MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee


Date:                          Tuesday 26 April 2011


Time:                          10.15am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     M Apatu

M Black

H Hilton

F McRoberts

M Mohi

P Paku

E McGregor

T Gilbertson

L Remmerswaal


In Attendance:          A Newman – Chief Executive

                                    C Scott HBRC Councillor

                                             V Moule – Kaitohutohu

                                    G Hansen – Group Manager – Water Initiatives

                                    M Benson – Water Management Advisor

                                    Dr Benita Wakefield

                                    E Bate – Planner

                                    G Clode – Manager – Engineering

                                    M Drury – Minute Secretary



          Chairman Mohi welcomed all present to the meeting and introduced Mr Malcolm   Miller, who had recently been appointed to the role of Consents Manager.

          Chairman Mohi advised the meeting that due to time restraints and staff availability several agenda items would be discussed out of order.

          Apologies were received from Chairman Wilson, Messrs P Hohipa and A Manuel and Mrs J Aspinall, L Graham and A Riki.





          There were no conflicts of interest declared.

 3.      CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the  Maori Committee held on 22 February 2011


Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 22 February 2011, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed following amendment.




4.       Matters Arising from Minutes of  the  Maori Committee held on Tuesday 22 February 2011

10.     Kahungunu Wai Symposium: Determing the Kahungunu Flow of a Waterway

Mr Apatu congratulated Mr Stafford for his initiative to give Maori the opportunity to participate in future discussions on the future of water.

Mr Apatu advised that while this was a good initiative it required considerable debate within Kahungunu to establish clear direction.

Mr Hilton advised that there was a 3 day meeting for tangata whenua commencing on 13 May to discuss the future of water.

4. Matters arising from November minutes/Action list

Cr Remmerswaal asked that the action list be maintained to ensure actions indicated in previous meetings were carried through.



Consideration of General Business Items


1.       On Site Wastewater Plan Change

2.       Visit to Hakakino



Short Term Replacements



There were no short term replacements for this meeting.




Supplementary Cultural Impact Assessment for the Ruataniwha Water Storage Feasibility Study


Dr Benita Wakefield gave a powerpoint presentation which covered the findings from the Cultural Impact Assessment of the Tukituki Proposed Water Storage Dams and the supplementary report on the Makaretu and Makaroro proposed dam sites.

Dr Wakefield advised that as outlined in her report on the Tukituki proposed water storage dams there was still a strong feeling amongst the Tamatea based hapu that there should have been wider consultation by Council with hapu further down the rivers of the proposed dam sites not just with hapu at the upper end of the scheme.  It was important that ongoing consultation was undertaken by Council with marae at the upper end and also other maraes so that issues and concerns could be discussed.   One issue of paramount importance was the health of the river.

In regard to the Supplementary report on the Makaretu and Makaroro proposed dam sites which would be created on the river and not on the side of the rivers, Dr Wakefield said that there was general support for the proposed schemes which had been achieved through ongoing consultation from Council.  Dr Wakefield also discussed some of the issues which had been raised by hapu in the area in particular of economic gains that could be achieved by both farmers and hapu and the need to continue to consult with taiwhenua as well as hapu and marae in the rohe whanui.

Responding to a question about stability , Mr Hansen confirmed that additional testing was currently being undertaken on the left hand abutement of the proposed  Makaroro dam and lidar information would be available in about 2 weeks.

Dr Wakefield advised that there were a lot of  wahi tapu sites (not registered) in the two proposed dam areas but did not think it was necessary for someone to investigate sites as there was already a large amount of knowledge amongst local hapu.

Dr Wakefield acknowledged Ms Benson’s participation in the project and in particular her presence in ongoing discussions with hapu.  Mr Black supported Dr Wakefield’s proposal for wider consultation to include the hapu and marae further down the Tukituki catchment and also acknowledged how the Council had become involved with hapu from the commencement of the proposed projects.

Ms Benson also gave a powerpoint presented which highlighted what the next steps would be following on from the final reports.  Confirmation was received that cultural investigations would continue and a number of concerns would be addressed in the ongoing environmental investigations.  She also reinforced (to Haami Hilton in particular) that downstream hapu would be involved in the project as it progressed. Ms Benson advised that there were plan changes and policy reviews running concurrently with the dam projects and this could be advantageous to the final outcomes.



That the Committee:

1        Receives the Cultural Impact Assessment report and the Supplementary Report.

2.       Notes that future liaison with hapu is not limited to those already contacted and will continue throughout the duration of the Ruataniwha Water Storage Feasibility Study, beyond the completion of the Cultural Impact Assessment.






Update on Current Issues by CEO - Verbal


Mr Newman congratulated Dr Wakefield on the outstanding work she had completed on the  Supplementary Cultural Impact Assessment for the Ruataniwha Water Storage Feasibility Study.

Mr Newman updated the Committee on the following issues:

Fresh Water Feasibility Study

Outlined the benefits of this study in relation to  issues around water allocation, water quality and how water was to be used for irrigation purposes in the future across the rohe generally.


Investigations are proceeding in relation to irrigation purposes and storage sites on the river system.  It is hoped to have the Pre-feasibility stage findings completed by 30 June 2011.  Further discussions to be undertaken with Taiwhenua.

Reset Framework for water allocation in the RRMP

The Water Reference Group meets on a regular basis and continues to focus on water allocation issues – optimistic that Council may have a workable allocation level of water at the conclusion of the Group’s meetings.

CHB District Council Wastewater Project

Progress is continuing with the preparation of the resource consent application for the treatment of waste water from Waipawa and Waipukurau for Council’s forestry blocks in CHB.


The wastewater process for Mahia Beach was referred directly to the Environment Court by WDC. and no appeals were received on the Court’s decision.  Council aims to establish forestry on Council owned land this winter.

