MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 8 June 2012
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
T Kingston – CHB District Council
C Little – Wairoa District Council
L Remmerswaal – HBRC
D Murray – Objective Representative – Access and Mobility
N Jones – Objective Representative – Public Health
K Santer – Advisory Representative - Rail
J Emmerson – Advisory Representative – Road Transport
M Mohi – objective Representative – Cultural Interests
B Pritchard – Objective Representative – Environmental Sustainability
C Adamson – Objective Representative – Safety and Personal Security
In Attendance: Mrs C Gilbertson – HBRC
Mr J Cox – Wairoa District Council
Mr S McKinley – CHB District Council
Mr J Schwass – Napier City Council
Mr M Clews – Hastings District Council
Mr J Pannu – Hastings District Council
Mr G Hart – NZTA
Mr M Buchanan – BESL
M Drury – Committee Secretary
Chairman Dick welcomed all present to the meeting which was being held to consider submissions on the Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy which incorporates the Draft Regional land Transport Programme.
Chairman Dick also outlined the process submitters were required to follow when presenting their submission.
RTC27/12 Apologies were received from Mayor L Probert, Councillors T Kerr and K Furlong, Ms J Chetwynd and Ms D Myers.
Conflicts of interest were declared by Messrs N Jones, B Pritchard, T Kingston and J Cox.
Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee |
RTC28/12 |
1. That Messrs M Clews, J Schwass and G Hart be appointed as members of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 08 June 2012 as short term replacements on the Committee for Councillors T Kerr, and K Furlong and Ms J Chetwynd. Kingston/Pritchard CARRIED |
Consideration of General Business Items |
Submissions on the draft Regional Land Transport Strategy, incorporating the draft Regional Land Transport Programme |
Mrs Gilbertson advised the Committee on the process for hearing the verbal submissions, making recommendations on the submissions and any consequential changes that could result to the draft RLTS/RLTP following the hearing of submissions. Mrs Gilbertson also advised that a revised RLTS/RLTP which would include any changes required through the submission process would be presented to the Regional Transport Committee on 22 June and will then be referred to the Regional Council on 27 June for adoption. The Committee commenced hearing verbal
submissions. Submitter 24 – Fonterra Co-Operative Group Limited Lyn O’Neill
The submitter confirmed Fonterra’s support for the short term focus on completing key elements to the roading network as the submitter relies heavily on local roads being continually maintained in order to alleviate any safety risks for its drivers and other road users.
The submitter explained the strategic approach Fonterra would continue to take in the future and this would result in increased vehicle movements and on farm management. Global sustainability was also a key strategic goal.
Responding to questions from the Committee, the submitter confirmed that: · Fonterra was still reliant on local roads in the area however rail is used in many areas of the country; · Product would be shifted elsewhere as it was unlikely that industry would be set up in the region; · Always interested in having discussions with TAs in order to pursue Fonterra’s strategic direction.
Submitter 5 – Barry Crabbe
The submitter gave his support for the use of HPMV trucks on suitable arterial routes within the region; requested consideration be given to rail services be introduced between Eskdale and Paki Paki and also requested that consideration be given to closing off Farndon Road for the use of heavy traffic which would alleviate heavy vehicles using Marine Parade.
The submitter also gave his support for the continued use of rail.
Submitter 4 - Citizens Environmental Advocacy Centre Incorporated Ken Crispin
The submitter expressed concern about the environmental impacts that increased heavy vehicle numbers were having on the region’s roads, saying it was imperative that rail services remained in the region as this would reduce the damage which currently occurs on some of the region’s roads.
Dr Jones requested further information on recently recorded noise levels undertaken by CEAC.
Submitter 9 – Dr Robin Gwynn
The submitter expressed concern that the Strategy which covers a 30 year timeframe did not contain an analysis of the fuel assumptions on which the conclusions had been drawn, there was a lack of discussion around rail and no evidence of the emerging global trends in relation to car usage and fuel costs in a post peak oil environment.
The submitter requested that the Committee view the “Bolland” report in relation to the modelling undertaken on oil prices in 2020.
The submitter congratulated the Committee on the strategic significance of the Port outlined in the Strategy but said the rail corridor between Napier and Gisborne was also of strategic significance for Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne regions.
Responding to questions from the Committee, Dr Gwynn commented that it was impossible to look a decade out without taking into account what may happen with fuel prices and he was confident that biotech technology for vehicles would be implemented in the future.
