Meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Date: Thursday 5 April 2012
Time: 1.30 pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting held on 5 December 2011
4. Matters Arising from Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Meeting held on 5 December 2011
Decision Items
5. Update on Outstanding Actions
6. HB CDEM Group Plan - Amendment to Annex 5
7. Review of Group CDEM Plan: Draft Project Plan
8. Group Recovery and Appointment of Group Recovery Manager
Information or Performance Monitoring
9. Draft Minutes from CEG Meeting held on Friday 23 March 2012 & HBCDEM Group Update
10. Exercise 'ShakeUp' - Andrew Hickey, MCDEM
11. General Business
Thursday 05 April 2012
SUBJECT: Update on Outstanding Actions
Reason for Report
1. At previous meetings of the Joint Committee and Co-ordinating Executive Group discussion or resolutions have identified actions that need to be completed to progress matters or provide additional information. The attached schedule is a chronological listing of these minuted Action Items. The schedule informs on implementation progress and the current status of each Action Item. The Joint committee are asked to resolve the progress of actions from previous Joint Committee meetings.
2. The items which are highlighted with green shading and identified as complete will be removed form the schedule once resolved.
Financial and Resource Implications
3. Action items are generally managed within existing resources unless reported and resolved differently. Each item on the schedule confirms responsibilities and timeframes.
4. There are no new financial or human resource requests to be resolved to support implementation actions as a result of this report.
That the Joint Committee resolve: 1. To receive the report “Action Items from HB CDEM Meetings” and completion of items as reported. |
Nigel Simpson CDEMG Co-ordinator |
Ian Macdonald Group Manager HB Civil Defence Emergency Management |
1View |
Action Item Schedule |
Attachment 1 |
Item:4 Appendix 1
Actions from Civil Defence Emergency Management Meetings
The following are a list of items raised at CDEM meetings that require actions or follow-ups.
All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment for each action. Once an item have been completed and reported back to the Committee they will be removed from the list.
Agenda Item |
Action |
Person Responsible |
Due Date |
Status Comment |
Status |
CEG - 22 March 2010 |
5.Improvements to Emergency Operations Performance |
Key role position descriptions to be distributed to agencies and followed up by a presentation to all relevant staff |
Early 2012
· New GECC Staff and Role descriptions were successfully tested during Ex Tangaroa 2010. · Role descriptions will be reviewed in conjunction with the induction programme for the Hastings GECC. |
On Target |
CEG - 15 Dec 2010 |
Item 8 |
Improvements to Emergency Operations Performance |
Early 2012
1. WS1 complete GECC
structure and appointments exercise 2. -
WS2 complete for Napier GECC site
- On Target
- Progressing
- Super Users trained progressing
- Complete - Near complete |
CEG - 16 Feb 2011 |
Item 7 |
Facilitate election of CEG Chair once the new organisational structure is effective |
IM |
Early 2012 |
At next CEG an election of Chairman will be conducted |
Completed |
Item 8 |
Draft of brief on CDEM Group plan review process to be provided to Ross Mcleod |
IM |
Dec 2011 |
Proposed process & governance to be presented to a workshop early December Group Manager CDEM HB to manage Project |
Completed |
Item 10 |
HB CDEM Group Tsunami Plan - process for public release |
NS |
Nov 2011 |
Ref CEG Item 6 16 August 2011 Group Tsunami Hazard Plan to be updated with new information and circulated Version 2.6 is in general circulation finalisation is awaiting human resource availability. |
Pending |
Attachment 1 |
Joint Committee – 28 March 2011 |
Item 6 Proposed response to recommendations of Monitoring and Evaluation Report |
1. Group culture and integration, and the approach proposed for addressing these matters |
CEO’s |
2. Ensure organisations fully engage with preparation of 2nd Group Plan and Group work programme |
3. Relocation of: - GEMO to the Hastings - Primary GECC to Hastings - agreement on tenure and related matters |
- GEMO relocated to Hastings GECC site 27 February - GECC is in an operational state - MoU to be developed with HDC |
Complete Complete Progressing |
CEG - 28 March 2011 |
Item 8 |
Group Coordinator to review Capacity of the GCEE Planning and Logistics |
NS |
Progressing – awaiting lessons learnt from CHCH |
Pending |
CEG - 16 August 2011 |
NOTE: Agenda sequence altered items below match order in minutes |
Item 8 MCDEM RESILLIENCE FUND 2010/11 AND 2011/12 |
Ian Macdonald to input into the drafting of the final project brief. |
NS / IM |
Jan 2012 |
2011/12 funding approved. 2012/13 submissions made |
On Target |
Item 14 GB Industry Training Org |
“Learning State” to meet with Training Advisory Group and present themselves to CEG’s |
TAG Chair CN |
Chair of TAG progressing this action |
Pending |
Item 14 GB Absence of members |
Andrew Newman to contact member organisations that regularly are not represented |
AN |
Joint Committee – 20 Sept |
GB |
Consider development of online disaster impact Assessment form |
Thursday 05 April 2012
SUBJECT: HB CDEM Group Plan - Amendment to Annex 5
Reason for Report
1. The Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 has been amended setting out new requirements and content for Declaration forms.
2. The amendment took effect on 25 March 2012 and affects the emergency declaration, extension and termination forms in the HB CDEM Group Plan.
3. As the amendment to the CDEM Act 2002 affects content of the current HB CDEM Group Plan this paper requests the Joint Committee meeting to resolve an amendment to the HB CDEM Group Plan.
Financial and Resource Implications
4. There are no significant new or additional financial implications for the CDEM Group budget as a consequence of this proposal.
