MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee



Date:                          Tuesday 20 December 2011


Time:                          10.30am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Cr A J Dick - Chairman

Cr T Kingston – CHB District Councillor

Cr T Kerr – Hastings District Council

Mr D Murray – Advisory Representative  - Access and Mobility

Mayor L Probert  –  Wairoa District Council

Mr K Santer Advisory Representative - Rail

Mr J Emmerson – Advisory Representative – Road Transport

Ms J Chetwynd – Regional Director - NZTA

Mr M Mohi – Objective Representative – Cultural Interests

Cr K Furlong – Napier City Council

Cr J Roil – Hastings District Council

Cr F Wilson – HBRC Chairman


In Attendance:          Mrs C Gilbertson – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

Mr J Cox – Wairoa District Council

Mr S McKinley – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

Mr J Schwass – Napier City Council

Mr M Clews – Hastings District Council

Mr G Hart – NZTA

Ms D Myers – NZTA

M Drury – Committee Secretary

1.                  WELCOME/APOLOGIES/NOTICES 

Chairman Dick welcomed all present to the meeting with a special welcome to Messrs Hewitt and Crabbe who were representing members of the Napier Heavy Traffic Community Forum Committee.

Chairman Dick sought the Committee’s approval  that  Mr Hewitt be allowed 5 minutes speaking time prior to the commencement of Agenda item 13  - Port of Napier – Rail Future.

RTC17/11       Resolution:

That the Committee approves the opportunity for Mr Hewitt to address the Committee on behalf of the Napier Heavy Traffic Community Forum.



Chairman Dick also thanked all members of the committee for their excellent work over the past year and in particular the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) members for the enormous effort in order to reach consensus on the project priority list for the draft Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP).

RTC18/11       Apologies were received from Messrs A Bramley, C Adamson, C Bain, Councillor L Remmerswaal and Mrs T Ashworth.




There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee



That Councillor Fenton Wilson be appointed as a member of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday, 20 December 2011 as short term replacement on the Committee for Councillor Liz Remmerswaal.




4.                  CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Regional Transport Committee held on 15 November 2011


Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Tuesday, 15 November 2011, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




5.                  Matters Arising from Minutes of  the  Regional Transport Committee held on Tuesday 15 November 2011

There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


Mrs Gilbertson updated the Committee on the Action items listed and  confirmed that the Chesterhope bridge project had been removed from the RLTP. This decision had been reached following investigations by Hastings District Council that concluded no bridge strengthening was required to accommodate High Productivity or Class 1 Motor Vehicles.

In relation to SH38 Mr Cox and Mayor Probert advised that Wairoa District Council was looking at a partnership approach with Whakatane District Council and a hui was being organised.  It was hoped ministerial input would also be obtained for the hui and the project would be driven through the economic development criteria.  It was hoped that following the hui, good progress would be made.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.





Consideration of General Business Items


There were no items of general business.



Meeting Dates for 2012


Mrs Gilbertson presented this item which outlined the proposed dates for the regional Transport Committee meetings and the TAG meetings for 2012.

A request was made that electronic meeting requests be sent to all Committee members together with agendas and minutes.





1.      That the Committee approves the number of meetings and the proposed meeting   dates for 2012 .





Update on Regional Land Transport Programme


Mrs Gilbertson updated the Committee on the status of the Regional Land Transport Plan which was submitted to NZTA on 1 December.  Mrs Gilbertson reminded the Committee that project profiles had been presented and endorsed by the Committee at its November meeting based on information provided at the time however it was noted in early December that some of the agreed profiles had not been used by either NZTA or the requisite local authority in their draft programmes.  Following a TAG meeting it was agreed that the amended local authority profiles be accepted and presented for adoption by the Committee as the agreed regional priority.

