Meeting of the Regional Transport Committee



Date:                 Friday 27 April 2012

Time:                10.15am


Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street





Item      Subject                                                                                            Page


1.         Welcome/Notices/Apologies 

2.         Conflict of Interest Declarations

3.         Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee  

4.         Confirmation of Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on 17 February 2012

5.         Matters Arising from Minutes of the  Regional Transport Committee held on 17 February 2012

6.         Deputation re Gisborne Rail Track - 10.30am

7.         Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings

8.         Consideration of General Business Items

9.         Presentation by Mr Martin Matthews, CEO of Ministry of Transport

Decision Items

10.       Adoption of the Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy - Incorporating the Draft Regional Land Transport Programme

Information or Performance Monitoring

11.       Transport Manager's Report

12.       HPMV Video Presentation by Mr Gordon Hart - NZTA

13.       Central Region - Regional Director's Report

14.       Consideration of East Coast Rail Situation - Verbal

15.       Report on Cycling and Walking Conference

16.       Verbal Reports from Objective Representatives

17.       General Business  



Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 27 April 2012

SUBJECT: Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee        



1.      Council has made allowance in the terms of reference of the Committee for short term replacements to be appointed to the Committee where the usual member/s cannot stand.



1.     That __________________________  be appointed as member/s of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 27 April 2012 as short term replacements(s) on the Committee for _______________________.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager




Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 27 April 2012

SUBJECT: Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings        



1.      Attachment 1 is a list of items raised at previous Regional Transport Committee meetings that require action or follow-up. All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment. Once the items have been completed and reported to the Committee they will be removed from the list.



2.      Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that as this report is for information only and no decision is required in terms of the Local Government Act’s provisions, the decision making procedures set out in the Act do not apply.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.





Esther-Amy Bate



Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager




Action Items




Action Items

Attachment 1


Actions from Regional Transport Committee Meetings


The following is a list of items raised at the Regional Transport Committee meetings that require actions or follow-ups. All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment for each action. Once the items have been completed and reported back to the Committee they will be removed from the list.



Agenda Item


Person Responsible

Due Date

Status Comment

State Highway 38 – Request for Sealing

To be left on the list for regular follow-ups




Presentation by Mr Martin Matthews CEO, Ministry of  Transport

Address RTC meeting

C Gilbertson

April 2012

Presentation to be given to RTC in April 2012


Adoption of the Heretaunga Plans Transportation Study

Identify priority projects for NZTA for their support

C Gilbertson

April 2012

See comment in Transport Managers report

Regional Land Transport programme Management and Monitoring Protocol

NZTA/TAG representatives have further discussions – a further paper be prepared for 27 April meeting

C Gilbertson/

J Chetwynd

April 2012

See comment in Transport Managers report

Public Transport Update

NCC Councillors experience Ahuriri bus service

M Welsby/

C Gilbertson

April 2012

A bus trip was undertaken on 4 April with NCC councillors.







Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 27 April 2012

SUBJECT: Presentation by Mr Martin Matthews, CEO of Ministry of Transport        


Reason For Report

1.      Mr Martin Matthews, Chief Executive of the Ministry of Transport will be in attendance at this meeting to provide the Committee with a presentation on relevant issues from the Ministry of Transport.

2.      Specifically Mr Matthews will be providing an update on upcoming proposed legislative changes within the Ministry of Transport and the impact that may have on Transport.


3.      Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.




1.    That the Regional Transport Committee receives the presentation from Mr Martin Matthews, CEO of the Ministry of Transport.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager




There are no attachments for this report.


Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 27 April 2012

SUBJECT: Adoption of the Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy - Incorporating the Draft Regional Land Transport Programme        


Reason for Report

1.      The purpose of this report is to ask the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) to consider and approve the draft Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS) incorporating the draft Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) for public consultation, using the special consultative procedure (in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002).


2.      The current Regional Land Transport Strategy was adopted in 2008 and was required to be reviewed in 2011, but an extension of time was requested and granted by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA). It was decided that the Regional Land Transport Strategy would be reviewed and consulted on with the draft 2012-15 Regional Land Transport Programme and produced as one document, Part One being the RLTS and Part Two the RLTP. This draft document is now presented to the RTC (to committee members only) for adoption for public consultation, see Attachment 1. This document may still be edited for spelling, grammar and layout prior to being made available for distribution on 1 May 2012 to commence the public consultation phase.

3.      The RLTS identifies what is needed in our region to achieve an affordable, integrated, safe, responsive and environmentally sustainable land transport system, now and in the future and sets out a framework for our transport network. It focuses on the strategic transportation needs of the Region, looking out over a period of the next 30 years.

