MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee



Date:                           Tuesday 13 December 2011


Time:                          10.15am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     M Mohi

M Apatu

P Hohipa

A Manuel

F McRoberts

P Paku

J Aspinall

R Spooner

BW Wakefield

T Gilbertson

L Remmerswaal

C Scott


In Attendance:           A Newman – Chief Executive

F Wilson – Chairman

M Heaney – Heat Smart Programme Co-ordinator

N von Westernhagen – Environmental Scientist

M Bassett Foss – Economic Development Manager

E Bate - Planner

M Drury – Committee Secretary

S Rakiraki – Facilities Administration Co-ordinator

V Moule – Kaitohutohu


Karakia – Fred McRoberts


Chairman Mohi welcomed all present to the meeting and advised that agenda items would be discussed out of order.

MC14/11    Apologies were received from  Messrs H Hilton, E McGregor, H Hiha and Mrs L Graham




There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Short Term Replacements



That Mr Rangi Puna and Councillor Christine Scott  be appointed as members of the Maori Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Tuesday, 13 December 2011 as short term replacements on the Committee for Ms A Riki and Councillor E McGregor.





Verbal Update by CEO


Land and Water Symposium

Mr Newman updated the Committee on the recent Land and Water Symposium which had been extremely successful and attended by 116 people from various stakeholder groups in the region. 

Ruataniwha Water Storage Project

This project had now reached a substantial milestone following determination by consultants that the site is geo technically viable but still challenging.  To date $6-700,000 had been spent on geo technical investigations.

Ngaruroro Water Storage

The pre feasibility study was completed in June 2011 and the economics of the project are currently being investigated.  It was planned that further consultation would take place with iwi in the future. The Committee reinforced the importance of regular consultation with relevant tangata whenua.

TAG Apache oil Investigation - Fracking

As a result of exploration permits allocated by the Crown for investigations to be carried out in the southern part of the HB region as well as in the Horizon’s region, Council technical  representatives recently attended a meeting with  TAG Apache, the Canadian company responsible for investigation processes.  The purpose of the meeting was to gain consistency amongst all involved particularly in a regulatory sense around the environment.   To date a consent application had not been received from Apache.

The Committee noted that it was hoped GNS would assist Council in the future along with experienced staff from Taranaki.

Members of the Committee advised that this was not the first occurrence for this type of investigation process to be undertaken in the region.

A request was made by the Committee that further information and any Council papers pertaining to this subject be circulated to all Committee members. 



1.      That the verbal report be received.





Update on Regional Sector Freshwater Management Initiatives


Mr Newman updated the Committee on progress achieved on the initiatives undertaken to date by the regional councils throughout New Zealand to achieve a consistency of approach in both the implementation of the National policy statement and when dealing with wider water management issues.  Mr Newman also advised that the findings of the processes currently underway will feed into the regulation reform of the RMA.

Mr Newman noted that currently 80% freshwater goes into irrigation, 10% for industrial use and 10% for urban use.   Currently, there is a lot of pressure on freshwater resources particularly in the South Island around the Canterbury region with the increase in dairy herds. 

Dr Wakefield advised that a land intensification report had been completed recently by Stephen Daysh who was hopeful of setting up a steering group to further investigate the findings of the report.  To date, the report had not yet been reviewed.  Dr Wakefield expressed concern about the theories around trends as it was very obvious that there had been changes in the land – sand dunes are now smaller and king tides are now higher.



1.          That the Maori Committee receives the report.




          Mr Newman left the meeting at 10.55am


Verbal update on Economic Development by Councillor Alan Dick, Mr Michael Bassett Foss, Economic Development Manager.


Councillor Dick advised that the updated  regional economic development strategy  had been developed as a refreshed version of the 2007 strategy.  The current document had had input from a wider reference group made up of stakeholder representatives throughout the region and there had been a significant change in emphasis following the collaborative effort.

Councillor Dick also advised that the Strategy would be reviewed in June following appropriate wider consultation which would include consultation with iwi.

Councillor Dick left the meeting at 11.00am

Mr Bassett Foss explained that the Strategy was a living document to create a framework to enable the community to work together and to build trust between all agencies involved.

Responding to a question, Mr Bassett Foss advised that currently there appeared to be a clear void in the school curriculum around science and following ongoing consultation it was hoped that opportunities for Maori youth would result from the Strategy.

Dr Wakefield stressed the importance of a stronger emphasis on relationships and the need for recognition for Maori input into the document in order for building blocks to be set in place.

Concern was expressed that Council information about strategic activities  was not being received by Maori and the information needed to be clear, concise and visual so that Maori could understand the future direction of Council.



1.    That the Maori Committee receives the verbal report on regional economic development.





Water Quality Trends in Hawke's Bay 1998-2011


 Dr von Westernhagen gave a powerpoint presentation which illustrated the current state and trends of key surface water quality parameters using the examples of nitrate-nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus, highlighted weaknesses in Council’s existing water quality monitoring programme which limits Council’s ability to deliver on their strategic goals and highlighted the importance of the SoE programme in supporting Council’s regional goals and strategic direction.