Mrs Gilbertson advised that concern had been expressed by TAG members that NZTA had undertaken a moderation process which provided a revised ranking to NZTA projects, without advising TAG. This had created difficulties for TAG to deliver a prioritised programme based on the desire to achieve economic growth and productivity in the region, a reassessment process had to be undertaken on the ranking of all projects and TAG had attempted to level the playing field.

It was also noted that the profiles as set out in Attachment 1 were a true and accurate profile, TAG had interpreted the profiles correctly  and that the programme was now based on the GPS.

Ms Chetwynd responded to the criticisms outlined and described NZTA’s process in prioritising projects and confirmed that NZTA would profile all region’s projects again against NZTA’s priorities following receipt of the regional projects.  Ms Chetwynd advised that all projects would be profiled against the criteria on a national basis even though the list forwarded by the region was considered in order of importance to the region.

The Committee considered options available in order for the region’s projects, which had been profiled based on an agreed strategic direction, to be considered on that basis by NZTA on a national basis and agreed that documentation outlining the strategic intent of the priority network projects be forwarded to NZTA.

Concern was also expressed that following a tremendous amount of work undertaken on how R  funds should be sent in the region that the projects could then be reprofiled by NZTA. The Committee also noted that in fact the R funds were “ring fenced N funds”.

However, Mrs Chetwynd confirmed that NZTA’s system was very transparent, that Hawke’s Bay’s R funds were not at risk, she noted that the R funds allowed for projects to be undertaken that were important to the region rather than what was important to the country. The Chairman noted that Territorial Authority projects also had a local share component, and it was important to remember that.

Ms Chetwynd confirmed that she would support the recommendation and the Committee’s view on the priorities but could not endorse the project profiles.

Councillor Furlong in moving the recommendation stated that the priority projects, as submitted, were seen by TAG as correct from a regional viewpoint and had been considered in that order to gain maximum economic development.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.    Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.    Note the revised Regional Land Transport Programme priorities as presented;

3.    Adopt the revised Regional Land Transport Programme, for resubmission to NZTA, as presented at the meeting.

4.    Note that the resubmission of the revised Regional Land Transport Programme be supported by documentation summarising the strategic intent of the priority network projects.





Regional Land Transport Programme Management and Monitoring Process


Mrs Gilbertson and Mr Clews presented this agenda item which outlined the reasons for the introduction of a process to monitor and manage projects within the Regional Land Transport Programme.

The proposal had been discussed by TAG who agreed it was necessary for the RLTP and prioritisation process to be carefully monitored to ensure that informed decision making took place and there was appropriate governance oversight.  It was also planned for projects to be categorised  with project owners responsible for reporting the progress of their projects and proposed programmes  to TAG in July 2012.

Ms Chetwynd expressed concern with wording contained within the proposal and following discussion, the Committee agreed that this item lay on the table until the next RTC meeting in February 2012 to allow for further discussions to be made with TAG representatives and senior NZTA representatives.



That the Regional Transport Committee:

1.    Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided.

2.    That the agenda item “Regional Land Transport Programme management and Monitoring Process” lay on the table until the next RTC Committee meeting in February 2012.





Transport Manager's Report


Mrs Gilbertson updated the Committee on relevant transport matters which had been actioned, events currently underway and also an  outline of future events within the transport industry since her last report in November.

Mrs Gilbertson confirmed that Mr Murray Buchanan and Mr Shawn McKinley would now be part of the Regional Land Transport Programme moderation discussions following acceptance from NZTA.

Mrs Gilbertson also confirmed that a copy of the completed Wider Region Transport Study (WRTS) had been forwarded to NZTA on 18 November however Ms Myers advised the copy had not been received.

Mrs Gilbertson reminded the Committee that following the presentation of the WRTS report to the Committee at its September meeting,  Mr Kim Santer from KiwiRail had expressed concern that there were inaccuracies in the information Mr Tonks had included in the report.

