Meeting of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Date: Tuesday 20 September 2011
Time: 1.30pm
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Item Subject Page
1. Welcome/Notices/Apologies
2. Conflict of Interest Declarations
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 28 March 2011
4. Matters Arising from Minutes of the HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group held on 28 March 2011
5. Draft Minutes from CEG Meeting held on Tuesday 16 August 2011
6. Action Items from HB CDEM Meetings
7. Hawke's Bay Joint Hazard Strategy for Local Authority Land-Use Planning
8. Tsunami Inundation Mapping
9. HB CDEM Group Appointments - Group and Local Controller
10. General Business
HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Tuesday 20 September 2011
SUBJECT: Action Items from HB CDEM Meetings
1. Attachment 1 lists items raised at HB CDEM Committee meetings that require actions or follow-ups. All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment. Once the items have been completed and reported to Council they will be removed from the list.
1. That the Joint Committee receives the report “Action Items from HB CDEM Meetings”.
Nigel Simpson CDEMG Co-ordinator |
1View |
Actions from CDEM Committee Meetings |
Attachment 1 |
Actions from Civil Defence Emergency Management Committee Meetings
The following are a list of items raised at CDEM meetings that require actions or follow-ups. All action items indicate who is responsible for each action, when it is expected to be completed and a brief status comment for each action. Once the items have been completed and reported back to the Committee they will be removed from the list.
Agenda Item |
Action |
Person Responsible |
Due Date |
Status Comment |
Status |
CEG - 22 March 2010 |
5.Improvements to Emergency Operations Performance |
Key role position descriptions to be distributed to agencies and followed up by a presentation to all relevant staff |
During Ex Tangaroa: · New GECC Staff and Role descriptions were successfully tested. · Napier GECC facility resources were upgraded · Work commenced to duplicate layout and resources at the Hastings GECC |
On Target |
CEG - 15 Dec 2010 |
Item 8 |
Improvements to Emergency Operations Performance |
next meeting |
1. WS1 complete GECC structure and appointments
exercised 2. WS2 complete for Napier site progressing for Hastings site 3. WS3 well advanced until Feb 2011 |
On Target |
CEG - 16 Feb 2011 |
Item 7 |
Facilitate election of CEG Chair once the new organisational structure is effective |
NS |
At next CEG an election of Chairman will be conducted |
Item 8 |
Draft of brief on CDEM Group plan review process to be provided to Ross Mcleod |
NS / IM |
asap |
Resource commitment to Christchurch earthquake and other matters have prevented progress Group Manager CDEM HB to contribute to Project development |
Slipped |
Item 10 |
HB CDEM Group Tsunami Plan - process for public release |
NS |
asap |
Ref CEG Item 6 16 August 2011 Group Tsunami Hazard Plan to be updated with new information and circulated |
Pending |
Joint Committee – 28 March 2011 |
Item 6 Proposed response to recommendations of Monitoring and Evaluation Report |
1. Group culture and integration, and the approach proposed for addressing these matters |
CEO’s |
2. Ensure organisations fully engage with preparation of 2nd Group Plan and Group work programme |
3. Authorises the release of the Monitoring and Evaluation Report together with an improvement plan |
CEO’s & AN |
not proceed until CDEM staff have been briefed on the report and improvement plan |
Pending |
4. Relocation of: - GEMO to the Hastings - Primary GECC to Hastings - agreement on tenure and related matters |
- GEMO to remain in Napier in the short term - Hastings GECC to be operational Nov 2011 - MoU to be developed with HDC |
On Target |
5. Employ Manager Emergency Management Office/Group Controller position |
AN, RM & JH |
Ref CEG Item 13 16 August 2011 |
On Target |
CEG - 28 March 2011 |
Item 8 |
Group Coordinator to review Capacity of the GCEE Planning and Logistics |
NS |
Progressing – awaiting lessons learnt from CHCH |
Pending |
CEG - 16 August 2011 |
NOTE: Agenda sequence altered items below match order in minutes |
Item 8 MCDEM RESILLIENCE FUND 2010/11 AND 2011/12 |
Ian Macdonald to input into the drafting of the final project brief. |
Jan 2012 |
Work with TLA staff to progress the strategy development and confirm implementation process. Need to ensure practicality and alignment with risk avoidance Item for Joint Committee |
Gavin Ide |
20 Sept |
Item to be discussed at Joint Committee meeting |
On Target |
Item 13 Appointments - Group and Local Controller |
