne – Napier rail line |
CG |
3 May 2012 |
Letter was sent from RTC Chairman with letter of support from AA also |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 22 June 2012
SUBJECT: Endorsement of the Final Regional Land Transport Strategy - Incorporating the Regional Land Transport Programme
Reason for Report
1. This report seeks the endorsement of the final Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS) 2012-2042, incorporating the Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) 2012-15 by the Regional Transport Committee.
2. The draft Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS), incorporating the draft Regional Land Transport Programme was approved for public consultation by the Regional Transport Committee at their meeting on 27 April 2012. The draft document was subject to the public consultation procedures set out in the Local Government Act 2002.
3. The draft document and summary of information were available from 1 May 2012 and submissions closed on the RLTS/RLTP on 31 May 2012. Public notices were placed in Hawke’s Bay Today and community papers around the region; one week prior to submissions closing a reminder advertisement was placed in the same newspapers.
4. A total of 30 submissions were received; of which 15 indicated they wished to present their submission verbally. Verbal submissions were heard by the RTC on Friday, 8 June. Once all submitters had been heard the RTC deliberated on all submissions received.
5. It should also be noted that the majority of submissions lodged supported the content and endorsed the direction of the RLTS and RLTP as notified and did not seek any additions or changes to be made.
6. The key themes from the submissions which sought changes were:
6.1. making provision for the development of additional High Productivity Motor Vehicle (HPMV) routes in the medium term programme
6.2. making stronger reference to the uncertainty surrounding the ongoing future of the Napier to Gisborne section of the Palmerston North – Gisborne Line (PNGL) and identifying an advocacy role for the Regional Transport Committee in support of retaining the line in response to this issue
6.3. extending the discussion contained in the RLTS surrounding the uncertainties relating to the supply and cost of oil based fuels for transport
6.4. inclusion of a reference to “equity” and the impacts this has in terms of peoples mobility and ability to access work, personal services and recreational opportunities
6.5. identifying more clearly the current and future role of tourism within our region.
7. To reflect the submissions, a number of changes have been made to the RLTS in the “About us” and “Our future” contextual sections, the text provides an explanation of the aims, medium term programme of works, and discusses interventions and investments. A number of formatting changes have also been made to the RTLS to make the document more readable and some unnecessary sections (as identified by the Auditor) were removed.
8. Other changes that have now been made to the document include:
8.1. Inclusion of provision for the stock effluent facility (between Napier Wairoa) to be constructed in year 4 of the RLTP.
8.2. Provision of a table in Appendix X to specifically indicate how the RLTS aligns with sections 75-77 of the LTMA.
9. A copy of the printer’s proof of the final RLTS/RLTP is provided to committee members, for their information (Attachment 1).
10. The final RLTS is being reviewed by Council’s Auditor and his advice will be tabled at the meeting.
11. The next steps and key milestones are outlined below for the committee’s information:
22 June 2012 |
RTC approves final RLTS/RLTP for adoption by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council |
27 June 2012 |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council adopts the RLTS/RLTP |
30 June 2012 |
Final RLTP is submitted to NZTA (via their online programme) |
30 August 2012 |
New Zealand Transport Agency releases the National Land Transport Programme |
12. The final RLTS/RLTP will be presented to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for adoption at their meeting on 27 June 2012. Following adoption the final document will be printed and distributed to key stakeholders and interested parties, including submitters, within one month of adoption.
Decision Making Process
13. The Committee is required to make a decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and concluded that the Regional Land Transport Strategy, incorporating the Regional Land Transport Programme must use a special consultative procedure as set out in section 83 of the Act when adopting this RLTS.
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Endorses, following any amendment made at the meeting, the final Regional Land Transport Strategy RLTS), incorporating the draft Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP). 2. Recommends the RLTS/RLTP to Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for adoption, at their meeting on 27 June 2012. 3. Notes that the final RLTP will be submitted to the New Zealand Transport Agency by 30 June 2012. |
Carol Gilbertson Transport Manager |
Attachment 1 – RLTS/RLTP Under Separate Cover (Committee members only) |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 22 June 2012
SUBJECT: Transport Manager's Report
1. This regular report provides the Committee with a snapshot of relevant transport matters; comments on issues that have been actioned since the last Regional Transport Committee (RTC); provides an update on progress on studies and plans underway; and outlines what is coming up within the transport sector. This report will now also provide a regular update from the Transport Advisory Group (TAG) on issues raised at their regular meetings.