Claimant Groups

Ongoing discussions with 4 claimant groups around the establishment and operation of the proposed Regional Planning Committee.  A draft Deed of Commitment and draft Terms of Reference have been drawn up for further consideration.


80 kms is currently being added to the existing cycleway – the extended areas cover the rides around the Ahuriri Estuary (the Water Ride) and the Tukituki Valley ride.  There had been considerable interaction with the Ahuriri tangata whenua in regard to the Water ride.

Twyford Consents

Councillor Scott updated the Committee on the current situation of the Twyford Consents Hearing.  80 applications were granted last year in keeping with the applicants’ previous consents with a further 59 being granted in April.   However, the 57 recently granted consents have now been appealed as one group.

Mr Newman advised that the Chairman and himself had had several discussions with the Group and it was hoped a satisfactory conclusion would be reach in the near future.



That the CEO’s verbal report be received.





Mr Newman left the meeting at 11.35am


Update report on the Ruahapia Enhancement Planting Project and the Harakeke Planting Project.


Mr Clode gave a powerpoint presentation which illustrated Council’s ongoing planting programmes on the Karamu at Ruahapia, Kohupatiki and the Harakeke project in Napier. (Plantation Drain).    Examples shown in the presentation highlighted the successful planting programmes undertaken to date and although a weed presence was visible Mr Clode advised that once full cover was achieved in the areas weeds would be condensed.

Mr Clode also advised that Mr Fred Lichtwark who was at the forefront of improvements undertaken by the urban and rural communities  in the Whaingaroa Harbour at Raglan  is planning to hold a presentation at Lindisfarne College on 18 June at 10.00am.

Responding to a question Mr Clode advised there were no plans to include a pathway through the Karamu area – Council was only carrying out the planting programme.

Following discussion by the Committee on planting days a suggestion was made that public planting days could be notified to the Maori Committee members in a similar manner to consents notification.



That Mr Clode’s verbal report be received.






Naming of Council's Forestry investment property at Tutira


Chairman Mohi advised that Council was seeking a name for the property it had purchased at Tutira and following discussions with the Maungaharuru Tangitu Incorporated, Waihapua Forest Park had been suggested.

The Committee discussed the proposed name and agreed with Council’s proposal.



That the Maori Committee:

1.    Endorses the suggestion that the proposed name of Waihapua Forest Park is acceptable for Council’s Tutira investment property.







Maori Committee Joint Hui


Mr Moule presented this agenda item which sought the Committee’s decision on arranging a hui which would include all of the region’s Maori Committees.

Following discussion on the benefits obtained from a hui of this type, the Committee  agreed it was timely for a joint hui to be held and requested staff to plan  a hui in the near future.



1.       That the Maori Committee agrees for staff to organise a hui for the region’s Maori Committees to be held in June.






Maori Constituency Review


Mr Moule outlined the reasons  why Council is required to undertake a ‘representation review’ every six years which may result in the establishment of a Maori ConstituencyIt was now necessary for Maori Committee members to commence consultation with their relevant organisation prior to a Maori Committee recommendation being put forward to Council prior to November 2011.

This consultation would revolve around whether there was support for the establishment of a Maori Constituency at the 2013 elections and what recommendation on this take would be made to the Regional Council.



1.       That the Maori Committee receives the report ‘Maori Constituency Review’.






Charter Changes


Mr Moule advised that the last major review of the Charter was in 2002 and following a request from the Consents section  that the role and process undertaken by Maori committee members in relation to the resource consent process be clarified, it was now opportune to review the whole document.

Mr Moule outlined the amendments proposed and the reasons for the amendment or deletion of clauses.

The Committee discussed the proposed amendments and following a suggestion from Mr Black agreed that it was an opportune time to link a developed Plan for the Maori Committee into Council’s Long Term Community Plan as there had been issues around Council’s long term planning strategies in the past.

Chairman Mohi also suggested that it would be useful to look back on the Committee’s year’s activities at the last meeting of each year in order to plan successfully for the following year.

Following further discussion, it was agreed that staff be requested to bring back an updated draft to include comments made at this meeting.



1.    That the Maori Committee receives the report and following discussion,request staff bring back an updated draft Charter to 28 June Maori Committee meeting.





Fish Barriers


There was no discussion by the Committee on the Report “Known Barriers to Fish Passage in Hawke’s Bay”:

This item will be carried forward to the next Maori Committee meeting.



Statutory Advocacy Matters


Ms Bate  presented this agenda item, outlined current proposals under Council’s statutory advocacy project and the Resource Management Act 1991 and answered questions from the Committee.

Councillor Remmerswaal expressed concern that public awareness of the Treaty of Waitangi had decreased over recent time and whether there was an opportunity for the Maori Committee to promote activities to increase public awareness of its content.

The Committee discussed the difficulties encountered with the interpretations formed with the Treaty document and agreed that it would always be difficult for the community to understand and interpret the Treaty.

Mr Moule indicated that a Treaty workshop for Councillors and senior staff has been arranged for July and a further workshop for staff is being organised with the Human Rights Commission.



1.    That the Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update report.





General Business


On Site Wastewater Plan Change 2011

Mr Moule tabled an Info Sheet on Council’s On Site Wastewater Plan Change and explained that Council was seeking comments on the draft plan change on an informal basis.  The closing date for comments to be received by Council is 20 May 2011 and following receipt of comments a proposed plan change would be development with a formal submission process taking place following by the opportunity to address a Council hearing.

Visit to Hakakino

Councillor Remmerswaal thanked Mr Moule for the organisation of a very successful trip by Councillors, Maori Committee members and Council staff  to Hakakino and the Waimarama Nursery recently.



There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.00pm on Wednesday, 26 April 2011.


Signed as a true and correct record.




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