MINUTES OF A meeting of the Roadsafe Governance Group



Date:                          Friday 22 June 2012


Time:                          9.00am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     A J Dick – Chairman

                                   K Furlong

                                   T Kerr

                                   L Probert


In Attendance:          C Gilbertson

                                             L Anderson

                                   M Drury – Minute Secretary



Chairman Dick welcomed all present.

RGG1/12  Apologies were received from Messrs C Adamson and T Kingston.




         There were no conflicts of interest declared.



3.      CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Roadsafe Governance Group held on 15 November 2011


Minutes of the RoadSafe Governance Group held on Tuesday, 15 November 2011, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




4.      Matters Arising from Minutes of  the  Roadsafe Governance Group held on Tuesday 15 November 2011

There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Action Items from Previous Meetings


There were no action items from  the previous meeting.



Financial Report


Mrs Gilbertson reported that the financial overview presented a very positive picture for this time of the year and this was largely due to the outstanding work Mrs Anderson had completed in securing funding from other sources which were then allocated to key projects and priorities.

Responding to questions from the Committee, Mrs Gilbertson advised that both staff vacancies in Wairoa and Central Hawke’s Bay had been advertised and interviews for the CHB position would occur shortly.  The Wairoa position was proving extremely difficult to fill, so other options were being explored also.

Mayor Probert advised that he would talk about the vacancy at the upcoming Council Forum in Wairoa to see if there was any interest.

Mrs Anderson confirmed that work was still going on in Wairoa and she had recently met with stakeholders in the area.  Mrs Anderson advised a working plan for Wairoa was in place which set out the key focus areas, which included working with the rural community. She said it was important that RoadSafe key messages are continued, especially following the recent tragic traffic accidents.

The Committee congratulated Mrs Anderson on her outstanding enthusiasm, her accomplishments during the last year and her ongoing work in Wairoa.






That the RoadSafe Governance Group:

1.    Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.    Receive the financial position report as at 31 May 2012.






RoadSafe Activity Reports


Mrs Anderson updated the Committee on the latest activities undertaken by RoadSafe staff in the region and noted that the CHB report was the final one from Ethna Renner, following her resignation from this role.

Mrs Anderson illustrated to the Committee some events which had occurred particularly around speed and fatigue, intersections, motorcycles and alcohol.  Of particular note was the ongoing success of the Youth Alcohol expo held recently, an evaluation report is currently being prepared following feedback from students who attended.

Mrs Anderson commented that during recent discussions with Inspector Chris Wallace, reassurance was given that although there were changes occurring in the eastern regional police district, ongoing assistance from police would continue in the RoadSafe activities.

Councillor Furlong advised there had been a roading engineer’s conference held in Napier recently and  questioned whether Mrs Anderson was aware of the aims of the Conference as it would assist RoadSafe in their daily activities. Unfortunately, Mrs Anderson had not received an invitation to the Conference which was a disappointment.

Mrs Anderson and Mrs Gilbertson advised that Road Safety Action Plan (RSAP) meetings were not being held on a regular basis.  Mrs Anderson advised that Sally Phelps, ACC, had committed to organising future meetings, but said it was important there was good attendance at the meetings. There is a requirement that these meetings be held and that actions arising from the meetings be followed up and reported on.  Stakeholders included the Police, ACC, DHB,  TAs and RoadSafe. It was agreed that this issue would be raised at the Regional Transport Committee meeting being held that day.

The Committee also acknowledged the outstanding work undertaken by the RoadSafe team under Mrs Anderson’s leadership and also noted the presentation of the District Commander’s Award to Mrs Anderson for her outstanding achievements in the community.




That the RoadSafe Governance Group:

1.      Receives and notes the RoadSafe Activity Reports.



2.      Requests that the Road Safety Action Plan meetings be re-instated on a regular basis and that participants be encouraged to attend, noting that it is a requirement of NZTA’s funding for Road Safety initiatives ongoing in the region.



3.      Congratulates Mrs Linda Anderson on receipt of the District Commander’s Award for her outstanding contribution to the community.





General Business


Waka Ama Project

Mrs Anderson updated the Committee on the Waka Ama project which was a joint project with Eastern Police, Colenso High School and RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.00am on Friday, 22 June 2011.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................