Mrs Gilbertson invited Mr Santer to update the Committee on his meeting with Mr Tonks.  Mr Santer reiterated that the views contained in the report by Mr Tonks were not necessarily KiwiRail’s views but inaccuracies contained in the report had been clarified.



1.    That the Committee receives the Transport Manager’s report.

Wilson /Kingston




Central Region - Regional Director's Report


Ms Chetwynd summarised her report which updated NZTA’s role in the delivery of the Regional Land transport Strategy and the national Land Transport Programme for the region.

Ms Myers gave a presentation which set up the steps for the development of the NLTP 2012-15, outlined the exceedances on projects for 2011/12, which had resulted from an acceleration of a number of projects, faster than anticipated progress of roads of national significance and emergency works as a result of the Canterbury earthquake. She also outlined the  timelines for the completion of the RLTP with a final publishing date of the approved RLTP to be August 2012.

Mr Hart also updated the Committee on progress with maintenance on the Mohaka bridge surface and confirmed that once this project was completed, the region with achieve HPMV status.

Following a request, Mr Hart agreed to advise schools in the area of the planned work to be undertaken and the consequences of this work.

Mr Hart advised that excellent progress made been made on the resealing and pavement renewal programme across the region.



That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Regional Director’s report.





Port of Napier Ltd - Rail Future


Prior to discussion of this item by the Committee, Mr Les Hewett updated the Committee on current and planned activities to be undertaken by the Napier Heavy Traffic Community Forum Committee in regard to the Napier-Gisborne rail link.

In response Chairman Dick advised that HBRC is aware of the initiatives being taken between KiwiRail and the Port.  Council also maintains links through to the decision makers in terms of the major wood producing plant in Gisborne.

Mrs Gilbertson presented this agenda item on behalf of Mr Chris Bain, Chief Operating Officer, Port of Napier who was unable to attend this meeting.  The report prepared by Mr Bain summarised PONL’s view on the future of rail and the business opportunities that KiwiRail would have to acquire in order for the rail service to remain viable.

Mr Santer then provided a verbal update to the Committee on progress made by KiwiRail in relation to business opportunities to maintain the current rail service on the Gisborne to Napier rail line and advised that from 8 January 2012 four additional services would be using the line to shift freight from Gisborne to Napier.  He advised that Ravensdown have also indicated that rail could move an extra 2,000 tonne of fertiliser a week but due to a lack of crews and rail infrastructure, KiwiRail were unable to progress this business opportunity at this stage.

Mr Santer also advised that there was an increase in rail activity on the southern line and hoped that this would continue.

The Committee congratulated Mr Santer and KiwiRail for their ongoing determination to investigate business opportunities in order for the Napier-Gisborne line to remain productive.



1.    That the Regional Transport Committee receives the Rail Future report by Mr Chris Bain, Port of Napier Ltd and notes comments made by Mr Santer of KiwiRail.





Verbal Reports from Objective Representatives


D Murray – Access and Mobility

Acknowledged Council  for listening to bus patrons in an effort for continued improvement in bus services.

Had received a report from avid cyclists that there appeared to be a lot of broken glass on the cycle ways.

An electrical vehicle motor body factory had been launched in Taupo which opened the way for further opportunities to promote an electrical vehicle.

Noted that in Britain, vehicle design modifications had assisted in a decreased in road deaths.

J Emmerson – Road Transport

Two new 5 axle trailers would arrive in the region on Thursday which would be towed by 8 wheeler Kenworth trucks. These would be trialled from Whiranaki to town as part of the HPMV programme.  A display and opening ceremony would take place early in 2012.

It was planned for two more units to be on the road between March and May 2012.

K Santer – Rail

An update was presented to the Committee as part of Agenda item 13.



That the verbal reports from the Objective Representatives  be received.






Prior to closing the meeting Regional Council Chairman, Cr Wilson acknowledged the Committee’s efforts over the last year, noting that it had been an interesting year in the transport area and wished all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed on Tuesday, 20 December at 1.00pm.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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