Actions Since Last RTC Meetings
2. Regional Land Transport Strategy and Regional Land Transport Programme
2.1. The Transport Advisory Group (TAG) has focused on finalising the RLTS/RLTP and has held five meetings during May and June. The main purpose of these meetings has been to agree and finalise the targets and measures section that will be included in the final document.
2.2. Transport Summit
2.2.1. The RTC Chairman and HBRC Transport Manager attended this summit held in Auckland in May. A verbal update will be given at the meeting.
Current Issues
3. Indicative Funding Allocations – 2012-2015
3.1. The New Zealand Transport Agency has issued indicative funding allocations for 2012-2015 for maintenance, renewals and public transport services. The indicative funding for public transport looks positive, which means current levels of service can be maintained.
4. Public Transport Update
4.1. Bikes on Buses Update
4.1.1. An order has been placed for 14 bike racks to go on Council’s main bus services. It is expected these will be installed in July/August. A media release will be issued once confirmation of the date has been received.
4.1.2. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council staff have finalised design and locations with the Hastings District Council iWays project team for secure bike racks / bus shelters. These will be located at Havelock North and Eastbourne Street. These shelters are due to be installed in July/August.
4.2. Ahuriri Trial Bus Service Update
4.2.1. As can be seen from the statistics below the Ahuriri service continues to be popular.
Passenger Trips, Oct 2011-May 2012
4.2.2. Following feedback from passengers during the trial, staff have worked closely with Go Bus to identify changes that would improve the service by revising the current route and timetable.
4.2.3. Changes to the route include removing Hospital Hill to enable the return journey to travel back into Napier along Shakespeare Road; a new bus stop will be installed on Nelson Quay in Ahuriri village, opposite the existing bus stop, eliminating the need to travel through the shopping area. This will require the removal of several angle-parking spaces, near the public toilets, but will improve the flow and safety of the journey. Napier City Council has indicated their support for this new stop, as it will also be used by the Napier City Council Art Deco bus. The service will also be extended along Domain Road and the Esplanade in Westshore.
4.2.4. The new timetable will be hourly, on the hour. The first service will depart from the Napier terminus at 7.00am and the last service at 5.10pm, Monday to Friday, which will meet the needs of commuters travelling to/from work. The Saturday service will remain 2-hourly, 10.00am, midday and 2.00pm.
4.2.5. The revised route will take approximately 45 minutes, instead of the current 70 minutes.
4.2.6. The vehicle current used for the trial an older bus with 31 seats and specially designed ‘Hopper’ livery. Whilst ideal for the trial period, this vehicle is not suitable for a regular, permanent service due to some ongoing mechanical/heating/air-con issues. The intention is that a new vehicle will be introduced onto this service from late July/early August.
4.2.7. Napier City Council has committed to installing the new bus stops by the third week in July. Staff working towards a start date for the revised route/timetable of Wednesday 1 August. The changes will be advertised in the community newspapers, Hawke’s Bay Today and on the radio. Flyers/timetables and posters will also be available to advise passengers of the changes.
4.3. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council 10 Year Plan Submissions re Extension to Parkvale Bus Services
4.3.1. During the public consultation on HBRC 10 Year Plan 35 submitters requested Council extend the current bus route in Parkvale to include the new rest home and subdivision at Parkvale estate. HBRC staff and Go Bus have worked together to reach a solution to this request and the service will now be extended on the Monday to Friday services for this route, within current budgets. Once bus stop locations have been confirmed and marked by Hastings District Council this extension can be implemented.
Approved Organisations – Significant Issues
5. Hastings District Council
5.1. No significant issues to report.
6. Napier City Council
6.1. No significant issues to report.
7. Wairoa District Council
7.1. No significant issues to report.
8. Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
8.1. No significant issues to report.
9.1. No significant issues to report.
Looking Ahead
10. The final Regional Land Transport Strategy incorporating the Regional Land Transport Programme will be published by the end of July 2012.
11. Regional Cycling Strategy – work will begin on this strategy now that the RLTS/RLTP have been finalised.
12. Review and changes in policy and legislation will continue to be an ongoing focus over the next few months.
13. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained in Part 6 Sub Part 1 of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:
13.1. The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.
13.2. The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.
13.3. The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.
13.4. The persons affected by this decision are the members of the Regional Transport Committee.
13.5. Options that have been considered include appointing a smaller group of RTC representatives to review the draft RLTS or having the committee as a whole review the document.
