MINUTES OF A meeting of the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee
Date: Wednesday 9 March 2011
Time: 9.00am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
A J Dick
T Gilbertson
N Kirton
E McGregor
L Remmerswaal
C Scott
E von Dadelszen
F Wilson
M Apatu
In Attendance: M Adye – Group Manager Asset Management
G Clode – Manager, Engineering
C Leckie – Manager, Biosecurity
L Coubrough – Asset Engineer
N Daykin – Design Engineer
S Chandler – Minute Taker
Apology noted from Mr Andrew Newman.
The Chairman advised that a change to the agenda items would be necessary to allow Mr Clode to present his paper. This item would be brought forward before agenda item 7.
The Chairman requested that an additional item be added to the agenda. A short presentation from Neil Daykin on his award received this week from Rotary.
Resolution 1. That the late item from Neil Daykin on Rotary Pathways be included. Wilson/Dick CARRIED |
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE ASSET Management and Biosecurity Committee held on 9 November 2010
4. Matters Arising from Minutes OF THE ASSET Management and Biosecurity Committee held on Tuesday 9 November 2010
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Actions from Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee meetings |
Mr Adye advised that these groups had been now been replaced with the more recently established Water User Groups. Groups had been established in Ruataniwha, Ngaruroro and Twyford. It was not known if they were all incorporated societies. |
Consideration of General Business Items |
1. Councillor Remuneration – Travel Expenses 2. Peka Peka Wetland – Duck Shooting 3. Pest Management Plan of Action 4. Port of Napier Meeting |
9. |
Multi-Value Assessment of Napier Urban Waterways: Prioritisation for Enhancement |
Mr Clode firstly brought the Committee up to speed on the Harakeke (Plantation) Drain progress and explained the early part of the project involving thrusting pipes under the main Napier City Sewer. This first stage involves the drain between Chambers Street, adjacent to Napier Boys, through to Nash Street. Mr Clode presented a slide show outlining the multi-value assessment of Napier urban waterways. He explained that the methodology used for this report would also be available to be used for other projects. In response to a question on the Harakeke Drain Mr Clode noted that Napier City Council would be establishing the new pathways and also the lighting. HBRC would be providing all the plantings and would also be responsible for ongoing upkeep and maintenance. He advised that neighbours to the scheme had all been informed and feedback had been extremely positive. He believed there would be no problem with continued community support. An official opening would be taking place at some stage and appropriate publicity was planned. |
1. That the Committee receives the report. McGregor/von Dadelszen CARRIED |
Mahia Community Wastewater Project - Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) |
Campbell Leckie introduced this paper to the committee outlining the purpose of the MOU. In response to a question on HBRC Maori Committee representation Marei Apatu advised that from the selected Marae listed on the MOU would be representatives of Ngati Kahungunu and NZ Maori Council. Mr Leckie advised Wairoa District Council would be the lead agency in this project. He noted that while the budget for this project falls within project 987 (Mahia Forest Investment). It would also be funded by a number of other projects and this will need to be managed. Councillor Kirton suggested it would be helpful to have expenditure clearly shown within the paper. This was endorsed by Councillor Wilson. A correction was noted on the MOU in para 10. Mr Leckie would advise the lawyers accordingly. Mr Leckie also advised that a public hui was planned for 26 March. This would be advertised and any members of the public were welcome to attend. |
That the Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee recommend Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Endorse the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Mahia community marae. 3. Delegate signing authority to the Council Chairman. Gilbertson/Scott CARRIED |
Regional Pest Management Strategy - Discussion Document |
Mr Leckie advised the Committee that this latest review of the Regional Pest Management Strategy would highlight three new issues facing this region: · Argentine Ants · Pest Pathway management · Surveillance within the region to better prepare and respond He noted that Biosecurity risks were increasing and becoming more complex. In response to a question on Council’s response to the management of feral cats Mr Leckie explained a trial in conjunction with DoC was underway and if successful it was hoped to roll this out. He advised all relevant stakeholders would be consulted on this strategy and receive a copy of the discussion document. A correction was noted in the Discussion document in relation to the closing date. It was suggested that the Discussion document show the benefits that accrue from the programme to both the ratepayer and community. The Committee broke for morning tea at 10.30 am. The Committee debated the consideration of submissions and also the changes that had been made to the Terms of Reference for the Hearings Committee. The recommendations were voted on individually as follows. |
The Asset Management and Biosecurity Committee recommends that Council: 1. Notes that in complying with the requirements of the Biosecurity Act 1993, it will meet the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002. CARRIED 2. Adopt, subject to any changes agreed by the Committee, the Discussion document for the Review of Council’s Regional Pest Management Strategy. CARRIED 3. Agree that consideration of submissions on both the Discussion document and the Proposed Reviewed Regional Pest Management Strategy be handled by: 3.1. A panel comprising members of the Hearings Committee and the Chairman of Asset Management Biosecurity Committee, with delegated authority given to the Chairman of the Hearings and Asset Management Biosecurity Committees to decide panel members. CARRIED 5/4 Mr Apatu abstained |
12. |
Following morning tea Neil Daykin was welcomed by the Committee. Mr Daykin in his role as Engineer working on the Rotary Pathways has this week been awarded the Paul Harris Rotary Fellowship. Napier and Hastings Rotary recognises the work that Mr Daykin has done and has awarded this fellowship to a non Rotarian for only the second time. |
Resolution 1. That the Committee receives the verbal report from Neil Daykin and congratulates him on receiving a “Paul Harris Fellowship” Award from Rotary International for his work on the Rotary walk/cycle way project and requests Council staff that a media statement be made advising the public of this award. WILSON/DICK CARRIED |
Heretaunga Plains Flood Control Scheme - Rivers: Review Levels of Service |
Mike Adye introduced this paper and made the following key points : · Since the construction of the existing stopbanks there has been significant increase in investment and economic activity on the Heretaunga Plains. · The impact of a major flood would be significant for the region’s economy. · The Scheme borrowed to meet the costs of the sawfly remediation work. Those loans will be paid off commencing approx 2015. This gives an opportunity to embark on a programme to improve levels of service without increasing rates above the level of inflation. Larissa Coubrough then provided a PowerPoint presentation. During the discussion that followed the following points were noted: · Gravel extraction continues to be required to maintain flood channel capacity. · The workshop taking place on 10 March on Hazard Risks will allow discussion with TLAs. HBRC is the repository for this information in Hawke’s Bay. |
1. That the Committee receives the report. SCOTT/WILSON CARRIED |
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.20pm on Wednesday, 9 March 2011.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................