MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee
Date: Tuesday 30 August 2011
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
M Apatu
J Aspinall
M Black
H Hiha
H Hilton
P Hohipa
T Gilbertson
A Manuel
P Paku
E McGregor
A Riki
L Remmerswaal
In Attendance: F Wilson – HBRC Chairman
A Newman – Chief Executive
G Hansen – Group Manager – Water Initiatives
H Codlin – Group Manager – Strategic Development
C Scott –HBRC Councillor
V Moule - Kaitohutohu
M Drury – Minute Secretary
The meeting acknowledged the passing of several key Maori since the last meeting and particular reference was made to the tragic death of member Liz Graham’s son in a car accident recently.
HBRC Chairman Wilson welcomed everyone to the meeting with a special welcome to the claimant groups consisting of Piri Prentice – Mana Ahuriri, Toro Waaka - Ngati Pahauwera, Rangihau Gilbert – Hineuru, Tania Hopmans - Maungaharuru Tangitu who was joining the meeting via Skype and representatives of the Hastings District Council Maori Committee.
Mr Mohi advised that agenda items would be heard out of order and Item 9 a verbal discussion on the proposed Regional Planning Committee would be the first item to be discussed. Mr Mohi also advised he would have to leave the meeting at 12.30pm to catch a flight.
The visitors representing the Treaty claimant groups and the Hastings District Council Maori Committee introduced themselves to start the meeting.
Discussion on Joint Planning Committee |
Members of the claimant groups noted that the proposed regional joint planning committee was a Crown initiative. They reinforced that as treaty claimant groups they had been through a robust mandating process. They welcomed the opportunity to be part of the Council process and understood that the purpose of the proposed committee would be to have an input into regional plans, policy statements, plan changes, plan variations. Members of the claimant groups envisaged this would give Maori the opportunity to participate in the region’s decision making processes and were looking forward to the many opportunities that would arise in the future and the formation of a good working relationship with Council. Ms Hopmans said that Maori have been very frustrated in their ability to participate in the process of policy planning and the formation of the committee was testament to a robust process which would result in better policy making with Maori input at a higher level, It was also acknowledged that under this new process, the youth of today who were tomorrow’s leaders would be looked after as they were the rising generation and their ongoing contribution was therefore essential so that the next generation would aspire to future challenges that the environment would offer. In discussion the meeting agreed that this was also an opportunity to introduce a holistic approach to the environment as already there were successful relationships in place with Councils in the region particularly in the transformation of streams and rivers resulting from ongoing community orientated planting projects. Summarising the discussion, HBRC Chairman Wilson said Hawke’s Bay needed better outcomes going into the future – stating that the process starts at the hills and ends at the coast and the proposed Regional Planning Committee was the start of something special. It was not necessarily about inclusion or participation but about the outcome. HBRC Chairman Wilson left the meeting at 11.15am Mr Newman addressed the gathering to give clarity to a number of issues. He firstly acknowledged members of the Ngati Pahauwera Claimant treaty group for the amount of effort and hard work that had been undertaken in the processing of their claim. He noted that there had been a transformation around statutory planning and Council staff had also put in a large effort. He stated that it was the right time for the establishment of the regional planning committee as the plan process will continue and it was a wonderful opportunity for all involved as it was already evident that there was positive energy, passion and intent.