Item for Joint Committee |
NS |
20 Sept |
Item to be discussed at Joint Committee meeting |
On Target |
Item 14 GB National Controller Forum |
Andrew Newman, Ken Foote, Ian Macdonald and John Freeman, will attend |
AH Di Wisely |
Nov 2011 |
Facilitate Travel & Accommodation |
On Target |
Item 14 GB Group Controller Induction |
Ian Macdonald to have an induction with John Hamilton, David Coetzee etc in Wellington |
AH |
Nov 2011 |
Item 14 GB Industry Training Org |
Learning State” to meet with Training Advisory Group and present themselves to CEG’s |
TAG Chair CN |
Item 14 GB Absence of members |
Andrew Newman to contact member organisations that regularly are not represented |
AN |
CEG – 16 August 2011 Draft Minutes |
Feedback on the draft minutes - Item 6 comment amended - Item 14 dates provided corrected |
Draft minutes amended and circulated on JC Agenda |
Complete |
HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Tuesday 20 September 2011
SUBJECT: Hawke's Bay Joint Hazard Strategy for Local Authority Land-Use Planning
1. On 16 August 2011, the Coordinating Executive Group endorsed in principle the newly developed Hawke’s Bay Joint Hazard Strategy for Local Authority Land Use Planning.
2. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Policy Statement (RPS) as it currently stands does not provide strong guidance on best practice or a strong driver for hazard risk avoidance as opposed to mitigation of risk. The Joint Hazard Strategy states the RPS could be improved in this regard, and in-turn, so too could district plans and other land use decision-making.
3. The Joint Committee is asked to endorse the newly developed Hawke’s Bay Joint Hazard Strategy for Local Authority Land Use Planning.
4. Following a workshop in 2010 with Hawke’s Bay Planners and CDEM staff it was decided to develop a Joint Hazard Strategy with Hawke’s Bay local authorities that set out a framework to achieve better integration and a commonality in the treatment of hazard risks in the land use planning environment. Brendan Morris Consulting Ltd was commissioned to develop a strategy.
5. In early 2011, the CEG raised questions, such as “how and where do hazards identified in the CDEM Group Plan fit with Regional Policy Statements, regional plans and district plans?” The Hawke's Bay Council Planners Forum[1] was satisfied that the Joint Hazard Strategy provided a framework which will enable clearer connectivity of CDEM hazard planning, district plans, regional plans and the Regional Policy Statement.
6. The Joint Strategy was endorsed in-principle by the Coordinating Executive Group at its meeting in August 2011. Attached (as Appendix 1), is the summarised version of the Joint Strategy. Local authority staff involved in the development of the Strategy hold complete final versions of the strategy document.
7. The Strategy will sit outside statutory plans and decision-making but will nevertheless provide guidance to them, seeking to achieve community risk reduction. The Strategy has been developed recognising appropriate levels of statutory planning are necessary for avoidance and mitigation of hazard risks in the region. The Joint Strategy can also assist non-statutory planning strategies for the mitigation of hazard risks, such as research and information, urban design and construction, early warning systems, education and participation and communication and consultation.
8. At a workshop in March 2011, council planning representatives agreed the development of agreed overarching regional principles would be beneficial, where those principles are in turn implemented by territorial authorities’ actions (for example, including provisions in district plans).
9. The overarching principles should be incorporated into the Regional Policy Statement (RPS). The Joint Hazard Strategy recommends that both the RPS and district plans incorporate best practice concepts for land-use planning as a part of their respective plan review processes. Best practices include, amongst other things, clarity of intention and preference for natural hazard avoidance in first instance, then appropriate standards for mitigation where avoidance is not practicable.
10. The RPS as it currently stands does not provide strong guidance on best practice or a strong driver for hazard risk avoidance relative to appropriateness of hazard mitigation.
11. The Joint Hazard Strategy makes numerous conclusions, including:
11.1. that the RPS could be improved to:
11.1.1. place more emphasis on avoidance in preference to mitigation for certain types of hazards;
11.1.2. provide guidance for ‘significant’ hazards; and
11.1.3. focus on policy implementation as well as information provision.