Strategic Fit
5. The CDEM Act 2002 sets out the powers and authorities for making declarations within a CDEM Group Area.
6. The Group Plan sets out who may declare an emergency in Hawke’s Bay.
7. The amendment to forms 8, 9 and 10 in Schedule 2 of the CDEM Act 2002, are set out in the CDEM Amendment Act 2012 and will be incorporated into the CDEM Regulations 2003 (effective from 25 March 2012) and specify the content and format of declaration, extension and termination forms and our Group must conform with this legal requirement.
8. Declarations can only be made by elected representatives, so it is appropriate that the Joint Committee members understand the legislative change that has taken place and that, as a consequence, the Group Plan requires amendment.
9. The Group Office maintain a Group Standard Operating Procedure, this procedure has be updated and circulated to all member organisations for information and a copy will be posted on to the Group Website.
10. Local Authority member organisations will need to replace previous versions of the Group procedure ensuring that the correct form is available for use immediately.
11. A paper was presented to the Co-ordinating Executive Group at their meeting on 23 March 2012 and they have endorsed this request for Annex 5 of the HB CDEM Group Plan to be amended.
12. The most significant changes:
12.1. All declarations are effective from the date and time they are signed. Declarations cannot be post-dated or back dated.
12.2. The default expiry time of any declaration is now the seven day period to the minute from the time that the declaration was made.
12.3. Declarations extending an emergency can be made at any time within a seven day declaration or extension period.
12.4. Declarations terminating an emergency can be made at any time within a seven day declaration or extension period.
12.5. The new format incorporates tick boxes confirming the correct authorisation for any person making a declaration
12.6. The new format contains a note section that assists with calculating the seven day period and provides guidance to ensure that any declaration is Gazetted.
The CDEM Group, as a joint committee operating in accordance with Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act) is required to make every decision in accordance with the provisions of Part 6 subpart 1 of the Act. Staff have assessed the requirements contained within these sections of the Act in relation to this briefing paper and have concluded the following:
(i) Sections 97 of the Act does not apply.
(ii) Sections 83 and 84 covering the statutory requirement to undertake a special consultative procedure do not apply.
(iii) The CDEM Group has adopted the CDEM Group Plan after a process of consultation in accordance with the CDEM Act 2002 and has a responsibility to ensure that it is implemented. The decisions to be made on this agenda item are associated with the implementation of the Group Plan.
(iv) The decisions will have no adverse impact on any member of the public or public interest group.
(v) The proposed decisions are not inconsistent with any existing CDEM Group policy or plan.
That the Joint Committee: 1. Amend Annex 5 of the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan as set out in Attachment 1 of the report HB CDEM Group Plan – Amendment to Annex 5. |
Nigel Simpson CDEMG Co-ordinator |
Ian Macdonald Group Manager HB Civil Defence Emergency Management |
1View |
Declaration Forms - Annex 5 |
Attachment 1 |
Attachment 1
Only those people appointed by the CDEM Group may declare a state of local emergency, extend the state of emergency or terminate the state of local emergency.
A person who declares, extends, or terminates a state of local emergency in Hawke’s Bay shall confirm that declaration using the following forms.
Once a declaration is made, the public must be immediately informed by any means that are reasonable. The declaration must also be published in the Gazette as soon as is practicable.
Form 8, Schedule 2, CDEM Regulations 2003 (effective from 25 March 2012)
Declaration of state of local emergency
for the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Area
Section 68, Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002
I, _______________________________________________________________________,
[full name]
declare that a state of local emergency exists in ________________________________
[specify names of Civil Defence Emergency Management Group area, districts, or wards]
owing to _________________________________________________________________.
[describe emergency]
The state of local emergency comes into force immediately on the making of this declaration, and expires 7 days after the time and date on which it comes into force (unless extended or terminated at an earlier time).
Declared by: ______________________________
Designation: [Select the applicable designation]
Person appointed and authorised by the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group to declare a state of local emergency for its area.
Representative of a member of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group [select this designation where no appointed person is or is likely to be able to exercise the power to declare a state of local emergency].
Mayor of the district for which the state of local emergency is declared.
Elected member of the district for which the state of local emergency is declared (designated to act on behalf of the mayor when the mayor is absent).
Time and date of declaration: ___________________________________
1. Calculating “7 days after the time and date on which the state of emergency comes into force”: If a state of local emergency came into force at 9.35am on 1 January, it would expire at 9.35am on 8 January. If a state of local emergency came into force at 9.35am on a Friday, it would expire at 9.35am on the following Friday.
2. This declaration must be—
(a) notified to the public immediately by any means of communication that are reasonably practicable in the circumstances; and
(b) published in the Gazette as soon as practicable. It is recommended that publication in the Gazette occur within 20 working days after the state of emergency is terminated.
Form 9,
Schedule 2, CDEM Regulations 2003 (effective from 25 March 2012)
Declaration extending state of local emergency
for the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Area
Section 71, Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002
I, _________________________________________________________________________,
[full name]
extend the state of local emergency declared at ___________________________________
[specify time and date, and include times and dates when any extensions took effect]
for _______________________________________________________________________
[specify names of Civil Defence Emergency Management Group area, districts, or wards]
owing to __________________________________________________________________.
[describe emergency]
The state of local emergency is extended for 7 days. It will take effect immediately from the time the initial declaration of the state of emergency (or the last extension) was to expire.
Declared by: ______________________________
Designation: [Select the applicable designation]
Person appointed and authorised by the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group to declare a state of local emergency for its area.
Representative of a member of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group [select this designation where no appointed person is or is likely to be able to exercise the power to declare a state of local emergency].
Mayor of the district for which the state of local emergency is declared.
Elected member of the district for which the state of local emergency is declared (designated to act on behalf of the mayor when the mayor is absent).