Submitter 14 – Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Dr Nick Jones
The submitter requested an amendment to the statement on Public Health (4.1.5) and replace the word ‘opportunities’ with “promote” to be more in keeping with the DHB’s core function and the inclusion of an additional principle of “equity” under Section 4.3 (Principles) of the Strategy.
Responding to a question, Dr Jones agreed that well designed roading networks do give an opportunity to improve health and recent MOT figures have indicated that one of the positive benefits has been to health. The submitter also confirmed that HBDHB does work closely with Sports Hawke’s Bay.
The Committee commenced consideration of submissions received.
Submitter 1 – Roark Watson
The Committee noted that the submitter was concerned with traffic congestion at intersections linking Pakowhai Road, Ruahapia Road and Farndon Road and offered suggestions for improved road links into Napier.
The Committee acknowledged that the proposed link from SH2 to the expressway via Awatoto was in a greenfields area which was very low lying and a large investment in pumping systems would be required.
That Mr Watson be thanked for his submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that no change is to be made to the RLTS. Kingston/Schwass CARRIED Submitter 2 – Roark Watson
The Committee noted the submitter’s request to rename the Pacific Coast Highway to “The First Light (Pacific) Highway and agreed that the request be forwarded to Hawke’s Bay Tourism for their consideration.
That Mr Watson be thanked for his submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that no change is to be made to the RLTS but that his suggestion would be forwarded to Hawke’s Bay Tourism for their consideration. Remmerswaal/Clews CARRIED
Submitter 3 – Harvey Norman Properties (NZ Ltd and Harvey Norman Leasing (NZ) Ltd (Laura Swan)
The Committee noted the submitter’s support for the initiatives to improve the transportation network provided there were no adverse affects on their activities on their sites in Hastings.
That Laura Swan, representing Harvey Norman Properties Ltd be thanked for their submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that no change needs to be made to the RLTS however their submission will be formally referred to Hastings District Council for their consideration.
Clews/Kingston CARRIED
Submitter 6 – Port of Napier Limited
The Committee acknowledged the submitter’s support of the Strategy.
That Mr Cowie and the Port of Napier Limited be thanked for the submission and support and be advised, based on the comments made, that no change needs to be made to the RLTS. Kingston/Schwass CARRIED Submitter 7 – Hawke’s Bay Chamber of Commerce
The submitter’s support of the Strategy and the suggestion that as the airport could expand in the future means of access needed to be factored into the Strategy was noted by the Committee.
The Committee discussed the submission and the comments made by NZTA.
The meeting adjourned at 11.55am and reconvened at 12.45pm Mr Mohi joined the meeting.
The Committee continued to hear verbal submissions
Submitter 17 – Pan Pac Mr Brett Gilmore
The submitter strongly supported the draft RLTS and noted that the vision and key outcomes will help future proof the region’s network. The submitter also supported the HPMV initiative and advised that Pan Pac is already running this type of vehicle to the Port which is already reducing heavy truck numbers on the roads. The submitter advised however productivity could be increased further if bridges in the region were able to carry HPMV vehicles.
Responding to a question, Mr Gilmore confirmed that rail services from Pan Pac could not be used as there was no siding at the factory site. Issues around noise would also be a concern.
Submitter 20 – EF Hill (Ted)
The submitter described his vision for a rail-free city environment for both Napier and Hastings which would assist in a more prosperous and pleasant living for the community.
The submitter expressed concern about the unavailability of the SH5 Mohaka Bridge in the event of an emergency and the lack of contingency plans in place.
Submitter 21 – Napier Heavy Traffic Community Forum Mr Les Hewett
The submitter expressed strong concern about the environmental impacts, particularly noise and emissions from vehicles travelling the main arterial routes, on the community and the difficulties that may be experienced following the introduction of four laning of Prebensen Drive.
The submitter suggested that in order to alleviate some noise, that main arterial routes be paved with a noise reduction surface.
Clarification regarding the plans for four laning of Prebensen Drive were outlined to the submitter.
Submitter 29 – Richard Barfoot
The submitter congratulated the Committee on a comprehensive draft RLTS and its stance in relation to the Napier to Gisborne rail line.
The submitter suggested that in order to alleviate truck numbers travelling down Marine Parade, consideration should be given to closing off the right hand turn from Pakowhai Road onto Farndon road to all heavy vehicles. The trucking industry should have restraints and dis-incentives placed onto them for using the coastal route.