13.6. The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.
13.7. Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Receives the Transport Manager’s report. |
Carol Gilbertson Transport Manager |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 22 June 2012
SUBJECT: Central Region - Regional Director's Report
Reason For Report
1. This item introduces the NZTA Central Region Regional Director’s report as provided in Attachment 1.
2. Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Regional Director’s report.
Carol Gilbertson Transport Manager |
1View |
NZTA Regional Director's Report |
Attachment 1 |
Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee
Jenny Chetwynd – NZTA Regional Director Central |
Date: |
22 June 2012 |
The purpose of this report is: · to provide an update on NZTA’s role in the delivery of the Regional Land Transport Strategy and the National Land Transport Programme in the Hawke’s Bay Region · to provide an update on key initiatives that may impact the strategic development of the regional transport network
1.0 Changes to the transport operating Environment
New Zealand is still experiencing difficult economic conditions. However, a consensus of the economic forecasts suggests, we can expect between two to three percent growth in the economy as construction activity (led by the Christchurch rebuild) increases, and business and consumer confidence improves. If supported by low inflation, these growth projections suggest some relief for suppliers and transport operators.
For the transport sector, lower domestic travel demand is also impacting on the revenue flowing into the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF). At the same time, the growth in construction activity is putting upward pressure on input costs for labor, bitumen, cement and steel. If input costs outpace revenue growth, this will erode the purchasing power of the National Land Transport Fund. The magnitude of these impacts is uncertain, and will depend on the sensitivity of travel demand, New Zealand’s economic performance, movements in the NZ$ (particularly as it effects the price of fuel), and global economic conditions.
The NZTA is able to use the NLTP short term borrowing facility to help manage revenue and expenditure variations. However, we expect that pressure on the NLTF will be ongoing. For these reasons, we will continue to look for ways to achieve value for money, and work with our investment partners to improve efficiency through initiatives like the Road Maintenance Task Force.
The Government also has a very active legislative and policy programme. This includes proposed amendments to the Local Government Act, and policy ( legislative) reviews of the Land Transport Management Act, the Public Transport Management Act, and the Resource Management Act. A joint Government taskforce is also reviewing the regulations governing vehicle licensing. We also expect that regulations supporting the changes to the Road User Charges regime will have been announced by time of the RTC meeting. How all of these changes, will impact on the way we do business, is still uncertain but the Government’s objective to make these processes more effective and efficient.
2.0 Update on State Highway and Network Ops activities
With the onset of winter there is not much activity underway on the network. Apart from the dropouts resulting in single laned sections at a number of locations on SH2 between Napier and Gisborne, the impact of recent heavy rainfall events and resulting wet ground conditions has had minimal residual effect on network performance. We are currently very happy with the condition of the network and we are making good progress with reinstatement of the single laned sections which should all be repaired within the next month.
There is ongoing concern about engine braking effects in some communities adjacent to the State Highway. We are working with the industry to communicate the importance of respecting the “No Engine Braking” advice, and intend installing electronic warning signs that we will be able to move around critical locations as part of a campaign to increase awareness. We have also established a Heavy Transport Forum that is attracting a good representation of roading managers, industry representatives and governance agencies that we will be able to utilise to implement awareness campaigns such as this. This group has developed a robust agenda of items to work through that will make a difference across a wide range of issues such as environmental impacts, safety, and increasing productivity. Around the district, progress on key projects is as follows:
· Work on the Mohaka Bridge on SH5 will be completed within the next two weeks.
· The Mangakino Bridge replacement on SH38 was completed in May.
· Progress with preparing for the Pakowhai Road intersection project in anticipation of funding approval is ongoing.
3.0 Investment update
3.1 2009-12 NLTP update
Funding approvals for the April and May are as below:
Approved |
Request Type |
Org Name |
Project Name |
Phase Type |
NLTA share change |
April 2012 Review |
New Approval |
Hastings District Council |
Major Safety – Middle Rd & Kereru Road |
Construction |
250,000 (R funded) |
May 2012 Review |
Emergency Reinstatement |
Central Hawke’s Bay DC |
W/W 11/12 |
Construction |
1.078,431 |
May 2012 Review
Cost Scope Adjustments |
CHB/Napier/Hastings/HNO |
Assorted |
Cost Scope Adjustments |
$566,299 |
We are also working through Emergency Works reinstatement claims with Wairoa DC, Hastings DC and NZTA Highways and Network Operations.