Time and date of declaration: ___________________________________
1. Calculating the extension of “7 days” for a declaration extending the state of emergency: If the extension came into force at 9.35am on 1 January, it would expire at 9.35am on 8 January. If the extension came into force at 9.35am on a Friday, it would expire at 9.35am on the following Friday.
2. If this is a second or subsequent extension of a state of emergency, specify the time and date when each previous extension took effect, as well as the time and date when the state of emergency was first declared.
3. This declaration must be—
(a) notified to the public immediately by any means of communication that are reasonably practicable in the circumstances; and
(b) published in the Gazette as soon as practicable. It is recommended that publication in the Gazette occur within 20 working days after the state of emergency is terminated.
Form 10, Schedule 2, CDEM Regulations 2003 (effective from 25 March 2012)
Declaration terminating state of local emergency
for the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Area
Section 72, Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002
I, ________________________________________________________________________,
[full name]
terminate the state of local emergency declared at ________________________________
[specify time and date, and include times and dates when any extensions took effect]
for ______________________________________________________________________
[specify names of Civil Defence Emergency Management Group area, districts, or wards]
owing to _________________________________________________________________.
[describe emergency]
The termination of the state of local emergency takes effect immediately on the making of this declaration.
Declared by: ______________________________
Designation: [Select the applicable designation]
Person appointed and authorised by the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group to declare a state of local emergency for its area.
Representative of a member of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group [select this designation where no appointed person is or is likely to be able to exercise the power to declare a state of local emergency].
Mayor of the district for which the state of local emergency is declared.
Elected member of the district for which the state of local emergency is declared (designated to act on behalf of the mayor when the mayor is absent).
Time and date of declaration: ___________________________________
1. If any extension of the state of emergency was made, specify the time and date when each extension took effect, as well as the time and date when the state of emergency was first declared.
2. This declaration must be—
(a) notified to the public immediately by any means of communication that are reasonably practicable in the circumstances; and
(b) published in the Gazette as soon as practicable. It is recommended that publication in the Gazette occur within 20 working days after the state of emergency is terminated
Thursday 05 April 2012
SUBJECT: Review of Group CDEM Plan: Draft Project Plan
Reason for Report
1. The reason for this report is to facilitate discussion on a draft project plan for the review of the Group Plan. The Group Manager Hawke’s Bay CDEM will give a short presentation on this item at the meeting.
2. The draft project plan is now at a point where it would be useful for some Joint Committee input into its’ final form. This draft was discussed at the 23 March 2012 CEG meeting and CEG resolved to establish a small reference group to support the review process.
3. Attached as Appendix A to this report is a draft task list with some indicative timeframes. This project plan requires some further refinement in terms of timeframes for tasks and inter-dependencies. It is hoped to complete this over the next couple of weeks.
4. This refinement will be aided by a review of the project plans for some other CDEM Groups who have recently completed this process.
5. Considering the next Joint Committee meeting will not be for a few months some initial feedback is requested to allow the project to progress. In particular some feedback on whether the identified workshops for the Joint Committee occur at the appropriate time and are or the right number would be appreciated. These workshops will need to be de-conflicted with current LTP processes in particular.
6. The next stage of the project is to establish project teams who will involve councils and partner organisations.
7. Risks and Risk Mitigation. There are some risks involved with this project. The primary risk is around resourcing and the impact of “business as usual” activities which still need to be undertaken.
8. Currently the Group has the equivalent of 2.25 FTEs (including the Group Manager) allocated to the CDEM activities in the Group Office to complete this project. There is also a budget of $40k per financial year which can be used to engage specialist consultants and contractors (such as a recovery manager/lifelines project manager for advice in these areas).
9. In reviewing existing budgets against current and expected expenditure, it is also likely that funding can be found to engage a plan review coordinator on a part-time (.5 FTE) short term contract. A full business case has yet to be developed, however this person would coordinate project teams and consultation as well as assist in pulling together the actual plan document.
10. Another major risk is the ability of staff from involved organisations to commit to completing certain work tasks within the timeframes identified. This can be mitigated to an extent by early engagement and scheduling.
11. This project is the main priority for the Group over the next 12 months. This will involve the commitment of a substantial proportion of the resources in the Group Office over this time. This will have an impact on business as usual work over this period.
That the Joint Committee: 1. Receives the report of the Group Manager Hawke’s Bay CDEM titled Review of Group CDEM Plan: Draft Project Plan. |
Ian Macdonald Group Manager HB Civil Defence Emergency Management |
1View |
Group Plan Review Attachment |
Thursday 05 April 2012
SUBJECT: Group Recovery and Appointment of Group Recovery Manager
1. The purpose of this report is to inform the Committee of the intent with regard to strengthening group recovery activities and seek approval of the appointment of Mr Peter Grant as Group Recovery Manager and as a second alternate Group Controller.
2. Under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002, the Group is required to undertake recovery activities. Recovery can be defined as the coordinated efforts and processes that effect the holistic regeneration of a community following an emergency.
3. Currently the Group does not have a Group Recovery Manager or a Group Recovery Plan. Recent events have placed a strong emphasis on recovery and it is a phase of emergency management that needs to be carefully managed and planed for. Timely and effective recovery is vital to returning communities back to normality and ensuring long term adverse impacts on the economy and social structures do not occur.
4. The appointment of a Group Recovery Manager is an outstanding recommendation from the 2010 Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM) Capability Assessment Report for Hawke’s Bay. Setting strategic objectives for recovery will also be an important part of the Group CDEM Plan review. Ongoing encouragement and engagement with local recovery managers during business as usual periods is also an important part of this role.
5. The Group Manager Hawke’s Bay CDEM has identified a potential candidate for Group Recovery Manager being Mr Peter Grant. The appointment of Mr Grant to this role has been discussed with the alternate group controllers who are supportive of this appointment. Peter’s appointment was also endorsed by the CEG on 23 March 2012.
6. Attached as Appendix A is Mr Grant’s CV. I have known Mr Grant for a number of years and have full confidence in his leadership and technical skills. Mr Grant has held the position of Group Controller and Recovery Manager in the past and has completed MCDEM training for these two positions. Mr Grant also has extensive contacts in the Hawke’s Bay community and in particular has been involved in establishing prisoner rehabilitation programs during his time as Manager of Mangaroa Prison and is currently Chair of the Hawke’s Bay Addiction Centre Trust which owns the Springhill Residential Addiction Centre.
7. As primary Group Controller, I am also confident that I can work with Mr Grant as Recovery Manager during and after an emergency. The final decision on the appointment of Group Recovery Manager is made by this Committee.
8. The issue of whether the Group Recovery Manager should also be appointed as an alternate Group Controller has also been raised. The Group currently has one primary and three alternate controllers. Three of the current controllers work in local government. There have been a couple of occasions where all of the Group Controllers were out of the region for the day. The appointment of an additional alternate controller would help address this situation. Another advantage of appointing the Group Recovery Manager as an alternate controller is that currently under the CDEM Act 2002, the recovery manager has no statutory powers. This is a matter that is likely to be reviewed and addressed by a future amendment to the Act.
9. A disadvantage of appointing the Group Recovery Manager as an alternate Controller is the possible diluting of that persons focus on recovery matters, which will start during the response phase of an emergency.
10. This risk can be mitigated by making it clear in procedures that Mr Grant is a second alternate controller which means he will only fulfil this role should the other four controllers be unavailable.
11. Initial discussions have occurred with Mr Grant and he is happy with this approach. Subject to this approval, it is intended to enter into a contract with Mr Grant for a minimum of 2 weeks work per year on Group recovery matters. This will be managed by the Group Manager/Controller who will set the objectives to be achieved with Mr Grant. The contract will have provisions for more than two weeks work for additional projects as appropriate. For example, this year will include work on the review on the recovery section of the Group Plan. Funding for this contract has been identified from within existing budgets.
12. It is therefore requested that Committee appoint Mr Grant to the position of Group Recovery Manager and alternate Group Controller. The Act allows the Committee to make minor amendments to the Plan by way of resolution. The recommended appointments would meet the criteria for such an amendment.
That the Joint Committee: 1. Appoint Mr Peter Grant as Group Recovery Manager. 2. Appoint Mr Peter Grant as an alternate Group Controller. 3. Agree to amend the Hawke’s Bay Group CDEM Plan to reflect the above resolutions. |
Ian Macdonald Group Manager HB Civil Defence Emergency Management |
1View |
C.V - Mr Peter Grant |
Thursday 05 April 2012
SUBJECT: Draft Minutes from CEG Meeting held on Friday 23 March 2012 & HBCDEM Group Update
Reason for Report
1. Attached for your information is a copy of the DRAFT minutes from CEG meeting held on Friday 23 March 2012.
2. Attached for your information is a copy of agenda item 7 Hawke’s Bay CDEM Update from Group Manager HB CDEM Group.
3. The Group Manager HB CDEM Group Ian Macdonald will brief the Joint Committee on this paper.
4. This item has been specifically considered at the Committee level.
1. That the Joint Committee receives the report. |
Ian Macdonald Group Manager HB Civil Defence Emergency Management |
1View |
Draft Minutes from CEG Meeting 23 March 2012 |
2View |
Hawke’s Bay CDEM Update |
3View |
Appendix A 'CAR' Recommendations |
4View |
Appendix C Group Office Structure |
5View |
Appendix D Radios |
Attachment 1 |
Date: |
Friday, 23 March 2012
Time: |
2.00 pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber HBRC NAPIER
Present: |
Andrew Newman -HBRC – & Alt. Group Controller (Chair) Ian Macdonald – Group Manager & Controller – HB CDEM Peter Freeman –Wairoa District Council Lindsay Scott – Ministry of Social Development (WAG Chairman) Ken Foote - HBDHB & Alt. Controller Chris Nicoll - NZ Fire Service Paul Baker - Rural Fire Andrew Hickey - MCDEM Stephen Smith -St John’s Ambulance Antoinette Campbell – Napier City Council Mike McGuire – HDC Nick Jones – HBDHB Tareha Cook – CHBDC Paddy Driver – Tararua DC Maureen Drury – Minute Secretary
Mr Newman welcomed all present.
1. Apologies
Apologies were received from:
John Freeman CHBDC
Kevin Snee HBDHB
Mike O’Leary NZ Police
Nigel Simpson HBRC
Ross McLeod HDC
Neil Taylor NCC
That the apologies be accepted.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 August 2011 be taken as read and confirmed.
There were no matters arising.
Mr Macdonald updated the Group on the Action items listed in Appendix 1 and answered questions from Group members.
That Coordinating Executive Group receives the report “Action Items from HB CDEM Meetings”.
1. Fire Service Industrial Relations
2. St John District Boundaries
Mr Newman reminded the Group that at the CEG meeting on 16 February 2011 a resolution was passed that an amendment to the Terms of Reference and any organisational changes would be implemented following the election of CEG Chairman.
Mr Newman advised that following the appointment of the Group Manager CDEM Group in September 2011 organisation changes had progressed to the stage where it was now the appropriate time for the election of a Chairman of CEG.
Mr Newman suggested that with organisation changes already undertaken in CEG, it would be advantageous for the position of Chairman of CEG to be undertaken on a rotational basis.
The Group discussed the Chairman position and agreed that in future it should not be restricted to Local Government Group members however with the preparation of the new Group Plan still underway it would be appropriate for the Chairman to be a Local Government representative for the first 2 years.
Mr Macdonald then outlined the two voting systems for the election of the CEG Chairman and also the HB CEG Terms of Reference.
The Group then resolved that System A as outlined in Schedule 7 Part 1 Section 25 (3) of the Local Government Act 2002 be the process undertaken for the election of the CEG Chairman.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group:
1. Confirm that for the election of the Chairman of the Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) that voting System A as detailed in Schedule 7 Part 1 Section 25(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 be adopted;
2. Elect the Chairman of the Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) for the period March 2012 to March 2014;
Mr Newman then called for nominations for the position of Chairperson.
Mr McGuire nominated Mr Ross McLeod, which was seconded by Ms Campbell.
The Group noted that Mr McLeod was absent from the meeting and resolved for this item to lie on the table in order for Mr Newman to continue in his role for the duration of the meeting.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group: 1. Agree that the nomination for Mr McLeod lie on the table. 2. Agree that recommendations 1.3, 2.1 and 2.2 lie on the table pending confirmation by Mr McLeod of his acceptance to the role of Chairman of the Co-ordinating Executive Group (CEG) 3. Agree that Mr Newman as current Chairman continue in his role for the duration of this meeting. Newman/Cook CARRIED |
Mr Macdonald provided an overview of a number of recent activities of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM and sought input and guidance from the Group on the progression of these activities and future planned activities.
Mr Macdonald also outlined individual matters, sought the CEG’s input and requested consideration be given to endorse or approve the current course of action on these matters.
The Group discussed matters contained in the agenda item and noted the following:
Capability Assessment report –
· A national summary report of the findings across all 16 groups is currently being written and it is hoped this will be released to the public in May/June 2012.
· Members would like to view the report prior to it being released to the public.
· Media comment would be had on the report particularly in light of the events in Christchurch
· Not intended to rank groups throughout the country
· No negativity included in report
ACTION: Group Chairman to view report prior to public release.
Copy of report to be distributed to all members of CEG.
HBRC should input re media view of report.
· A proposal to separate out the cost of CDEM from the HBRC General rate as a targeted uniform annual charge on a per property basis will be put forward as part of the public consultation process for the HBRC LTP in the next few months.
· $60,000 - $70,000 increase in 2012/13 budget from 2011/2012 to implement the changes to the Group office structure and the new ECC in Hastings.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group:
1. Endorses the proposed inclusion of a new targeted uniform annual charge for Hawke’s Bay CDEM as part of the HBRC rates demand.
· Concern around the current HB Lifelines Group activity and the important role it plays in recovery planning – the Christchurch Lifelines group was one of the strongest components during the recovery phase following the earthquakes,
· Intention to
re-establish the Lifelines Group currently under the Chair of
Mike Adye.
· Propose to appoint a Lifelines project manager under contract to co-ordinate, identify and manage Lifeline projects.
· Funding has been identified from the group Plan review budget and from lifeline levies. Further funding has also been sought from the MCDEM resilience fund.
· Concern expressed around funding options and suggestion made those Lifeline organisations within the region also be approach for funding contributions.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group:
1. Agrees, subject to finance, to the appointment of a contract Lifelines Project Manager for up to 18 months and that the Lifelines group is encouraged to meet on a regular basis and provide input into the review of the Group CDEM Plan.
Group Recovery and Appointment of Group Recovery Manager
· The Group does not currently have a Group recovery Manager or a group recovery Plan.
· The appointment is an outstanding recommendation from the 2010 CAR report and is vital in the recovery phase following an event.
· Group Manager advised a suitable applicant in Peter Grant had been identified
· Group recovery manager should also be appointed as an alternate group controller also considered.
· Concern expressed around the duplication of the proposed role as a backup Recovery manager would be required in the event of the requirement for him to be a group controller
· Better clarification of Controllers and Recovery Managers roles to be given further consideration as part of the Group Plan.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group:
1. Endorse
to the appointment of Mr Peter Grant as Group Recovery Manager.
2. Endorses the appointment of Mr Peter Grant as a second alternate Group Controller.
Hastings Group Emergency Co-ordination Centre (GECC) Setup and Capability
· Noted that a meeting would be held with the media shortly, giving them a tour around the new facilities and also have a discussion with them regarding their role in an emergency.
· Important that staff involved in an event are all known to each other and are able to work together as a team and also take on other roles if required
· In the past Group mainly made up of HBRC staff – the Group is now more integrated and populated
· Request from Group Manager that NCC identify possible staff become involved in staffing the Group during an emergency
· Concern expressed around capacity and the Planning and Intelligence area where numbers are low
· Ms Cook offered assistance in the development of the new process
Group Office Structure
Mr Newman advised that discussion had taken place with the CEs around the group structure and the work of the Wairoa EMO will be overseen by the Group Manager for the next 12 months.
Mr Newman noted that the Group office structure should be a subject of the Group Plan and once the Plan is owned by the Group members, there was a need to look at resources for coordination community readiness and resilience in the future. Mr Newman also advised that HBRC had been more than happy to resource the move to Hastings and it was now time for everyone to participate in the Group structure.
The Group were advised that currently Hastings and CHB were working together on a proposal around an enlarged rural fire area which may impact on the reporting lines of Hastings CDEM staff to the Group office.
Training and Exercises
· There is some variation as to how the CIMS training is delivered across the Group – there is a move towards coordinating CIMS training across the Group to get consistency and the “cross pollination” of technical experts and staff from different organisations.
· There is benefit to be gained to develop training programmes wider than CIMS training similar to Rural Fire training programmes which would result in specialised teams around the country which could be brought into an event over 24,48 and 60 hours.
· There would be benefits to all agencies if there was multiple training in a mixed environment – they would be out of their comfort zones and would be more aware of what they and others were doing in the EOC.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group:
1. Endorses the outlined approach to CIMS training and encourages the member organisations to release their staff for this training where appropriate.
2. Endorses in principle of developing a Group Training Plan and that this be further developed as part of the review of the Group Plan.
MCDEM Resilience Fund Applications
Mr Macdonald outlined the three funding applications for the projects; The provision of Radio Equipment for Welfare Centres in the Wairoa District, Implementation of EMIS, Incorporating Lifelines in Group CDEM and Recovery Plans as set out in Appendix D and noted it was hopeful the outcome would be known by May 2012.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group endorses the applications to the Resilience Fund as attached to this report as Appendix D.
Emergency Management Information System
Mr Macdonald updated the Group on the introduction of the EMIS and advised that Hawke’s Bay CDEM has now signed the official Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Civil Defence.
Following discussions with EMOs, a working party will be set up for the implementation of the process under the leadership of Mr Simpson. Mr Macdonald advised he would attending a national meeting on 26/27 March to discuss the manner the programme would be introduced across the regions.
He advised that Hawke’s Bay would not be leading the implementation, however it would not be last amongst the 16 CDEM groups across NZ. He advised that at this time the introduction of EMIS was not a Group priority due to the need to progress the review of the Group Plan. If Hawke’s Bay was to increase the priority of EMIS then resourcing would need to be found – or the Group Plan review would need to be given a lower priority.
CEG discussed EMIS and decided that the review of the Group Plan would remain the Group Office’s priority. Work should continue on implementing EMIS where existing resources allowed.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group:
1. Receives the report of the Group Manager Hawke’s Bay CDEM.
2. Agrees that a working party is established with Mr Nigel Simpson appointed as the project manager for the implementation of EMIS and a report be presented to CDEM in 6 months time.
The meeting adjourned at 3.30pm and reconvened at 3.40pm
Mr Macdonald gave a powerpoint presentation which highlighted aspects of the Draft Project Plan. Mr Macdonald advised that the Plan should be simple, readable and relevant to the role of CDEM. There should also be clearer definitions and linkages which would assist users in particular.
The Group discussed the draft Project Plan, the risks involved with the project, the key one around resourcing and for business to continue as usual. It was also noted that that the Group Manager planned to engage a plan review co-ordinator on a short term basis to co-ordinate project teams and consultation; and also assist in bringing together the plan document. This position would be funded within existing budgets.
CEG also discussed the establishment of a sub group which would consist of representatives from emergency services, TLAs who would offer a variety of skill sets. They need not be representatives on the CEG.
Responding to a question, Mr Macdonald advised there was a reference group for hazards being the Hawke’s Bay Planners Forum which consists of the senior planner from each TLA. This work had been undertaken with the TAs as a form of advocacy by the Group on Landuse and Natural Hazards issues.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group:
1. Receives the report of the Group Manager Hawke’s Bay CDEM titled Review of Group CDEM Plan: Draft Project Plan.
2. Endorses the establishment of a reference Group to assist the Group Manager CDEM during the development of the Plan and authorises the Chairman of CEG and Group Manager CDEM to identify the appropriate personnel.
Mr Macdonald advised that the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 had been amended setting out new requirements and content for Declaration forms. This amendment came into effect on 25 March 2012 and would affect the emergency declaration, extension and termination forms in the HB CDEM Group Plan.
As a consequence of these amendments, contents of the current HB CDEM Group Plan would be affected and approval was now sought for a paper to be prepared for the Joint Group to resolve that amendments would be made to the HB CDEM Group Plan.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group resolves that a paper should go to the Joint Group to seek an amendment to the Group Plan.
. Due to time restraints, this late item was not tabled.
Fire Service Industrial Relations
Mr Nicoll updated the group on the current status of the ongoing dispute with union members. Strike action had been withdrawn at this time.
St John District Boundaries
Mr Smith advised that restructuring was planned and St John’s regions would now only be 5 and not 7. The Hawke’s bay region would remain however would now also include East Cape, Taupo and Turangi.
Submissions on this proposal would close on 9 April.
That the Co-ordinating Executive Group
1. Nominate Mr Ross McLeod to the position of Chairman of the Co-ordinating Executive Group (CEG) for the period March 2012 to March 2014.
2. Agree that the CEG terms of reference lie on the table subject to a review by the new CEG Chairman and this be presented to the next CEG meeting.
There being no further business the Meeting closed at 4.00pm
Attachment 2 |
23 March 2012
subject: Hawke’s Bay CDEM Update
1. The purpose of this report is to provide CEG with an overview of a number of recent activities of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group and provide an opportunity for CEG input and guidance into how these activities develop in the future.
2. The following matters will be discussed in this report:
· Capability Assessment Report (CAR) – Update on Actions
· Finance
· Lifelines
· Group Recovery and Appointment of Group Recovery Manager
· Group Welfare
· Hastings Group Emergency Coordination Centre (GECC) - Setup and Capability
· Group Office Structure
· Training and Exercises
· Resilience Fund Applications
· Emergency Management Information System (EMIS)
3. As individual matters are discussed, where appropriate CEG will be asked to consider a resolution of whether to endorse/approve the current course of action, or not.
4.1. Attached as Appendix A is a table summarising the recommendation points of the CAR Report and some commentary on actions taken already and proposed. Currently we are working on identifying a Group priority to recommend to the CEG. Some initial thoughts are included in the attached table. This process has involved balancing existing resources and workloads with priorities.
4.2. As can be seen some actions have been completed (green tick), started (orange marker) or programmed for the future (red cross).
4.3. The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM) have advised the CDEM monitoring and evaluation programme is now largely complete. A national summary report of the findings across all 16 Groups is currently being written and it is expected this will be released to the public in May/June 2012.
4.4. It can be expected that at some point in the future the Group will be required to report back on how it is implementing the recommendations of the 2010 CAR report and MCDEM advise that at this stage the monitoring and evaluation programme will complete reviews in a 3 year cycle.
5.1. Group finances are managed through the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council Long Term (LTP) and Annual Planning process. The Next LTP is for the period 2012-2022.
5.2. The current draft LTP approved for public consultation increases the Group budget to accommodate some of the changes brought about by the review of Group structure. Currently the rating requirement for Hawke’s Bay CDEM activities is about $776k.
5.3. Another change agreed to by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is to separate out the cost of CDEM from the General Rate as a targeted uniform annual charge on a per property basis. This was put forward on the basis that:
5.3.1. The Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group boundaries do not exactly follow the boundaries of HBRC.
5.3.2. Including CDEM funding into the HBRC General Rate does not reflect the fact that Hawke’s Bay CDEM activities are separate from the HBRC.
5.3.3. The governance of the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group is via the Join Committee not HBRC.
5.3.4. The transparency of CDEM activities and finance was an issue identified in the CAR.
5.4. Based on the current rating requirement the new targeted uniform annual charge will be approximately $13.00 per property. This proposal will be put forward as part of the public consultation for the HBRC LTP in the next few months.
1. That the CEG endorses the proposed inclusion of a new targeted uniform annual charge for Hawke’s Bay CDEM as part of the HBRC rates demand.
6.1. For a variety of reasons the current Hawke’s Bay Lifelines Group has not had a meeting for about 2 years. The current Lifelines document Facing the Risks is 10 years old. To enable this group to effectively input into the Group Plan review there is a need to revitalise this group. Lifelines utilities also have an important part to play in recovery planning.
6.2. It is intended that Group identify and appoint as a contractor a Lifelines project manager. The main tasks of the project manager will be:
6.2.1. To “re-establish” the Group and organise quarterly coordination meetings.
6.2.2. Manage the appointment of a new Chair.
6.2.3. Coordinate feedback on the Group Plan from Lifelines utilities.
6.2.4. Coordinate the identification and management of projects by Lifelines.
6.3. It is proposed that the initial appointment of the Lifelines project manager be for 18 months. Funding has been identified from the Group Plan review budget and from Lifelines levies. Additional “seed” funding has also been sought from the Resilience Fund. The ongoing funding of Lifelines projects is a matter that needs to be addressed by the Lifelines Group.
1. That the CEG agrees to the appointment of a contract Lifelines Project Manager for up to 18 months and that the Lifelines group is encouraged to meet on a regular basis and provide input into the review of the Group CDEM Plan.
7.1. Currently the Group does not have a Group Recovery Manager or a Group Recovery Plan. Recent events have placed a strong emphasis on recovery and it is a phase of emergency management that needs to be carefully managed and planed for. Timely and effective recovery is vital to returning communities back to normality and ensuring long term adverse impacts on the economy and social structures do not occur.
7.2. The appointment of a Group Recovery Manager is an outstanding recommendation from the 2010 CAR report and has been raised with CEG previously. Setting strategic objectives for recovery will be an important part of the Group CDEM Plan review. Ongoing encouragement and engagement with local recovery managers during business as usual periods is also an important part of this role.
7.3. The Group Manager Hawke’s Bay CDEM has identified a potential candidate for Group Recovery Manager being Mr Peter Grant. The appointment of Peter to this role has been discussed with the alternate group controllers who are supportive of this appointment.
7.4. Attached as Appendix B is Peter’s CV. I have known Peter for a number of years and have full confidence in his leadership and technical skills. As primary Group Controller I am also confident that I can work with Peter as Recovery Manager during an emergency. The final decision on the appointment of Group Recovery Manager is made by the Joint Committee.
7.5. The issue of whether the Group Recovery Manager should also be appointed as an alternate Group Controller has also been raised. The Group currently has one primary and three alternate controllers. Three of the current controllers work in local government. There have been a couple of occasions where all of the Group Controllers were out of the region for the day. The appointment of an additional alternate controller would help address this situation. Another advantage of appointing the Group Recovery Manager as an alternate controller is that currently under the CDEM Act 2002, the recovery manager has no statutory powers.
7.6. A disadvantage of appointing the Group Recovery Manager as an alternate Controller is the possible diluting of that persons focus on recovery which will start during the response phase of an emergency.
7.7. This risk can be mitigated by making it clear that the Recovery Manager is a second alternate controller which means he/she will only fulfil this role should the other four controllers be unavailable.
7.8. It is therefore requested that the CEG endorse this recommended appointment of Group Recovery Manager and second alternate Group Controller.
1. That CEG endorse the appointment of Mr Peter Grant as Group Recovery Manager.
2. That
CEG endorses the appointment of Mr Peter Grant as second alternate
Group Controller.
8.1. Work is progressing on building up the Group Welfare capability. The Regional Commissioner of the Ministry of Social Development has offered the services of Cheryl Nicholls as Group Welfare Manager. Cheryl currently works as a Regional Training Manager for Work and Income NZ. Cheryl will be allocating up to two days a week to this role.
8.2. Cheryl and the Group Manager Hawke’s Bay CDEM have been working on a work programme for Group Welfare including a Group Welfare activation plan, manning of the Group Welfare function in the ECC and looking at coordinating welfare agencies and WAG input into the Group Plan Review.
8.3. Cheryl has also attended local welfare meetings of local welfare groups and is providing support for these groups where appropriate.
9.1. The set up of the Group ECC in Hastings is almost complete. We are awaiting some furniture and will be making earthquake safe computers, screens and other equipment once this has been received. We are currently looking for an opportunity over the next few months to practice the activation of the ECC and test computer systems at the same time.
9.2. We have purchased a small fixed satellite communications hub (BEGAN) which gives the ECC four data connections should other forms of telecommunications be unavailable during an emergency. We have also obtained a potable satellite phone which also has a data capability. The satellite phone numbers will be distributed in the near future.
9.3. A meeting of all of the Group Controllers is planned for 29 March where a familiarisation of the Group ECC will be held.
10.1. The Group Office structure as agreed by the CEG in December 2010 is attached as Appendix C. Since the appointment of the Group Manager a new Emergency Management Officer (EMO), Graham Howse, has been employed by the Group and is currently working with Central Hawke’s Bay DC in Waipawa.
10.2. Tim Allan, the CD/Rural Fire Officer at Wairoa DC decided he wished to take up the position of EMO at Wairoa. At this point Wairoa DC has decided it wishes to retain the Employment of their EMO. However the work of this EMO is being overseen by the Group Manager Hawke’s Bay CDEM. This arrangement will be reviewed in 12 months.
10.3. The management of the regional maritime oil spill response has also been taken over by the Group from the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. This activity is entirely funded by Maritime NZ.
10.4. At this time it is not intended to make further changes to the Group Office Structure until the implications of the reviewed Group Plan can be assessed.
CIMS Training
11.1. A review of CIMS training has revealed some variation as to how this is delivered across the Group. CIMS training provides a foundation for both local government and partner organisation staff in responding to an emergency both as possible incident managers and in local EOCs or the Group ECC.
11.2. An opportunity to conduct CIMS training across the Group was identified in February 2012 and as a result 40 staff completed CIMS 2 and 20 staff completed CIMS 4. All four Councils, NZ Police and the DHB were represented on the courses.
11.3. As a minimum all staff involved in EOCs should complete CIMS 2 training while staff holding management/leadership positions (e.g. Controllers; planning, intelligence, operations and logistics managers) should be CIMS 4 qualified.
11.4. It is intended that further CIMS training will be coordinated by Group to be held later in the year. This training will be open to all members of the Group and having different organisations represented in the training provides for opportunities to broaden the exposure of course members.
11.5. It is asked that where appropriate CEG members encourage and support their staff to attend this training.
11.6. Exercises are how individual skills gained though CIMS and other courses are brought together in combined planning scenarios. Exercises can have the objective of teaching, practicing or testing depending upon the outcomes sought.
11.7. This year the national exercise is Ex Shake Out which is not a traditional activation type exercise. At this time it is intended that a Group exercise will be planned for late 2013/early 2014.
Group Training Programme
11.8. One of the key enablers for achieving comprehensive emergency management is training and exercises. This will be further developed as part of the Group Plan review with the likely outcome that a Group Training Plan will be developed to coordinate training and exercises with the training need. This will involve input from Group members and the Training Advisory Group.
11.9. It is envisaged this Plan will identify and coordinate training (including elected member and new CEG members induction) over a five year period.
1. That CEG endorses the outlined approach to CIMS training and encourages the member organisations to release their staff for this training where appropriate.
2. That CEG endorses in principle of developing a Group Training Plan and that this be further developed as part of the review of the Group Plan.
12.1. MCDEM Resilience Fund applications closed at the end of February 2012. The Group developed three applications which were submitted for consideration.
12.2. The three applications are attached as Appendix D. The narrative for each application includes the rationale and funding. It is expected that we will be advised of the outcome in May 2012.
12.3. It is asked that CEG endorse the applications made.
1. That CEG endorses the applications to the Resilience Fund as attached to this report as Appendix D.
13.1. The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management has been working to provide a national Emergency Management Information System (EMIS) for Civil Defence Emergency Management in New Zealand since July 2009. The web-based centrally-hosted system will provide MCDEM, CDEM Groups and their member councils, each with their own site or ‘system within a system’. This will ensure integration with all users being able to see relevant information across user agencies and certain information ‘rolling up’ to the next level.
13.2. Recently the national system went ‘live’ and the Hawke’s Bay CDEM Group has now signed the official Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Civil Defence Emergency Management. We have 3 trained EMIS Super users who have access to the live system in Hawke’s Bay, with logos supplied, and a generic email established for the HB site. There are a few things to note:
13.2.1. Groups are keen to see EMIS used in a consistent manner across the Groups and to this end the Group Manager Hawke’s Bay CDEM is attending a national meeting on 26/27 March where this will be discussed.
13.2.2. The program is very comprehensive and will be a big step for an organisation that hasn’t yet introduced a computer-based information management system into their EOC. Fortunately only a couple of Councils are in this position in our region.
13.2.3. MCDEM have been having some teething problems with resources and contacts in EMIS and we’d like these resolved before we start rolling out a training program, so have asked for projected dates on these.
13.3. While all this means Hawke’s Bay will not be at the head of the pack in our use and operation of EMIS, we are not bringing up the rear either as some Groups have yet to gain access to the live system for their sites. It also means we can take the opportunities to learn from others as this new system is introduced across New Zealand.
1. That the report of the Group Manager Hawke’s Bay CDEM entitled HAWKE’S BAY CDEM UPDATE be received.
ian macdonald group manager/ group controller Hawke’s Bay CEDEM Group |
Thursday 05 April 2012
SUBJECT: General Business
This document has been prepared to assist the Joint Committee to note any General Business Items to be discussed, as determined earlier in the Agenda.
Item |
Topic |
Member/Staff |
1. |
Workshops – Needed or Not? Topics |
Fenton Wilson/Ian Macdonald |
2. |
Items for Next Agenda |
Fenton Wilson/Ian Macdonald |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
11. |
12. |