11.2. that district plans could benefit from a consistent regional approach that picks up on best practice guidance; and
11.3. that there are opportunities to improve district plans as part of their ongoing review processes.
12. The Joint Strategy recommends the RPS delivers stronger direction and guidance than it currently does for management of natural hazards and land use development. The CEG considered several options about how that could be achieved given the Regional Council’s current committed programme of plan reviews and plan changes. Options considered by the CEG were as follows:
12.1. Retain the RPS as is, and rely on closer working council relationships plus ‘faith’ in respective councils each willingly adopting best practice approaches for land use and natural hazard planning;
12.2. Incorporate ‘incidental’ amendments into the growth management and infrastructure related RPS plan change[2] currently being drafted and aiming for public notification in October 2011;
12.3. Preparing and notifying a more considered and comprehensive RPS plan change separate from the growth and infrastructure change. Real benefit of any such change would be realised if this change was in place ahead of second generation district planning review processes (eg: HDC’s plan review has commenced. Draft plan expected late 2012 and proposed plan end of 2013). HDC and NCC planning staff are already discussing opportunities to harmonise content of their district plans as part of the plan review processes.
13. If the Joint Committee want to see genuine improvements in natural hazard management and land use planning, then it is recommended that Option (12.3) be pursued. This will require subsequent decisions to provide the necessary resourcing to get the job done as that work would be beyond the Regional Council planning team’s current capacity.
14. At its meeting on 16 August, the CEG resolved to support in-principle development of joint statutory policy for natural hazard management as recommended in the Strategy. The CEG also resolved that local authorities consider the implications of statutory policy development for natural hazard management through development of Long Term Plans (2012-2022).
15. Arising from the CEG’s discussion was an action for the Hawke's Bay Council Planners’ Forum to progress the strategy development and confirm an implementation process to ensure practicality and alignment with risk avoidance. The Forum’s work is intended to inform development of 2012-2022 Long Term Plans.
That the Joint Committee resolve: 1. To endorse, in principle, the ‘Hawke’s Bay Joint Hazard Strategy for Local Authority Land Use Planning. 2. To support, in principle, the development of joint statutory policy for natural hazard management as recommended in the Strategy, subject to an agreed process.
Gavin Ide Team Leader Policy |
Lisa Pearse Emergency Management Coordinator |
1View |
Hawke's Bay joint hazard strategy for local authority land-use planning |
HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Tuesday 20 September 2011
SUBJECT: Tsunami Inundation Mapping
1. On 16 August 2011 CEG were informed on tsunami inundation hazard map production,
2. The HBRC’s 10 Year Hazards Research Plan contributes to our understanding of significant hazards and the Council has been developing tsunami inundation hazards maps (Level 3) based on dynamic wave-propagation models for Hawke’s Bay.
3. This report is to inform the Joint Committee that while mapping all of Hawke’s Bay will take another year to complete, one of the significant areas of mapping, namely the Hawke’s Bay Coast between Clive and Bay View, was publicly released in August 2011.
4. HBRC has committed to a long term programme of research to improve the understanding of natural hazards with the potential to adversely impact on the region. HBRC has worked closely with GNS Science and NIWA over the past 20 years on this programme and as a result is recognised nationally for being proactive in this area.
5. While our detailed understanding of natural hazards will continue to improve, we believe that it is appropriate that the current knowledge is utilised to:
5.1. Enable communities to understand the natural hazard risks to which they are exposed.
5.2. Mitigate that risk through public education and response planning, in the short term; and appropriate strategies, e.g. land use planning for new developments in the longer term.
6. This briefing paper aims to deal with public education and response planning. A strategy for dealing with longer term mitigation approaches is planned for development in the 2011/12 financial year.
7. After tsunami events in Chile, Tonga, Bali, Samoa and most recently Japan, there is a reasonable awareness of what tsunami can do on land. What has not been clearly understood is to what extent sea-water is likely to travel inland in the Bay. The inundation maps being developed are a way to inform the public on what could be expected from a near-source or distant-source tsunami.
