MINUTES OF A meeting of the Regional Transport Committee
Date: Friday 18 February 2011
Time: 10.15am
Venue: |
Council Chamber Hawke's Bay Regional Council 159 Dalton Street NAPIER |
Present: Cr A J Dick – Chairman – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Cr L Remmerswaal – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Mayor Barbara Arnott – Napier City Council
Cr T Kerr – Hastings District Council
Cr T Kingston – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
Mayor L Probert – Wairoa District Council
J Chetwynd – New Zealand Transport Agency
Mr G Hart – New Zealand Transport Agency
Mr L Hammond – New Zealand Transport Agency
Ms E Shaw – Ministry of Transport
M Mohi – Cultural Interests
D Murray – Access and Mobility
C Wallace – Public Safety
Dr N Jones – Public Health
J Emmerson – Advisory – Road
In Attendance: Ms H Codlin – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Mrs C Gilbertson – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Ms E Bate – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Mr J Cox – Wairoa District Council
Mr S McKinley – Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
Councillor J Roil – Hastings District Council
Mr M Clews – Hastings District Council
Mr J Pannu – Hastings District Council
Mr J Schwass – Napier City Council
Mr O Mata – Hastings District Council
M Drury – Committee Secretary
Chairman Dick welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Mr Jamie Cox from Wairoa District Council, Mr Gordon Hart of NZTA and Mr Lyndon Hammond from NZTA.
Apologies were received from: Councillor K Furlong and Messrs K Santer, A Bramley and C Bain
Mrs Chetwynd advised that Mr Gordon Hart would attend the meeting to present an update on the State Highway Classifications.
Mrs Chetwynd also introduced Mr Lyndon Hammond and outlined Mr Hammond’s role of Investment and Planning Manager for the Central Region of NZTA.
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Short Term Replacements for the Regional Transport Committee |
1. That Mayor Barbara Arnott be appointed as a member of the Regional Transport Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council for the meeting of Friday, 18 February 2011 as short term replacement on the committee for Councillor K Furlong. Probert/Kerr CARRIED
4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the Regional Transport Committee held on 9 December 2010
Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Thursday, 9 December 2010, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed. Chetwynd/Kingston CARRIED |
5. Matters Arising from Minutes of the Regional Transport Committee held on Thursday 9 December 2010
4. Action items from previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings
Mayor Probert referred to a letter from the Hon Steven Joyce, Minister of Transport in regard to NZTA’s budget surplus for the Matahorua Gorge project and commented that consideration could be given to the sealing of SH38 which was vital to the economic development of Wairoa.
Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report “Action Items from Previous Regional Transport Committee Meetings”. Kingston/Probert CARRIED |
16. |
General Business |
Report from Local Government Transport Conference Councillor Kerr and Ms Codlin reported on the Conference. They advised that concern had been expressed by local authorities about NZTA funding last year and it was necessary that there was a collective local authority position in relation to the GPS. There was also a need to have a long term discussion with central government as a partner in relation to transport issues in New Zealand. Ms Codlin advised that a small working group with technical expertise within Local Government would be set up to develop the Local Authority position on transport issues and to develop a position paper of the future vision. This would be developed over the next 12-18 months. Funding for this was also discussed, options considered but a final decision had not been made to date. The Committee discussed the comments relating to the Conference and noted that ongoing debate amongst local authorities as had occurred for a number of years was developing competition rather than working for the common good. There was also a need to recognise the whole network contribution to economic development and the role that local authority roads play. Planning and funding processes needed to be better aligned. Ms Chetwynd advised that it was planned that transport across the country would be managed in a joint manner with local government in order to target where funds would go as it would involve both the network system and regional roading system. |
State Highway Classifications, NZTA |