3.2 The 2012-15 RLTP and NLTP Development
Work on preparing the 2012/15 NLTP is well advanced, and a number of activity classes have been moderated to ensure that allocations fit within the GPS funding ranges. As has been already been signalled, it is not possible to meet all funding requests, so our investment is being targeted toward activities which deliver the highest benefits against the GPS outcomes.
Moderation has been completed for the Local Road Maintenance and Operations, Local Road Renewals, State Highway Maintenance and Operations (at a national level), State Highway Renewals (at a national level) and Public Transport services. While these allocations won't be final until the publication of the NLTP, the NZTA Board agreed to the release of "indicative allocations" to all approved organisations to allow them some certainty in their planning processes. All approved organisations have now received notification of their “indicative allocations”.
As a national average, funding in the Local Road Maintenance, Operations and Renewals activity classes was increased, 2.3% from what is currently approved in 2009/12 NLTP. This “flat line” approach reflects the GPS objective to seek further efficiencies in the delivery of maintenance, operations and renewal activities. Funding has been allocated to those networks where it is most needed, and while some requests were met, most approved organisations across the country received an "indicative allocation" below the requested level of investment. We are committed to assisting all Councils in any way we can to help them find efficiencies in their programme or reprioritise their levels of service. To that end, we encouraged Councils to participate in the Road Maintenance Task force Road shows, one of which was held in Palmerston North on 7th June.
4.0 Implementing the Safer Journeys
4.1 Give way rule
NZTA, Council staff, Consultants and others will continue to monitor any crashes attributable to the Give Way Rule changes over coming months. It is acknowledged around the country that the transition has been very smooth overall and NZTA thanks all safety partners for their work in this space to date, and ongoing.
4.2 Vehicle Licensing Reform
The Transport Minister has recently approved the Vehicle Licensing Reform (VLR) project - a joint NZTA /MoT initiative that aims to make some of the NZTA’s systems simpler and more efficient to administer. The three regulatory systems in scope for VLR review are:
· the Warrant of Fitness/Certificate of Fitness system,
· annual vehicle licensing, and,
· transport services licensing.
Combined, these three systems generate more than 14 million transactions per year, placing significant administrative and compliance burdens on households, businesses and the NZTA, who need to process those transactions. The objectives of the review are to:
· reduce costs for households, businesses and the government
· ensure the rationale for all the systems are still clearly justified
· Investigate whether the government could take advantage of technological developments to make licensing easier and offer better value for money.
Five work streams have been established with this project – three of those are connected to the regulatory systems in the scope of the review.
A team, made up of content and process specialists from the Ministry of Transport and the NZTA is working to a tight deadline to make recommendations to the Transport Minister by the end of 2012. The project aims to have any required legislation drafted and passed during the current parliamentary term. Any proposed changes to legislation, rules and regulations from this reform project will require Cabinet approval.
The transport sector and public will also have an opportunity to have their say, around September when a discussion document will be published. In the meantime, the Ministry of Transport website ( has a dedicated VLR page which will be update regularly, including keeping people/organisations up to date on opportunities to engage.
4.3 RUC – Road User Charges
Regulations to support the Road User Charges Act 2012 are currently in development, and are due to be announced shortly. Will come into effect at the same time as the Act on 1 August 2012. Included in regulations will be:
– Details of RUC vehicle types and weight bands
– Rates of RUC
– Lists of exempted vehicles
– The information to be contained in an application for a RUC licence and on the licence and how RUC licences are to be displayed
– Prescribing infringement fees and administration fees
– Transitional arrangements.
A series of regional meetings are currently being scheduled to outline the key changes of the new RUC system for transport operators. These will run from mid-June, co-hosted by NZTA's A&U regional teams and Ministry of Transport staff.
Attachment 1 |
Appendix 1: Hawke’s Bay Regional State Highway and Network Operations Activities in the 2009-12 NLTP
The following table provides an update on state highway activities in the 2009-12 National Land Transport Programme.
