MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee
Date: Tuesday 28 June 2011
Time: 10.45 am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
M Apatu
J Aspinall
M Black
L Graham
H Hiha
H Hilton
P Hohipa
T Gilbertson
A Manuel
F McRoberts
P Paku
E McGregor
A Riki
L Remmerswaal
In Attendance: A Newman – Chief Executive
V Moule – Kaitohutohu
E Lambert – Group Manager – External Relations
C Drury – Senior Consents Officer
C Reed – Senior Planner
A Thomas ( Proxy member)
E Bate – Planner
M Drury – Minute Secretary
Karl Wixon (Maori Regional Economic Development – Presentation)
Chairman Mohi welcomed all present and extended a warm welcome to Mr Karl Wixon and Ms Alex Thomas who would be a proxy member on the Committee when required.
There were no apologies.
Chairman Mohi advised that due to time restraints and staff availability, some agenda items would be discussed out of order.
Regional Maori Economic Development Strategy - Karl Wixon |
Mr Wixon gave a powerpoint presentation which highlighted the initiatives undertaken to develop a Regional Economic Development Strategy for Maori. The Strategy was based on a catchment to coastal plan, natural resources and a kinship based on historical trading. Mr Wixon advised that recently Berle had indicated that the Maori asset base was worth $36.9bn and between 2006-2010 there had been a growth rate of 18% or 4.35% each year. He also outlined the opportunities that should be available by 2060 with investment in science innovation resulting in $12bn extra pa in GDP from the Maori economy. Mr Wixon described the role that SMEs were already playing in the Maori economy and although there was the potential for them to grow at a faster rate than the larger enterprises it was important that this growth continued to take account of a large Maori workforce in the future.. There was an ongoing need for people to become involved in a collaborative way and become committed to the project. The Committee discussed the Regional Maori Economic Development Strategy and agreed it was necessary for a collaborative approach to be taken in order to progress this initiative.
1. That the report on the Regional Maori Economic Development Strategy be received. CARRIED |
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Short Term Replacements |
There were no short-term replacements.
4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Maori Committee held on 26 April 2011
Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 26 April 2011, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed following amendment. CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday 26 April 2011
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Consideration of General Business Items |
Action Items From Previous Maori Committee Meetings |
Mr Moule updated the Committee on the Action Items List. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Meetings”. CARRIED |
Verbal Update by CEO |
Mr Newman updated the Committee on the following issues: CHB Wastewater A workshop is planned with CHB District Council on 14 July to progress the preparation of the resource consent application. It is hoped that wastewater from Waipawa can be discharged into the HBRC acquired forest this coming summer and wastewater from Waipukurau discharged into the forest next summer. There is the possibility that some treated waste may be discharged into the river at peak flood times. Ruataniwha Dams Following the establishment of the HB Water Strategy which looks at water allocations across the region, there is some clarity on the impact of irrigation throughout the summer season and it is now clear that Council has to look at water storage to manage water in the river systems on the Ruataniwha Plains. It is envisaged that if water is stored there would be more water in the rivers during the summer spell. Ongoing work has continued around the sites for the proposed storage dams with the most complex challenge being the geo technical issues. In response to a question, Mr Newman advised that it would be simpler to move all irrigators to stored water rather than dams storing water for augmentation. Ngaruroro A simple high level assessment similar to that undertaken on the Tukituki River has started for the Ngaruroro which has a similar system to the Ruataniwha. Up to 6,500 hectares more land could be irrigated as part of an envisaged scheme. Mr Newman stressed that things were at a very early stage, however. Mrs Graham exited the meeting at 12.00pm. AFFCO Updated the Committee on a recent meeting Chairman Wilson, and himself had attended with AFFCO representatives. Council have agreed that AFFCO trial some filtering techniques in an attempt to alleviate the ongoing discharge into the river. Council have also encouraged AFFCO to develop a landbase wastewater system. The results of the AFFCO meeting was relayed to the Wairoa Taiwhenua in the company of Mike Mohi also. Regional Planning Committee Mrs Lambert advised that following discussion at the Strategic Planning meeting of 15 June 2011, the draft Terms of Reference had been given back to the 4 Treaty Claimant groups who had indicated that they were ready to be part of the proposed Committee for final consideration. It was hoped that the Terms of Reference would be resolved at the July Council meeting with the Committee being established by the end of September. In response to a question, Mrs Lambert confirmed that the new Regional Planning Committee was not a replacement for the current Maori Committee. The new Committee would focus on plan development only with the Hearings Committee established from members of the new Committee only being involved in policy establishment – the existing Council Hearings Committee would continue in its current role. Mrs Lambert also advised that there would be training requirements for all Committee members with a number of training requirements around the RMA, |
1. That the CEO’s verbal report be received. CARRIED |
Proposed On Site Wastewater Plan Change |
Mrs Drury provided the Committee with an overview of the proposed changes following an informal consultation process, explained the reasons for making these changes and advised that the Environment Committee at its’ 15 June meeting recommended that Council adopt the changes. The proposed plan will be released for public submission in mid July. It was noted that the proposed accreditation system should lessen compliance staff time than the current regime resulting in more staff time to monitor the performance of lawfully established systems. |
The Maori Committee receives the report “Section 32 Evaluation Summary Report’” CARRIED |
Councillor McGregor exited the meeting at 12.45pm
Taharua and Upper Mohaka Draft Strategy |
Mr Reed outlined progress on the Taharua and Upper Mohaka Strategy which had been developed by Council in consultation with the Taharua Stakeholder Group. Following an open public consultation process in July/August, staff would summarise comments received and any recommended revisions be added to the draft strategy. It was hoped that the Plan Change would be notified in December 2011. The Committee discussed the draft Strategy and noted that although the current limits are acceptable, it may be necessary to limit or raised the limits in the future following ongoing monitoring. It was hoped that a catchment wide solution would be achieved with individual landowners not being penalised. Mr Hilton exited the meeting at 1.00pm. |
1. That the Maori Committee receives the report. CARRIED |
Statutory Advocacy Matters |
Ms Bate presented this agenda item, outlined current proposals under Council’s statutory advocacy project and the Resource Management Act 1991 and answered questions from the Committee. |
1. That the Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report. CARRIED |
Charter Review |
Mr Moule outlined the amendments to the Charter following discussion at the 26 April 2011 meeting. The Committee discussed the amendments and noted that the Charter Review would be presented to Council at its 29 July meeting for final approval. |
1. That the Maori Committee following discussion adopts the amended draft Charter. 2. That the Maori Committee recommends to Council: 2.1 That Council adopt the revised Charter between Regional Council and the Maori Committee. CARRIED |
Funding Provisions |
1. That this agenda item be carried over to the next Maori Committee meeting on 23 August 2011. Mohi/Apatu CARRIED |
Tukituki High Flow Allocation Modelling |
1. That this agenda item be carried over to the next Maori Committee meeting on 23 August 2011.. Mohi/Apatu CARRIED |
Fish Barriers |
1. . That this agenda item be carried over to the next Maori Committee meeting on 23 August 2011.. Mohi/Apatu CARRIED |
Update on Unwanted Agrichemical Collection Programme |
1. That this agenda item be carried over to the next Maori Committee meeting on 23 August 2011 Mohi/Apatu CARRIED |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.30pm on Wednesday, 30 June 2011.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................