4.      The purpose of the RLTP is to seek funding from the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) and forms the basis of a programme of works through which Approved Organisations (AOs) in Hawke’s Bay are able to request funding subsidy from NZTA.

5.      This document will be widely distributed as part of the special consultation procedure and targeted consultation will be undertaken with key stakeholders in the region.

6.      The Local Government Act 2002 requires that public notice be given to advise the availability of the Draft RLTS. Public notices will be placed in newspapers throughout the region noting the availability of copies of the Draft RLTS and the Summary of Information. The Summary of Information is a summary of what is contained in the RLTS and the special consultative procedure requires this to be prepared and distributed as widely as reasonably practicable.

7.      Key milestones are outlined below for the committee’s information:

27 April 2012

RTC approves the draft RLTS, incorporating the draft RLTP, for release for public consultation

1 May – 31 May 2012

Public consultation period

8 June 2012

Hearings on submissions

22 June 2012       

RTC approves final RLTS for adoption by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

27 June 2012       

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council adopts the RLTS

30 August 2012    

New Zealand Transport Agency releases the National Land Transport Programme




Decision Making Process

8.      The Committee is required to make a decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and concluded that the Regional Land Transport Strategy, incorporating the Regional Land Transport Programme must use a special consultative procedure as set out in section 83 of the Act when adopting this RLTS.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.    Confirms that the draft Regional Land Transport Strategy RLTS), incorporating the draft Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) be subjected to a special consultative procedure as required by section 93(2) of the Local Government Act.

2.    Adopts the draft RLTS, incorporating the draft RLTP and the Summary of Proposal; and noting any changes made by the Committee at this meeting, under Sections 83 and 93 of the Local Government Act 2002 for the purposes of initiating the special consultative procedure.

3.    Notes the key milestones and agrees to give public notice pursuant to Sections 83(e), (f), and (g) of the Local Government Act 2002, to notify the adoption of the draft RLTS, incorporating the draft RLTP with a closing date of submissions on 31 May 2012.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager





Draft Regional Land Transport Plan


Under Separate Cover


Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy


Under Separate Cover


Draft Summary


Under Separate Cover



Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 27 April 2012

SUBJECT: Transport Manager's Report        



1.      This regular report provides the Committee with a snapshot of relevant transport matters; comments on issues that have been actioned since the last Regional Transport Committee (RTC); provides an update on progress on studies and plans underway; and outlines what is coming up within the transport sector. This report will now also provide a regular update from the Transport Advisory Group (TAG) on issues raised at their regular meetings. 

Actions Since Last RTC Meetings

2.      Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) Moderation Process

2.1.      Murray Buchanan, Shawn McKinley and Carol Gilbertson attended the RLTP moderation process at the conclusion of the last RTC meeting. Project profiles presented by the RTC were scrutinised and extensively discussed. Due to a process issue the Highway Network Operation projects had very little and at times no information attached to them which made discussing their profiles very difficult, however the group thought the initial process was transparent and robust. It was noted however that the NZTA glossary, which was used to evaluate projects, needed a great deal of refinement in order for it to be successfully interpreted and applied.

3.      Appointment of Mr Brian Pritchard

3.1.      Mr Pritchard’s appointment to this committee as a replacement for Mr Alistair Bramley in the role of Objective Representative - Environmental Sustainability was confirmed by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council at their meeting on 29 February 2012.

4.      Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study (HPTS) Update

4.1.      At the RTC meeting on 17 February the Committee resolved the following in relation to the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study:

“Adopt the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study and the strategy it contains, noting that the technical recommendations will be used to inform the key projects included in the Regional Land Transport Programme.

Refer the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study to Napier City Council and Hastings District Council for their consideration and adoption.

Requests that the Study Management Group draws the strategic, package and project elements from the Study and present the Strategy to NZTA for their endorsement.”

4.2.      At the RTC meeting the NZTA Central Regional Director, Ms Jenny Chetwynd highlighted the issue that NZTA can only support “strategies”, not “studies” and was unable to put the HPTS forward for support by NZTA and that it was preferable to incorporate the study’s findings into a strategy.

4.3.      Discussions have been ongoing since the RTC meeting between Council’s Transport Manager and NZTA to clarify exactly what is required by NZTA in regards to the comment made at the meeting.