Ms Chetwynd introduced Mr Hart who then gave a powerpoint presentation on State Highway Classifications as proposed by NZTA. The Committee noted the reasons why classification of State Highways had been proposed, the criteria to achieve classification, the 4 categories of classification, the benefits to road users, the advantages of the preferred option particularly for Napier and Hastings as the combined areas had been recognised as a major urban centre of New Zealand. The closing date for the submission is 31 March. The Committee expressed delight that Napier and Hastings had been recognised as a major urban centre of New Zealand resulting in a national strategic highway classification being applied to SH2 south from the Port of Napier. The Committee discussed the content of the Committee’s submission which would be distributed to all Committee members in draft for comment before the closing date of 31 March 2011. Ms Chetwynd urged the Committee not to confuse this classification process with funding criteria associated with Roads of National Significance. |
That the Regional Transport Committee: 1. Receives the NZTA presentation on State Highways Classification proposal. 2. Strongly endorses a positive regional response via a submission prepared by the Technical Advisory Group with political input and ratified by the full Committee via email prior to the closing date of 31 March 2011. Kerr/Kingston CARRIED |
Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy – Discussion Document |
Ms Bate introduced this agenda item which sought the Committee’s endorsement of the Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy to be released for public consultation prior to a formal submission process on the Draft RLTS 2012. Ms Bate also outlined the processes and timelines associated with the Draft RLTS – Discussion Document as part of the Draft RLTS 2012 review. The Committee discussed the Draft discussion document, made amendments and agreed that website references should be included. There should also be a link to the Heretaunga Plains Urban Development Strategy (HPUDS) contained within the document. |
The Regional Transport Committee recommends that Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Adopts the document titled Draft Regional Land Transport Strategy for Hawke’s Bay – Discussion Document as amended following feedback from the Committee and approves its release into the public arena for the purpose of pre consultation on the Regional Land Transport Strategy. Wallace/Remmerswaal CARRIED
Confirmation of 2011 Regional Transport Committee Meeting Dates |
Ms Bate introduced the agenda item which set out the proposed meeting dates for the Regional Transport Committee for 2011. Ms Bate also advised the meeting set down for Thursday, 17 November 2011 was now on Friday, 18 November and all Committee members had been advised via email. |
The Regional Transport Committee recommends that Council: 1. Agrees that the decisions to be made are not significant under the criteria contained in Council’s adopted policy on significance and that Council can exercise its discretion under Sections 79(1)(a) and 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002 and make decisions on this issue without conferring directly with the community and persons likely to be affected by or to have an interest in the decision due to the nature and significance of the issue to be considered and decided. 2. Approves the proposed Regional Transport Committee meeting dates for 2011 following amendment and includes those dates on the Council’s 2011 meeting schedule. Arnott/Kerr CARRIED
Mid Term National Land Transport Programme Report |
Ms Chetwynd introduced Mr Lyndon Hammond, Regional Manager Planning and Investment NZTA who then gave a powerpoint presentation outlining the regional and national progress in delivering the National Land Transport programme. Mr Hammond noted as at 31 December, progress was about $25m behind the Plan however at the end of the NLTP indications were that it would be slightly ahead of predictions. Mr Hammond also outlined the key drivers for the 2012 NLTP and the emerging themes which include identifying clearer strategies and aligning of programmes, greater optimisation and increased focus on user perspectives, improved cost and sound land use and transport planning. The Committee discussed the R funding policy and the availability of R funds that could still be used in the region. Clarification was sought in regards to the availability of R funds. The Committee also noted progress in the region as well as the achievements which included the Matahorua Gorge alignment, the completion of the Waipukurau overbridge and the Dillons Point realignment. In response to a question, Ms Chetwynd advised that in the context of the GPS, Hawke’s Bay does not have a Road of National Significance (RoN). Ms Chetwynd also advised that good progress had been achieved across the majority of the NLTP programme, there had been some delays and deferrals on some of the smaller SH projects and from the $72.7m R funds distributed available until 2015, approximately $26.4m remain. The Committee noted that it was important that the GPS is released by July 2011 as the Territorial Authorities were discussing their Ten Year Plans. |
1. That the Committee receives the Mid Term National Land Transport Programme Report. Chetwynd/Kerr CARRIED
12. |
NZ Cycle Trail Update |