Submitter 30 – Jim Haliburton
Mr Haliburton presented his submission which included a suggestion that barges could be used up and down the coast using the available bays with the barges being able to load directly onto log ships. The submitter also suggested two new projects on SH2 north of Napier which could result in savings in travel time, freight and transport costs and ongoing maintenance costs on SH2 to Wairoa.
Submitter 25 – Wairoa District Council Mr Jamie Cox
The submitter sought to include “tourism” as a strategic focus within the Strategy and suggested it be included in the “Our Future” section.
Councillor Little left the meeting at 1.50pm
RTC29/12 Resolution:
That Mr J Cox be appointed as a member of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 08 June 2012 as short term replacement on the Committee for Councillor C Little. Kingston/Hart CARRIED Mrs Gilbertson advised that the Transport Advisory Group (TAG) had met during the lunch break and had reached unanimous agreement on the wording of responses to the submitters to reiterate the priority of projects adopted by the RTC. There was also acknowledgement by TAG that if further projects needed to be included in the RLTP, and the projects were of strategic importance to the region, these projects could be included, if the RTC agreed. It was further agreed that all responses to submitters would be reviewed by TAG members before being signed by the RTC Chairman on behalf of the Committee.
The Committee recommenced consideration of submissions.
Submitter 7 – Chamber of Commerce The Committee continued to discuss the submission, in particular the advantages of the HPMV projects. The requirement for a project to be listed in the Strategy, was noted so that if funding did become available the project must be listed in the RLTP before it could be considered.
1. That the Hawke’s Bay Chamber of Commerce be thanked for their submission and support and that, based on the comments made, that an amendment will be made to the RLTS/RLTP to include, in the summary of medium term projects, likely HPMV projects; and a further reference to HPMV will be included in the “targets” section of the document. 2. And be further advised that an amendment will be made to the RLTS to make reference to the provision of multi-modal transport options, in particular the use of rail as a freight transport alternative both north and south of the region; and secondly to reflect the RTC’s advocacy position in relation to the Gisborne – Napier rail line and desire to ensure the continuation of rail services across the region. Hart/Kingston CARRIED
Submitter 8 – HB Fruitgrower’s Association The Committee noted that the submission was in fully support of the strategy and the RLTP. Resolution: That the Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrower’s Association be thanked for the submission and support and be advised that no change needs to be made to the RLTS or RLTP. Hart/Schwass CARRIED Submitter 9 – Dr R Gwynn Mr Buchanan clarified the reasons the strategy did not include forecasts of fuel prices. Following further discussion, the Committee agreed that amendments would be included in the Strategy which would provide for issues such as fuel costs and other associated probabilities. The Committee also noted the submitter’s comments about KiwiRail and his support for the line to remain open. Resolution: 1. That Dr Gwynn be thanked for his submission and be advised that an amendment will be made to the RLTS to take account of issues such as fuel cost and other associated probabilities. Kingston/Cox CARRIED 2. That Dr Gwynn be advised that an amendment will be made to the RLTS to make reference to the provision of multi-modal transport options, in particular the use of rail as a freight transport alternative both north and south of the region; and secondly to reflect the RTC’s advocacy position in relation to the Gisborne – Napier rail line and desire to ensure the continuation of rail services across the region. Dick/Kingston CARRIED Submitter 10 – Mr David Webster The submitter was in favour of the retention of the rail line from Palmerston North through to Gisborne and suggested that more forestry product could be carried from Napier to Gisborne along with a suitable train for tourism purposes. The submitter expressed concern that a 30 year strategy has to allow for many eventualities and queried the lack of attention to this contained within the Strategy.
