MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee


Date:                          Friday 8 July 2011


Time:                          10.15am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     Councillor A J Dick – Chairman – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

Councillor  L Remmerswaal – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

Councillor K Furlong – Napier City Council

Councillor  T Kingston – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

Mayor L Probert – Wairoa District Council

Councillor T Kerr – Hastings District Council

M Mohi – Cultural Interests

D Murray – Access and Mobility

C Wallace – Public Safety

Dr N Jones – Hawke’s Bay District Health Board - Public Health

K Santer – Kiwi Rail

J Emmerson – Advisory – Road

C Bain – PONL – Economic Development, Advisory – Coastal

Ms J Chetwynd – Regional Director – NZTA

Ms E Shaw – Ministry of Transport


In Attendance:          Mrs C Gilbertson – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

Ms E Bate – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

Mr J Cox – Wairoa District Council

Mr S McKinley – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

Mr J Schwass – Napier City Council

Mr M Clews – Hastings District Council

Mr G Hart  - NZTA

M Drury – Committee Secretary


Chairman Dick welcomed all present to the meeting

Apologies were received from Messrs J Pannu and M Kinvig.




There were no conflicts of interest declared.



Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee


There were no short term replacements for this meeting.

Mayor Probert advised that Mr Jamie Cox  Policy and Planning Engineer would now be WDC’s permanent representative on the Technical Advisory Group replacing Mr W Caves.



4.       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the  Regional Transport Committee held on 20 April 2011




Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Wednesday, 20 April 2011, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed.




5.       Matters Arising from Minutes of  the  Regional Transport Committee held on Wednesday 20 April 2011

9.       Public Transport Update

Mrs Gilbertson advised that the trend showing increased patronage figures in March had continued  in May and June particularly on the Commuter Express service.

Mrs Gilbertson advised that it was hoped that Mr Martin Matthews, CEO of NZTA would attend the September RTC meeting to give a presentation that would also cover his perspective on Peak oil.



Deputation - Citizens Environmental Advocacy Centre Inc


Mr Crispin, CEAC Inc  gave a presentation to the Committee. He suggested ideas to utilise the Napier to Gisborne railway line and requested the Committee support any moves in the region to advocate to Government that the railway line between Napier and Gisborne be retained.

The Committee noted it was important to aim for a realistic way to keep the line open and operating, and source any opportunities that maybe available in the region.

Chairman Dick thanked Mr Crispin for his presentation and said that the Committee would pursue with other Councils  a more formal collective approach to Government on the Gisborne rail line.



1.      That the report from CEAC be received.






Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings


Mrs Gilbertson updated the Committee on the Action items.

Mayor Probert advised that Wairoa District Council was continuing to look at alternatives to get the remainder of SH38 sealed.  Currently, 43 kms is sealed with another 21 km yet to be completed.



1.      That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”.






Consideration of General Business Items


1.       Signage

2.       Living Street Conference

3.       Signage - Rangitaiki



Transport Manager's Report


Mrs Gilbertson advised that this report would be provided at future Committee meetings so that Committee members were kept up to date with relevant transport issues and events occurring in the near future in the transport industry and  progress on studies and plans underway.

Mrs Gilbertson then outlined the achievements since the last Regional Transport meeting on 20 April 2011.

The Committee commended Mrs Gilbertson on her report and agreed it would be useful for this to be an ongoing agenda item.

Mrs Gilbertson advised that a meeting of the SMTG – a technical and management group which is over viewing both the management and technical inputs from each of the study partners in relation to the Heretaunga Plains Transportation Study – would be held next week.

In response to Mrs Gilbertson’s comment that it is intended the TAG discuss regional priorities to feed into the Regional Land Transport Programme, the Committee agreed that it was necessary to have a robust method in order to reach a priority list. They agreed that with the tight timelines it would be necessary to hold a workshop to discuss the regional priorities prior to the 22 September Committee meeting.

Ms Chetwynd said the Committee needed to be cognisant of where funding would be directed and look at the funding criteria around each of the projects.

Ms Shaw then provided an update on the proposed changes for the Land Transport Management Act 2003 and outlined the timeline in place before the bill was introduced to Parliament later this year.

The Committee expressed concern in regard to the proposed reduction of Committee members on the RTC and agreed that the objective representatives played an important role on the Committee in the formation of good decision making.

Mrs Gilbertson then outlined proposed changes to some NZTA Funding Assistant Rates (FARs) and highlighted the funding implications for the region if the changes went ahead and the impact on Hawke’s Bay rate payers if Council  was to absorb the proposed costs.

Mrs Gilbertson advised that following a meeting in Wellington recently of Regional Councils officials, it had been agreed that a sector submission would be submitted to NZTA outlining the sector’s concerns with the proposed FAR cuts; at that meeting a request for an extension to the submission timeline had been asked for and also a request to revisit the proposed funding cut to the administration grant.

Mrs Gilbertson said that a submission would also be prepared by from the Regional Transport Committee outlining the concerns for the Hawke’s Bay region.



1.    That the Committee receives the Transport Manager’s report.






High Productivity Motor Vehicles (HPMV) Presentation by NZTA


Mr Hart, NZTA gave the Committee a presentation which updated progress on the High Productivity Motor Vehicles (HPMV) investigation project currently underway in the region.  It also highlighted existing capacity and main constraints within the region and possible development scenarios.

Mr Hart advised that it was important that the Committee be aware that the project would impact on the Regional Land transport Programme (RLTP) and careful consideration was required when discussing and allocating the region’s “R” funds.