4.4.      The current status of the HPTS is that the RTC has adopted the study, Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will adopt the Study in April and May respectively. NZTA officials have suggested to HBRC that a Strategy be developed for Hawke’s Bay that incorporates the findings of the HPTS and aspects of the Wider Region Transportation Strategy. The focus of such a strategy should be on the Heretaunga Plains but recognise the key connections throughout the wider region and the North Island, for example with regard to freight.  It would encompass issues highlighted in both the Wider Region Transportation Study and the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study and also components of other studies that have been undertaken, such as the State Highway corridor studies.  There will be a strong alignment between the Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS) and the Strategy.

4.5.      The Strategy will provide a basis for NZTA and the RTC to agree on strategic outcomes, objectives and issues and identify the longer term investment pathway. The Strategy, once supported, will be used as the evidence base to support future bids for funding (eg for 2015-18 RLTP and beyond, when it is expected that only N funding will be available).

4.6.      Due to the tight timeframe to develop the draft RLTS/RLTP it has been agreed with NZTA that the development of the separate Strategy be started once the RLTS/RLTP has been issued for public consultation. Prior to that NZTA have committed to working with the Councils to develop the scope and direction of this Strategy.

4.7.      The Committee needs to note that NZTA have confirmed the RLTS/RLTP funding process as it applies to the region’s use of R funds will not be adversely affected by not having a supported strategy.

4.8.      The Committee should also be aware that NZTA have confirmed the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study is robust and is a good evidence base to support future projects in the Region and although the contrary had been portrayed in the media following the last RTC meeting the article did not accurately report the intention of the comments by Ms Chetwynd.

Current Issues

5.      Update from Transport Advisory Group (TAG) Meetings

5.1.      At the TAG meeting on 2 March 2012 the group reviewed their current Terms of Reference. It was agreed that TAG needs have a wider transport outlook than it has recently and use this forum to share information on district issues, particularly in light of the government reforms and possible amalgamation of councils that is being signalled nationally.  It was agreed that the TAG should take a broader, longer term focus paying particular attention to resolving wider regional land transport issues rather than focusing on disconnected district solutions.

5.2.      There are a number of groups that are currently meeting independent of the TAG that have no formal reporting mechanisms back to either the TAG or RTC.  The TAG agreed that the TAG representative from each of these groups should update the TAG as and when required. 

5.3.      Rail and Coastal Shipping (Port of Napier) were identified as key stakeholders in regional transport and it was agreed that the RTC objective representative from both KiwiRail and Port of Napier be asked to attend a quarterly TAG meeting to provide an update on their current issues.

5.4.      The Management and Monitoring Protocol was again discussed by TAG at their meeting on 5 Aril. This item had been left to lie on the table at the two previous RTC meetings. Following further debate and clarification it was agreed that while this is an excellent and necessary process the protocol is more of a relationship and management process tool for TAG to use to bring projects through to the RTC as they arise. Therefore it was agreed by TAG that the protocol does not need to be adopted by the RTC. This process will be used by TAG to ensure the RTC has full awareness of what projects are being forwarded for funding and is aware of the Regional “R” funds balance through regular reporting from TAG to the RTC, while acknowledging the NZTA is the holder of the funds.

6.      Public Transport Update

6.1.      Bikes on Buses Update

6.1.1.   It is extremely pleasing to be able to advise that the Regional Council now propose to install bike racks on buses on Council’s main route, route 12 (between Napier and Hastings), in the current financial year. It was anticipated that this would be done as part of a requirement in the new bus services contract in 2014 but staff have worked with Council’s bus operator, Go Bus, and have reached an agreement to implement this immediately. Staff are now waiting for the racks to be built and installed on the buses and hope these will be seen sometime mid year. Each rack will carry two bikes. There will be no cost to passengers to carry the bikes, which will be carried at the owners risk. The scheme has been very successful in Christchurch with large usage by peak hour commuters.

6.1.2.   Hawke’s Bay Regional Council staff are working with the Hastings District Council iWays project team to determine the best sites and design for secure bike racks at key bus stop locations. At this stage sites at Clive, Eastbourne Street – Hastings and Havelock North have been suggested.

6.2.      Fare Review

6.2.1.   The Regional Public Transport Plan specifies Hawke’s Bay Regional Council undertakes regular fare reviews and fare structure reviews. The last fare structure review was done in 2009 and minor changes to fares were made at that time, a review of both the fare structure and fare pricing is currently underway and it is expected that any suggested changes will be presented to the RTC and Regional Council in June.