Resolution: 1. That Mr David Webster be thanked for his submission and be advised that an amendment will be made to the RLTS to make reference to the provision of multi-modal transport options, in particular the use of rail as a freight transport alternative both north and south of the region; and secondly to reflect the RTC’s advocacy position in relation to the Gisborne – Napier rail line and desire to ensure the continuation of rail services across the region. Remmerswaal/Hart CARRIED Submitter 11 – Transport Advisory Group (TAG) The TAG submission sought RTC approval to make minor changes to the document following advice from Mr Barry Mein, RLTS Auditor and issues arising during the public consultation phase of the Strategy. It was noted that a Targets section would also be included in the document along with a new table to Appendix D outlining how the RLTS aligns with sections 75,76 and 77 of the LTMA. Resolution: That the RTC agree to all necessary editorial and formatting changes being made to the document; and following the TAG submission, noting that a revised targets and measures section would be inserted into the final RLTS. Hart/Schwass CARRIED Submitter 12 – Mr Mac Kirkwood The submitter supported an integrated transport system that uses the region’s strategic assets , cycling and cycleways but expressed concern about the movement of HPMVs in the region which may have impacts on roads, motorists and communities. The Committee acknowledged the support of the submitter on the work undertaken by TAs and the Regional Council with the cycleway projects. Resolution: 1. That Mr M Kirkwood be thanked for the submission and support for the cycling initiatives of Hastings, Napier and the Regional Council; and be advised that an amendment will be made to the RLTS to make reference to the provision of multi-modal transport options, in particular the use of rail as a freight transport alternative both north and south of the region; and secondly to reflect the RTC’s advocacy position in relation to the Gisborne – Napier rail line and desire to ensure the continuation of rail services across the region. Cox/Kingston CARRIED Submitter 13 – Karamu Enhancement Group (KEG) Mr Mac Kirkwood The submitter supported the approach of the RLTS to walking and cycling and was looking forward to the inclusion of a walkway and cycleway in the Te Karamu stretch. Resolution: That the Karamu Enhancement Group be thanked for the submission and support for the strategies approach to cycling activities and current cycling initiatives in the region, and be advised that no change needs to be made to the RLTS. Kingston/Schwass CARRIED
Submitter 14 – Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Dr Nick Jones Resolution: That the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board be thanked for the submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that reference to “equity” issues will be included in the explanation of the aim for “Access and Mobility” in the RLTS. Remmerswaal/Hart CARRIED Submitter 15 – Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated - Mr Morry Black The Committee noted the submitter had several concerns with the RLTS, the importance of correct information to be included in the Strategy and the need for ongoing consultation with Maori. The submitter was in support of retaining the rail link stating that it appeared to be a better option for catering for any increase in freight volumes. Resolution: 1. That Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated be thanked for the submission and be advised that an amendment will be made to the RLTS to make reference to the provision of multi-modal transport options, in particular the use of rail as a freight transport alternative both north and south of the region; and secondly to reflect the RTC’s advocacy position in relation to the Gisborne – Napier rail line and desire to ensure the continuation of rail services across the region. Kingston/Remmerswaal CARRIED Submitter 16 – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council The submitter supported the majority of key projects included in the RLTS/RLTP in relation to improved access to processing industry and the Port of Napier. The submitter expressed concern about two risk areas on SH2 and noted that now SH2 has been classified as a National Strategic Highway, it was imperative that the two projects be moved to the top of the list for 2012. The submitter requested that traffic flows be monitored along SH2 around Te Mahanga and Otane with the uptake of logging continuing in the area and the proposed irrigation scheme in the area. Resolution: That CHBDC be thanked for their submission and be advised that no change needs to be made the RLTS or RLTP. Schwass/Clews CARRIED Submitter 17 – Pan Pac The Committee noted the support of the submitter for the Strategy and in particular the development of more HPMV routes. Resolution: That Pan Pac be thanked for their submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that an amendment will be made to the RLTS/RLTP to include, in the summary of medium term projects, likely HPMV projects; and a further reference to HPMV will be included in the “targets” section of the document. Hart/Kingston CARRIED Submitter 18 – Audrey Jones The submitter expressed concern that SH38 was still not totally sealed after funding was allocated in 2001 and then withdrawn. Environmental effects were also noted. Resolution: That Audrey Jones be thanked for her submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that no change needs to be made to the RLTS or RLTP. Kingston/Schwass CARRIED Submitter 19 – New Zealand Transport Agency
The submitter requested further detail be included in Section 4.4.6 “Corridor Studies” to encompass NZTA’s approach to one network and to highlight that the Strategy would be developed collaboratively with key stakeholders, TAs and NZTA.
That NZTA be thanked for their submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that the RLTS is to be modified to include further reference to corridor studies where suitable information is available; and to include appropriate reference to investigating and implementing a “one network” approach within the region (with wording provided by NZTA).