8. As reported to the CEG in March 2011 Hastings District Council have been working on a community response planning pilot (as per the HB CDEM Group work programme) and as a result Clifton, Haumoana and Te Awanga were the first communities to obtain tsunami inundation hazards maps in 2010 (Fig 1).
Figure 1: Tsunami inundation maps were provided to Clifton, Haumoana & Te Awanga in 2010
9. Working with GNS and the Regional Council on this detailed hazard information Hastings District Council staff have conducted public meetings, formed a community committee and developed unique community response plans including evacuation routes for these areas.
10. Since these communities obtained their tsunami inundation hazards maps, the Regional Council has had repeated requests from the public and media for mapping for other coastal communities who want to understand their risks and are keen for evacuation routes to be established and signage be installed.
11. The Regional Council has agreed with CDEM staff in the region a priority list for the modelling which is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Tsunami inundation modelling schedule
12. Wairoa District Council asked for a preliminary map in March 2011 to allay community concerns there following the Japan tsunami, and the map in Figure 3 was provided only as a preliminary model as the inundation areas may change as work continues.
13. In May 2011 Regional Council presented initial results on the tsunami mapping from Clive to Tangoio to Napier City Council and Hastings District Council staff to discuss requirements for final content of the related technical report.
14. The next area of mapping released covered a much broader area which included several communities from Clive to Bay View. A carefully considered programme of activities was undertaken to ensure that Council’s and their communities were properly informed and minimal alarm was caused. Note: the Clive Community held a public meeting to start work on their Community Response Plan on 16 August 2011 Hawke’s Bay Regional Council staff give a presentation on Clive’s tsunami risk, along with the other top 10 hazard risks for this area.
15. Modelling results have been supplied to local councils so the information can then be used by Council staff to work with local people to prepare community response plans and related tsunami evacuation maps. But it will likely take some time to develop community response planning for many of these communities, particularly given the population numbers involved and that the area straddles two territorial boundaries.
16. Tsunami inundation mapping results have now been published in local newspapers with clear explanations of the uncertainties, the key message being the need to understand natural warning signals for a locally generated event such as a very strong felt earthquake or slow earthquake (one that goes for over one minute) where self evacuation is the only option. Annex A sets out the approach that was used for the release of this mapping information.
Figure 3: Preliminary model of Wairoa tsunami inundation areas provided in March 2011
17. This mapping will also have implications for land use planning. Adherence to recent tsunami and land use planning guidelines (New Zealand’s Next Top Model – Integrating tsunami modelling into land use planning GNS Science Series 34, April 2011) is recommended. This contains recommendations for hazard registers and that Level 3 modelling is noted in LIMs. These matters will be considered at the next meeting of the HB Planners Forum along with those already agreed in the HB Joint Hazard Strategy for Local Authority Land Use Planning.
That the Joint Committee resolve: 1. To receive the HBRC Report “Hawke’s Bay Tsunami Inundation Model Preliminary Results Tangoio to Cape Kidnappers” 2. Note that HBRC has released the model results between Clive and Bay View as outlined to CEG, including holding a joint press conference with Napier and Hastings Councils and by publishing in local papers along with key messages. |
Mike Adye Group Manager Asset Management |
HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Tuesday 20 September 2011
SUBJECT: HB CDEM Group Appointments - Group and Local Controller
1. Under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (CDEM Act) and within the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (CDEMG) Joint Committee:
1.1. Makes appointments to the positions of Group Controller and Group Recovery Manager and Local Controllers.
1.2. Establishes a Co-ordinating Executive Group (CEG)
1.3. Carries out functions and duties conferred on the CDEM Group
2. This paper:
2.1. Advises the appointment of a new Group Manager HB CDEM
2.2. Seeks the appointment of a new Group Controller
2.3. Seeks revision of the hierarchy of Group Controller and Alternate Group Controller appointments.
2.4. Seeks confirmation of the appointments of Local and Alternate Local Controllers
2.5. Proposes changes to the HB CDEM Group Plan.
3. At its meeting on 28 March 2011, the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (CDEM) Joint Committee resolved to:
3.1. Agree to the changes to the Group Emergency Management Office structure and resourcing proposed by the Chief Executives of the local authorities.
