MINUTES OF A meeting of the Maori Committee



Date:                          Tuesday 22 February 2011


Time:                          10.15am



Council Chamber

Hawke's Bay Regional Council

159 Dalton Street



Present:                     M Mohi – Chairman

                                    M Apatu

J Aspinall

M Black

L Graham

H Hiha

H Hilton

P Hohipa

A Manuel

F McRoberts

P Paku

L Remmerswaal


In Attendance:          F Wilson – Chairman

          V Moule -  Kaitohutohu

C Scott – HBRC Councillor

                                    K Johnson - Scientist

                                    G Hansen – Group Manager – Water Initiatives

                                    M Benson – Water Management Advisor

                                    E Bate – Planner

                                    M Drury  - Committee Secretary



          Chairman Mohi welcomed all present to the first Maori Committee Meeting of the year.

          Chairman Mohi acknowledged Mr Hilton’s assistance in translating a prayer into Maori which could be said before the commencement of meetings at the full Council.

          Apologies were received from Councillors McGregor and Gilbertson, Mr Newman and Mrs A Riki.




          There were no conflicts of interest declared.


3.       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF the  Maori Committee held on 23 november 2010


Minutes of the Maori Committee held on Tuesday, 23 November 2010, a copy having been circulated prior to the meeting, were taken as read and confirmed following amendment.




4.       Matters Arising from Minutes of  the  Maori Committee held on Tuesday 23 november  2010

11.     Gravel Resource Review

          Mr McRoberts advised that several Wairoa marae had objected to a letter received in regard to the 20 year plan.  Mr Moule will report back.

          Mr Hiha expressed concern about the hangi stones that could be collected in gravel which is then put through a crusher.

8.       Verbal report on Progress of Cultural Impact Assessment Report

          Councillor Remmerswaal requested that the video clip prepared by Dr Wakefield be shown at some future date.  Mrs Graham advised that an updated video was being prepared and it was hoped that this would be ready to show at the next meeting.

16.     General Business – Trends Magazine

          Councillor Remmerswaal sought confirmation from the Committee that the Trends magazine had been received by committee members.  To date this had not been actioned.

5.       Appointment of Tangata Whenua Representatives to the Maori Committee

          The Committee requested consideration be given to the suggestion that in future the Maori Committee members could be considered on a similar basis to the Hearings Committee at the end of the Councillors’ 3 year term. It was explained that approval is sought for current members on the Hearings Committee to retain their positions until the commencement of the new three year term.  Mr Moule will report back to the next meeting.



Short Term Replacements


There were no short term replacements for this meeting.

Jan Aspinall asked that Anesia Taurima be endorsed by the Committee as a short term replacement available for Mana Ahuriri when required. The Committee accepted this proposal and asked that Anesia be sent copies of relevant documents.



general business items


1.    RMA Streamlining/NPS Indigenous Biodiversity

2.       Visit to Hakakino

3.       RMA Training

4.       Land and Water Forum

5.       Water Whispers Tangaroa


Action Items


There were no action items for this meeting.



Update on Current Issues by ceo - Verbal


Regional Tourism Organisation

Chairman Wilson updated the Committee on progress with the Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) and advised that there was an opportunity for Maori to become more involved in the tourism projects for the region.  He stressed that it was important that the RTO was driven by people in the region who are going to receive a benefit from the events.

Draft Annual Plan

Chairman Wilson advised that Council would discuss the draft Annual Plan at the Council meeting on 23 February and it was hoped that the draft Plan would be adopted at 16 March Council meeting and be released for public consultation.

Water Feasibility Study

Two potential dam sites had been proposed and currently studies were underway which included environmental, historic places and cultural impact assessments.  Geotechnical work was planned for the sites and this work had to be completed prior to the winter season.  The geotechnical work was costly and very time consuming however it was encouraging that the potential sites were being investigated.

Following a request from Chairman Mohi, Mrs Graham updated the Committee on a recent visit made by Taiwhenua members to the 2 potential sites which were the Makaretu and Makaroro.  Mrs Graham advised that waahi tapu knowledge was lacking in the Makaroro area. More work was to be undertaken to identify waahi tapu sites in both areas.




That the verbal report be received.





Review of Fish Habitat Requirements for the Tukituki and Ngaruroro Rivers


Mr Johnson presented the agenda item and gave a powerpoint presentation. which outlined the results of modelling carried out in the Tukituki and Ngaruroro river catchments. 