Clews/Remmerswaal CARRIED Submitter 20 – EF Hill (Ted) The Committee requested that the submitter be advised of Council’s Lifelines procedures in the event of an emergency. Resolution: That Ted Hill be thanked for his submission and be advised, and based on the comments made, that no change needs to be made to the RLTS. Schwass/Cox CARRIED Submitter 21 – Napier Heavy Traffic Community Forum - Mr Les Hewett The Committee noted the submitter’s concerns around environmental impacts as a result of increased traffic volumes and agreed that noise issues are a community concern and should be brought to the RTC at any time. The Committee discussed the need for mitigation methods for the environmental impacts to be included in the Environmental Section of the Strategy. Resolution: 1. That Mr Les Hewett - Napier Heavy traffic Community Forum Committee be thanked for the submission and, based on the comments made, be advised that an amendment will be made to the RLTS to make reference to the provision of multi-modal transport options, in particular the use of rail as a freight transport alternative both north and south of the region; and secondly to reflect the RTC’s advocacy position in relation to the Gisborne – Napier rail line and desire to ensure the continuation of rail services across the region. 2. And further be advised that a statement will be included in the RLTS to strengthen the wording around mitigation of noise as an environmental impact. Kingston/Hart CARRIED Submitter 22 - Jenny Baker The submitter requested that the Strategy should include reference to carbon emissions, oil based and alternative fuels. A further request to place more emphasis on safe commuter routes for cyclists rather than tourist routes was also made. The Committee noted that the submitter also supported the retention of the rail service between Napier and Gisborne. The Committee discussed Hastings District Council’s project “I Ways” and the Kyoto emissions standards and agreed that amendments would be made to the Strategy to include the submitter’s suggestions around fuel and cycling projects. Resolution: 1. That Jenny Baker be thanked for her submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that the RLTS is to be modified to include further reference in the issues section to the supply/cost of fuel, reducing carbon emissions, along with a re worded challenge as noted above. 2. And be further advised that an amendment will be made to the RLTS to make reference to the provision of multi-modal transport options, in particular the use of rail as a freight transport alternative both north and south of the region; and secondly to reflect the RTC’s advocacy position in relation to the Gisborne – Napier rail line and desire to ensure the continuation of rail services across the region. Kingston/Clews CARRIED Submitter 23 – Murray Deakin The submitter expressed concern that SH38 was still not totally sealed after funding was allocated in 2001 and then withdrawn. Environmental effects were also noted. Resolution: That Murray Deakin be thanked for his submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that no change needs to be made to the RLTS or RLTP. Kingston/Schwass CARRIED Submitter 24 – Fonterra - Lyn O’Neil The Committee discussed the points made by the submitter and agreed a response would be given regarding HPMV routes. Resolution: That Fonterra be thanked for the submission, be advised, based on comments and discussion, a response on specific queries about HPMV would be forthcoming but no change is to be made to the RLTS or RLTP. Hart/Schwass CARRIED Submitter 25 – Wairoa District Council - Jamie Cox The Committee commended the submitter on his submission and agreed that further information on existing activities in the tourism area would be included in the Strategy. Resolution: That Wairoa District Council be thanked for the submission, and be advised, based on the comments made, that changes will be made to the RLTS so as to a) provide information on tourism in the region at present and in the future and b) set out an issue and challenge statement for tourism. Kingston/Hart CARRIED Submitter 26 – Federated Farmers The Committee noted that the submitter encouraged ongoing discussions around the levels of service and the prioritisation of roading as farmers have a large input to costs to maintain the roading network. The submitter was in support of the Whakatu Arterial link, the Pakowhai and Links Road intersection and the retention of the Napier to Gisborne rail link. The submitter also supported the provision of a stock effluent facility on the Napier to Wairoa highway as well as facilities at other sites on the network. The submitter questioned the omission of a facility south of Hastings. Following discussion, the Committee agreed a response outlining detail on stock effluent facilities in the region would be forwarded to the submitter. This included referencing the construction of a facility between Napier and Wairoa in Year 4 of the RLTP. Resolution: 1. That Federated Farmers be thanked for the submission and be advised, that based on the comments made, an amendment will be made to the RLTS to make reference to the provision of multi-modal transport options, in particular the use of rail as a freight transport alternative both north and south of the region; and secondly to reflect the RTC’s advocacy position in relation to the Gisborne – Napier rail line and desire to ensure the continuation of rail services across the region. Cox/Remmerswaal CARRIED Submitter 27- Neal Taylor The submitter expressed concern that SH38 was still not totally sealed after funding was allocated in 2001 and then withdrawn. Environmental effects were also noted. Resolution: That Neal Taylor be thanked for his submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that no change needs to be made to the RLTS or RLTP. Kingston/Schwass CARRIED Submitter 28 – Colin Macdonald The submitter expressed concern that SH38 was still not totally sealed after funding was allocated in 2001 and then withdrawn. Environmental effects were also noted. Resolution: That Colin Macdonald be thanked for his submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that no change needs to be made to the RLTS or RLTP. Kingston/Schwass CARRIED Submitter 29 – Richard Barfoot The Committee noted that the submitter supported the approach for rail as outlined in the strategy and the retention of the Napier to Gisborne rail line. The Committee discussed the submitter’s suggestion that all heavy vehicles be diverted from accessing Marine Parade at the Farndon Road/Pakowhai Rd turnoff and agreed to forward the submitter’s suggestion to Hastings District Council for consideration.