3.2. Formally support the proposal for additional resources in the Group Emergency Management Office as provided for in the Administrating Authorities (HBRC) 2011/2012 Draft Annual Plan.
3.3. Agreed that the employment process and decision making for the Manager Emergency Management Office/Group Controller position be delegated to the current Group Controller, Chairman of the CEG and Director of the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, with the process to identify a suitable person for the position commencing as soon as approval is obtained from the Administrating Authority with regard to assurances around the provision of resourcing in the HBRC 2011/2012 Draft Annual Plan.
4. On 16 March 2011 financial estimates to provide new (increased) services for the HB CDEM Group budget were included in the Administrating Authority (Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s) Draft 2011/12 Annual Plan which was put out for public consultation.
5. In April 2011 the Administrating Authority (HBRC) contracted BDO Hawkes Bay Ltd to review the proposed Group staffing structure and develop a role description for the Group Manager HB CDEM.
6. On 29 June 2011 Hawke’s Bay Regional Council approved their 2011/12 Annual Plan making available an increase to the budget of the HB CDEM Group.
Appointment of a Group Manager HB CDEM
7. The Group Manager HB CDEM position was advertised in June 2011. Twenty nine applications were received. The applications were refined to a short list of five. The interview panel; Chairman of CEG, Group Controller and Director MCDEM undertook interviews on 7 July 2011. Ian Macdonald was appointed and will commence the role on 5 September 2011.
8. Ian has completed an honours degree in environmental planning at Massey University. He has 14 years experience in local government working in development control and policy development at Ruapehu and Hastings District Councils. He was the Planning Manager at Hastings District Council before moving into strategic planning and projects. He is currently the Strategic Projects Manager at Hastings District Council.
9. During his time with Hastings District Council he has been involved in the management of a number of emergencies and most recently spent two weeks as the planning and operations manager as part of the response and recovery operations related to the heavy rain event that impacted on the coast of the region after Easter this year.
10. Ian is also a member of the NZ Army Reserve (Territorial Force). He was commissioned as an infantry officer in 1986. In the mid 1990s he spent two years on full time duties which included one year deployed on operations in the Middle East. He has held a number of command appointments including command of the local 7 Wellington Hawke’s Bay Battalion.
11. He has attended and instructed at military staff colleges in New Zealand and Canada and has experience in training and exercise development. Ian currently holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and is posted to Army General Staff, Wellington and is responsible for the selection and career management of Army Reserve officers.
Appointment of a new Group Controller
12. Under section 26 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 only the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee can make appointments to the role of Group Controller and Alternate Group Controller.
13. As a part of the duties of the Group Manager HB CDEM the position has the additional responsibilities of Group Controller during any declared emergency. At their meeting on 16 August CEG resolved to recommend to the Joint Committee the appointment of Ian Macdonald to the role of Group Controller.
14. If the Joint Committee agree to the appointment of Ian Macdonald as the Group Controller an amendment to the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan to that effect is required.
15. Previously at its meeting on 3 May 2010, the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group (CDEM) Joint Committee appointed Ross McLeod the Chief Executive of Hastings District Council as Group Controller and Andrew Newman, Chief Executive Officer, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and Ken Foote, Director Support Services, Hawke’s Bay District Health Board as Alternate Group Controllers.
16. It is proposed that the CEG recommend to the Joint Committee an alteration to the appointments of Group Controller and Alternate Group Controllers and that the Joint
Committee amend the HB CDEM Group Plan to state:
10.6.1 Group Controller
Under section 26 of the Act, the CDEM Group is required to appoint a Group Controller.
Ian Macdonald, Group Manager HB CDEM is appointed to be the Group Controller.
Under section 26 of the Act, the CDEM Group may appoint alternate Group Controllers. The following people are appointed alternate Group Controllers, who will perform the functions and duties and exercise the powers of the Group Controller in the absence of the Group Controller:
· Andrew Newman, Chief Executive Officer, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
· Ross McLeod, Chief Executive Officer, Hastings District Council
· Ken Foote, Secretary, Hawke’s Bay District Health Board
As required by the Act, the CDEM Group retains the right to remove or replace the Group Controller or any person appointed as alternate Group Controller.
