MINUTES OF A meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group



Date:                          Monday 5 December 2011


Time:                          1.30 pm



Council Chamber

Hastings District Council

207 Lyndon Road East



Present:                     Chairman Fenton Wilson - Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

Mayor Lawrence Yule – Hastings District Council

Mayor Barbara Arnott – Napier City Council

Mayor Peter Butler – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council


In Attendance:          Ian Macdonald – Group Manager & Controller, HB CDEM Group

                                    Nigel Simpson – Group Co-ordinator, HB CDEM Group

                                    Paul Baker – Rural Fire

                                    Neil Taylor – Chief Executive, NCC

                                    Ken Foote – Alt. Group Controller, Company Secretary, HBDHB

                                    Ross McLeod – Chief Executive, HDC

                                    John Freeman – Chief Executive, CHBDC

                                    Peter Freeman – Chief Executive, WDC

                                    Mike O’Leary – Police

                                    Ross Smith – Police

                                    Nicholas Jones – Public Health Officer, HBDHB

                                    John Hamilton – Director, MCDEM

                                    Andrew Hickey, MCDEM

                                    Bryce Lawrence – HBRC

                                    Lisa Pearse – HBRC

                                    Sally Chandler - HBRC



The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for introductions around the room.

An apology was accepted from Mayor Les Probert, Wairoa District Council

It was noted that under the Joint Committee Terms of Reference and the absence of Mayor Les Probert, Wairoa District Council, a quorum for the meeting could not be formed.


The Chairman closed the meeting and declared open a meeting of the sub-committee.



2.       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 20 September 2011



Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on Tuesday, 20 September 2011, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




3.       Matters Arising from Minutes OF THE HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on Tuesday 20 September 2011

There were no matters arising from the minutes.



Update on Outstanding Actions



That the Joint Committee resolve:

1.    To receive the report “Action Items from HB CDEM Meetings” and completion of items as reported.





Hawke’s Bay CDEM Plan Review: Governance Model & Consultation Strategy


Ian Macdonald presented this paper to the group outlining the steps and options to be taken to achieve a review of the HB CDEM Plan which is now due.

The following points were noted:

·           The review would build on the existing plan.

·           The review would need to reflect and incorporate changes at national level and any new legislation that has passed since the last plan review.

·           Following a question on whether a “Special Consultative Process” would take place Mr Macdonald clarified that this was not a specific requirement of the CDEM Act and may not be required for the review process.  If used, the “Special Consultative Process” would not be the same as that required for an LTP, Annual Plan or Bylaw and would fall under “other use” which was relatively straight forward process.

·           There was also a discussion on whether this Plan review could be incorporated within all local Councils LTP submissions, consultations etc.  However this would not be an option within the timeframes available.

·           John Hamilton, Director, MCDEM reminded the Group that the Plan needs to incorporate any issues that may have arisen from the Monitoring and Evaluation Report as well as, the 4 R’s – Reduction, Readiness, Response and Recovery.

Mr Macdonald explained a proposed detailed project plan will be evaluated and approved by the CEG at their next meeting. 



That the Joint Committee resolve:

1.    To adopt the Governance Model contained in Appendix B to this paper.

2.    To adopt the Engagement and Consultation Strategy contained in Appendix C to this paper.





Hawke's Bay Oil Spill Preparedness:
Lessons from RENA


Lisa Pearse provided the Joint Committee an overview of what responsibilities HBRC has in relation to Marine oil spills under the Maritime Transport Act.  HB has a Tier 2 response plan and also has 40 trained oil spill responders.  HB is classes as a low to medium risk location.

Bryce Lawrence also provided the Group with a PowerPoint presentation on his experiences and lessons from attending the grounded Rena event in Tauranga.



1.    That the Joint Committee receives the report.





Lessons from Christchurch - John Hamilton, Director, MCDEM


Director of MCDEM John Hamilton provided the group with an update on current situations and his views of the Christchurch Earthquake.

He also thanked the staff from HB for their assistance at both the Christchurch and ongoing Rena events. 

He noted it will be interesting to see what comes out of the Royal Commission enquiry into the Christchurch Earthquake and what ramifications this may have.



General Business


There were no items of general business.


There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.50 pm on Monday 5 December 2011.


Signed as a true and correct record.


DATE: .......30 April 2012................................   CHAIRMAN: .......F Wilson....................................