6.3.      Ahuriri Trial Bus Service Update

6.3.1.   The trial service to Ahuriri and Westshore is continuing to prove popular, with numbers using this service shown below:

6.3.2.   As part of the review of the trial feedback from the operator, bus users and the Ahuriri community has been undertaken. A number of suggestions were made during this process and on 4 April HBRC staff took a number of Napier City Council councillors and staff on board the Ahuriri Hopper to outline the suggested changes to the current route. The main change proposed is to remove the Hospital Hill section (including Milton Road and Napier Terrace) as very few passengers have used the part of the service. This change, and a number of other minor changes, will mean the service can be reduced from 70 minutes to a 45 minute return journey and provide an on the hour/clock-face timetable. It will enable the inbound/return journey to mirror the outbound journey and travel back into Napier along Shakespeare Road. Following requests from Westshore residents, it is also proposed to extend the route along Domain Road and the Esplanade into Westshore village.

6.3.3.   Napier City Council have also undertaken to address a number of issues with current bus stop locations on this route to make the service more efficient and attractive.

7.      Regional Land Transport Strategy

7.1.      Casting Vote Clarification

7.1.1.   During the drafting of the Regional Land Transport Strategy the Auditor for the RLTS, Mr Barry Mein, advised that there needed to be clarification given to the RTC to ensure all members realise that the Chairman of the RTC does not have the ability to use a casting vote. Notification of this to the RTC meets the audit requirements by Mr Mein.

Approved Organisations – Significant Issues

8.      Hastings District Council

8.1.      Whakatu Project Update

8.1.1.   Hastings District Council has held a number of public meetings on the Whakatu Project and is now in an “enquiry by design” phase. Jag Pannu will provide an update on this project at the meeting.

8.2.      SH2 Bridge Over Clive Bridge

8.2.1.   A letter from Hastings District Council to the New Zealand Transport Agency is attached (Attachment 1), raising community concerns in relation to safety on the SH2 bridge over the Clive River and asking for urgent NZTA assistance in addressing this issue. Collaboration with NZTA and HDC have resolved this issue. Further comment will be provided at the meeting.

9.      Napier City Council

9.1.      Property purchases for Ford Road are well advanced.

10.    Wairoa District Council

10.1.    No significant issues to report.

11.    Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

11.1.    No significant issues to report.

12.    NZTA HNO

12.1.    No significant issues to report.

Looking Ahead

13.    The public consultation on the draft Regional Land Transport Strategy incorporating the Regional Land Transport Programme public consultation will be undertaken in May.

14.    Regional Cycling Strategy – A project team, lead by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Transport Manager, has been established to develop a Regional Cycling Strategy. It is hoped this document will be completed in the second half of this year.

15.    Review and changes in policy and legislation will continue to be an ongoing focus over the next few months.


16.    Council is required to make a decision in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained in Part 6 Sub Part 1 of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded the following:

16.1.    The decision does not significantly alter the service provision or affect a strategic asset.

16.2.    The use of the special consultative procedure is not prescribed by legislation.

16.3.    The decision does not fall within the definition of Council’s policy on significance.

16.4.    The persons affected by this decision are the members of the Regional Transport Committee.

16.5.    Options that have been considered include appointing a smaller group of RTC representatives to review the draft RLTS or having the committee as a whole review the document.

16.6.    The decision is not inconsistent with an existing policy or plan.

16.7.    Given the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided, and also the persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the decisions made, Council can exercise its discretion and make a decision without consulting directly with the community or others having an interest in the decision.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.    Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.    Receives the Transport Manager’s report.




Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager





HDC Letter re Clive Bridge




HDC Letter re Clive Bridge

Attachment 1



Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 27 April 2012

SUBJECT: HPMV Video Presentation by Mr Gordon Hart - NZTA        



Reason For Report

1.      Attached is a report prepared by NZTA on the successful introduction of High Productivity Motor Vehicles (HPMV) in the Hawke’s Bay region.

2.      A short video will also be presented demonstrating an example of  the region’s success and the  effective collaboration both within NZTA and with external transport partners.


3.      Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.




1.    That the Regional Transport Committee receives the updated report on the High productivity Motor Vehicles success story in Hawke’s Bay.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager





Hawke's Bay HPMV Success Story




Hawke's Bay HPMV Success Story

Attachment 1





Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee




Jenny Chetwynd – NZTA Regional Director Central


19 April 2012



High Productivity Motor Vehicles – a Hawke’s Bay Success Story


1    Enhancing freight efficiency is an important part of enabling New Zealand’s economic growth and productivity. Lowering the cost of internal freight movement means we can be more competitive in international markets, and create more job opportunities within the country.  The Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding (GPS) identified enhancing New Zealand’s economic growth and productivity as a key investment objective for the National Land Transport Fund. Enhancing freight efficiency in the Hawkes Bay’s, particularly for freight to port is key element of giving effect to that investment objective.