17. The Joint Committee will need to consider consequences of this proposal when agreeing these appointments.
18. To formally complete this process the Joint Committee must agree to an amendment to the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan as proposed above.
Confirmation of the appointments of Local and Alternate Local Controllers
19. Under section 27 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 only the HB CDEM Group Joint Committee can make appointments to the role of Local Controller and Alternate Local Controller.
20. Each of the Territorial Local Authorities currently identifies Local Controllers and Alternate Local Controllers by employment position title from within their organisation structure.
21. Each Territorial Local Authority was asked to confirm current titles and the names of the appointees so that the CEG and Joint Committee can be informed and if necessary any amendments can be proposed for the HB CDEM Group Plan.
22. The last amendment to the appointments of Local Controller and Alternate Local Controller was made in May 2010.
23. Correspondence from the Territorial Local Authorities confirm that:
· There are no changes in title or role holder amongst Local Controller appointees.
· An Alternate Local Controller role holder change is forecast by Napier City Council
· An Alternate Local Controller role holder title change is advised by Wairoa District Council
24. Current appointments of Local Controller and Alternate Local Controller by name and employment title are:
Central Hawke’s Bay District Council:,
Local Controller TeArohanui Cook - Regulatory Services Manager
Alternate Local Controllers; Steve Thrush - Technical Services Manager,
Shawn McKinley - Roading Manager
Bruce Kitto - Emergency Management Officer
John Freeman - Chief Executive
Hastings District Council:
Local Controller Mike Maguire - Group Manager: Corporate & Customer Services
Alternate Local Controllers; David Fraser - Group Manager: Asset
Dennis Morgan - Group Manager: Strategy & Development
Donald Scott - Manager Emergency Management
Napier City Council:
Local Controller Alastair Thompson - Planning Manager
Alternate Local Controllers; Warren Burch - Corporate Services Manager
Antoinette Campbell - Community Development Manager
Angela Reade - Civil Defence Manager
Neil Taylor - Chief Executive
Bill McWatt - Works Asset Manager
It is understood that in September 2011 a change of incumbent is scheduled for the Corporate Services Manager. Fiona Green is identified as the planned successor to Warren Burch.
Wairoa District Council:
Local Controller Peter Freeman - Chief Executive Officer
Alternate Local Controllers; Neil Cook - Engineering Manager
Des Jane - Team Leader By-Laws
James Baty - Administration Manager
25. CEG recommend to the Joint Committee an alteration to the appointments of Alternate Local Controllers and that the HB CDEM Group Plan be amended to state:
10.6.2 Local Controllers
Under section 27 of the Act the CDEM Group may appoint local controllers. The CDEM Group appoints local controllers for each of the districts within the region.
Within their respective districts, the local controllers shall carry out all the functions and duties of, or delegated to, the Group Controller and shall have all the powers set out in sections 86 to 94 of the Act and also the power to authorise any suitably qualified and experienced person to exercise any one or more of those powers or to fulfil any one or more of those functions or duties and each may delegate the whole or any part of those functions powers or duties as he or she considers necessary subject, always, to any directions given by the Group Controller.
The people by name or the holders of the following positions are appointed as Local Controllers and Alternate Local Controllers for their districts in order as below:
· Central Hawke’s Bay District Council:, Regulatory Services Manager, Technical Services Manager, Roading Manager, Emergency Management Officer and Chief Executive
· Hastings District Council: Group Manager: Corporate & Customer Services, Group Manager: Asset Management, Group Manager: Strategy & Development and Team Leader Emergency Management.
· Napier City Council: Planning Manager, Corporate Services Manager, Community Development Manager, Civil Defence Manager, Chief Executive, and Works Asset Manager.
· Wairoa District Council: Chief Executive Officer, Engineering Manager, Team Leader By-Laws and Administration Manager.
26. The Joint Committee will need to consider consequences of this proposal when agreeing these appointments.
27. To formally complete this process the Joint Committee must agree to an amendment to the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan as proposed above.
The CDEM Group, as a joint committee operating in accordance with Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act) is required to make every decision in accordance with the provisions of Part 6 subpart 1 of the Act. Staff have assessed the requirements contained within these sections of the Act in relation to this briefing paper and have concluded the following:
(i) Sections 97 and 88 of the Act do not apply.