Mr Johnson outlined the reasons why the modelling was undertaken which included a  re-assessment of all habitat models in the Tukutuki catchment and a new assessment of the lower Ngaruroro river.  The aim of the modelling work was to provide accurate, robust and peer reviewed information on the habitat requirements for fish species.  It was noted that there were many other values within each catchment that had to be considered in addition to fish habitat when setting minimum flows.

Mr Johnson then explained the results of the modelling undertaken and the impacts that river flows had on fish species in the catchments as well as the flow necessary for 80% habitat level as a percentage of the Mean Annual Low Flow.



1.    That the Maori Committee receives the report.





Kahungunu Wai Symposium:  Determining the Kahungunu Flow of a Waterway


Mr Joseph Stafford presented this agenda item and explained that the proposed Kahungunu Wai Symposium to determine the Kahungunu flow of a Waterway had been proposed following the Water Symposium in November 2010.  The purpose of the Symposium was to discuss how water would be managed, how much water would be required and the impact on people, the environment and the region’s economy.

Mr Stafford explained that this was an opportunity to involve a large number of Maori to participate in the future arrangement of water even though the process still requires refining.

Mr Stafford advised that the presentation would be given by Kahungunu people and it was an opportunity to consider and explore strategy by bringing in inter-generational thinking.

The proposed date for the hui was for the first week in May and this will be confirmed as soon as possible.



That the verbal report be received.




Mr McRoberts exited the meeting at 11.50am


update on ruataniwha water storage feasibility study


Mr Hansen introduced himself to the Committee, outlined his previous experience with Council and advised that he had taken over the management of the water storage feasibility study.    Mr Hansen advised that the final report from Tonkin & Taylor would be received in the next week which would assist in the driving of the project.

Ms Benson updated the Committee on progress with the water storage feasibility study.

Ms Benson advised that there were now 2 potential on stream sites instead of 2 off stream sites, however, there will be more issues to overcome with the onstream sites such as gravel.  Ms Benson also advised that there would be 2 stages for the onsite investigations – the first being geology around foundations, the materials available in the surrounding areas of the proposed dam reservoirs and fault lines.  The second stage would include the drilling of bore holes to understand the geology of the area, with 7 March being the commencement date for drilling operations.

The Committee noted that the significant cultural areas appear to be away from the onstream activity zones.

Ms Benson tabled a draft programme included in the newsletter which listed the ongoing activities associated with the project and maps outlining the areas involved in the potential areas.

The Committee discussed the proposals and expressed concern in regard to fish passage in the streams and how this would be solved.  Concern was also expressed about mataketi of the areas and staff would follow this up.



That the verbal report by Mr Hansen and Ms Benson be received.




Regional Stormwater Strategy Update


Ms Bate advised that Council was currently preparing a stormwater strategy but staff were concerned that there had been insufficient input from Maori into the strategy.  Ms Bate sought the Committee’s views on how to achieve input from taiwhenua.

The Committee discussed options available for further discussions and staff will have discussions with taiwhenua.



That the update be received.





Statutory Advocacy Update


Ms Bate presented this agenda item and outlined current proposals under Council’s statutory advocacy project and the Resource Management Act 1991.



That the Maori Committee receives the Statutory Advocacy Update Report.





General Business


RMA Streamlining/NPS Indigenous Biodiversity

Mr Black updated the Committee on legislative changes in the RMA  in particular the new NZ Coastal Policy Statement which would impact on Council’s Coastal Policy Plan, the Review of the Historical Places Act, the Conservation Act and the EPA Bill.

Mr Black also advised that the National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity was open for submission with a closing date of 2 May.

Visit to Hakakino

Mr Moule advised that Councillors would receive an invitation from the Maori Committee shortly to visit Hakakino and the Waimarama nursery..  The visit is planned for March 2011.

RMA Training

Chairman Mohi advised that two Maori Committee members would be completing an updated RMA Training course.  He also reminded other Committee members that they were also welcome to register for the course at any time.

Land and Water Forum

Councillor Remmerswaal advised that a Land and Water Forum would be held on Tuesday, 1 March 2011 from 7.00pm – 9.00pm in the Hastings Opera House.

Water Whispers Tangaroa

Councillor Remmerswaal advised that this film would be shown in the Lindsfarne Auditorium on Monday, 28 February at 7.00pm at a cost of $10.00 per person.







There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 12.45pm on Tuesday, 22 February 2011.


Signed as a true and correct record.




DATE: ................................................               CHAIRMAN: ...............................................