2    Allowing High Productivity Motor Vehicles (higher truck weight and dimension capabilities) to use our roading networks is a practical and effective way to enhance the efficiency of freight moment around our country. It enables freight operators to use fewer trucks – leading to efficiency gains and cost savings in fuel and road user charges, which allows businesses to re invest those savings onto the business to create opportunities and jobs. The advances in technology HPMV capable trucks provide, also means quieter and safer trucks, operating at lower frequency creating both environmental and safety benefits for communities. 


3    The Hawkes Bay region have made significant step toward enhancing freight efficiency, by being one of the first regions in the country to open up a high productivity route between the Panpac Mill and the Port of Napier. This HPMV project enables Pan Pac to use a specially designed HPMV truck to operate on both State Highway and local road networks. This benefits the Hawkes Bay regional economy, and enables the Hawkes Bay to play its part in contributing to New Zealand’s economic growth.


4    Achieving this outcome has been a team effort involving all of the Hawke’s Bay roading authorities, operator representatives, the industry, the police and many NZTA business groups all working collaboratively, over a period of 18 months.  An extensive investigation was undertaken identifying a number of potential routes that could be developed to return benefits to the both the region and the country, and then focusing efforts on the route that would deliver the best outcome and value for money.


5    Enabling HPMV capability on our roading network means more than just considering where roads and bridges needed to be improved or strengthened.  Decisions need to be made about where best to focus any roading investment to get best value for money for New Zealand. To do that we need to share information between government and the freight sector about the frequency and value of freight movements now and in the future, as well as ensuring trucks are maintained and operated safely.


6    This example in the Hawkes Bay demonstrates:


·      A one network approach to working together, unconstrained by traditional paradigms and organisational boundaries, to achieve common objectives.

·      The strength of the collaborative environment within the region, demonstrating that Councils, communities, and NZTA partners can work together for an outcome that benefits Hawke’s Bay and benefits New Zealand.

·      Direct relationship with GPS and demonstrating a strong linkage between national and local outcomes:

a.   supports economic growth and productivity

b.   improves road safety (less truck movements and a state-of-the-art vehicle meeting very high safety standards)

c.   achieves strong value-for-money (minimal expenditure, high economic return)


·      The community and environmental benefits – a significant reduction in the noise impacts associated with the movement of freight through the urban environment on the route to our busy port.



8    NZTA has recently used this initiative as an example of best practice example of effective collaboration both within NZTA and with external transport partners. To demonstrate the outcome, a short video has been presented to most staff in NZTA across the country. We thought you would enjoy seeing how the regions success has been communicated.



Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 27 April 2012

SUBJECT: Central Region - Regional Director's Report        


Reason For Report

1.      This item introduces the NZTA Central Region Regional Director’s report as provided in Attachment 1.


2.      Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.




1.    That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Regional Director’s report.





Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager





Regional Director's Report




Regional Director's Report

Attachment 1





Hawke’s Bay Regional Transport Committee




Jenny Chetwynd – NZTA Regional Director Central


27 April 2012




The purpose of this report is:

·      to provide an update on NZTA’s role in the delivery of the Regional Land Transport Strategy and the National Land Transport Programme in the Hawke’s Bay Region

·      to provide an update on key initiatives that may impact the strategic development of the regional transport network



1.0   Changes to the transport operating Environment


New Zealand is still experiencing difficult economic conditions, slowing growth in transport demand and creating a difficult operating environment for freight operators. The sluggish economy and rising factor input costs for labour, bitumen, cement and steel are all combining to squeeze supplier markets, with flow on effects for the NZTA and our investment partners. While there are signs of an economic recovery, progress is expected to remain slow. The recovery may quicken, as the rebuild of Christchurch gets underway, but a potential downside is that growth in demand for construction and related services will create upward pressure on tender prices for construction across the country.


The Government legislative and policy programme includes a number of initiatives that will impact on our operating environment. The Transport Minister has also recently approved the Vehicle Licensing Reform (VLR) project. The Road User Charges Act will introduce the most significant changes since the system was introduced in 1977. Both of these changes are discussed in more detail below. The Land Transport Management Act, and Public Transport Management Act reviews, may also mean changes in some of the transport planning process. While, we don't expect this will fundamentally change the way we do business, it may provide some cost savings for all of us.


Looking around the country, strong collaboration between the NZTA and the freight industry has identified opportunities to optimise rail and road networks to increase freight efficiency.