(ii) Sections 83 and 84 covering the statutory requirement to undertake a special consultative procedure do not apply.
(iii) The CDEM Group has adopted the CDEM Group Plan after a process of consultation in accordance with the CDEM Act 2002 and has a responsibility to ensure that it is implemented. The decisions to be made on this agenda item are associated with the implementation of the Group Plan.
(iv) The decisions will have no adverse impact on any member of the public or public interest group.
(v) The proposed decisions are not inconsistent with any existing CDEM Group policy or plan.
The CEG recommend that the Joint Committee: 1. Agree that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in the adopted policy on significance of any of the individual Member organisations and that the CDEM Group has the delegated authority under its Terms of Reference and can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with their individual Member organisations or the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Note the appointment of Ian Macdonald as Group Manager HB CDEM. 3. Appoint Ian Macdonald, as Group Controller with effect 5 September 2011. 4. Appoint Andrew Newman, Ross McLeod, and Ken Foote as Alternate Group Controllers. 5. Amend section 10.6.1 of the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan to read as follows: 10.6 Appointments 10.6.1 Group Controller Under section 26 of the Act, the CDEM Group is required to appoint a Group Controller. Ian Macdonald, Group Manager HB CDEM is appointed to be the Group Controller. Under section 26 of the Act, the CDEM Group may appoint alternate Group Controllers. The following people are appointed alternate Group Controllers, who will perform the functions and duties and exercise the powers of the Group Controller in the absence of the Group Controller: · Andrew Newman, Chief Executive Officer, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council · Ross McLeod, Chief Executive Officer, Hastings District Council · Ken Foote, Secretary, Hawke’s Bay District Health Board As required by the Act, the CDEM Group retains the right to remove or replace the Group Controller or any person appointed as alternate Group Controller. 6. Agree to appointment Local Controllers and Alternate Local Controllers as set out in the report. 7. Amend section 10.6.2 of the Hawke’s Bay Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan to read as follows: 10.6.2 Local Controllers Under section 27 of the Act the CDEM Group may appoint local controllers. The CDEM Group appoints local controllers for each of the districts within the region. Within their respective districts, the local controllers shall carry out all the functions and duties of, or delegated to, the Group Controller and shall have all the powers set out in sections 86 to 94 of the Act and also the power to authorise any suitably qualified and experienced person to exercise any one or more of those powers or to fulfil any one or more of those functions or duties and each may delegate the whole or any part of those functions powers or duties as he or she considers necessary subject, always, to any directions given by the Group Controller. The people by name or the holders of the following positions are appointed as Local Controllers and Alternate Local Controllers for their districts in order as below: · Central Hawke’s Bay District Council:, Regulatory Services Manager, Technical Services Manager, Roading Manager, Emergency Management Officer and Chief Executive · Hastings District Council: Group Manager: Corporate & Customer Services, Group Manager: Asset Management, Group Manager: Strategy & Development and Team Leader Emergency Management. · Napier City Council: Planning Manager, Corporate Services Manager, Community Development Manager, Civil Defence Manager, Chief Executive, and Works Asset Manager. · Wairoa District Council: Chief Executive Officer, Engineering Manager, Team Leader By-Laws and Administration Manager. |
Andrew Newman chairman of the coordinating executive group on behalf of the ceg |
HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Tuesday 20 September 2011
SUBJECT: General Business
This document has been prepared to assist Councillors note the General Business to be discussed as determined earlier in Agenda Item 2.
Item |
Topic |
CDEM Member |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
11. |
12. |
13. |
14. |
15. |
16. |
[1] This Forum comprises of senior resource management advisors within Hawke's Bay local government. Its principal purpose is to share ideas and knowledge in the preparation and review of regional and district plans under the RMA. A particular focus is exploring potential for harmonising of district plan provisions.
[2] This growth management and infrastructure Change is largely driven by the need to embed key outcomes of the recently completed Heretaunga Plains Urban Development Strategy (HPUDS). HPUDS does recognise natural hazards as being a potential constraint to suitability of areas for future urban growth. Consequently, this RPS Change will already have indirect linkages back to management of natural hazards and land use planning in the Heretaunga Plains sub-region (ie: from Tangoio in north to Waimarama in the south).