NLTP Activity - (Committed, probable and possible phases only)
Phase |
Comment |
Renewals |
Operation and Maintenance |
New and Improved infrastructure |
Matahorua Gorge Realignment |
Construction |
Complete. |
SH50 Southern Extension (HB Expressway) |
Construction |
Complete. |
Waipukurau Overbridge Realignment |
Construction |
Complete |
Dillons Hill Realignment |
Construction |
Complete |
Dillons Hill Realignment Stage 2 |
Construction |
Complete |
Mohaka Seismic Retrofit |
Construction |
Complete |
SH5 Glengarry Hill North & Southbound Stock Effluent |
Construction |
Complete |
Te Mahanga Nth - Passing Lane |
Construction |
Complete. |
SH2 South of SH50 Passing Lane |
Construction |
Complete. |
Mangakino Stream Bridge Replacement |
Construction |
Complete – minor tidy up work outstanding |
SH2 Poukawa Swamp Southbound Passing Lane |
Construction |
Construction re-programmed for next construction season |
SH2 /50 Intersection Improvements |
Construction |
Construction deferred – subject to regional re-prioritising |
Napier Airport to Bay View Passing Lanes |
Construction |
Construction deferred – subject to regional re-prioritising |
Te Mahanga Sth - Passing Lane |
Design |
Design completed. |
College Rd to Silverstream |
Design |
Design phase practically complete - property purchase outstanding. |
Gisborne - Napier Passing Opportunities HB |
Design |
6 practically complete. |
Corkscrew Gully Northbound Passing Lane |
Design |
Design phase practically complete - property purchase outstanding. |
Corkscrew Gully Southbound Passing Lane |
Design |
Design phase practically complete - property purchase outstanding. |
Waikaremoana Seal Extension SH38 |
Design |
Project suspended due to low funding priority |
Prebensen Drive/Hyderabad Road Interchange |
Investigation |
Complete. Design practically complete subject to property purchase and consents. |
SH2 Kennals Corner and Curve South |
Investigation |
Investigation phase concluded; project suspended due to low funding priority. |
SH2/50A Paki Paki Intersection with SH50A |
Investigation |
Investigation phase likely to run into 2012/13 financial year. |
SH2 Napier Rd Intersection |
Investigation |
Investigation phase complete: Design phase practically complete, subject to property purchase and outcomes of the Whakatu Link Project. |
SH2 Pilcher Rd Intersection |
Investigation |
Complete. Outcome being delivered through the Napier Road Intersection project |
Tarawera Hill Realignment and PL |
Investigation |
Investigation phase concluded; project suspended due to low funding priority. |
HB Expressway Kennedy to Ngaruroro Improvements |
Investigation |
Scoping of options to improve efficiency and safety. Ongoing |
Mohaka Bridge Deck Repairs |
Investigation |
Intensive high-tech maintenance option proposed to extend life of existing deck. |
HB Expressway Meeanee Quay Intersection |
Investigation |
Cost effective minor safety works implemented allowing us to lower the capital priority. |
SH2/SH5 Intersection Improvements |
Investigation |
Investigation phase concluded; project suspended due to low funding priority. |
Waitangi Washout Bridge Replacement |
Investigation |
Investigation concluded; intensive maintenance programmed to extend the life of the bridge |
SH2 Wairoa Stock Effluent Facility |
Investigation |
Investigation phase concluded; Design phase programmed for upcoming NLTP. |
Tahaenui Bridge Replacement and Realignment |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority, local liaison ongoing. |
Bay View - 70kph Zone Traffic Management |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
Bay View to SH2/SH5 Intersection Seal Widening |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
North of Tunanui Rd Realignment |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
Whakaki Rd Curves Improvements |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
Glencoe Gorge Realignment |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
SH2 Poukawa Swamp Northbound Passing Lane |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
Tutira section corridor mass action |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
Manga-o-Nuku Bridges |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
Tangoio Straight Seal Widening |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority. |
SH2 Opapa Passing Lane Northbound |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
SH2 Opapa Passing Lane Southbound |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
SH5 Turangakumu to Windy Gap mass Action |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
Tuiroa Cutting Realignment and Seal Widening |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
SH5 Te Pohue golf course to Mistletoe mass action |
Investigation |
Project suspended due to fall in funding priority |
Walking and cycling facilities |
Omahu Rd/Expressway Pedestrian Crossing |
Investigation |
Currently working with HDC on options for delivering model communities. |
Regional Transport Committee
Friday 22 June 2012
SUBJECT: General Business
This document has been prepared to assist Committee members note the General Business to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 7.
Item |
Topic |
Councillor / Staff |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |