MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 17 February 2012
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
T Kingston – CHB District Council
T Kerr – Hastings District Council
Mayor L Probert - Wairoa District Council
Dr N Jones- Objective Representative – Public Health
L Remmerswaal - HBRC
K Santer – Advisory Representative - Rail
J Emmerson – Advisory Representative – Road Transport
C Adamson – Objective Representative – Safety & Personal Security
J Chetwynd - NZTA
M Mohi - Objective Representative – Cultural Interests
Mayor B Arnott – Napier City Council
C Bain – Objective Representative Economic Development, Advisory Representative – Coastal Shipping
Mr A Bramley –Objective Representative – Environmental Sustainability
In Attendance: Mrs C Gilbertson – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Mr J Cox – Wairoa District Council
Mr S McKinley – Central Hawke’s bay District Council
Mr J Schwass- Napier City Council
Mr M Clews – Hastings District Council
Mr J Pannu – Hastings District Council
Mr G Hart – NZTA
Ms D Myers – NZTA
Mr M Buchanan – BESL
Mr T Harrison – GHD Consultants
M Drury – Committee Secretary
Chairman Dick welcomed all present to the meeting and noted that this was a significant meeting for the Committee as the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study was on the meeting agenda for adoption.
Mr Mohi advised that due to another commitment, he would be leaving the meeting early.
RTC1/12 Apologies were received from Councillor Furlong and Mr David Murray.
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee |
RTC2/12 |
1. That Mayor Barbara Arnott be appointed as a member of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 17 February 2012 as a short term replacement on the Committee for Councillor Kathie Furlong.. Chetwynd/Kingston CARRIED Mayor Probert advised that Councillor Craig Little would be a short term replacement for himself for the next few meetings. |
4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Regional Transport Committee held on 20 December 2011
RTC3/12 |
Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Tuesday, 20 December 2011, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed. Probert/Kingston CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Tuesday 20 December 2011
13. Port of Napier Ltd – Rail Future.
Responding to a question from Councillor Remmerswaal, Mr Bain advised that predicted increases in freight numbers from Gisborne had occurred and all indications illustrate a positive future for the Port and Kiwi Rail.
Dr Jones joined the meeting at 10.25am
Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings |
Mrs Gilbertson updated the Committee on the Action items listed. Mr Cox also updated the Committee on progress on SH38 advising that plans were underway to work co-operatively with Whakatane District Council and other interested parties. |
RTC4/12 |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”. Arnott/Kingston CARRIED |
Consideration of General Business Items |
.1. Next Meeting Date – 27 April 2012 2. Walking & Cycling Conference - February |
Adoption of the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study |
Mr Buchanan of BESL gave a presentation which set out the aims of the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study (HPTS), the steps involved in the completion of the Study, which commenced in 2009, the core issue which was freight and future predictions for daily freight movements across the Heretaunga Plains. The key road routes in the Study were Prebensen Drive, Pakowhai Road, the Expressway and Whakatu. Mayor Yule joined the meeting at 10.35am. Mr Harrison of GHD Transportation also gave a presentation which set out the strategic approach taken to bring together the works programmes of all the approved organisations within Hawke’s Bay, inputs from the Wider Region Transport Study and advice on the programme of works which the HPTS had developed and supported. The options outcomes and options prioritisations were set out along with the role of the top three ranked projects which were the Whakatu arterial route, Pakowhai and Prebensen Drive 4 laning. Mr Harrison summarised GHD’s recommendations and the strategic programme study which will run over 34 years and noted that improved public transport following trials could alleviate some of the issues contained within the Strategy however this could be difficult to achieve in the region as there are already many negative perceptions around public transport. Mr Harrison acknowledged the assistance of the Study Management group for the assistance given. The Committee discussed the recommendations and options as set out in both reports, noted it was important that heavy traffic would not be split between the networks and there would be significant impacts on areas as projects were undertaken. The Committee also noted that Port of Napier Ltd had a 50 year infrastructure plan and future growth plans were based on expected volume. Ms Chetwynd congratulated the Committee on the Study but explained that NZTA was seeking a Strategy out of which would come a package of projects and then individual projects. It was now necessary for the Committee to highlight priority projects for NZTA for their support. Following further discussion, the Committee agreed that the Study Management Group separate the strategic, package and project elements from the Study and present the Strategy to NZTA for their endorsement. |
RTC5/12 |
That the Regional Transport Committee recommends Council 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Adopt the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study and the strategy it contains, noting that the technical recommendations will be used to inform the key projects included in the Regional Land Transport Programme. Arnott/Kingston CARRIED 7/1 3. Refer the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study to Napier City Council and Hastings District Council for their consideration and adoption. 4. Requests that the Study Management Group draws the strategic, package and project elements from the Study and present the Strategy to NZTA for their endorsement. Chetwynd/Arnott CARRIED |
Reconfirmation of Hawke's Bay Regional Land Transport Programme |
Mrs Gilbertson presented this agenda item and advised that although the Hawke’s Bay Regional Land Transport programme was submitted on 30 November 2011 into NZTA’s Transport Investment Online programme, ongoing discussions between NZTA and Approved Authorities (AOs) to identify any gaps in the programme and carry out a pre-moderation audit of information from each AO had been undertaken and were now completed. Following this process the Hawke’s Bay Regional Land Transport Programme was resubmitted on 10 February, this was the same programme and key strategic projects adopted by the Committee at their November and December meetings. Therefore it was necessary for the Committee to reconfirm their commitment for the programme and the priority list for inclusion in the Regional Land Transport Programme. Mayor Yule left the meeting at 11.55am Responding to a question, Mr Clews confirmed that consultation with the community was part of the process when considering individual projects and the Whakatu community was currently involved in that process.
RTC6/12 |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Reconfirm the strategic projects, priorities and rankings for inclusion in the 2012-15 Regional Land Transport Programme that take into account the findings and recommendations from the Wider Region Transportation Study and Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study. Probert/Arnott CARRIED |
Regional Land Transport Programme Management and Monitoring Protocol |
Following presentation of this agenda item, Ms Chetwynd expressed concern about the role the Committee was going to play in the planned process and sought clarification from TAG members. Following further discussion, it was agreed that TAG and NZTA representatives have further discussions and the paper be brought back to the next Committee meeting.
RTC7/12 |
That the Regional Transport Committee:
Dick/Probert CARRIED
Mayor Arnott left the meeting at 12 Noon.
As Mayor Arnott was a stand in replacement for Councillor Furlong, a recommendation was moved by Councillor Kerr, seconded by Councillor Kingston that Mr Jon Schwass be confirmed as short term replacement for Mayor Arnott. This motion was CARRIED.
RTC8/12 |
Resolution: That Mr Jon Schwass be appointed as a member of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 17 February 2012 as a short term replacement on the Committee for Mayor Barbara Arnott. Kerr/Kingston CARRIED |
Transport Manager's Report |
Mrs Gilbertson updated the Committee on relevant transport matters which had been actioned, events currently underway and noted that a review and changes in policy and legislation will continue to be an ongoing focus over the next few months. Mrs Gilbertson advised that the moderation of the Hawke’s Bay RLTP would take place following today’s meeting and the national moderation process was due to commence on 22/23 February. The Committee noted that the national moderation process would be carried out over several weeks. The Committee also discussed the proposal that a small working group of representatives from the RTC be appointed to review the RLTS/RLTP. It was noted that the time frames for the completion of these documents was tight and the formation of a working group would alleviate the requirement for extra RTC meetings to be scheduled to discuss the draft RLTS. The Committee agreed that a small working group of representatives from TAs, HBRC and NZTA be formed to provide input into the drafting of the RLTS which would also include the RLTP. Concern was expressed that smaller communities were now disadvantaged by a recent NZTA decision whereby young people living in those areas and seeking their licence were unable to obtain it and had to do their test in a larger area where there were more complex conditions. Ms Chetwynd advised that this was a cost effectiveness exercise because the development of test sites was comprehensive and expensive. |
RTC9/12 |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Receives the Transport Manager’s report. 3. Appoint representatives from each Council and others as proposed at this meeting, to a working group, who will provide input into the drafting of the Regional Land Transport Strategy, which will encompass the Regional Land Transport Programme. 4. Agrees that the representatives from each Council be as follows Councillor Little – Wairoa District Council, Councillor Furlong – Napier City Council, Councillor John Roil – Hastings District Council, Councillor Terry Kingston from CHB District Council, Councillor Alan Dick – HBRC and Ms Jenny Chetwynd – NZTA or their alternates. Kingston/Probert CARRIED
Appointment of Replacement Regional Transport Committee Member |
Mrs Gilbertson advised that Mr Alastair Bramley had submitted his resignation from the Regional Transport Committee as he was moving out of the area and therefore a replacement member was required in the role of objective representative for environmental sustainability. |
RTC10/12 |
That the Regional Transport Committee recommends Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Appoint Mr Brian Prichard to the Regional Transport Committee, effective 17 February 2012 as the objective representative for environmental sustainability. 3. Thank and acknowledge Mr Alistair Bramley for his valuable input into the Regional Transport Committee. Dick/Kingston CARRIED |
Further Information on Regional Land Transport Programme |
Chairman Dick drew the Committee’s attention to the recent newspaper article in HB Today regarding the proposal for Whakatu to become the manufacturing and industrial capital of Hawke’s Bay and reassured the Committee that Hastings District Council have no pre-determined plans for the Whakatu project and are engaging extensively with the community and key stakeholders on this project. |
RTC11/12 |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report. Kerr/Kingston CARRIED |
Public Transport Update |
Mrs Gilbertson provided the Committee with an update on Council’s public transport services including trends since the previous update in November 2011. Mrs Gilbertson advised that the January statistics had shown a 43% increase from January 2011 figures. Included in this increase were passenger numbers on the Napier-Ahuriri service. Mrs Gilbertson updated the Committee on the Napier-Ahuriri service and noted that an analysis would be undertaken at the end of the trial to ascertain whether the service would continue. Mrs Gilbertson indicated she hoped that discussions would take place with NCC in the near future regarding the current route the bus takes and bus stop locations. An invitation would be extended to all NCC Councillors to join her and take a ride on the bus and experience first hand the difficulties that are currently being encountered with the location of bus stops and some areas on the route. Discussions on improvements to be considered were important. |
RTC12/12 |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Public Transport Update. Probert/Kerr CARRIED |
Central Region - Regional Director's Report |
Mr Hart updated the Committee on regional issues and advised that the contract to maintain the deck on the Mohaka bridge had been let and following the completion of the work SH5 would be open to HPMV vehicles which was a great outcome for the region. Another regional success story was the commencement of HPMV vehicles between Pan Pac mill and the port. Following discussion on the national moderation process, Ms Myers gave a presentation which set out the steps for the regional moderation and also the national moderation process. Ms Myers also explained the funding ranges and the bids received in the activity classes and noted that were exceedances in all activity classes with the exception of SH maintenance and renewals and the walking and cycling activity. Ms Myers stressed the aim of the national moderation process was to treat all bids in a fair and equitable manner, apportion funding to operational classes and for all areas to get value for money. The Committee discussed the process and acknowledged that a large proportion of the funds available would be spent on high freight movement roads. Concern was expressed that the regional contribution was very modest and in that light it was hoped that all projects would be approved. |
RTC13/12 |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Regional Director’s report. Kerr/Schwass CARRIED |
Verbal Reports from Objective Representatives |
J Emmerson –Road Transport The HPMV programme was underway between Pan Pac and the Port of Napier with an average of 9 loads per day. This replaces 18 truck and trailer loads per day. There was a slight delay at the Port with technical loading equipment but this would be rectified in the near future. A second unit would commence being built next month with an expected completion date of the middle of the year. Acknowledgement of the assistance provided by Mr Hart, NZTA for his contribution in the communications/media area. K Santer – Rail Acknowledged the assistance of Mr Hart. NZTA in resolving issues in Gisborne in regard to services. A small log trial out of Wairoa was due to commence in the near future with the hope that further potential for the cartage of logs would follow on from the trial. The service bringing logs from south to Napier has gone from strength to strength. Expressed concern that most of the freight movements out of Gisborne were not identified in the report prepared by Mr Murray Tonks last year. C Bain – Economic Development and Coastal Shipping Confirmed that rail plays an important role in the transport infrastructure and will continue to do so into the future particularly with the regeneration occurring within the region and the Port being the central engine to the region’s economy. A Bramley – Environmental Sustainability Had very much enjoyed his 5 years as a member of the Committee and offered some suggestions. Stressed the importance for the Committee to think beyond the current day and into the future when considering any issues and the impact they may have on the environment. It was essential when making decisions to look at what was best for the region. Suggested that if at all possible, the Committee could consider objective representatives’ current voting rights and consider the positive impact that could arise from those members’ votes. C Adamson – Public Safety Advised that police presence would be high during the maintenance project on the Mohaka Bridge. Although there had been three fatalities in the region already this year, overall crash numbers were down by 14% with speed being the top issue in relation to accidents. A Motor cycle reinforcement programme was currently underway in conjunction with ACC and an open day would be held at the end of the month to encourage all motor cyclists to improve their riding skills. The 4km tolerance has been extended until the end of February and ongoing discussions are being held at a national level about the continuation of this tool. The Road Policing hub was how based in Hastings – this is a forerunner to wider police restructuring underway throughout the country. Motorists going through red lights is an ongoing issue with over 40% of crashes occurring at intersections.
RTC14/12 |
That the verbal reports from the Objective Representatives be received. Probert/Schwass CARRIED |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.15PM on Friday, 17 February 2012.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................