1. That the Committee notes any points of action that arise from the discussion. CARRIED |
Water Strategy and Plan Change Presentation & Ruataniwha Water Storage Project Presentation |
Ms Codlin gave a powerpoint presentation which illustrated the drivers for the water strategy. These included climate change impacts, reduced availability of both surface and ground water and a predicted increased demand for water noting that in excess of 80% of water is used for agriculture in the Ruataniwha basin. Ms Codlin also outlined the National Policy statement for Freshwater Management and outlined the reasons for plan changes including the Tukituki Catchment Plan Change where consents expire in May 2013 and notification is required by July 2012. Mr Hansen also gave a powerpoint presentation which updated the meeting on progress with the Ruataniwha water storage project. It was noted that due to geotechnical issues, only one dam was now planned for the project with this dam being made larger in order to take the extra water load much of which the second dam would have stored. Mr Hansen reiterated that this project was still at the feasibility stage and no final decisions had yet been made. Responding to a question regarding the proposal of a power station being established on the dam site, Mr Newman explained the reasons why this possibility had been included in the project. However, at this point it was only a suggested option and further exploration of this idea was required. Mr Mohi advised that Council would continue ongoing communication with all affected hapu including those hapu from Pukehou northwards. This was necessary because the plans keep changing it was an ongoing process for all concerned. Mr Paku noted that to date discussions had not taken place with Heretaunga Taiwhenua as an entity. Responding to a question Ms Codlin advised that Dr Wakefield had been contacted to have further discussions about progressing the existing CIA and it was hoped that the index would be completed by June/July 2012. The Committee requested that the CIA also include reference to hydroelectric power generation impact. |
1. That the verbal reports from Ms Codlin and Mr Hansen be received.
Councillor Gilbertson left the meeting at 12.25pm
Chairman Mohi left the meeting at 12.30pm and Deputy Chairman P Paku took the chair.
That the apologies from Mrs L Graham, Mr Rangi Manuel (proxy for Fred McRoberts) and Mr F McRoberts be accepted Aspinall/Remmerswaal CARRIED |
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Short Term Replacements |
There were no short term replacements. |
4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Maori Committee held on 28 June 2011
Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 28 June 2011, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed. CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday 28 June 2011
Mr Paku confirmed that Agenda Items 15 – Tukituki High Flow Allocation Modelling and 16 – Fish Barriers on the 28 June Agenda which were to be carried over to this meeting would be placed on the next meeting’s agenda.
Consideration of General Business Items |
Local Governmant Amalgamation Council Policy on “Significance” Regional Policy Statement – Maori dimension Maori Constituency Option |
Action Items From Previous Maori Committee Meetings |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Meetings”.
Replacement Maori Committee Member on Environmental Management Committee |
The meeting agreed that as some members had not been not aware of Mr Black’s intended resignation from the Maori Committee, this item would lie on the table. Chairman Mo hi had earlier in the meeting told the committee that Tamatea Taiwhenua had elected Benita Wakefield as Morry’s replacement. Councillor Remmerswaal acknowledged Mr Black’s valuable assistance, expertise and helpfulness to her since she had become a Councillor and she would miss his ongoing guidance and knowledge. |
The Maori Committee agrees that this agenda item lie on the table CARRIED |
Verbal Update by CEO |
This agenda item had been preceded by the discussion on the regional planning Committee. However, Mr Newman commented that it was important that information regarding ongoing projects being undertaken by Council be forwarded onto Maori representatives in the community so that everyone was kept fully informed. |
General Business |
Mr Black advised that on 5-11 October a workshop and cultural health monitoring will be undertaken on the Irongate and Karamu Streams. It was a good opportunity to capture the values of those waterways and invitations would be sent out, although anyone interested would be more than welcome to attend. Local Government Amalgamation Mr Apatu sought Committee members’ views on the proposed Local Government amalgamation in the region. Further discussion would take place at the next Committee meeting. Council Policy on “Significance” Mr Black commented that the Committee should relook at Council’s policy on ‘significance as there may be issues that would need to be readdressed in light of proposed policy changes. Regional Policy Statement – Maori Dimension Mr Hiha requested that the Regional Policy Statement be discussed at the next meeting as there may be amendments to it. Maori Constituency Option Mr Apatu requested information on this topic which had previously been presented to the Maori Committee be circulated to all members. This topic would also be discussed at the next meeting. Mr Moule to circulate the papers from the meeting in 2005 when this take was last discussed. |
Prior to close of the meeting, Councillor Scott updated the Committee on the Napier City Council Outfall hearing which was to commence next week and was schedule to run for 3 days.
Mr Newman acknowledged Mr Black’s valuable contribution to Council over several years and although he would no longer be a member of the Maori Committee, he was sure Mr Black would continue to make an ongoing contribution to Council policy and activities.
There being no further business the Deputy Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.57pm on Tuesday, 30 August 2011.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................