Good progress is also being made on delivering the Roads of National significance. The continued development of high productivity motor vehicle routes (HPMV) will be a key activity during the 12/15 NLTP period.


The sector also continues to make very good progress against the Government's Safer Journey's outcome of reducing in death and serious injuries, with two significant Safer Journeys actions introduced this year; the new restricted driving test, and the changes to Give Way rule. In the public transport area, nationally, public transport boarding’s have declined slightly, but good progress is being made in integrated ticketing, the public transport operating model (PTOM) and development of the performance measures for public transport effectiveness.


1.1 Headway Projects 


The NZTA is also undertaking a programme of business improvement projects, combined under the Headway Banner. The six projects:

·      Project development review,

·      HNO maintenance and operations review,

·      Professional services review,

·      Road maintenance taskforce,

·      Integrated network strategy and

·      Transport Planning review


have all been selected for their ability to: respond to the prevailing economic conditions and the ongoing need to assure stakeholders that we deliver value for money; and improve the effectiveness of the four core NZTA functions of planning, investing, maintaining and managing access to and use of land transport networks. The projects are all at various stages, and we will report on the outcomes as they become available.


2.0   Update on State Highway and Network Ops activities


Wet weather continues to affect progress on a number of maintenance and capital projects but we remain confident of completing the programme before the end of the financial year. Unfortunately, associated with the unusual weather conditions have been two rainfall events that have affected access between Napier and Gisborne. In both events (21st March and 5th April) we did very well in limiting the duration of closures. In particular, on the Thursday prior to Easter, the highway through Devils Elbow was reopened before nightfall. These road closures, and the Waioeka gorge slip, are a reminder of the challenges of the east coast geology, when combined with heavy rain. 

We continue to work with Hastings District Council (HDC) to determine what collaboration opportunities arise from the development of the Whakatu Arterial and Pakowhai intersection projects. We are also working with HDC on the critical linkages with the state highway at the Clive Bridge, Omahu Road and York Road expressway intersection, which all affect Model Communities cycleway development.


Finally, we remain confident of achieving SH5 HPMV capability by the end of this financial year.


3.0     Investment update


3.1 Headway Projects 


The wild weather has also seen a high volume of Emergency Works claims. As at 10 April 2012, we have received requests for funding from HNO, Wairoa District Council, Gisborne District Council and Central Hawke’s Bay District Council. New approvals for NLTF funding in the Jan-Mar 2012 quarter are as below.


Review Name

Request Type

Org Name

Project Name

Phase Type

NLTA share change

January 2012 Review

Emergency reinstatement

Hawkes Bay Highway & Network Operations

E/W H-B Storm Event April 2011



E/W H-B Storm Event January 2011



February 2012 Review

Emergency reinstatement

Wairoa District Council

E/Works SPR  10/12



February 2012 Review

Emergency reinstatement

Gisborne District Council

GDC Emergency Works 11/12



March 2012 Review

Activity management plans

Hastings District Council

Activity Management Plans 2011/12




3.2 The 2012-15 RLTP and NLTP Development 


NZTA has continued to work with council staff on the development of the Draft 2012/15 Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP). The next stages in the national moderation process are focused on how to give effect to the GPS direction, and where can investment be targeted to achieve the best transport outcomes and value for money for New Zealand.   


Unfortunately, funding requests have outstripped the available funding. It is likely, this will mean that many AOs will not receive any increase on their 2009/12 programmes, some will face decreases over their 2009/12 programmes, and most councils will not receive the amounts they have requested.


Nationally, the largest challenge has been Local Road Maintenance and Operations and Renewals activity classes. While we intend to allocate to the top of the GPS activity class range for in both activity classes, this represents a very small increase over the 2009/12 allocation and does not allow us to account for any cost escalation. While the 2012/15 NLTP won't be finalised until the end of August, we expect to be able to give a strong indication of approved funding levels for Maintenance, Operations and Renewals by the end of May.


4.0     Implementing the Safer Journeys


4.1 Give way rule


Our national advertising campaign around the Give Way rule finished on 1st April 2012. Road Safety Co-ordinators and other key partners have been busy over past weeks educating folk about the changes. Some great work is still going on in the communities which we are very appreciative of.


In the Hawkes Bay region, there have been no reported crashes (that we are aware of), as a result of the Give Way Rule change. Anecdotal feedback from Police indicate that most drivers seem to be aware of the rule changes and are making the correct manoeuvres. In cases where drivers seem to be ‘unsure’, there is noticeable ‘courtesy’ being shown and overall positive communication and “hand waving”. 