Dr von Westernhagen advised that because the current standard of SoE surface water sampling routines does not provide sufficient data for sound statistical analysis over the five yearly reporting cycle, Council  proposed to monitor sites on a monthly basis which was a similar process NIWA undertakes.  This process would be advantageous to Council as there would be more robust data aligned with regional reporting and consistency with national monitoring.

The Committee noted that the issues were not clear, there  were many cumulative effects and sought assurance on how the issues would be addressed.



1.     That the Maori Committee receives the report entitled “Water Quality Trends in Hawke’s Bay 1998-2011”




At this point of the meeting Chairman Mohi invited Ms Sandra Mauger to join the meeting.

Ms Mauger advised that she had attended a recent hui with TAG Apache in regard to oil exploration in the Hawke’s Bay region..  She emphasised to the Committee that  she was present at the meeting as an observer.

Ms Mauger then outlined to the Committee points of interest which had been discussed and issues which had been raised.  She advised that TAG  Apache was open to creative solutions and had agreed to ongoing discussions.  However, it was now necessary for ongoing information to be passed onto Maori in regard to what was occurring in their rohe.

In response Mr Maxwell updated the Committee on TAG Apache’s actions to date and advised that currently Mr Bryce Lawrence was Council’s leader on this project and had already had discussions with various Government agencies.

Following discussions on TAG Apache’s proposals, Dr Wakefield recommended that a CIA report be a requirement around this development as an effective method of information for any applications for resource consent.

Dr Wakefield then moved a recommendation, seconded by Mr Spooner.

That a CIA report be a requirement for TAG Apache’s proposals and consent application as an effective method of providing relevant cultural information and tangata whenua input.

This recommendation was CARRIED.



That the Maori Committee agree:

1.     A CIA report be a requirement for TAG Apache’s proposals and consent application as an effective method of providing relevant cultural information and tangata whenua input.








Heat Smart Verbal Update Report by Mr Mark Heaney


Mr Heaney gave a powerpoint presentation which set out the revised forecast assumptions for 2012.  These included the number of fires to be replaced, the grants and loans expected to be taken up and an explanation of what area the airsheds covered in Napier and Hastings.  Mr Heaney noted that currently the trend is indicating that people are not prepared to take out further debt in order to replace their existing burners.

Mr Heaney also outlined a proposed marketing programme in order for the public to be made aware of the legal requirements of the heat Smart programme and also a proposed communication plan.  The communications plan would include the “point of sale” rule which comes into force on 1 January 2012.  Follow up with land agents would also be undertaken regarding this rule.

Mr Heaney also outlined a proposal which would see the homeowner issued with a certificate on completion of  compliance of their wood burner.

The Committee noted that there would be peaks of activity which will coincide with prohibition dates in the policies as set and further initiatives were planned to encourage the community to comply.



1.      That the Heat Smart verbal report be received.





Statutory Advocacy Matters


Ms Bate updated the Committee on current proposals under Council’s statutory advocacy project and the Resource Management Act 1991.



1.       That the Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.




Chairman Wilson joined the meeting at 12.00pm


4.       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Maori Committee held on 25 October 2011


Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 25 October 2011, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




5.       Matters Arising from Minutes of  the  Maori Committee held on Tuesday 25 October 2011

There were no matters arising.



Consideration of General Business Items


Land & Water Symposium

Environmental Awards

Lake Runanga


Council’s Long Term Plan




Action Items from Maori Committee meetings


There were no action items from the meeting held on Tuesday, 25 October 2011.



General Business


Land & Water Symposium

Mr Apatu advised that a hui would be held on Wednesday 14 December at 5.30pm at Heretaunga Taiwhenua to discuss Lower Tukituki consultation process and the Waipawa and Waipukurau sewerage disposal.

Environmental Awards

Ms Aspinall congratulated Council on the recent Environment Awards and advised that she was currently working with one of those who received an award, Kepa Toa, to promote his thoughts and learnings to young Maori.

The recent article in the Wairoa Star on the awards and winner  was excellent.

Lake Runanga

Councillor Remmerswaal reported on a recent hui she had attended at Ohiti Road.  Plans were in place to improve the health of the lake and also raise the lake level.


Dr Wakefield advised that she was planning a hui on fracking in late January and invited Council staff members to attend.

Council’s Long Term Plan

Mr Apatu requested that an opportunity be provided early in the new year for the Maori Committee to be able to discuss issues of interest regarding the Council’s LTP. He also indicated he would provide a report on the Taiwhenua’s progress with its ‘resource unit’ which has received assistance from Council as a strategic partner.



Prior to the conclusion of the meeting, Chairman Wilson acknowledged the assistance, wisdom, commitment and ability that had been shown in the Maori Committee this year and noted this Committee was an integral part of Council.  He extended his best wishes for Xmas and the New Year to all Committee members.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.00pm on Tuesday, 13 December 2011.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................