Mr Hansen updated the Committee on the New Zealand Cycle Trail bid and outlined progress to date on the Landscapes Ride which was approved on 13 August 2010. It was hoped to have the Landscapes Ride completed by the end of the financial year. Mr Hansen also advised the Committee that on 4 February 2011 a further contract was signed for a new Hawke’s Bay Trail called the Water Ride which can stand on its own as a day loop option but could also be added on to the Landscape Ride for longer riding opportunities. Work has not commenced on the Water Ride because of challenges with easement documents but it is hoped that this ride will be completed in time for the Rugby World Cup event in September. The Committee discussed the outstanding success of the Hawke’s Bay Trails project and noted that work was currently underway in the marketing and branding area. Responding to a question, Mr Hansen advised that investigations were currently underway to find a solution for the gates on the trails to be more effectively managed. |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report. Arnott/Jones CARRIED |
13. |
Objective and Advisory Representative Reports |
The Objective and Advisory Representatives provided the Committee with verbal update reports and the following highlights were noted: Mike Mohi – Cultural · Recent meeting with PakiPaki schools about the 70km per hour speed area in the vicinity of the school. Staff advised that they were investigating the issue. Dr Nick Jones – Health · Recent discussions about the Regional Public Transport Plan in collaboration with sustainable city research group and i-way. Chris Wallace – Public Safety · 4 fatalities on the region’s roads since December attributed to alcohol/drugs and not wearing seatbelts. · RoadSafe team worked extremely hard over last three months and won the Trades Award at the Wairoa A&P Show. · 3 serious accidents and 1 fatality at the Otane Cemetery intersection – currently looking for an engineering solution to make improvements. · Passing Bays on Napier-Wairoa road – 4 out of 11 have been designed – concern expressed that these were a 2007 project and it is still at a design stage – is this a result of the highway having a lower classification than other State Highways. J Emmerson – Road Transport Advisory · Following biosecurity concerns at the Port with regards to packing loads, NZTA have expedited a permit system to alleviate concerns. Gratitude expressed to both Gordon Hart and Jenny Chetwynd. Chris Bain – Economic Development/Coastal – comments tabled · Concerned regarding the proposed classification of SH5 Napier to Taupo – it is considered by the Port to be an extremely important road for the region. |
That the verbal reports of the Objective and Advisory representatives be received. Kingston/Probert CARRIED |
i-Way (Model Communities) Presentation |
Mr Owen Mata gave a powerpoint presentation on the i-Way (Model Communities) project which is currently being undertaken by Hastings District Council. The presentation outlined the targets which included increasing the quality of life for the citizens of Hastings and for the citizens to gain more regional pride in their city. Illustrated images of work already completed were also displayed. The Committee discussed the project and noted that 2 main arterial routes were planned to be completed this year. The Committee also noted that in terms of safety with bikes and walking, signs would be erected to distinguish the cycleways of the project. Responding to a question Mr Mata confirmed that HDC was liaising with HBRC in regards to make a connection of walking with public transport. |
That the verbal report given by Mr Mata be received. Probert/Kerr CARRIED
NZTA Regional Director's Report |
Ms Chetwynd presented her report which gave an update on NZTA’s role in the delivery of the Regional Land Transport Strategy and the National Land Transport Programme in the region. Ms Chetwynd urged the Committee to carefully plan and write their submission on the SH classification project as this project was not an investment tool. Mr Hart then updated the Committee on progress on regional / joint projects noting that the achievement for the region this year had been high with 8 projects being successfully completed. Mr Hart advised that the Waitangi Bridge project was not proceeding as quickly as possible but currently an engineering study was being undertaken. The Mohaka bridge structure was currently being investigated in light of an increase in overloaded trucks and it was hoped to determine what the actual capacity of the bridge deck was. It was hoped to have this information by the end of March 2011. |
1. That the Committee receives the Regional Director’s Report. Kingston/Arnott CARRIED
Progress Report on Regional / Joint Projects |
The Committee took this agenda item as read. There was no further discussion following Mr Hart’s updates during the previous agenda item discussion. |
1. That the Regional Transport Committee receives the report titled ‘Progress Report on Regional / Joint Projects’. Wallace/Remmerswaal CARRIED
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 1.15pm on Friday, 18 February 2011.
Signed as a true and correct record.
DATE: ................................................ CHAIRMAN: ...............................................