NZTA, Council staff, Consultants and others will continue to monitor crashes attributable to the Give Way Rule changes over coming months.


4.2 Improving Transport User regulation


NZTA and MoT are continuing to look for ways to modernise and simplify transport legislation.  Ensuring we minimise confusion and keep focused on improving the level and type of service we provide to transport customers are critical elements Both agencies appreciate that this transport sector modernisation could require considerable input as people take the time to consider options, make submissions and ultimately adapt to any change that occurs as a result of the projects. Two initiatives this committee should be aware of are discussed below.


4.3 Vehicle Licensing Reform


The Transport Minister has recently approved the Vehicle Licensing Reform (VLR) project - a joint NZTA /MoT initiative that aims to make some of the NZTA’s systems simpler and more efficient to administer. The three regulatory systems in scope for VLR review are:


·      the Warrant of Fitness/Certificate of Fitness system,

·      annual vehicle licensing, and,

·      transport services licensing.


Together, these three systems combined generate more than 14 million transactions per year, placing significant administrative and compliance burdens on households, businesses and on the NZTA to process those transactions.  The objectives of the review are to:


·      reduce costs for households, businesses and the government

·      ensure the rationale for all the systems are still clearly justified 

·      Investigate whether the government could take advantage of technological developments to make licensing easier and offer better value for money.


A team, made up of content and process specialists from both agencies is working to a tight deadline to make recommendations to the Transport Minister by the end of 2012. The project aims to have any required legislation drafted and passed during the current parliamentary term.


4.4 RUC – Road User Charges


The road user charges (RUC) system in New Zealand was established in 1978, and require  road user charges to be paid on all diesel vehicles and on all vehicles over 3.5 tonnes. All the revenue from RUC goes into the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF). RUC rates are set according to vehicle types and weights and vary in proportion to the roading costs to the network related to different vehicles. This is intended to encourage transport operators to make efficient choices when transporting freight. The fund is used mainly for road construction and maintenance, along with other activities benefiting road users.

The Road User Charges Act 2012 is indented to simplify and modernise the road user charges RUC system. The key proposed changes under the new system are:

·      Operators will no longer nominate a licence weight for RUC purposes. Each vehicle will have its own permanent RUC weight determined.

·      The time licence system will be removed. It will be replaced with a system that permanently exempts specific vehicle types, eg motor scrapers, from RUC.

·      New record keeping requirements for transport operators will be introduced.

·      The NZTA will have the ability to issue binding assessments for unpaid RUC.

·      Police will have the ability to apply for search warrants in relation to certain RUC offences.

·      The NZTA will have the ability to waive a RUC debt in certain circumstances.

·      Fairer penalties and offences will be introduced.

·      Require to give six weeks' notice of any future RUC increases (already implemented).

The new Act will come into force on 1 August 2012, but questions on the implementation of the Act can be addressed to the RUC Contact Centre: 0800 655 644, or one can send an email query to





Regional Director's Report

Attachment 1


Appendix 1: Hawke’s Bay Regional State Highway and Network Operations Activities in the 2009-12 NLTP


The following table provides an update on state highway activities in the 2009-12 National Land Transport Programme. 

NLTP Activity -

(Committed, probable and possible phases only)







Operation and Maintenance



New and Improved infrastructure



Matahorua Gorge Realignment



SH50 Southern Extension (HB Expressway)



Waipukurau Overbridge Realignment



Dillons Hill Realignment



Dillons Hill Realignment Stage 2



Mohaka Seismic Retrofit



SH5 Glengarry Hill North & Southbound Stock Effluent



Te Mahanga Nth - Passing Lane



SH2 South of SH50 Passing Lane



Mangakino Stream Bridge Replacement


Practical completion now delayed due to weather events - likely April/May 2012.

SH2 Poukawa Swamp Southbound Passing Lane


Construction re-programmed for next construction season

SH2 /50 Intersection Improvements


Construction deferred – subject to regional re-prioritising

Napier Airport to Bay View Passing Lanes


Construction deferred – subject to regional re-prioritising

Te Mahanga Sth - Passing Lane 


Design completed.

College Rd to Silverstream


Design phase practically complete - property purchase outstanding.

Gisborne - Napier Passing Opportunities HB


6 practically complete.

Corkscrew Gully Northbound Passing Lane


Design phase practically complete - property purchase outstanding.

Corkscrew Gully Southbound Passing Lane


Design phase practically complete - property purchase outstanding.