Resolution: 1. That Richard Barfoot be thanked for the submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that an amendment will be made to the RLTS to make reference to the provision of multi-modal transport options, in particular the use of rail as a freight transport alternative both north and south of the region; and secondly to reflect the RTC’s advocacy position in relation to the Gisborne – Napier rail line and desire to ensure the continuation of rail services across the region. 2. That Richard Barfoot’s suggestion to stop HCV traffic heading north along Farndon Road be forwarded to Hastings District Council for further consideration. Remmerswaal/Cox CARRIED Submitter 30 – JR Haliburton (Jim) The Committee noted the submitter’s suggestions around alternative transport namely the use of barges up and down the coast which could load directly onto log ships and the proposal to build a new route for SH2 from Tutira to Bayview via the Waikoau Valley with the inclusion of a new bridge to bypass the Waikare Gorge. Following discussion, it was agreed that the appropriate Approved Organisation will include strategic projects in relation to SH2 in the Strategy as placeholders if future funding becomes available. Resolution: That J.R.Halliburton be thanked for the submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that no change needs to be made to the RLTS or RLTP. Kingston/Clews CARRIED Submitter 4 – Citizens Environmental Advocacy Centre Inc (CEAC) - Ken Crispin The Committee discussed the submission from CEAC and in particular the environmental impacts as a result of increased heavy vehicle numbers on arterial roads in the region. The support for rail services was also noted. Resolution: 1. That CEAC be thanked for their submission and be advised, based on the comments made, that an amendment will be made to the RLTS to make reference to the provision of multi-modal transport options, in particular the use of rail as a freight transport alternative both north and south of the region; and secondly to reflect the RTC’s advocacy position in relation to the Gisborne – Napier rail line and desire to ensure the continuation of rail services across the region. 2. And further be advised that a statement will be included in the RLTS to strengthen the wording around mitigation of noise as an environmental impact. Kingston/Schwass CARRIED Submitter 5 – Mr Barry Crabbe The Committee noted the submitter’s support for most sections of the Strategy in particular the introduction of HPMV on selected routes which will reduce the number of heavy vehicles on the network. The submitter’s suggestions for improved facilities to alleviate environmental impacts on the roads was also noted. The Committee expressed concern with the submitter’s statement that the Farndon Road overbridge would be an impediment in the network plans for the future. Clarification was also sought from KiwiRail about double stacking containers.
Resolution: That Mr Crabbe be thanked for his submission and be advised, that based on the comments made, no change needs to be made to the RLTS. Kingston/Schwass CARRIED |
RTC30/12 |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made on issues submitted on the draft Regional Land Transport Strategy 2012-2042, incorporating the draft Regional land Transport Programme 2012-2015 are made after the provisions included in Section 83 and 84 of the Local Government Act 2002 have been followed; 2. Receives, and acknowledges with thanks, the verbal and written submissions forwarded in response to the draft RLTS/RLTP; 3. Adopts the revised recommendations in the ‘Summary of Submissions and Recommendations’ report, as agreed to by the Committee; 4. Agrees to consequential amendments to the RLTS/RLTP; 5. Notes that a revised RLTS/RLTP, incorporating any changes required through this submission process, will be presented to the 22 June 2012 meeting of the Regional Transport Committee for endorsement, and will be referred to the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council on 27 June 2012 for adoption. Remmerswaal/Kingston CARRIED 6. Notes that a consistent theme of submissions give support for the draft Regional Land Transport Programme and its priorities for 2012-2015. Dick/Cox CARRIED
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 3.40pm on Friday, 8 June 2012.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................