Mr Hart also advised that following the implementation of the Vehicle Dimension and Mass Amendment 2010 rule on 1 May 2010, which provided for mass increase up to 53 tonnes without length increase and up to 62 tonnes (or more) with a truck length increase, locally, a 48 tonne planning band as a weight had been introduced that was practicable and economic for HB industry and also the truck fleets.

The Committee discussed the investigation project and noted the environmental benefits that could result from the introduction of a modern generation truck fleet with some Hawke’s Bay firms who were already purchasing new trucks.



1.      That the report be received.

2.    Endorses the objectives of the HPMV programme and supports the work being undertaken to identify the HPMV projects.




Mr Mohi left the meeting at 12.00pm



National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) and Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) Timelines - Presentation by NZTA


Ms Chetwynd gave a presentation to update the Committee on the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) and the Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) timelines.

Ms Chetwynd advised that one of the priorities for 2012-15 programmes was road safety however there was limited discretionary funding available.  All projects would be set against the same criteria whether it was economic development or not.

Mrs Gilbertson advised that there was concern and unease within the Regional Council sector that the timelines for the programmes did not align with Council’s 10 Year Plan processes and a request had been forwarded to NZTA to consider the alignment of the two planning processes.  

The Committee discussed the timelines and noted that final board approval for the RLTP would be 30 June 2012.



1.      That the report be received.




Mr Schwass left the meeting at 12.35pm

The meeting adjourned at 12.35pm and reconvened at 1.00pm


NZTA Regional Director's Report


The Committee took the NZTA Regional Director’s Report as read.

Mr Hart updated the Committee on State Highway projects in the region and advised that following a meeting with TAs, plans were underway to manage extra traffic loads in the region during the Rugby World Cup.  Directional arrows were being painted on roads and an 80km speed limit would be in place from Meannee Quay to the Airport to counteract any difficulties at the highway intersection.

Mr Hart advised that the arterial roading system had stood up well during the Easter storm and the network was now back in full swing post the storm.



1.    That the Committee receives the Regional Director’s Report.






Verbal Reports from Objective Representatives


J Emmerson – Advisory Rep – Road Transport

Mr Emmerson extended the industry’s gratitude  for maintaining the Matahorua Gorge and Southern Expressway projects high on the priority list and a successful outcome for both.

Councillor Kerr left the meeting at 1.10pm

K Santer – Advisory Representative Rail

Mr Santer advised that Kiwi Rail were continuing to investigate opportunities for rail in the region and at a recent meeting in Napier positive comment had been received about the Napier to Gisborne rail however it was important that clear objectives were received.

It was noted that Hatuma Lime would be utilising the rail service in the future and Heinz was also setting up new premises in Hastings.

Mr Santer noted that following a suggestion by the CEAC delegation that “mixed trains” could be used on the Napier to Gisborne line this suggestion would not benefit the public because of ongoing scheduling requirements. The public would gain greater benefit by using the excursion trains which run between Napier and Gisborne.

C Bain – Economic Development – Advisory Coastal

Mr Bain updated the Committee on the current economic situation in the region and noted that the volumes for exports was not as high as last year.

PONL activity is very busy at this time with ongoing expansion of port facilities subject to Board approval.

PONL will in future rely on road and rail infrastructure as it aims to become the part port in the central region.

Dr N Jones

Dr Jones updated the Committee on the public health work currently being undertaken by Tracey Ashworth in relation to the Regional Public Transport Plan.

D Murray

Mr Murray noted that there is discussion around the electrically driven vehicle options not being “as green” as previously indicated.

He said the public needed to be mindful of all traffic hazards and conflicts on the road – in particular cyclists and motorcyclists as there had been recent incidents of cyclists being struck by trucks’ wing mirrors.

Inspector C Wallace – Public Safety

Inspector Wallace advised that New Zealand road toll was at its lowest for 30-40 years with crashes in Hawke’s Bay down 5% and truck crashes also showing a reduction in the region.

He noted the driving age will be increased from 1 August and on 7 August the legal alcohol limit for drivers under 20 will be zero.



That the verbal reports from the Objective Representatives be received.



Mr Bain left the meeting at 1.30pm



RoadSafe Hawke's Bay Update


Mrs Anderson provided the Committee with an update on recent projects and events undertaken by RoadSafe Hawke’s Bay and partners, which included a motorcycle practical safety training day and the Youth Alcohol Expo held in May.  Feedback from both events has been very positive and it is hoped that another Youth Alcohol expo would be held in 2012.

The Committee also viewed a  DVD called “Just Another Saturday Night” which highlighted the impact of the consequences of youth drinking and driving.  This was based on a fatal road accident which occurred in Napier and was fronted by a survivor of the crash.

The Committee commended Mrs Anderson and RoadSafe staff on their outstanding achievements for the year and also acknowledged the large role many organisations had played in the success of the RoadSafe programme.



1.    That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report and congratulates staff on the outstanding achievements for 2010-2011.





General Business



Councillor Kingston noted the lack of signage of arterial routes and roads in relation to important locations such as hospitals, medical centres and asked NZTA and TAs to consider an improvement in signage.

Living Street Conference

Councillor Remmerswaal advised that this conference would be held in Hastings in February 2012.

Signage – Taihape -

Chairman Dick advised that a report had been received about inadequate signage on the Taihape side of the Taihape to Napier road.  It had also been noted that an out of date sign was still erected on the Taihape side relating to gravel sections on the road.





There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.20pm on Friday, 8 July  2011.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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