Waikaremoana Seal Extension SH38


Project suspended due to low funding priority

Prebensen Drive/Hyderabad Road Interchange


Complete. Design practically complete subject to property purchase and consents.

SH2 Kennals Corner and Curve South


Investigation phase concluded; project suspended due to low funding priority.

SH2/50A Paki Paki Intersection with SH50A


Investigation phase likely to run into 2012/13 financial year.

SH2 Napier Rd Intersection


Investigation phase complete: Design phase practically complete, subject to property purchase and outcomes of the Whakatu Link Project.

SH2 Pilcher Rd Intersection


Complete. Outcome being delivered through the Napier Road Intersection project

Tarawera Hill Realignment and PL


Investigation phase concluded; project suspended due to low funding priority.

HB Expressway Kennedy to Ngaruroro Improvements


Scoping of options to improve efficiency and safety. Ongoing

Mohaka Bridge Deck Repairs


Intensive high-tech maintenance option proposed to extend life of existing deck.

HB Expressway Meeanee Quay Intersection


Cost effective minor safety works implemented allowing us to lower the capital priority.

SH2/SH5 Intersection Improvements


Investigation phase concluded; project suspended due to low funding priority.

Waitangi Washout Bridge Replacement


Investigation concluded; intensive maintenance programmed to extend the life of the bridge

SH2 Wairoa Stock Effluent Facility


Investigation phase concluded; Design phase programmed for upcoming NLTP.

Tahaenui Bridge Replacement and Realignment


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority, local liaison ongoing.

Bay View - 70kph Zone Traffic Management


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

Bay View to SH2/SH5 Intersection Seal Widening


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

North of Tunanui Rd Realignment


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

Whakaki Rd Curves Improvements


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

Glencoe Gorge Realignment


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

SH2 Poukawa Swamp Northbound Passing Lane


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

Tutira section corridor mass action


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

Manga-o-Nuku Bridges


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

Tangoio Straight Seal Widening


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority.

SH2 Opapa Passing Lane Northbound


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

SH2 Opapa Passing Lane Southbound


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

SH5 Turangakumu to Windy Gap mass Action


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

Tuiroa Cutting Realignment and Seal Widening


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority

SH5 Te Pohue golf course to Mistletoe mass action


Project suspended due to fall in funding priority




Walking and cycling facilities



Omahu Rd/Expressway Pedestrian Crossing


Currently working with HDC on options for delivering model communities.


Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 27 April 2012

SUBJECT: Report on Cycling and Walking Conference        



Reason For Report

Attached is a report prepared by Councillor Remmerswaal on the Walk and Cycle Conference which was held in Hastings from 22-24 February 2012.


1.      Council is required to make a decision in accordance with Part 6 Sub-Part 1, of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act).  Staff have assessed the requirements contained within this section of the Act in relation to this item and have concluded that, as this report is for information only and no decision is to be made, the decision making provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 do not apply.



1.    That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report entitled “Walk and Cycle Conference, 22-24 February 2012.






Carol Gilbertson

Transport Manager





Walk & Cycle Conference Report




Walk & Cycle Conference Report

Attachment 1


 Walk and Cycle Conference, 22-24 Feb 2012 

The first ever joint NZ Walking and Cycling conference was held in February 2012 in Hastings at the Hawke’s Bay Opera House, with nearly 200 delegates attending and over 70 speakers presenting.


The conference was run by a partnership of Living Streets Aotearoa (organisers of the NZ Walking Conference series) and the Cycling Action Network (CAN).


The conference theme was "Creating Smarter Connections", and the following topics were addressed:

·      Benefits (economic, health, etc) of providing for and encouraging walking and cycling

·      Integration of walking and cycling with public transport and other travel modes

·      Progress and success stories from Model Walking/Cycling Communities and similar initiatives

·      Commonalities/Conflicts between walking and cycling for planning/policy/design purposes

·      Initiatives that address safety of walking/cycling

·      Measures to encourage and enhance school walking and cycling travel

·      Signage and directional/way-finding guidance for walking/cycling routes and areas

Several members of the HB Transport Committee attended parts of the conference and are able to share today some information about what they gained at the conference.

Liz Remmerswaal,

HBRC Councillor and Deputy Chair, Regional Transport Committee.


Regional Transport Committee  

Friday 27 April 2012

SUBJECT: General Business        



This document has been prepared to assist Committee members note the General Business to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 6.



Councillor / Staff


Confirmation of Next Meeting Date – Hearings on RLTS on 8 June 2012 (not 25 May as previously advised)

Carol G
























